CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 447 Brother Electronic's command has no idea, it's all parameters

"The final game of the first half came to an end." Coke looked at the score and shouted in surprise, "On the defensive end, we scored 12 points, which is a huge advantage."

"Today, when the lineup is not complete, Brother Electronics will serve as the temporary commander. I thought it was a helpless move, but now I think it was Cao Thief's deliberate action."

"Indeed." Taro echoed from the side, "Look at the score, how does it look like a temporary commander? The first half led by a big score, and in the second half, as long as aka makes a slight mistake, the game can be declared over .”

There was excitement on Yuyuan's face. They didn't have much expectation for today's BO3. After all, gla1ve's illness and the absence of the commander had a great impact on a team.

How can a team win a game without a brain?
But Brother Electronic told them today with the facts, as long as the opponent is killed, there is no need to command.

The game data of the first half soon appeared on the big screen, and the number one player in the game was naturally Crazy Brother Electronics, which was unquestionable for the audience who had watched the entire first half.

I saw the kd next to the electronic brother's avatar: 26/7
The average damage per game is 181.3.

Such exaggerated data instantly filled the live broadcast room with barrage:
[Brother Electronics?Electronic Dad!

[What is a top gun command! 】

[The four teammates add up to almost as many kills as Brother Electronics]

[This aka kidnaps Brother Electronics' daughter, right?]

[A Dian, I solemnly inform you that electric fish is illegal! 】

【Brother Electronics is too tough!

Brother Electronic's exaggerated data made the audience in the venue cheer again. Although they already knew it, they couldn't help cheering after seeing it again.

The fans of aka were full of embarrassment, they couldn't believe that in such a top competition, there would be such fish-like statistics, while the fans of aka were excitedly waving flags in the stadium to cheer.







The audience shouted the name of the protagonist of the game, and they were amazed at the personal ability of Brother Electronics from the bottom of their hearts.

After taking off the headphones, there is no sound blocking on the stage.

The sound of cheering and cheering rushed over, and the usually silent and restrained electronic brother couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart at this moment, enjoying his best moment in the audience!
"Keep playing like this, Ah Dian, we're going to the finals!" Meng De sat behind the players, and he didn't even want to get up.

In this game, aka did not show a good state.

Of course, this also has something to do with being beaten by Brother Electronics. Brother Electronics' performance today is really at the level of a suspect, and he doesn't give the opponent any chance at all.

In the first half, he sat back and had seen multiple kills.

It's exactly like a person in s rank has entered c, the level of dimensionality reduction.

On weekdays, no matter which map he is on, Brother Electronics plays relatively conservatively.

Whether it is defending in the big pit or in the defense of A, it is a static defense.

After today's game, Meng De had some more considerations in his mind.

In the subsequent games, whether to make Brother Electronics' defense dynamic or not, this game proved that Brother Electronics' marksmanship can be even more dazzling once he is not unlucky.

Of course, this is also a follow-up matter. What needs to be done now is to cut through the mess quickly and win the game in Figure [-] first.

Do not give the opponent any chance to comeback in Figure [-].


Ting covered his face in pain.

The performance of all their members in the first half was disastrous. They only scored 3 points, and none of them had more than double-digit kills. It's embarrassing to say it.

However, after experiencing many failures in the second half of last year, their mentality is still very good.

Ting took a deep breath and comforted his teammates: "It's okay, there is no command now, they are easy to play as a defensive team in the first half, but not necessarily offensive in the second half."

Ting patted Yin Carlos on the shoulder and said: "Don't be discouraged, we still have a chance. The road to overtake starting from 3 points has not happened before."

Yin Carlos felt the strength coming from his shoulders, and nodded: "Calm down first, we have to defend well in the second half, as long as you believe in yourself, we can win this game."

After seeing his teammates adjusted their mentality, aka's coach was relieved.

Although the score gap is huge, as long as the mentality is adjusted, it is not impossible to win the pistol round in the second half.

After winning the pistol round in the second half, because of the long distance to the guns on this map, there is a small probability that the bandits will make a comeback.

The first long gun round is won again, the economy is stable, and there will be one or two rounds of fault tolerance in the follow-up.

Therefore, it is not that they have no chance to get the score back in the second half.

Of course, everything is based on the premise of winning the pistol round in the second half.


The half-time break is over, and the two sides return to the game.

Kennys got a p250 provided by his teammates at the beginning, and used it as a sniper at the gangster's house.

At this distance, it is obviously a bit whimsical to be able to draw and headshot.


Kennys is not so whimsical, he is just to collect information.

Broky, who was in the first position, also took the initiative to go out of the door of A to take a look at the situation of University A.

"A lot of people have fallen into the pit."

Broky was not greedy for guns. In the first half, because of Brother Electronics' fierce performance, he couldn't even see people very much. Now he feels a little cold.

Electronic brother's command rhythm is still based on map control, which is also the most familiar rhythm.

The information of each point in the early stage is in hand, b1 and b2 are cleared, and a is not close.

So now it's 3a2b... Brother Electronics thought for a while, and asked tig for a flash bomb.

The instantaneous flash of the middle door is given, and Brother Electronics pulls with the flash.

Before being white, he got the information he wanted on the middle road sand field.

no one!

"So now the middle lane is empty, and there are two people in the b area." Brother Electronics summarized the information. Logically speaking, they should gather at this time to fight a wave of middle road clip b. After all, there are only two members in the b area.

But at the beginning of the game, a lot of people fell into the pit, and he didn't know if anyone returned to the police's house.

If someone returns to the police's house, they will face a wave of b in the middle, and the four-person confrontation they may face is completely worth the loss.

After thinking about it, Brother Electronics finally decided to have a classic attack between A small and A big.

They made some sheep attacks in the middle. Logically speaking, the opponent should send someone to the middle to test.

So in a wave of flanking attacks, they may only face 2 ct enemies.

These two cts are still in a major and a platform respectively, and the pressure they face on the gun is extremely small.

After clearing his mind, Brother Electronics began to issue orders.

"I still have a set of props on me, so Xiaoju and tig will follow me to A small, we will play a wave in A small bomb, A big Kennys and Broky, you two silently touch, wait for us to do the action first."

The tactics are relatively simple, and the large forces move quickly.

On the other side, Yin Carlos did not let people defend the middle.

Because supplementing the defense is really meaningless, even if the police in the pistol bureau let people go, a single police cigarette can make their return to defense useless.

After a brief thought, he chose the place to gamble, 3a remained motionless, lined up in a big line, standing in the blue car, a big passage, and big pit respectively.

Each other can quickly replenish the gun.

The ct in area a only has flash bombs, so now we can only wait for vc's next move.

"This is preparing for a wave of 32 and a. The kb combination is ready for a big, a small to make moves, and door a to find a chance to make a move." Taro Yuan's commentary experience is still very rich. Know how they want to fight.

A started to explode bombs, a flash bomb cleared closer, and then Bao ignited, high flashes were given out one after another, and the pressure on the props was sufficient.

Broky and Kennys also started to put pressure on them. The two saw Ting at a big corner at a glance, and started to exchange fire crazily.

Broky's first shot hit Ting's head when he went out, but just as he was about to pursue him, another gunshot came from the front right.

The sixth child who was hiding in the big pit finally made a move, and Broky was instantly caught sideways.

Kennys in Gate A also came out, although under broky's reminder, he knew that there was a ct in the big pit.

But an a big high flash exploded, and Kennys was all white. Facing the three men's supplementary guns, he was powerless to fight back.

Yin Carlos's on-the-spot decision-making, even if Taro is more biased, has to be admired.

"When a big and a small are attacking, they actively choose to fight against the clear side. The kb combination can't withstand the pressure at all and is eaten directly."

"Now the game has come to a 2v4 endgame. The bandits are only left with Xiaoju and Brother Electronics. It is not easy for the bandits to deal with."

When the number of people is not dominant, Brother Electronics' judgment is quick.

Didn't aka also choose to put one side aside and take the initiative to clear the other side?

He directly came to make a replica on the spot.

"Xiaoju, let's beat A Xiao, and beat them back to defense first!"

After unloading the bag, Xiaoju followed immediately, and the two played a little routine. Xiaoju took the initiative to step on the left side, while Electronic Brother kept silent.

After hearing the sound of Xiaoju's footsteps, the two CTs who had already returned to the defense of A Xiao didn't hide, and planned to pounce on Xiaoju first, so that Brother Electronics, whose position was locked, would become their meal.

Xiaoju was instantly killed by the two men's shotguns, leaving only Brother Electronics on the a trail.

Brother Electronics immediately replenished the gun, Glock aimed quickly, and shot crazily at CT's head.

"There is only one electronic brother left, he has no chance... Alas, it seems that there is another chance!" Coke said pleasantly.

"Brother Electronics directly unlocked the lock in the middle of the alley, a headshot, another shot, another headshot, and the two of A's were all killed by him!"

"Brother Electronics in the endgame, the helpless passive has been triggered!"

"Brother Electronic still has 37 drops of blood left. He is still an unarmored Glock. He has dealt with all the counter-defense cts of the small A, but what they downloaded is a safety bag, and the supplementary gun of the big A has also come. !"

"Yin Carlos pulled out horizontally, wanting to end the pain of the pistol round, but Brother Electronic shot his head backhanded. It's not a lock! Yin Carlos panicked, but he couldn't escape!

Brother Electronics wanted to get off work too much, so he filled up the parameters directly!He is simply No.1 anti-involution! "

"Come to the end of the 1v1 bullfight. Steady wanted to be steady, but now he can only come out to look for Brother Electronics. He previewed the scalp and pulled it horizontally. Steady take away."

"I really don't want to brag about Brother Electronic anymore, but he bowed his head!"

I don't know how many times the applause on the scene has sounded for Brother Electronics.

Yin Carlos scratched his hair in frustration. He was too anxious this round. If he came out with Steady, there wouldn't be so many things.

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Ting figured it out, the more anxious he was, the worse he would be in this match, "Let's get stronger, our economy is still good, and we still have a chance to come back."

Yin Carlos could only give it a try, assigning firearm combinations to the team.

In the following round, Steady took the initiative to attack with a bird sniper at the beginning, and took out broky who had passed a point in the middle with one shot, and got the first kill for aka.

In the follow-up firefight of A, the attack was a bit decisive, but they slowly dealt with it with mixed smoke, double fights, etc. In the end, Kaka won the endgame with difficulty and announced a comeback.

On the other side, after losing the second round, the team's economy has some problems.

But Brother Electronics didn't plan to deal with the other party so much. He directly sucked Broky's blood and asked him to send out an AK47.

Broky laughed while making complaints: "Have you ever seen any team send a hero AK to the commander."

But despite the words of bb, Brother Electronic's performance today really conquered them, and Broky is quite cooperative.

Then a wave of simple mid-lane clip b, electronic brother cooperated with tig, and directly penetrated the b area.

Brother Electronics' AK is like a bulldozer, it pushes flat all the way, and it hits people in seconds.

aka has lost so many rounds in a row, and the hand feeling is not good at all, and at this moment, his head is buzzing after being beaten.

Not only won the round, but also harvested three spears, and the economy improved instantly.

The score also came to 14:4. In the current situation, even Yin Carlos and the others knew in their hearts that there was basically no possibility of a comeback. They failed to grasp the most likely point of a comeback.

The fact is also true, even if they made a few unconventional front-tops in the follow-up, they only managed to get a score.

The rest of the rounds were crushed by strong offenses.

Their icy touch couldn't withstand the simple and violent attack at all, and they couldn't even hold on to the basic shooting, so there was no need to talk about the follow-up comeback.

In the end, in a wave of a big push, at the price of one for three, he successfully won the control of the package point.

The positions of the two back-to-defense cts were also locked, and they were constantly suppressed by props. Later, they could only choose to shoot out suddenly, but they were faced with real bullets.

16: 5.
Fans belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States in the audience watched the game in great pain!

aka was beaten all round, the culprit was that guy named 'eleic'!

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