Chapter 435

"Can you still get used to it?" Mengde asked gently with his hands on gla1ve's shoulders.

Lanxess Gymnasium, all VC.A members were in the player tunnel, and when they heard Meng De speak, everyone looked at gla1ve in unison.

Although this sentence has been asked several times in the past hour, they all have some concerns in their hearts.

"Don't worry." Gla1ve had a hearty smile on his face, but with his pale lips, it made people feel uneasy.

He explained to his teammates that after taking the medicine in the hotel, he was already sweating while sleeping, and now he feels much better.

At this point, Mengde and his teammates can only choose to believe in gla1ve.

After all, they have already reached the front of the player channel, and the game will start, and they have no way out.

Thinking this way, the host's passionate shout came from outside, and the door of the contestant channel was also opened.

The players of VC.A also entered the Lonnie Arena normally under the loud booing of the audience in the arena.


"Extraordinary momentum!" In the main live broadcast room in China, Nobita looked at the contestants with their heads up and their chests high, and praised them softly.

Except for kennyS, the second team in the screen is very stable. Even when they walked out of the overwhelming cheers, their faces did not change. Only kennyS was already excited.

"But why did this gla1ve come in wearing a padded jacket? Is he sick?" Xie Jian looked at the protruding gla1ve on the screen, and naturally had doubts.

Hearing this, Nobita frowned: "Shouldn't it be, such an important game, you got sick on the spot?"

The unexpected situation was like pouring a basin of cold water into the hot live broadcast room.

[No way, gla1ve is sick at this critical moment? 】

[This is a disaster, gla1ve's complexion doesn't seem to be very good, it's poisonous]

[The second team finally made it to the finals, and suddenly this happened? 】

[It seems that Hawking beat Schwarzenegger today, there is no suspense at all]

[It’s a pity that I just pressed the beans on Team A (sigh)]


"Don't jump to conclusions now." Although Daxiong also knew that something was wrong with VC.A's current situation, he reacted quickly, and stood up quickly to prevent the rhythm from spreading.

"Maybe it's just that gla1ve has a little cold or something."

Although Evil Opinion may not be as strong as Nobita in terms of professional ability, but after partnering for so long, the two have at least cultivated some tacit understanding. If the peak of the previous tacit understanding between the two commentators was 1, their evaluation may be around 0.7.

He immediately followed the conversation: "Yeah, maybe it's just a cold or something. Think about it, if gla1ve is really sick enough to affect the game, Thief Cao won't let him play."

"Cao thief's character is still not capable of doing the kind of thing that forcibly squeezes the team members. I still have some confidence in this."

Nobita felt like changing the subject: "Let's gossip then, the teams from both sides have already entered the arena, let's take a look at the next pre-match interview session between the two teams."


"For you, how do you feel about today's opponent?" The host raised the microphone and handed it to jk23.

jk23 also cooperated with the host very much. He looked at gla1ve wearing a padded jacket, and there was some imperceptible contempt on his face.

"Actually, I personally prefer to be in Group A, because in that case, we can play against VC again, instead of playing against VC's younger brother."

There was booing from the audience in the venue, and everyone could hear the smell of gunpowder in the words.

Although the meaning of jk23's words is not enough, but now VC.A is his opponent, but he wants to compete with VC. Doesn't this clearly look down on VC.A?
There was also a smile on the host's face. His original intention of bringing up this topic was also the same, to bring some atmosphere to the venue before the start of the game. I didn't expect JK23 to be so popular.

He continued to ask: "What about the pair and VC.A, don't you feel like fighting against each other?"

JK23 shook his head: "I don't know why FG lost to them. The result of that game surprised me enough. I'm actually quite happy to meet VC.A. After all, you can see that their conductors are already scared. Trembling, I think today's game will go well."

After getting this answer, the audience in the audience was immediately ebullient, and many people even shouted the team name of HC.

And everyone in VC.A who was on the other side of the host frowned.

Although he knows that JK23 is such a person who likes bad mouth, he may not have many bad intentions.

But the feeling of being stinky is still so unpleasant.

Meng De and VC.A usually behaved like nice gentlemen. Before the start of this game, the idea of ​​preparing for the interview was to be carried by everyone in a sedan chair, each boasting before entering the game.

The real strength is played out, not spoken out.

But the other party has already started, so they will naturally not show mercy.

The microphone was handed to gla1ve, and the host was still blaming: "Then gla1ve, are you really shaking from fear?"

A very contemptuous smile appeared on gla1ve's face, and said: "I'm just worried, the game ended too soon, I didn't even warm my hands, and HC has already been carried away."

The host's eyes lit up. The teams from both sides are a bit interesting today. They were full before the smell of gunpowder started.

"The fighting spirit on both sides is very fierce. Next, let us see if their speech will be the same as what they said!!"

"Audience friends, let's cheer up, the game is about to start!!"


After the equipment debugging was completed, except for a slight problem with one earphone in the team, everything else was fine.

He and HC's coach finished the game, and VC.A got the priority to choose a side.

The BP link of this BO3 will start soon.

Meng De first removed Lost Desert City. They didn't play this map themselves, and the opponent's winning rate in 63 games was around [-], which was killing two birds with one stone.

The other party thought for a while, and chose to remove the death amusement park.

This was something that Mengde hadn't expected, and he said strangely: "Isn't our town with a 72% winning rate not convincing at all?"

This made Meng De a little confused. After all, the winning rate of their amusement park was much lower than that of the small town, or did HC have the confidence to beat them in their small town with a 58% winning rate.

gla1ve coughed, and replied: "Maybe it's because our amusement park won FG, and the FG amusement park has a bigger name."

"And they may think that they are playing against the first-line team, and the gold content of the winning rate is higher than ours."

Several people thought about it, and only this statement could be true.

And if the other party doesn't take Purgatory Town, they don't care what the other party thinks, and they give priority to serving themselves.

The map is confirmed: Purgatory Town.

HC's thinking was quick, and he won the scorching sand city without any hesitation.

"Speaking so loudly, it seems that there is still some research." Broky complained on the side.

In the map of Sha Er, they lost to AKA in the group stage. Now that HC has selected it, the intention is naturally obvious.

Mengde glanced at gla1ve's status again, and said, "It's all like this. After the first-tier competition, the gap in everyone's level is not as big as imagined. If a team explodes, it may be upset."

"Naturally there will be no fools who are really careless, or conceited that they are invincible in tactics."

"You have to have self-confidence, but you also need to study other teams."

The two sides went to a building and a train respectively, and finally left picture [-] for the nuclear crisis.

The two sides started a simple warm-up and were about to enter the game.

Meng De took out a thermos cup from behind and handed it to gla1ve: "Drink some after the game if you have nothing to do, at least it will make you feel better."

"I have prepared a lot of tactics on the tactics paper. In the afternoon, I also assigned them to run a lot of maps. You can just call the tactics for some aspects."

"If you really have no direction, just take the initiative to call a timeout, and I will adjust your thinking for you..."

Hearing Meng De's chatter, gla1ve's head grew big for a while. This mother-like feeling made him a little overwhelmed, so he quickly took the thermos and said, "Got it, coach, I'm in pretty good shape now, don't worry, this time I will give you a good win in the game."

"Don't worry, I will definitely blow up the opponent, and I won't embarrass you."

Meng De raised his hand and wanted to say something, but seeing gla1ve's expression, he finally only patted him on the shoulder twice: "Okay...okay."

Then, amidst the cheers and cheers from the audience, players from both sides began to enter the server.

VC.A vs HC
Map: Purgatory Town

T: gla1ve, kennyS, Broky, jamyoung, electronic
CT: jk23, rule, kuku, Poe, H4ak
"It's like coming home!" During the preparation time, kennyS took the initiative to speak to bring some confidence to his teammates.

gla1ve glanced at the tactics paper, and said, "Let's play tactics B in the pistol round, and the 3 players control the banana road."

He's not feeling well today, and he's trying to keep his strength by talking as little as possible.

The tactics have been practiced before, so when gla1ve mentions it, everyone else knows how to play and there is no problem.

Compared to the tense atmosphere at VC.A, the atmosphere at HC on the opposite side of the stage was more harmonious.

JK23 had a confident smile on his face: "I can see it, this gla1ve is sick and out of shape, today we can be regarded as directly picking up a game."

"It's really hard to play games when you're sick." Kuku felt very sympathetic to this, because he had the experience of playing with an illness before, and he played a very interesting statistic in that game - 5/0/20.
The rounding of the data of that game is to express his love to his fans.

It's just that he doesn't want to experience that darkest moment in his life again.

There are too many kills that can be obtained, but because of poor thinking and slow reaction, even many backs who fired first were counter-killed.

The impact of illness on the game is too great, and KUKU has a say in this.

So he agrees with JK23's statement very much. It seems that their luck is really good in this game.

But having said that, their overall style of play is still relatively rigorous. They started as the defensive side and played a 14 start.

Let H4ak go to A alone, and the other 4 people defend area B heavily, and take the initiative to go out to fight against the clear.

At the beginning of the game, 3 people came to this banana road to grab the position, and soon they got the wall flash from the bandits, and they were suppressed behind the bunker at the first time.

But JK23 was not in a hurry, instead he was overjoyed, took out a grenade and threw it behind the stone slab.

A grenade caused a huge amount of damage to kennyS, and the blood volume of Broky next to him was also wiped off.

Daxiong looked at the situation and analyzed: "The bandits did not take control of the Banana Road at the first time, and the two sides started a wave of tug-of-war across the stone slab, but..."

"It's just that the CT in the coffin has already caught the flash, and stuck the CZ's rule to the stone slab. How to deal with the next wave of flash?" Xiejian answered.

A flash of light exploded in the sky above the right side of the stone slab. The flash was so sudden that the three bandits on Banana Road were not prepared for the flash back, and all of them lost their fighting power for a while.

Rule took the opportunity to pull out the slate horizontally, held the CZ and began to shoot at close range.

But the firearm CZ has obvious advantages and disadvantages in the pistol round.

He is a close-range fully automatic pistol, which has the advantage of high explosive output at close range, but also has obvious disadvantages-his bullets are too few.

And Rule saw three people all of a sudden, and started to shoot just after roughly aiming.

After finishing the shuttle, the too greedy Rule didn't even get any kills.

"It's dangerous!" Daxiong exclaimed, "There were some mistakes in the marksmanship of this wave of Rule. He disabled all three of Banana Road by himself, but fortunately he failed to get the number of people to kill. This is very difficult for the bandits. It’s acceptable to say that the loss is not that big.”

"The bandits still had props in their hands. Two grenades blasted the corner. The trio at the front of Area B all suffered a huge amount of damage. The exchange of fire between the two sides was really brutal."

The blood volume of the three people on Banana Road is too low, and it is not suitable to get information and break through.

gla1ve, who was standing on the side road, made a decisive decision: "Come back, we still have two cigarettes, let's fight together to speed up."

Now the blood volume of the three members is not healthy, and it is the best choice to fight together as a group.

Broky and the others immediately ran to the middle, and started playing tactics with gla1ve.

One connects the smoke and one separates the smoke.

Building A2 and A1 attack simultaneously.

"H4ak wandered around on the A2 floor, and was directly knocked into a drop of blood by Brother Electronics. This is too exaggerated. Now he is the only one left in Area A. He must perform well in this wave, otherwise HC will not be able to return. Defensive."

"Poe forced a burst of smoke and came to help H4ak, but he was instantly killed by A1's kennyS, and H4ak who moved to Dakeng didn't catch even one, and was replaced by Electronic Brother."

"In this wave of pivotal attacks, gla1ve played pretty well, and didn't even drop a single player."

As soon as Nobita's voice fell, gla1ve, after the connection was broken, faced the two opponents who returned to defense, and forcibly replaced one of them, who was also replaced.

There is really no way to do this.

"4 hits 2 back defense, but if the CT marksmanship is used, it may not be impossible to fight, because now there are three members of the bandit with residual blood, and the body can only be hit with two shots at most, and the error tolerance rate is very small."

HC also knew this information, so he took the initiative to make some attempts.

Because of the poor timing, they really found an opportunity, and Broky from the package and Xiaoju from the boiler room were lost one after another.

"The situation is a bit bad. Only kennyS from the cemetery and Brother Electronics from Dakeng are left. Brother Electronics keeps hooking around, but the location of kennyS in the cemetery has long been discovered. JK23 took kennyS away with one shot."

"Only the electronic brother in Dakeng is left. The situation is not good. The two of A1 have already assembled. How about this endgame?"

Brother Electronics swayed to get the information, and then returned to the bunker with a burst of shots. Now that time is running out, he just needs to hold on.

The second peek went out, and the JK23 with residual blood was replaced with one shot.

But the other person saw that time was running out, so he went to demolish it!
Brother Electronics immediately jumped out of the pit, found the angle of the safety bag, and shot twice in a row.

"NICE!" Broky and others shouted in the battle room.

"The exchange of Banana Road in the early stage was really hurtful." kennyS sighed, "This one was almost overturned."

Broky nodded: "No, who would have thought that they had a 4B and a CZ at the beginning."

gla1ve frowned and concluded: "It seems that not only we have researched and targeted them, but these guys are also very skilled in our Banana Road map control mode. Next, we will try our best to play tactics. If we default, we will think a little more. "

In this state, VC.A's first offline round at IEM Cologne ended without any risk.

 I stayed up late last night to watch 'Hawking' fight 'Schwarzenegger'. Tianlu has improved overall, but how much I want to see them win a game.

(End of this chapter)

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