CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 433 "I don't want to be TOP1 anymore!"

Chapter 433 "I don't want to be TOP1 anymore!"

"It's really dangerous."

In the backstage lounge of IEM Cologne, Wang Yuning let out a sigh of relief.

He was spread out on the sofa in the lounge, in the posture of Ge You lying down, feeling a bit like a survivor.

S1mple was tearing apart a bag of potato chips and eating. Even he was a little bit out of energy in the three rounds of the game.

Swallowing the contents of his mouth a little, he said: "Today's BO3 has made me understand that none of the teams that can enter the first line is easy to mess with."

"How many years has this sea god been a joke in the front line, but he suddenly exploded today. That marksmanship is really fierce."

Their last BO3 match with Poseidon has just ended.

This match was quite intense, and the game in Figure [-] started in the Death Building.

After the fight between the two sides, VC got the right to choose sides, and they chose to start as bandits first.

The rhythm in the early stage was smooth, and VC was far ahead with a score of 6:1.

But in the 8th round, with a wave of advancement in the middle, they played a wave of 1 for 3 in the number exchange, and they also lost in the subsequent rounds.

The rhythm began to lose, and by the end of the first half, the score was fixed at 7:8.

This is obviously not qualified for this map that is biased towards the offensive side.

In the second half of the game, they were once overtaken by the opponent, and even almost got the match point.

Fortunately, at the last moment, NIKO and S1mple stood up one after another and played several wonderful performances in a row. Even S1mple had a wave of 1V3 in the endgame, which directly defeated the opponent's momentum, and finally won the ticket to the knockout round.

ropz was holding a tablet computer on the sofa next to him, checked the data of that BO3 game, and then said: "It's normal for you to think that this game is difficult. Aloha of the Poseidon team scored a total of 110 in three games. The number of kills is even 1 more than S8mple, and the rest of the Poseidon team performed very well as a whole. In terms of the number of first kills, they even got 4 more kills than us."

Not long after the game ended, ropz said the data he analyzed from the previous game, and also told everyone where they were struggling in this game.

Whether there is a gap in the first kill, or the endgame, or the ordinary ability to kill consecutively.

In a game, there are still many tricks in marksmanship.

Listening to ropz's analysis, a group of people in the lounge realized what kind of monster they encountered today.

"This Aloha's strength has regressed by four or five years, and returned to the peak of youth?" Meng De sighed from the bottom of his heart.

As the strongest talent ever in North America, Aloha also had a glorious moment. In his peak period, he once got a good result in TOP6.

Moreover, in that year's TOP evaluation, his TOP6 stats were not worse than the previous TOP5, but because the team's performance was not good, so he stopped at TOP6.
Now that Aloha's condition has suddenly recovered, everyone is amazed.

After all, before the game, no one expected that Sea God would perform so well, and even nearly upset VC and eliminated him.

Maybe some North American faith fans like to see this kind of plot, but it is impossible for Meng De to want his team to be eliminated.

Therefore, VC was able to withstand the pressure with tenacity in the end, and won Figure [-], which made him very gratified.

Broky secretly ate the snacks that S1mple had opened, and Versailles said: "I don't have so many worries, today I am simply immersed in the pleasure of lying down and winning."

"This taste is simply wonderful."

Hearing this, a group of people rubbed Broky's head angrily.

"Give me death."

"I don't bother to be with a flat-footed guy like you."

"You're the bastard, aren't you?"

There was another fight in the living room.

Everyone in the first team had just finished the game, and the tense emotions were relieved, and they were a little tired for a while.

Broky finished his potato chips, wiped his hands, and turned on his phone for his daily surfing routine.

After the end of the BO3 between VC and Poseidon, the group stage of IEM was also announced to be officially over.

The fierceness of the last competition made the audience watch it heartily, and now it is a good opportunity for the official water forum to vent their emotions.

Discussions about today's IEM situation are growing rapidly at the speed of time.

However, there was a theme post that attracted a lot of netizens to watch. Now that the match between VC and Poseidon is not long, there are already hundreds of comments below.

【What do you think of both VC teams successfully entering the IEM offline competition? 】

"I'm sorry bro, I laughed at the statistics after the game"

"CSGO Prison welcomes a new member - Aloha!"

"Little Pepper's overall statistics in this event can be ranked in the top five, but he didn't even make it to the top six. I really want to laugh."

"Aloha's average rating at the end of the game was 1.56. If I look at this data alone, I really don't know how to lose, but even if he loses, I can't figure it out even if he is killed."

"It can only be said that VC is really fierce. The overall statistics look average, and it feels very difficult to play, but the statistics after the game are 3 green belts and [-] red, which is surprisingly good."

"Everyone is talking about Aloha, isn't S1mple fierce? He also had over a hundred kills in three games, so he played quite well."

"I can only say that Bandit Cao is really fierce. In the past two years, he has trained two first-line teams, and VC has a bit of a dynasty style. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the world's number one coach."

"It's still too early to talk about him. Coach Boqi of the AE team is still there. He has three trophies during his coaching period. It's too early for Meng De to talk about this. At least he should win a Major trophy first."

There is no discussion about me... After browsing the forum, Broky felt a little bit bitter.

Although it is indeed happy to lie down and win, it is not a good thing to be too invisible.

It seems that in the next few days, I have to work harder.

No one knows that Broky's plan to work hard comes from an experience after surfing the forum.


After the group stage, the IEM Cologne game also came to the offline knockout stage.

However, before the start of the knockout round, all teams also had two days to adjust.

The two-day adjustment time allowed them to have a short rest time within the tight schedule, so that they could relax their tense spirits.

IEM Cologne is one of the several important events of CSGO over the years. At the beginning of the group stage, Meng De only saw that the popularity on the Internet was quite high, but he never had a special impression.

After a few days offline, they really felt that the offline atmosphere was coming step by step.

On the first day of rest, all VC staff came to a restaurant recommended by Xu Qingru to have dinner together to celebrate that they all successfully achieved their small goals and entered the offline of IEM Cologne.

At first, they thought it was a dinner party to relax, but when they actually arrived in the restaurant, they were recognized quickly.

Because there are too many people who want to sign, whether it is for the sake of public image or based on being friendly to fans, it is difficult for them to refuse.

And Broky, an idiot, took the initiative to take out a signing pen to start, allowing the follow-up signing process to proceed in an orderly manner.

"It's finally over~" Broky shook his sore arm to relieve it.

He was actually looking forward to this kind of offline signing ceremony before, after all, it was very much like an author's signing ceremony, very compelling.

It's just that after today, he will no longer look forward to this kind of autograph meeting.

Because it is too tiring! !
"So why did you take out that pen?" Meng De complained from the side, "There are so many people, we can just take a group photo."

Broky looked very surprised: "Can it still be like this?"

"They asked for autographs, and I signed them."

Both S1mple and NIKO were speechless.

Fortunately, it was Meng De who signaled to the restaurant owner not to serve the food when the team members signed, otherwise even the food would be cold after signing.

Everyone complained about Broky about the beauty of Cologne.

What Mengde wanted was a plate of roasted elbow, a famous German dish.

Because the serving was suspended before, it took a little waiting time to do it first.

After a while, a waitress came up with roasted elbows.

The overall presentation of the plate is quite rough, and the ingredients divide the plate into two sides.

On the left is a huge roasted elbow, on the right is a simple potato salad, and at the bottom is some sweet sauce. Although the plate looks rough, the aroma will go straight to the nose when it is served.

The whole pork knuckle was roasted quite crispy, and Mengde tapped the fork a few times, as if the sound of potato chips.

Simply cut a piece and put it in your mouth. The crispness of the shell and the tenderness of the meat inside form a sharp contrast, which is quite layered.

Meng De hurriedly cut another bite and made some sauce, which had a special flavor.

"I'm so hungry." S1mple watched Meng De's operation, and swallowed, "Is this German food so delicious?"

"The taste is not bad." Mengde gave a pertinent evaluation, "The taste is very unique, a little different from the domestic taste, but it may be a bit greasy if you eat too much."

Hearing what Meng De said, several people looked at the dishes they hadn't served, and hurriedly changed them.

After serving the food, Broky drank a big bowl hard, and the last thing he ate was potato salad, before he leaned back on the chair and gave his speech:

"The coach is right, eating too much is really boring."

The director also ate this elbow, but his evaluation was not high, but seeing Broky like this, he was speechless: "Are you very tired? I've eaten it all for you."

After eating and drinking enough, everyone started chatting about the follow-up game.

The IEM Knockout is coming soon.

Next, they need to play a six-in-four game.

Among them, the opponent of the first team is the GOD team from Europe.

In this game, the real outcome depends on the performance of the players on both sides.

If VC can maintain the state in the battle with Sea God, there will be no pressure in this game.

If the state is a little worse, the final competition may be a little unpredictable.

Although VC is currently ranked second in the world and God is ranked fourth, from the perspective of paper strength, VC is stronger than God.

But the fact is not like this, VC and God have not had any experience of confrontation, it is too early to say the outcome.

Regarding the concerns of the players, Meng De said that as long as they play according to their planned tactics, they will not get on top during the game, and if they believe in themselves, they will win the game.

As for the opponent of the second team, it is the HC team from Finland.

After the offseason, the team went through a brief personnel adjustment, and is now in a honeymoon period of the new lineup.

Strength may not be so stressful for a team.

But the second team has no experience of playing against them, and their hearts are actually a little empty.

Although Mengde has a lot of data about the HC team, it is relatively easy to study various targets.

But after all, there is no combat experience, many things are still on paper, and my heart is still a little erratic.

The strength of the opponents in the next two games should not be underestimated.


Immediately after the dinner, Meng De took everyone to one of the most famous amusement parks in Cologne, intending to 'relax' the players.

A group of people came to the roller coaster, and Wu Qiang next to him took out his camera and started filming, intending to record this rare team building.

The people in the sky were upside down, screaming endlessly.

On the way here, Meng De also asked if he wanted to ride the roller coaster.

This group of live treasures are still awesome, saying that it's just a small roller coaster, it's easy, they don't even blink, okay?

"What's the matter, don't dare to go up?" Meng De smiled and looked at the team members. The guys with thick eyebrows and big eyes on weekdays are now fighting with each other.

"Why don't you dare!" Boys always have an unimaginable stubbornness when they shouldn't be stubborn.

The corner of S1mple's mouth curled up in disdain: "I am the man who wants to be TOP, how could a small roller coaster become my stumbling block."

Soon, the time for the last roller coaster was over, and people with weak legs began to come down from it.

The director looked at S1mple, and he was a little hesitant: "Is it really not necessary to be down there? You can't stop when you go up."

Wang Yuning and kennyS did not intend to compete in this respect, and chose to stay below to watch their performance.

S1mple hesitated for a moment, but finally went up.

"Come all come!"

As he spoke, he gritted his teeth, and under the guidance of the staff, sat on the seat of the roller coaster.

After taking the seat, S1mple felt a little regretful, but seeing the indifferent expressions of the people around him, the inexplicable competitiveness dominated his heart again.

They can, why can't I?

S1mple pretended to be calm, but his actions of constantly checking the safety facilities revealed his restlessness.

Because VC has so many people, they almost fill the front row.

The staff reminded that the roller coaster will start soon.

Wu Qiang fixed his mobile phone on the roller coaster, and then signaled everyone: "Look here, smile, and then challenge the roller coaster with a blank face."

Meng De looked at the nervous S1mple, and took the initiative to comfort him: "Don't worry, the roller coaster is actually not as scary as you think."

The roller coaster started to move forward at a slow speed.

The minds of several people were immediately attracted.

NIKO and the kid avatar atmosphere group shouted excitedly:
"This time it really took off!!"

Brother Electronic was also smiling beside him, and Meng De finally saw that he had a joyful expression besides getting off work.

The roller coaster went uphill slowly and came to the first peak.

Before that, S1mple's expression didn't change much.

But after reaching the apex, the roller coaster came to a sudden stop.

A bad feeling filled S1mple's heart.

In the next second, the roller coaster dives downward at an extremely fast speed, and in the next second, it seems that people are about to fly out.

S1mple finally couldn't help shouting: "Put me down, I'm not TOP1 anymore!!"


(End of this chapter)

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