CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 450 The battle song begins, give it a go!

Chapter 450 The battle song begins, give it a go!
On the bench of VC.

The mood of the whole team was slightly depressed.

Brother Electronics propped his face, without saying a word, he seemed a bit stupefied.

Only he himself knows, he just laments how powerful the game of command is.

He was just a pure rifleman in the team before, so he didn't know these three things about command.

Now he has become a temporary commander, and when he seeks a job in his position, he has to think from the perspective of command whether he is considering or playing games.

Only then did he realize that the role of command is so great.

He must keep his full attention throughout the whole process, and must always receive the information conveyed by his teammates and summarize it.

Then find the weak point of the opponent's defense, and finally coordinate a wave of bomb attack.

Processing a large amount of information is quite time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Moreover, their offense had to be completed in a very short period of time, and the opponent's position was not motionless.

One more, face AKA.

Brother Electronic still has to think about Icarus's betting point. There are too many factors to consider, which makes him feel dizzy for a while. At this moment, he is even more thinking about whether it is right or wrong for him to be the temporary commander.

Seeing the hesitation on Electronic Brother's face, Meng De took the initiative to comfort him:

"Don't stress, we didn't play with a complete lineup in today's game, even if we were eliminated 0-2, it is common sense."

Brother Electronic bit his finger: "But since I have won, and there is such a slight possibility of winning, I don't want to lose."

If he was crushed from the first round, then he didn't have any thoughts.

But since they won a game, it meant that they didn't have a chance to win today's game, and his fighting spirit was also aroused.

Broky said from the side: "I have a big problem. I didn't play very well in the two maps today."

After the loss in Figure [-], he lost the mood to work hard.

After winning the game, there is nothing wrong with joking and laughing.

But after losing the game, it would be disgusting to do that again.

kennyS suggested: "No picture [-] Purgatory Town, let me play more proactively, Purgatory Town is my strong picture."

Meng De pondered for a while, and did not take the initiative to reply to kennyS's proposal, but looked at Brother Electronics.

"Picture [-], you still play according to your own ideas."

"But what if Icarus plays some more games?" Brother Electronic said in a low voice, he was simply afraid of being bet in the second picture.

Meng De looked down at Brother Electronics, and said very firmly:
"It's impossible for them to still have such a high success rate. Icarus has repeatedly succeeded in betting on Nuke, which is based on Nuke's special map structure. Even if the betting fails, they can quickly return to defense."

"But picture three is the town of purgatory. On the map of purgatory town, it only takes about 20 seconds to turn from area B to area A. The bandit's turning speed is quite fast."

"That said, once we sense that something isn't right in an area, we can make a pivot pretty quickly."

Brother Electronic added: "If they can return to defense synchronously, they will be faster than us."

They still remember the details on the running map clearly.

"So what, no matter how fast you go, it's just going to the bunker and the link. There is no one in the direction of Dakeng. You only need to face the gun line at an angle."

Meng De summed up his speech:

"That's why it's hard for AKA's bets to make much profit in the town of Purgatory. As long as you use what you usually practice, why can't we win!"

Meng De's speech was well-founded and made the team members feel hopeful again.

Broky was ignited by Meng De's chicken soup, and shouted loudly: "What the hell, I didn't have any hope today anyway. Who is afraid of anyone? If you win, you will earn blood, and if you lose, you will not lose!"

Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, Broky is full of confidence at the moment!

Others are also gearing up one after another, and their self-confidence is slowly recovering.

With the sound of the battle song in the venue, the game of life and death in Figure [-] officially started!
"The BO3 match has come to the end. Picture [-] is the Purgatory Town that VC.A has always been good at. They still have a chance to win." Coke said sincerely in the live broadcast room.In fact, regardless of whether VC.A is good at this map or not, he will say that, because he really hopes that VC.A can win the game, after all, he is his own child.

"After fighting for sides, VC.A got the right to choose sides, and they chose to be the defensive side first." Yuyuan added, "It's a good start."

The pistol round begins.

Brother Electronics looked at the information about AKA on the tactical paper, and played a 3B2A at the beginning.

At the same time, he fired a smoke bomb himself, and a CZ pistol.

"Xiaoju, go jump on the slate to get the information, we will pick you up later." Brother Electronics said to Xiaoju.

"no problem."

The countdown ended, and several people strode towards the banana road.

Tig and Brother Electronic stopped at the police house and Yixiang respectively, while Xiaoju rushed to the banana road.

Jump scouting.

"Three! I'll back off first." Xiaoju reported that she had received the information.

"I didn't come after you." Tig was in the box for the first time, just to listen to the sound near the stone slab. The opponent's style of play was still relatively cautious, and he didn't forcefully chase Xiaoju.

After getting the information, the policemen in Electronic Capital were not in such a hurry to hand in cigarettes, they kept swaying around to investigate, and quietly waited for the follow-up movement.

"The bandits gathered in the banana road, quietly cleared the nearby sandbags, and how to fight next, the bomb exploded directly!!" AKA's decisiveness made several people in the commentary stand unexpected.

However, Brother Electronics had prepared early, and the moment he saw the projectile, he handed over the smoke bomb in his hand.

After the smoke exploded, he immediately moved to the audience, ready to hold a CZ smoke bomb.

But before he saw the enemy bursting out of smoke, a bullet in the smoke floated to his head.


Coupled with the shot that was shot in the shoulder in front, Brother Electronics instantly turned red.

This time, the audience didn't dare to fight anymore, don't wait to be killed by the opponent before getting a kill.

Brother Electronics immediately moved to the direction of the first box. At this moment, the three police officers in area B had become a crossfire of the first box, the third box, and the coffin.

"Ah Dian, hide and die. If you try to steal it, I'll hook it for you." Tig of the third box took the initiative to say that this is necessary communication, otherwise the thinking of the enemy will not be clear, and it will be very difficult to fight later.

On the other side of the smoke, after a wave of explosive bombs, there were very few items left in the hands of the bandits.

It is obviously a bit reluctant to turn again, and no one is after the side lane is cut off, so they don't know what the situation of the police in Area A is.

Icarus said: "I'll throw the hidden smoke, you all rush out together, you can't beat it!"

At the moment when the smoke was about to disperse, Icarus threw out his own flashlight, and the large army of bandits also launched an attack.

Because they didn't have too many props, they hesitated to fight too late, and immediately exchanged fire with the three boxes of Tig.

Tig understands his mission, just doing a hook and getting the other side to notice him is enough.

His mission was very successful, he shot continuously, although he didn't get even one kill, but the opponents all came to gather three boxes.

At this time, Xiaoju, who had been hiding in the coffin, seized the opportunity and showed her fangs!
"Xiaoju finally stood up, there are 4 bandits in Tong B, the duo in Area A can return to defense!"

"However, Xiaoju has already made a move. USP knocked out one shot, two shots, and another shot, oh!! Another shot! Xiaoju's crazy output in the coffin!"

In the upper right corner, there were two killing messages of Xiaoju soon, but his location was soon discovered. Facing the concentrated fire of a large number of enemies, Xiaoju could only temporarily avoid the edge.

Brother Electronics who was hiding in a box finally planned to make a move.

He pulled it out horizontally, and opened fire with the CZ in his hand.

But the amount of blood was too low, he only fired three shots, and was replaced by a bullet from the opponent, there was really no way.

"The location of the two CTs in Area B has been determined. A large number of bandits gathered in the audience. Xiaoju heard footsteps and chose to retreat behind the coffin smoke. But in this way, Tig can only rely on Tig to fight alone!"

Xiaoju made the right choice to sell Tig in this wave, because in his position, if he is taken out, it may be difficult to even end the game.

Xiaoju must stand in the back garden.

Tig knew he had to fight alone, and chose to attack after hearing footsteps on the left.

Aim quickly.


【VC.A Tig kills AKA.Boo with a headshot with a usp pistol】

But Tig's body control is not very good, or in other words, the opponent's shot is too fast.

Before Tig could fire a second shot, Glock's bullet hit him in the head.

[AKA.steady kills VC.A Tig with a headshot with a Glock pistol]

But Tig's task has been completed, he not only helped to seduce enough, but also replaced one, which is already blood money.

Now it's the bandit's 2v3 endgame, the police have a numerical advantage, and their back defense is in place.

VC.A's defensive exchange of fire in area B was considered a success.

"steady still has a police cigarette in his hand, and time is running out. They have to put down the thunder bag before they have another chance." Yu Yuan analyzed.

Steady at the dead center threw a smoke bomb at the police house.

But he was not in a hurry, because he knew that the police's defense was already in place, and he had to take the initiative to attack and knock down one or two before he had a chance to get a package.

Steady jumped onto the water tank at the dead point, took advantage of the height difference of the opponent's preview, and directly grabbed a surprise by pulling horizontally.

Xiaoju didn't expect that Steady would come out of this position and be headshot by a bullet.

The situation has come to 2 vs 2.
Steady came to the pillar to pick up the mine bag, then peeked again, and Glock clicked quickly.

kennyS was instantly beaten into residual blood, and moved his position immediately.

But Broky resisted the desire to make a move, and he hid by the rightmost wall in the back garden.

Patience became his best weapon. Another bandit in the audience planned to cooperate to clear the back garden, but Broky killed him with a single shot.

"2 against 1, there is not much time, just delay." Brother Electronic reminded.

kennyS moved to the police house, hiding and waiting for a shot.

And Steady also understands VC.A's thoughts, and the positions of both sides have been revealed at this moment.

CT has a back garden and a police home.

The bandits are near the three boxes.

For steady, this endgame is basically hopeless.

Steady used the cover and moved around the second box. He had to find an angle to kill one person first.

But Broky is very oily, he keeps swaying around, and just doesn't stop to confront him.

Steady was very anxious. After shooting Broky back, he immediately turned his head to look at the police.

He finally grasped that chance, kennyS originally wanted to move to the direction of Banana Road.

But he was caught on the road, and he was shot and taken away by steady.

Steady has achieved four kills at this moment, but the time above is only 6 seconds.

There's no time for him to lose weight with Broky anymore.

Steady gritted his teeth, used the fountain as a cover, and got off a bag near the second box.

But Broky on the other side had already gone around to the police house, and the moment Steady put down the mine bag, he shot him twice to death.

English stream commentator Henry said: "It's a pity, give Steady another half a second, he hides behind the second box, maybe he has a chance."

"Indeed, Steady played four pistol rounds and didn't win, which is too uncomfortable." Johnny added, "But after getting four kills, they put down the mine bag again, and they should be able to force it directly in the next round .”


The pistol round was won without any risk. For VC.A, it was definitely an inspiring round.

Brother Electronic calculated the opponent's economy, and then said: "They should be strong this round, but the overall economy is not much, we still start with 3B, control Banana Road and then Tig will link back."

Brother Electronics' judgment was quite correct. In this round, AKA launched two full-armor AK47s, plus three full-armor Sand Eagles. The combat power is quite sufficient.

But they also have a problem, that is, there are no props, and the control over the banana road is relatively weak.

At the beginning, they only lost one wooden barrel fire. After feeling the pressure, AKA withdrew from the competition for Banana Road.

On the CT side, follow the previous arrangement. After gaining control of the Banana Road, Tig returned to the link to play with kennyS, and Electronic Brother stayed in the B area.

Brother Electronics jumped behind the stone slab to investigate. No one saw any movement from the bandits, so he took the initiative to remind Area A to be vigilant.

kennyS immediately handed over a fire in the middle to give a little pressure.

But in the next second, someone heard a burning sound!

"There is someone near the middle, someone was burned!" kennyS shouted.

Hearing this, Tig walked closer to the link, and after kennyS's fire went out, he immediately added another fire, further shortening the time for the bandits to control the map.

kennyS analysis: "Later, if they want to play A, they should clear the middle lane immediately after the fire is extinguished. Tig, catch me a flash, and I will go out and fight against it."

"No problem, I'll give it to you later if you want flashes." Tig immediately took a few steps back and started grabbing flashes.

kennyS hid in the link groove. A few seconds after the fire went out, he felt that the time was almost up, so he immediately asked Tig to dodge.

A flash burst from Tig, and kennyS took the initiative to peek to the left.

A bandit covered his eyes all white!

kennyS shot the M4A4 in his hand, a short burst shot, and successfully got the first kill of this round, and he also disabled one.

He didn't take a gun, and immediately retreated back to the link groove.

Tig has no flash in his hand, so he took the initiative to come to the close point and planned to double pull with kennyS.

But a fire from the bandit was thrown over, turning kennyS into a teppanyaki ingredient.

"KennyS was burned out by the fire, he had nowhere to go, but kennyS stepped on the fire and hit one! Looking to the left and looking for an angle, he maimed another one!"

"Broky threw a grenade into the middle lane, and sent away the two bloody bandits. In an instant, all the bandits in the middle lane evaporated!!"

At the same time, Tig also grabbed and killed Icarus on the second floor from the edge of the packing box.

In a few seconds, the situation changed drastically.

Before the fire in the middle was extinguished, there were still five of them remaining, discussing the matter of the bomb exploding in the next second.

But within a few seconds after the fire was extinguished, only Ting was left with three drops of blood on his back, and they started to retreat.

Although Ting made up for kennyS in this wave, it only made up for kennyS.

His teammates have all fallen!
He had no choice but to save his gun.

 There are still today, and I have started to work hard to update.

(End of this chapter)

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