CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 444 Gaming Players of the New Era

NIKO was crying heartbroken in the lounge.

In the game in Figure [-], he finally seized a chance to end the game, but lost it because of his own problems.

Judging from the results, it's just that he made a mistake and lost a strong eco, it's not a big deal.

It's just that NIKO couldn't allow it, and the game that might have won was eventually overturned because of his own reasons.

Victory is so close to them, yet so far away at this moment.

After a long time, he still recovered, but the whole person was slightly silent, and his mood was not very high.

After his defeat just now, he thought a lot.

Since he came into contact with CSGO, he has never encountered any particularly big problems. He became a high-scoring passer-by in the ladder game, and was scooped up by Meng De to the first-line team. It seems that everything is so reasonable, just like it was written in a novel. .

This also makes him a little indifferent to the attitude of the game. His teammates are so good, and he is so strong. As long as he works hard, he can always win.

But those geniuses who shine for an era may always need to suffer hardships before they start to grow.

Just like the failure of S1mple in the Cato Major, NIKO also experienced a heart-wrenching defeat today.

This feeling really made him feel too uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because of the pressure of failure that victory was so precious.

NIKO has a new idea about his professional attitude.

He doesn't want to lose again...


Inside the hotel room.

Meng De was still watching the video of the first team's game that just ended.

Because of the offline competition, the number of mistakes made by the front line today is a little bit more, but the opponent also made some small and big mistakes, which were covered up by each other.

But the overall state of this God team is quite good. Although there is nothing particularly strong, they also have no shortcomings.

Marksmanship, tactics, discipline, and teamwork, this team is not bad in anything.

If it is purely targeted, it seems that there is no weakness to be found.

Meng De had a headache. To deal with this kind of team, he needed to use hard power to overwhelm him. The state of the game on the day of the game was very important.

Just like today's fight, VC just lost some luck.

Although it was unexpected that the first team did not enter the semi-finals, it is also reasonable. After all, among the three teams in Group A, it is normal for any team to fail.

But the defeat of the first team also brought a benefit to VC. The joy and even the frivolity brought by Broky and others because of the victory of the game today seemed to have been poured with cold water.

The result of failure has been laid bare in front of them.

The appearance of NIKO makes these teammates feel distressed, but no one wants the team members to become the object of distressing themselves.

After the first team lost the game, the second team seemed to take over the responsibility of the first team to continue to move forward. After Mengde returned to the hotel, he felt that their fighting spirit for the game was stronger.

After the game, it was originally a rare time for the players to relax.

But Mengde turned his head and glanced at the training room. Even Broky was consciously sitting in front of the computer. If he read correctly, he should be practicing in the defense server.

The pressure suddenly fell on them, and Meng De didn't know whether it was good or bad. …

I can only watch the game tomorrow... When Meng De glanced at the position of g1ve, he frowned again.

After the game, g1ve drank some cold medicine and went to sleep again.

Mengde asked g1ve if he wanted to go to the hospital, but was flatly rejected.

They are all adults, Meng De didn't push too much, he believed in g1ve's judgment on himself.

After watching the game between VC and GOD, he didn't watch it again.

Now that VC has been eliminated, it is already a fact, so the focus should be on VC.A.

You can't waste your energy just because the first team is eliminated, resulting in insufficient preparation for the second team.

That would be completely out of focus.

Meng De opened the analysis data on AKA from his work computer.

Seeing this scene, ropz next to him took the initiative to sit on the chair next to him: "Is the coach thinking about tomorrow's BP?"

"Analyze briefly."

After understanding BP, various tactics can also be prepared in advance.

"The map with the highest winning rate is Desert Lost City, with a total winning rate of 64%, followed by Sand II with a winning rate of 59%, and a small town with a winning rate of 56%. The most frequently banned map is Death Amusement Park, but recently in IEM It has become a death building." ropz said some simple data he collected.

"Before we lost to them on Sha Er, right?" Meng De asked.

Ropz nodded and replied, "Yes, I lost a bit badly at Sha Er that day."

That was also the only game the second team lost in the group stage.

"Whether we get the right to choose the side first or get the right to choose the side later, we must ban Lost Desert City." Mengde brought the other party into thinking, and said: "In this case, the building or the amusement park will be It will definitely be taken away."

"Their amusement parks have always been closed, and the overall strength should not be strong. If the amusement park is banned, we can take the building or Nuke, ban the building, and the amusement park can also be used."

Looking at Meng De's doubtful expression, ropz asked, "Is the coach worried that AKA may have hidden tactics?"

Meng De replied "Yes", his brows were still tightly frowned. Back then, he could hide the forklift and go to the Major to shady others.

He doesn't believe that other teams don't have this courage.

Ropz smiled heartily, and opened his mouth to analyze: "Actually, I think coach, you are a little too worried."

"How to say?"

"Compared with AKA, we actually have one advantage. Our nuclear crisis is much stronger than theirs. We are not afraid of competing with them on the nuke map."

ropz held a signature pen next to him, found a blank A4 printing paper, and began to analyze while writing:

"First of all, if we are Ban first, then remove the Lost City."

"Whether the other party goes to an amusement park or jumps off a building, we can choose nuclear crisis, which is a universal choice for us."

"After being banned by Qiangtu, they will definitely choose one of Sand [-] or the small town. I personally prefer AKA to choose Sand [-]. After all, they took us in Sand [-] before."

"Of course, if AKA gets sick and chooses a small town first, that's exactly what we want."

With a confident smile on ropz's face, VC.A is really not afraid to fight against any team in Purgatory Town and Nuclear Crisis.

If there is a BO3, the two maps are picture [-] and picture [-] respectively, even if it is AE, they may not have a chance to win. …

As a VC analyst, ropz has this confidence in them.

The statistics don't lie, VC.A's performance in these two maps is far superior to that of other teams.

"If they win sand [-] in map [-], we can move map [-] closer to the town, and the opponent's town is also playing well. I don't believe they will choose the train instead of the town." ropz's speech Full of confidence.

Meng De shook his head and sighed: "I just asked you to try it before, but I didn't expect to find a treasure. It seems that you may take over my class in the future."

ropz pursed his lips: "Let's talk about it when the time comes, I still want to win the Major championship trophy myself."

Although he has already taken the position of analyst, ropz's goal is still very clear, and he will definitely win that trophy in the future.

I can't stop liking CSGO.

The two continued to analyze possible situations in some games, and planned some tactics for AKA.

It was not until early in the morning that their discussion ended under Meng De's reminder.

When Meng De was about to wash up and rest, he found that the lights in the training room were still on, and everyone in the second team was still training hard

Meng De didn't want to dampen their enthusiasm, and reminded them not to train too late to affect tomorrow's game, so he washed and went to bed.

He still needs to formulate a combat strategy tomorrow, and needs to maintain sufficient rest time.


The next day.

"Coach, it's okay, I can persevere."

In the hotel room, g1ve's weak voice came.

Meng De laughed angrily at this guy: "It depends on your current state? Are you sure you don't need us to carry you there?"

After drinking antipyretics for a day, perhaps due to exhaustion, g1ve did not reduce the fever, but aggravated it.

This disrupted Meng De's plan and made his heart hang again.

The loss of the first team yesterday had cast a haze on the hearts of everyone in the second team, and at this moment, everyone felt very bad in their hearts.

"Wu Qiang, why hasn't he come yet?" The occurrence of various unexpected situations has made the current team a mess, and Meng De, who has always been prudent, has also started an unknown fire at this moment.

"Brother Qiang is going to drive, we will send g1ve to the car right away." kennyS replied carefully.

"I'm not going, there's still a match today." G1ve's face was flushed red, his lips were bloodless... He tried his best to prop himself up from the lying position.

"It's almost done." Meng De said to g1ve, "I will arrange the game. In your state, it doesn't make sense to hold on to the game."

G1ve was silent, he bit his lower lip with his teeth in his mouth... Then he grabbed his hair with his fingers irritably, but even with such a simple movement, he seemed so weak.

"What about the conductor?"

For this stubborn guy, Meng De also had no choice but to persuade him patiently: "You just go, we still have a long time ahead, and we can't burn our brains out because of the game."

"You are the brain of the second team. If you burn out, how can our second team go on?"

"IEM champions, Major champions, Grand Slams, and a bright future awaits us." …

"Yeah, yeah, Gray Five, we still have a long life in the future." The team members also echoed.

"But here." G1ve still hesitated.

"Don't worry, I have arrangements." Mengde gave him a reassuring look.

There was a message from the phone next to him, and kennyS raised his head and said, "Brother Qiang's car has arrived at the door, let's speed up."

G1ve didn't say anything else, put on his clothes, and started walking towards the elevator with Wang Yuning.

After sending off g1ve, Meng De obviously felt that the atmosphere in the room became more dignified.

Originally, the next game will not be easy. In fact, there is not much difference in hard power between them and AKA. It depends on the on-the-spot performance of both sides.

It's just that g1ve can't participate in the competition now, they don't have a command, how can they win?

"Coach, how do we arrange today?" Broky couldn't hold back after all, and asked.

Sitting on the sofa, Meng De casually scratched the hair that the director had blown for him in the morning... He looked at the expectant eyes of the team members, and he really wanted to make a strong response, but at this moment he could only say helplessly : "What can I do, the coach is not omnipotent."

There was another sigh in the room, and then Broky suddenly shouted: "Coach, why don't you go on stage and command!"

This idea gave everyone in the second team a lot of hope, but Broky then shattered this hope himself.

"This time the substitute is Brother Electronic."

There was a long silence in the room.

Brother Electronic looked at the dejected team members beside him, and suddenly had an idea.

"Coach, why don't you let me try."


Meng De looked up at Brother Electronics: "Are you confident?"

Although I feel that this decision is unreliable, but after thinking about it carefully, I can only let Brother Electronics as a substitute play the game.

Then next, the conductor can only choose one of the five of them.

kennyS, Broky, Xiaoju, Tig, Brother Electronics.

He didn't see even a piece of command materials for these five people, and he never saw them show any commanding talents on weekdays.

At this moment, Brother Electronics offered to propose, which really surprised him.

"I... played command for a while before, maybe not as strong as g1ve, but I should be able to handle the next game." Brother Electronics bit his finger again, and said: "I think even if I can't win , and won’t lose so badly.”

"Okay!" Meng De can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor now, "Then the next game will be directed by Brother Electronic."

Meng De added: "Brother Electronics, you will mainly watch two more g1ve game videos. You play his position, so that at least the other players can play more comfortably."

"It's okay, just like yesterday, although g1ve failed to make any moves, we still won."

"In today's game, we have stabilized our mentality, and it is not without chance."

Brother Electronic showed a familiar smile on his face: "I will definitely work hard, after all, I also want to win the game and get off work early."

"You boy." Meng De patted Brother Electronic on the shoulder.

After the problem was over, the people in the room began to return to normal again.

Everyone is hurrying to train, and everyone in the first team is always helping Brother Electronics to analyze g1ve's game video.

Wang Yuning is also imparting some command experience to Brother Electronics, sharpening his gun before the battle.

Whether Electronic Brother really served as a conductor, this answer is only known to him.

As a pure gunman, the kind who doesn't even touch big snipers, how could he play in the command position.

It was just because the team needed a commander at this moment, so he took the initiative to stand up.

That's it.

And what if his commanding talents had been kept hidden?

The e-sports people in the new era are all trying to win in the most difficult way in the most tenacious way, as long as they are given even a chance.


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