CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 457 Upset, still upset!

The score above the screen in the lounge is 1:0.
GOD used the fiery state of all members to easily win the map they chose.

"I didn't expect GOD to be so fierce this year?" The director recalled the scene he saw just now, and felt the pressure again for the second team's game tomorrow.

Today's GOD play style is quite simple, very much like Electronic Brother's commanding style, the overall tactics are not shown much, just crushed by the average state of the players.

But this is also the simplest game between the top teams.

In most cases at this level of competition, fewer mistakes are more important than which team plays better.

They are all the top teams, and the difference in level is not so obvious. The game between the personal ability of the players and the command is very important.

Now the state of GOD shown in Figure [-] is a bit unstoppable.

Figure [-] was won by GOD, and the pressure came to AE.

However, judging from the camera, several members of the AE team still maintain a good attitude.

"These old B players have something offline." Broky lamented that they were able to maintain a good performance in offline games, mainly because their record has not been smooth all the time, and they are used to fighting against the wind.

But AE is more calm and calm. They are still not in a hurry to lose the first picture. Their self-confidence comes from their brilliant record.

kennyS said maliciously at the side: "If AE is eliminated by GOD in the semi-finals, it will be fun."

Because of the strong rise of the AE team in the past two years, they have achieved very good results in almost every competition they participated in.

Even as long as they participate in a certain series, they can become the favorites to win that series.

The moment the audience saw AE, they were already thinking about how he would play in the finals. He was so strong.

If AE falls in the semifinals, it will be a big upset.

kennyS is already looking forward to the public opinion on the Internet at that time.

That must be fun!
After the halftime break, the second picture is the Purgatory town chosen by the AE team, and the game will start soon.

AE proved at the beginning that their self-confidence comes from their strength.

When I came up, I used a wave of links to clip A, and gave GOD a disarm.

GOD naturally didn't intend to suffer this loss, and directly carried out a wave of strong moves, trying to create miracles with Sand Eagle.

But it's a pity.

AE's discipline is quite good, GOD only replaced one person, and all members were defeated.

In the early stage, AE showed due dominance in the town of Purgatory. At this moment, the three stars marked by the AE team seem to be shining, telling their past.

The audience also thought that the next game would also start to enter AE's own rhythm.

After all, although GOD is strong, it is also a veteran team in the public eye.

But they are old brands after all!

In recent years, his strength has not been particularly outstanding, and his most recent outstanding result was only the champion of the Asian Invitational Tournament.

Although the Asian Invitational Tournament is also an S-level event, the gold content is still lower in the same level of events.

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【CSGO E-sports Manager】【】

Moreover, one side is a four-time champion, and the other side is a former faith player, so you can tell who is strong and who is weak.

Figure [-] Although GOD played well, but in their view, it should be like this. …

But as the game continued to deepen, the Blue Horse Cavaliers won a 1V3 endgame in the defense zone B, which ignited the feeling of teammates.

GOD started to score, and the two sides played a bit inseparable.

"What is this?" S1mle was a little puzzled, "Did GOD play too well today, or AE played too badly?"

Mengde finally discovered the problem in an AE attack with a wave of banana lanes.

AE prepared a wave of rapid explosive bombs in the B area after the early stage test was over.

There is no problem with the location and timing of the bombs.

However, they had a big problem with the connection of props!

The bandits in the first position are all rushing forward while eating the flashes of their teammates, so there is no follow-up combat power.

The offense doesn't look like a TEAM at all, and this kind of situation is usually only seen in the second and third tier teams.

The continuous illness also made them start to look for problems by themselves, and the timeout was called out.

But suspension is not a panacea, and the problem of poor AE status is still put in front of us.

But fortunately, they replaced the defensive end in the second half, and their hands slowly warmed up.

AE's final details on this map are still in place.

The blue horse knight and Maden have been crazy about Carry, but they still haven't been able to kill the game.

AE won the town of Purgatory, and the game was dragged into the third picture.

"This is the feeling of fighting to the end." Mengde sighed.

Although the overall strength of GOD is indeed not as good as that of AE, this is almost beyond doubt.

But GOD's performance today is much better than AE.

In this semi-final, AE made too many simple mistakes that they could not have made before.

The long vacation made the state of this dynastic team inevitably begin to decline.

The cruelty and friendliness of CSGO are fully displayed in this game.

Although AE is the ruler of the arena today, once they relax for a while, the feel and state will start to decline.

Although GOD's overall strength is not as good as AE, they have maintained a good competitive state through hard training, and today they are fighting AE with fewer mistakes.

Come to picture [-], the map is Death Building.

The appearance of this map has increased the uncertainty of the game.

Because this map only appeared after the offseason, whether it is GOD or AE, there is too little data on this map.

In other words, in the next picture [-], whoever appears to win is possible.

It is basically impossible for both sides to study their opponents, they can only rely on their own performance to win.

At the beginning of picture [-], after fighting to choose sides, GOD won the victory.

They accidentally chose the attacking side to start.

Due to the rhythm of the map, Area B is easy to defend and difficult to attack because of the rhythm of the map, so under normal circumstances, Area A will become the main target of bandits.

Big A will also become a normal offensive style of play, resulting in a boring game.

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【CSGO E-sports Manager】【】

But at this moment, because of the arrival of the life and death situation, the scene was even more complicated.

At the beginning of the pistol round, GOD brought the audience a new wave of mid-clamp B. Relying on the synchronization of the two positions, they successfully gained a considerable advantage. Although Lucky returned to defend and hit a triple kill, he still failed Come back.

After the pistol round, AE directly chose to run naked u to accumulate money.

When the long gun round came, AE chose to take the initiative to attack slope A with a wave of props. The two sides continued to test on slope A with smoke. AE gets the first point of the game. …

However, GOD still has the economy, and the two sides still fight back and forth.

In the 9th round, the score of the two sides was 6:2.
The situation was not good, so Lucky chose the big sniper to take the initiative to go forward. GOD's middle lane just didn't let anyone go. After a wave of information, the bandit's attack seemed transparent to them. The CT in area B started to defend and easily won the round .

But before AE got a few more points, GOD used a wave of ruB to get the rhythm into their hands again.

AE thought that this wave of GOD was just a sudden and unconventional one, so he didn't take it seriously. The B area still only puts Bug alone.

Then the bandits pierced Area B again.

After GOD scored two consecutive waves in Area B, he turned around and chose to go to Area A to find trouble.

This time, AE's defense directly became frightened.

As soon as there is information in any position, immediately start to return to defense.

GOD's commanding ideas are also very clear, fake fights, guns, and turn points are very smooth.

The AE team was controlled by him like a marionette.

After the first half, the score between the two sides was an exaggerated 11:4.
This score is absolutely dangerous for AE.

But if they play well in the early part of the second half, it is not impossible to come back.

It's just a pity that the game in the second half of the first half seemed to have confused AE's mind.

In the second half, they didn't wait for GOD to exert their strength, and they used a series of complex tactics to kill themselves.

The final three-point score was fixed at 16:6.
GOD won AE with a 2-1 advantage and successfully entered the final of IEM Cologne!

"This is a big problem." Meng De frowned as he saw the excitement of the GOD people in the live broadcast room.

The strength of Group A is strong, and they have also analyzed many things in this game.

But there are very few games between them and GOD, and there are not many data samples for this team, which is more troublesome.

But now that GOD has been confirmed to be their opponent tomorrow, they have no choice but to bite the bullet even if they don't study it.

"Let's go, everyone pack your bags quickly, and we'll start the training match when we get back." Mengde put on his coat and said to everyone in the lounge.

Several people also realized the seriousness of the matter, quickly took their own peripherals, and started to keep up with the coach.

All VC members returned to the training room of the hotel soon, and the team leader Wu Qianghe had been waiting in the training room for a long time.

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【CSGO E-sports Manager】【】

With too little experience in hand-to-hand combat, there is no way to do it. Now they can only let the first team imitate GOD's style of play and start training simulations.

After only playing a few games, the training match finally stopped.

Because even if a team imitates other teams, their personal style is still too strong, not that taste at all.

Just when they were at a loss, Wu Qiang hurried over from the door with a smile on his face: "Coach AKA agreed."

After hearing the news he wanted, Meng De was finally relieved.

Because he had checked the recent game records before, among the first-line teams, the one who fought God the most was actually HC.

It's just that V's relationship has never been particularly good, so Meng De didn't set his sights on HC.

The second is AKA.

As their former big brothers, AKA and GOD have countless records of fighting.

And the fights have been quite frequent recently.

The failure of VC's simulation was within his expectation. He is the coach of VC, so of course he knew what team he was leading. …

With a strong personal style, it is difficult to imitate the system team.

Because they played stiffly in many systems, but they were able to solve the problems with their personal abilities, which brought about a huge gap.

But AKA is different. Although they are also playing with their individual abilities, they have been changing towards the direction of the team in the past year.

AKA also thinks thoroughly, now is a critical period for VC, the relationship between the two teams is already good, and their help is tantamount to sending charcoal in a timely manner, allowing VC to owe them a favor.

At most, they only pay for a day's rest.

Besides, it's not just one person who can gain in the training match.

Mengde invited everyone from AKA to enter the server, explained the needs, asked AKA to cooperate as much as possible, and started the evening training match.

This night, there were a total of eight fierce battles with AKA, playing all four maps that might be played.

After AKA knew Meng De's needs, he completely played like GOD's system.

The various map control modes are exactly the same as the recent GOD, only the small details of the players' personal operations are slightly different.

Although Icarus was pissed off by Brother Electronics before, he still generously told Brother Electronics some details about the command.

Brother Electronic and him are fellow villagers after all.

Then Meng De signaled that he and Wang Yuning would go over, and frantically stole a teacher from Brother Electronics to learn skills.

Although they and Icarus are both high-level conductors, they are indeed not as good as Icarus in terms of betting experience.

Most of their bets are induced by information, while Icarus's bets pay more attention to psychological games.

He prefers to predict the bandit's offensive ideas in advance through economic analysis and the opponent's offensive habits.

"Sometimes, even if you have an economic advantage, you can make a bet, which will make them feel more hesitant to play. As long as they lose their determination to attack, their momentum will be half lost." Icarus said to his little brother He taught him everything, and began to urge Brother Electronics again: "You have to work hard, as long as you learn half of my experience, you can remove the temporary in the temporary command."

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【CSGO E-sports Manager】【】

"Then look for opportunities next year to take my place. It's not impossible."

Mengde immediately said: "Icarus is still here, isn't it a bit too much?"

Icarus laughed when he heard it, and didn't mention it again.

Meng De didn't pay too much attention to this matter. He could clearly feel the current state of the team, and there was not much conflict. At most, NIKO and a few people were fighting.

After the training match, he also began to frantically carry out his own ideas.

Electronic brother He's conducting style has given him a lot of inspiration today.

He started discussing various possibilities of map control with Meng De, and the overall efficiency was quite amazing.

They solved the difficult problems bit by bit, and all the VC staff were busy all night, and they seized every possible growth opportunity to make progress!
They didn't realize it was getting late until late at night when Broky's stomach made a sound.

Meng De ordered some Broky happy meals, it was late, and they didn't intend to run away.

As for the takeaway, Meng De took the time to look at the comments on the semi-finals on the external network.

It was no different from what he expected.

GOD's victory in AE is a long-lost upset, and GOD can be regarded as once again entering the public's field of vision.

On the other hand, overturning AKA also sparked some discussions.

However, their strength looks too much like a burst seed, especially under the terrifying performance of Brother Electronics, it makes people feel less stable than them.

Under the discussion of IEM Cologne, many people are skeptical about whether it can maintain today's level.

Mengde pressed the lock screen, put the phone on the bedside table, and turned off the lights along the way.

Not optimistic about us?
Meng De closed his eyes, and the trophy in the center of the Lonny Stadium in the picture was dazzling and bright.

He was surrounded by the team and became the center of the world amidst the cheers of tens of thousands of people.

What a beautiful scene, even for that moment, tomorrow's game cannot be lost!

Guys, the hard work you put in will finally pay off.

Let the audience see for themselves in tomorrow's game, whether we can do it!

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