CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 426 Icarus 1 spray 5

AKA's backstage lounge.

In Figure [-], the Commonwealth of Independent States who suffered a defeat was not in a good mood, and all the team members walked in in a dejected manner.

This made the coach of AKA feel a little uncomfortable. Although his coaching skills were not very strong, he also knew that the players had some emotional problems at this time.

Coach AKA took the initiative and said to Yin Carlos: "Let's discuss with them the tactics of Figure [-]. We lost in Figure [-], and it is impossible to lose again in Figure [-]."

His idea is very simple, everyone's mood is not very high now, so they need to find something to divert their attention.


The tactical paper in Yin Carlos' hand was slammed on the table, and this was his response.

"The tactics in Figure [-]?" Yin Carlos showed a sneering smile on his face, shaking his head and said, "With our current state, does the tactics still have any effect?"

"How can you say no, you can..."

Coach AKA had a premonition of the possible conflict in the future and wanted to take the initiative to persuade him, but Yin Carlos directly interrupted his words.

"They don't know how to play this game at all now!


Yin Carlos punched the table next to him again, venting his dissatisfaction with the previous round.

Under that punch, the lounge table was already creaking, as if expressing its grievances.

In the silent atmosphere of the lounge, Yin Carlos waved his thick arms and said dissatisfiedly: "In my opinion, talking about tactics now has little effect."

"Now talk about tactics, talk about layout, does it have any effect?"

"No matter what tactics you use to go up, you can't play it out for him completely. What's the effect?"

As he said that, Yin Carlos turned to look at Ting: "Even Ting, who played the most stable performance on weekdays, didn't even get a positive rating in the second picture, and there was a problem with his mentality."

Ting remained silent. He really didn't play well in the second picture. A large part of the reason for the loss was on his side.

After clicking Ting, Yin Carlos turned his head to look at Steady again, and unabashedly said: "And Steady, was I too lenient with you before, or are you having a temper now?"

"I am the commander of AKA. Although AKA is not my opinion, you need to follow my thinking. You are in the team and do not have such an exaggerated right to exchange fire freely."

"You all need to wake up!


Yin Carlos vented his dissatisfaction unreservedly: "Staying at the age when I was about to retire is the club and the management who are actively asking me, not that I want to continue playing for a few years. You have to figure out the context."

"They told me that AKA also wants to restore the glory of the dynasty, and also wants people to see the king of the Commonwealth of Independent States."

"But in the current state, you make me unable to see any capital that can build a dynasty. What do you rely on?"

"Rely on my betting point, or rely on Steady's protection?"

Pausing for a second, Yin Carlos's vented emotions had accumulated to the highest point: "Thinking about everything, even VC.A can't get past it, and talking about dynasty reconstruction is simply ridiculous."

Although the external image of Yin Carlos is a muscular man, it is easy to give people a very stereotyped impression of violence. …

But people who exercise regularly have a milder temper. Yin Carlos seldom conflicts with other people in games or in life, and even seldom swears.

But today Yin Carlos knew that whether the fire was for himself or for the team, it had to be fired.

If he doesn't post, AKA will still be in this muddle-headed state, so in the next picture [-], he really doesn't have much confidence to win.

Although he belittled the 'VC.A' in his mouth just now, after the two games, he already had a clear idea of ​​the strength of VC.A in his mind.

If the game continues in this state, AKA may really be chased by one and lose the BO3 in a very ugly manner.

Everyone in AKA in the lounge, apart from being silent at the moment, felt more or less strange in their hearts.

After Yin Carlos finished speaking, Ting thought about it carefully, and he felt that playing VC.A is really not a big problem, after all, he is not playing VC.

Next, as long as you maintain a normal state of mind to meet Figure [-], if the ups and downs of the state are not too big, there will be no major problems.

The artistic youth next to him felt even more mixed feelings at the moment.

Yin Carlos' words scolded him bloody, and belittled him as if he was worthless.

But although Steady was very upset, he couldn't find any reason to refute.

The big brother's lecture in the waiting room directly woke up the entire AKA team.

They then made an adjustment in terms of tactics and the thinking of the whole game, hoping to win the third picture in the next game.


On the other hand, the morale in the backstage lounge of VC.A was high.

After losing Figure [-], regaining Figure [-] and putting the pressure on the other side should not be too exciting.

However, after winning Figure [-], the two sides will return to the same starting line again, and the next Figure [-] will be the final battle.

The losing team will enter the loser's bracket.

After a few brief chats, Mengde immediately began to arrange the tactics for Figure [-].

He had a hunch that it would not be that easy for them to win the game in Figure [-].

At the end of the intermission, the players of both sides returned to the game.

The last game of BO3 starts, and the map is Hot Sand City.

The strength of VC.A on this map is actually very high. Thanks to the various props invented by ropz and Mengde on this map, they can always play some new tricks in tactics.

Therefore, the third picture is confirmed as the scorching sand city, and VC.A doesn't feel much pressure.

After the knife fight in the middle, VC.A won and started as a policeman.

Originally, the priority was to start as the defensive side. This is very good news. Mengde also looks forward to being a CT in the first half to bring them some advantages.


In the beginning, AKA used a wave of A small speed push, and won the A bag at the cost of 0 for 2. They did not make too many mistakes in the subsequent endgame, and they easily won the pistol round.

Because of the poor economy, g1ve directed the team to start making adjustments.

In the process of adjustment, although they gained occasionally, they did not overturn the game in the end, and the rhythm in the early stage was firmly grasped by AKA.

In the first long gun round, kennyS chose to take out a big sniper, trying to use the big sniper to give the team an advantage. …

Under his active attack, he did get the first kill of this round, but this was just a wave of targeting by AKA.

Use the life of a rifleman to exchange the life of kennyS.

In the beginning, the two sides exchanged one for one, and the one who was killed was kennyS. This is definitely not good news.

After knowing that kennyS was killed, AKA put pressure on and took control of the mid lane.

At this time, g1ve chose to play in the middle, betting on the style of play on both sides.

The advantage of this style of play is that it is the best way to deal with the current situation. As long as the players on both sides can get a considerable number of kills during the defense, the follow-up return to the endgame will still have to be played.

After being controlled in the middle, Yin Carlos decisively attacked A major and A minor together.

A wave of double-teaming was successful, g1ve and Tig only replaced one, and Baodian declared its fall.

In the fierce exchange of fire, the time of the first half passed quickly.

The time came to the 10th round. At this moment, the score between the two sides was 2:7. VC.A felt a little cold after being beaten, and even g1ve, who was the commander, ranked first on the scoreboard.

There is a classic saying in CSGO: Once the team leader gets the most kills, otherwise this round will be crushed, or it will be crushed.

The VC.A at this moment is undoubtedly crushed.

The firefight at Big A has not been smooth. Under g1ve's suggestion, they chose to keep A small and push B2 forward, trying to gain gains by pressing forward in the middle.

The forward pressure on the B2 floor seized the opportunity, but Xiaoju felt cold in this round, and was killed by the carbine on the premise of catching the side.

The moment he was killed, Xiao Ju couldn't believe it was his own play.

Fortunately, there is Broky behind him to help out. Although he is usually out of tune, he can still trust Broky at critical moments.

After killing the forward-pressing g and Boo, they directly prepared a wave of speed-up attacks, eating the entire point B.

Broky sounded the death knell for them with two big sniper bullets.

KennyS in Sandland also knocked out the steady peek from Oil Barrel, and VC.A gained the long-lost advantage.

VC.A's morale has finally recovered a bit.

In the next few rounds, they also regained a little touch and scored a few points.

But even so, when CT's 15 rounds ended in the first half, they only scored 5 points.

This is definitely not an advantage for them.

During the half-time break, the whole team of VC.A was full of sadness. They couldn't understand why AKA seemed to have changed a group of people during a half-time break.

Meng De couldn't figure out what happened to AKA, which made their hesitant style of play extremely decisive.

Even Steady has become very active, and the number of saves in the first half is very few, and it can't even be called a "tumor".

But even knowing about their changes, Meng De still couldn't give a good solution.

The second half of the game arrived as scheduled.

At the beginning, g1ve used a wave of fake fights against A, but in fact it was a routine of sandwiching B in the middle, and successfully double-teamed Area B.

Although they only completed the most basic number exchange during the offensive process.

But you have to know that what they won was Sha Er's B area, which is the most difficult area to defend on all maps.

Facing AKA's return defense, they won the pistol round without even being knocked out.

The victory of the pistol round made everyone in VC.A a little excited. As long as they won the first few rounds honestly, the subsequent score pressure would be much less. …

But AKA did not allow them to score as they wished.

Steady took a sniper in this round and tore kennyS at the beginning of the game, filling the hearts of everyone in VC.A with a layer of haze.

Later, Ting took a Sand Eagle and blasted two heads in a row at the big corner of A, leaving VC.A with only two surviving personnel.

After a wave of quiet touches in the middle, under Coke's groans, VC.A failed to escape danger.

AKA's double C played in a wave of strong starting games, and the morale of VC.A, which was supposed to improve, dropped to freezing point.

Meng De sensed that the situation was wrong and chose to call a timeout.

That is, it is used to adjust the mentality of the team members and put forward some constructive suggestions.

Also to cool down AKA's fiery feeling, otherwise the meeting would kill him in seconds, and no one would be able to stand it.

AKA is getting closer and closer to the match point, this is not a joke.

After the pause, VC.A followed up with a wave of eco.

Then at the time of the long gun round, the battle for A University began.

kennyS was in the best position, and went directly to the A big competition with the unarmored sniper, and g1ve helped throw a smoke bomb to put out the fire.

This fire extinguishing smoke helped kennyS to save his life and successfully get the first kill.

Then kennyS, a big unarmored sniper, directly started the aggressive hunting mode.

The three kills in a wave of advancement directly penetrated all of CT's defense lines and helped the team win the score.

kennyS's touch began to pick up gradually, and his active and aggressive style of play also began to gain a lot of money for the team.

But the word radical, under the premise of high returns, also represents high risks.

KennyS's aggressive attacking sniper was still found by Yin Carlos.

The pull-off and cross-fire of each point made kennyS often unable to retreat back to the bunker after getting the first kill.

Often one for one, several rounds in a row, kennyS became impatient and began to make frequent mistakes.

The follow-up economy is not good, and there is not even a big spy to use.

The balance of victory is constantly tilting in the direction of AKA.

At the first match point, the score between the two sides was 11:15.
From a macro point of view, the gap between the two sides is not very big, and VC.A will be able to tie the situation in 4 rounds.

Mengde's second timeout was also given to help the team make suggestions and use their skills, hoping to bring better performance.

Sand II is a map that compares birth points.

When the bandits are in a good position, they will usually rob the control of University A.

It is really because the success rate of counter-clearing University A in the second time is too low, so in most cases, the control right of University A in the first time can be snatched.

But this round of AKA also placed a large number of troops in Area A. At the beginning of the game, Area A seemed to turn into a Syrian battlefield, with various props and bullets flying.

In this exchange of fire between the two sides at University A, it ended with the exchange of two heads.

g1ve didn't rush to push quickly, but turned around and took control of B outside and A small, and then gave the middle road policeman Yan and B door smoke, as if they were going to double-team B area in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, they launched a wave of speed tweets in A small.

Ting, who stayed alone in Area A, sensed that something was wrong, so he chose to give up the package site and stand in the A area.

With precise marksmanship, Jean used 4 bursts to kill two members of VC.A in a row.

However, in the process of confronting the gun, he himself became bloody. …

The final Tig picked the next A-pack and stayed on the A-pack.

The two CTs who returned to the defense did not go to A small, but returned to the defense together from the police house, and had a three-person round with Ting.

In the absence of props, they chose the mode of one person pretending and two people standing straight, and dealt with Tig.

In the eyes of the fans, Tig was originally a player who favored the role of a tool man, and there was no expectation for him in this endgame.

But facing this unsolvable endgame, Tig gave them the answer with three consecutive previews of precise headshots.

Tig's performance successfully helped them win a round.

They seem to be back when they played against GG again, the feeling of chasing points continuously surged in their hearts.


Yin Carlos finally used a wave of 4A betting points, which made VC.A's wave of speed push feel really desperate.

Three members were killed in the firefight of University A, and Xiaoju took the initiative to touch and was killed.

Only kennyS was left holding a big sniper at the police house, facing this desperate 1V4.
In the case of AKA being completely unrestrained, kennyS is not even qualified to advance.

Lei Bao fell in University A, he had to get the bag to have a chance.

However, smoke bombs and incendiary bombs were constantly thrown at Gate A, and the time was delayed again and again.

kennyS knows that he has no chance of winning, and he can even directly protect KD.

But he still chose to take the initiative.

AK47 gunshots sounded, and blood sprayed from kennyS's chest.

fell dead...

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