CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 415 Big A Spider-Man

Facts have proved that when the gap between the two sides' understanding of the map is too large.

Without much personal play, the situation is basically one-sided.

VC.A's offensive rhythm on the new map has been wave after wave. Whether it's the skillful cooperation from all angles or the speed-up explosive bombs at the beginning, they all played very smoothly.

Except for TA33 who got four kills in one round of firefight at University A, the scores of the rest of the rounds were won by VC.A.

Now all the members of VC.A, except Brother Electronics, feel very good.

The score then came to 7:1.
The members of the Red Shield team all looked anxious.

They knew from the beginning that there was a gap between themselves and VC.A, but they didn't expect the gap to be so large.

In the nuclear crisis in Figure [-], at least there was some room for fighting back, but in the Death Building in Figure [-], they were completely suppressed by the opponent's offensive.

The overall understanding of the map is too poor... Red Shield Commander XLT sighed vaguely.

And their tactical reserves for this map are not very rich.

To put it more clearly, they didn't expect VC.A to choose this map at all.

XLT sighed again.

So what if you realize it?

This map is a defense, what about other maps?
The gap between them and VC.A is not simply a gap in the death building, but a gap in all maps.

That's the real problem at all.

When there is a gap in the overall level, if you fail to win in your own strengths, you will basically have no chance of winning in the future.

The only chance now is to see if TA33 and other teammates can adjust their state.

If they can rely on their performance to win several rounds in a row, then there is still a certain chance.

XLT made a decisive decision and issued an order: "This round starts with 4A, and only one person will be sent to B for investigation."

"We can't beat the conventional defense. Now let's do something unconventional and disrupt the opponent's rhythm!"

The Red Shield members started to buy firearms and props, and continued to discuss the small details of the front press, preparing to let VC.A eat a pot later.

At the beginning, a big smoke was thrown directly, so that VC.A could not get too much vision, so that they could get quite a lot of map control in the early stage.

At the end of the countdown, the four CTs were ready to go and started their own actions.

"Back to the game, VC.A still chose slow map control, the basic default formation of 212, no special map."

"But the Red Shield has been unable to get the score, so I plan to play some tricks for you. The opening position is 4A. This is planning to press forward directly."

"Brother Electronics and Broky are also far behind. A fire is thrown in front of the smoke in the face to prevent the other party from having a chance to fight back."

"But several CTs are already waiting in front of the flames, and the XLTs are holding flashes in the sandbags on the slope. This wave of anti-clearing is imperative!"

The abnormal movements in Area A made Electronic Brother and Broky vigilant.

Brother Electronics said, "I'm standing straight in front of you, you can hide behind the box, if anyone finds out, come out and help me fix the gun."

"Understood." Broky nodded, and started walking to the back wall of the box.

The two of them played in the most stable way, one in the light and the other in the dark.

It is guaranteed not to miss the timing.

"A hidden smoke strikes, Brother Electronics is all white, and the three CTs who are waiting to start their anti-Qing drama!"

"Brother Electronics was defeated by the anti-clearance, but Broky who was hiding behind made a move!"

"One, two, and a third?"

"Unfortunately, there are too many enemies, Broky was still replaced."

"However, this wave of big A's 2 for 2 is still acceptable to the bandits."


At the beginning of the fierce exchange of fire at University A, the number of the two sides began to become 2v2.

Because the Red Shields took all control of Area A, the progress of the game was further accelerated.

"There is another person who burst out of smoke."

"I was completely whitened by the instant flash in the distance."

Immediately after the death, Electronic Brother and Broky gathered the information they knew.

gla1ve also understood the Red Shield's opening arrangement, and quickly called back kennyS, who was holding a gun in the middle, and began to prepare for a wave of offense in the B area.

Area A starts with 4 players, so area B is only one person at most.

If their wave of attacks successfully enters the bag site, the task of releasing the bags in the first stage will be completed.

At the same time, Coke and Taro in the live broadcast room looked at the trajectory of the red shield and began to analyze it for the audience.

"Although the number of people has been swapped, it is true, but TA33 moved from Area A to the police and bandits before the start of the link, and completely circled behind all the bandits."

"This wave of VC.A's offensive was judged in advance by TA33. If no one guards against the back, then this round may really be bad!"

gla1ve took the lead in the charge, took the first place and began to probe inward.

A few points before the board and the ninja position, no one was seen, but kennyS was suddenly blessed, and the big sniper opened the frame to see the way B came.

In the next second, a CT horizontal pull appeared in his lens.


TA33 has been walking quietly for half a year, and after arriving at the closest point of B-pass, he waited for the other party to start giving props before deciding to pull horizontally.

Unexpectedly, there were still people with guns in the back road.

"TA33, who copied the back lane, was killed by a sniper, and the future troubles are over. However, the attack at the front point is indeed unable to get in. The props in the hands of the remaining two CTs are still very sufficient. A series of props are given, so that VC.A can completely Unable to stand, I was forced to retreat."

"If you change the point, there is still plenty of time, but you don't have any props in your hands, so you can only touch them."

"Let's see how gla1ve chooses."

A lot of props put pressure on the bag site, leaving him with no room to drop the bag.

Although the smoke did not disperse after a little bit, you can still enter the bunker after the flame is extinguished.

But gla1ve knows a piece of information, the opponent did not set off a rush fire in the B area at the beginning, and all CTs probably still have a fire in their hands now.

There is a high probability that this thunder bag cannot be put down.

"Let's go, let's go." gla1ve's thinking became clear, "Let's turn around and fight in the middle, Jingmo and make up guns for substitutions."

Compared with CT now, their only advantage may be that they have one more person.

Then you can use the style of quick replenishment gun to play.

A few people returned to the middle road from the stair room, and explored the middle road silently the whole time.

kennyS carried the big sniper and turned into a member of the back again.

In the static state, the big sniper is not a very good weapon.

So kennyS' task has also become an endgame and a rear end.

"gla1ve led a large team to fight quietly, but Red Shield didn't sit still, they were really reckless this round."

"As soon as gla1ve left, CT counter-cleared the B pocket and made a forward pressure."

"At this moment, XLT is setting up guns in the middle link, and the gun confrontation between the two commanders is coming!"

"Gla1ve has never fought before! Xiaoju immediately made up shots, but XLT's marksmanship showed continuous locks, and he directly and strongly brought the situation back!"

A wave of double kills gave XLT confidence. He knew that the opponent had a big sniper in the future, so peek took the initiative to find it.

I want to lie to the gun first and then pull it horizontally to kill him.

Although he is very confident now, his thinking is still clear.

"XLT wants to swindle the gun, but kennyS has a big sniper in his hand, and the victory or defeat is in an instant."

"Fuck!! kennyS, what are you doing, this shot is too fast!"

Coke in the live broadcast room was really scared by this shot. They didn't even see the crosshairs of the sniper scope clearly, and the kill message appeared in the upper right corner.

XLT under the lens finally realized what he was doing just now.

Why should I provoke a guy whose reaction speed is monster level. XLT was going to be stupid to death by his own actions.

It was originally a 2v1 endgame, but after setting up the gun, the difficulty was basically gone.

Now we can only hope that kennyS doesn't know that the last CT has moved forward.

Then there is still a glimmer of life for this round!
After kennyS knocked out the XLT, he picked up the mine bag and headed to Area A.

According to his judgment, it is unlikely that another CT is in the A zone when XLT is in this position of the middle link.

kennyS went all the way into the A bunker and went down a sloped thunderbag.

After putting down the thunder bag, he briefly glanced at the room of the sniper position, and then quickly moved to the big slope A.

But at this point in time, there is no one in the direction of the police, so the last one of the opponent may be behind.

When kennyS moved to the slope, he raised a little vigilance in his heart.

"The last CT walked quietly to the lower level of the slope. He heard the position of kennyS, and he directly wanted to kill kennyS!"

kennyS was startled when he heard the gunshot, and reflexively swiped his gun at the shadow.


"Endgame 1V2, kennyS shattered Red Shield's hope of continuing to chase points!!"

"He's so hot!"

The commentators were praising the performance of this shot, and the fans of VC were not stingy with their praise, and started swiping the screen in the live broadcast room.

It's just that the fans of the Red Shield are uncomfortable.

In this round, the members of the Red Shield relied on the forward pressure and had many opportunities to gain an expanded advantage.

But the one who copied the back lane was knocked out by kennyS, and the XLT, which felt overwhelming, was also sniped to death by kennyS in the middle lane.

Even the CT who was pressed behind kennyS at the end was reacted by kennyS, and was shot to death with a blind shot.

The beating made people lose their temper at all.

It is so powerless, so unacceptable.

The faces of the Red Shield members under the camera are like their team logo, and they are completely red at the moment.

Captain XLT even wanted to light an electronic cigarette to prove his innocence and vent the pressure in his heart.

From the qualifiers and even the games in recent months, they have never encountered such a strong enemy.

After pretending to be calm for a long time, their mentality has completely collapsed.


In the follow-up games in the first half, the Red Shield did not cause too much trouble to VC.A.

Except for one round due to poor timing, CT caught him sideways in the mid-term and swiped the screen, and the rest of the rounds were firmly won by VC.A.

At the end of the first half, the score finally stayed at 13:2.

The exaggerated score gap made many Red Shield fans couldn't bear to look directly, and they quit the live broadcast room one after another, too lazy to bear the pain.

As for the people on VC's side, they are naturally smiling.

"It's so easy." Broky stood up from his seat and stretched.

Picture [-] at least feels like a game between the two parties, while picture [-] is pure and overwhelming, and the gap in the understanding of the other party is too great.

"It's still the coach who taught us well." gla1ve added next to him, "If the coach hadn't let us familiarize ourselves with the map in advance and provided us with so many tactics, now we are not far behind their level."

This point is clear in gla1ve's heart.

Hearing gla1ve's praise, Mengde smiled lightly and said, "This is also the result of your own practice. If you don't practice hard, it's okay if I give you those tactics."

"That's right, I'm working hard too." Broky replied following Mengde's words.

gla1ve shook his head, he knew how much Meng De had on the team.

Although the tactics still need to be practiced by themselves, the various precise tactics provided by Meng De saved them a lot of time in studying tactics.

Otherwise, according to their own groping and practice, today's fight in Figure [-] may not be very different from the opponent.

Although Meng De cannot play as a coach, his role in the team cannot be replaced by others.

Today they can get a big advantage so easily, thanks to the coach.

And as a commander, gla1ve clearly knows that they still have many tactics that have not been exposed, and the opponent's strength has not yet allowed them to use those tactics.

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Mengde.

Meng Dezheng clapped his hands and sent out the mobilization for the second half:
"We led by so many points, and in the second half of the game, we tried to win him in one go."

"Guys, let's go to the main game!!"

"Rush rush!!"


After a brief half-time break, the two sides returned to the game.

After the second half, the offense and defense of the two sides switched, and today's VC.A began to turn into a defense against the enemy.

The Red Shield is the attacker.

There are many things about this rookie Red Shield that surprised Meng De today, but in the case of a big disadvantage, he can adjust himself well, and his toughness is really good.

The pistol round in the second half was won by a wave of red shields in the middle and a slow attack from the B area.

The man's red shield, which had already half-entered the grave, seemed to have a glimmer of life.

XLT seized the hard-won opportunity and loudly encouraged the team: "Resist the pressure, as long as we score consecutively in the early stage, there is a chance to recover this score."

Although he knew in his heart that the score was slim, it was like a straw grabbed by a drowning man, this was their last chance!

Even with a big lead, VC didn't deliberately choose to try to comeback by force.

For the current VC.A, to lead by so many points, it only needs to win in the long gun round.

There is absolutely no need to force it.

"Give them some chores," Broky suggested.

They're also great for throwing in some tricks to help them kill the game off.

"What tricks? Big A being Spider-Man?" Brother Electronics asked.

Broky smiled and said, "Let me be the wall hanging, hehe."

Several people continued to discuss their own tactics, and gla1ve did not arrange a particularly inclined style of play on the defensive end, and started with a default.

At the end of the countdown, kennyS came to the elevator room with a large sniper, quickly found a reference object, and took a good aim.

He looked up at the time and waited quietly.

1 minute 50, it's time!


kennyS opened fire.

A bullet pierced through the wall as thin as a cicada's wing, instantly killing the bandit in the middle of the map by the Red Shield.

The two people in the commentary were stunned for a moment.

"How did you get a kill at the beginning?"

"KennyS presses forward."

The director didn't put the camera on kennyS at the first time, so they don't understand how this first kill appeared.

In Hongdun's voice, this kill made the commander feel a little anxious again, and he asked strangely: "Have you pressed ahead in the middle?"

"No, I don't even know how I died, and no one saw me."

"how come?"

Teammates answered ambiguously, which made XLT even more confused.

The voice of VC.A on the other side is a different scene.

At the beginning, kennyS got the first kill unscathed, which had a huge impact on the early stage.

"Okay, old K." Broky saw the kill in the upper right corner and praised.

The electronic brother who came to help immediately shouted: "Don't talk about it, you dummy, you will fall down later."

"Don't worry, the director and I have practiced on this map many times, and we won't fall down here." Broccoli said confidently.

As he said that, he jumped skillfully, and finally moved to the desired wall hanging position.

He is directly behind the sandbag, which is also the most marginal area of ​​the map.

As long as the angle of view is facing the steel bar, the opponent can't even see the barrel of his gun.

But from the corner of his eye, he could see the bandits encroaching on the slope.

Because of this feature, Brother Electronics and kennyS dropped two props in Area A, then moved to the middle and Area B, and began to defend.

After the overall defensive position of VC has changed, it starts to move forward and compete for control of the map.

Broky's double frame position has been completed, and then they will mainly let the opponent move to the A area to attack.

The continuous props in the middle lane and the B area made the bandits feel tremendous pressure.

Red Shield's command XLT immediately began to turn the point, thinking about launching a wave of bomb attacks in A University.

The two commentators saw the small map and analyzed:

"VC.A's prop coverage in the middle and area B, although it caused some output, but did not produce subsequent kills, which hurts the subsequent defense a bit."

"Yes, compared to CT, the bandits still have a set of props to attack with explosive bombs. In this wave of big A confrontation, CT may not be easy to defend."

"And until now, the CTs are still concentrated in the middle and the B area, and there is no way to return to the A area. This cannot be supported by just relying on a Broky."

"The bandits have already concentrated on the slope. After a simple count, it's time to prepare the explosive bombs. If the bandits are successfully placed, this 4v5 endgame is really hard to say."

Coke and the two looked at the unmoving CT, and they became anxious.

But in the next second, when the live camera swept across, Coke couldn't help shouting: "Wait!!"

"Where is Broky located!!"

The director of ESL also noticed something strange. When playing the red shield bomb attack from the third perspective, he also found the UI on the right that belongs to CT.

The camera moved slowly, and a CT standing on the edge of the map appeared in front of them.

In an instant, the entire live broadcast room was in an uproar.

[Fuck this position! 】

[What a weird thing, is this the top idea of ​​Team A? 】

[I thought they only studied the bomb attack, but I didn't expect there to be such an outrageous thing]

[Brothers A is a big Spider-Man! ! 】

【How did it get here】


The audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot, because from their perspective, the Red Shield had no defense against this point at all.

When the bandits attacked with a wave of explosive bombs, a CT suddenly appeared behind him. One can imagine how suffocating this situation is.

Out of the corner of his eye Broky saw the bandits walking by and heard footsteps.

"The brothers are back on defense, they're playing A." Broky didn't rush to fire after sending the information back.

After waiting quietly for a while, he didn't move out slowly until he heard the sound of the bandit releasing the bag.

The front sight moved and placed on the head of Bao Bandit, who was half kneeling on the ground.

"Broky caught a great timing, how many can he kill?"

"One, two, three..."

Coke looked at the screen in the live broadcast room, covered his face and couldn't bear to look directly: "Broky was found after two fights. He adjusted his position, but forgot that he was on the edge of the map and fell."

Taro was also a little bit dumbfounded: "Who would have thought that Broky would leave with this ending, but two kills also gave them an advantage. Now what VC.A needs to face is a wave of 4v2 endgame, the overall problem Not big."

"XLT came to the bag site with the thunder bag and wanted to put it down, but kennyS shot him through, and the electronic brother came out with the flash to fight back."

"A little bandit wanted to help with a gun, but was replaced by Brother Electronic."

"After a wave of fierce firefights, VC.A killed one of the worst."

"I didn't expect that, in addition to the regular tactics and smooth attack, VC.A also spent a lot of effort on these weird little tricks."

The director of ESL performed a wonderful kill replay.

It was only when the two commentators realized that the first kill was not obtained by kennyS pressing forward, but kennyS used a wave of top penetration points, and was stuck in time to kill the bandits in the middle lane.

Coke smiled and said: "Stop it, kennyS, if you do this again, you will become a USB flash drive kid."

[Can you still wear it here? 】

[Learn it, delete it quickly]

[Go to the ladder to score now]

[Don't go, the opposite side bows quickly]


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