CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 467 Than a sniper rifle?Who do you think you're messing with!

Chapter 467 Than a sniper rifle?Who do you think you're messing with!
The consecutive rounds of victories after the timeout allowed VC.A to regain the rhythm of the game and start its own journey of chasing points.

After GOD failed in both long gun rounds, their economy was also in an embarrassing state.

According to the routine, the economic advantage brought by the previous five consecutive victories can allow GOD to play three long gun rounds.

But the problem is that GOD's process of scoring points is not particularly smooth. Almost every round drops two or more spears, which makes their economic accumulation extremely slow.

Moreover, in the consecutive rounds in which VC.A won, they not only got one kill, but they didn't even put down the mine bag, which made their finances unable to make ends meet.

In the subsequent rounds, they can only conduct economic rounds.

The score came all the way to 5:5, and a wave of smooth rhythm allowed VC.A to directly tie the score.

In the Aloha live broadcast room.

Aloha, who has already become the first blower of Team A, took the initiative to say: "Roll, have you noticed the economy of both sides?"

Roll nodded: "Of course I saw it. Team A has played very well in the past few rounds. The consecutive victories have directly activated the economy, and the next few minutes have been full of fault tolerance."

"What you see is still too superficial." Aloha denied Roll's superficial views, and then analyzed to the audience in the live broadcast room, "VC.A has always been quite famous for its grasp of the economy. They If you can always win, you can run the economy well.”

"In today's rounds, on the one hand, they have a clear mind and seized the opportunity; on the other hand, they have control over their own economy. They know what to do to ensure that they win the next round and at the same time, Drop as few people as possible."

Aloha gave an example: "I remember playing a training match of Sand II before, Team A was the offensive team, after the long gun round started, we scored 4 points in a row all the way, and wiped out their economy. "

"But our economy has not been very good. While we can defend, the economy is getting less and less, and the gun is getting worse."

"In the end, it was even more of a fight. I didn't even have a long gun. I stopped the training match at that time, and this person was completely fooled."

Roll was surprised when he heard this, and asked suspiciously: "Your bragging is a bit exaggerated."

Aloha sighed deeply: "This is not bragging, it's the truth!"

Aloha's complaints gave the audience a new understanding of VC.A's first-line crane tail.

Combined with the current game, they think that GOD will suffer a lot next time. There is not much time in the first half, and VC.A still has a lot of fault tolerance in long gun rounds. In the last few rounds, there is still great hope of scoring points. of.

From this point of view, at the end of the first half, it is quite possible for VC.A to get an advantage.


After the score was tied, GOD also called out their first tactical timeout in Figure [-].

Under the hustle and bustle of the audience, the atmosphere in the contestant's bench was somewhat dignified.

RAS rubbed his eyes with his fingers, doing eye exercises, trying to think of a way to break the situation.

IQ9 suggested from the side: "Otherwise, let's change back to a dynamic attack, collect information and play slowly."

RAS opened his mouth and sighed again: "But the other side's strength is collecting information, we really may not be able to do it well."

Although professional players have to have confidence in themselves, they also need to have a clear understanding of themselves.

It's like it's impossible for O'Neal to say that his three-point shooting skills are better than Curry's in the NBA.

Each team has its own strengths, and their strengths are obviously not in information collection.

The blue horse knight pondered for a while, and found that it was really hard to find a way to break the situation, so he offered to propose: "I am in a good position, why don't I go to Banana Road with a big sniper and grab a first kill. "

Blue Horse Knight has actually been a sniper since his debut.

He also existed as the team's main sniper in GOD before.

As for why he doesn't serve as the main sniper now, it's mainly because Maden doesn't play well in the rifleman position, and the blue horse knight took the initiative to stand up and become the team's deputy sniper and breakthrough player.

This way of lowering the upper limit actually makes many GOD fans feel a little pity.

But the move of the blue horse knight did bring a higher lower limit to GOD at that time.

So now the blue horse knight chose to trust his big sniper again, and planned to use the sniper rifle to break the situation.


"The blue horse knight took out his big sniper and took the initiative to come to the banana road. The situation is not good, which makes him a little unhappy." Henry said, "Now he is going to bring the rhythm. As last year's TOP2 player, he must You have to perform to the best of your ability.”

The Blue Horse Knight used a spinning jump to enter the tree position at the beginning. He did not stand straight on the banana barrel, but faced the wall and waited for the opportunity.

After many consecutive rounds of fighting, he also understood what the opponent's opening moves were like.

CT gave a smoke at the entrance of the banana road and a fire in the middle of the game. He thought clearly, and immediately said: "Help me throw the smoke to put out the fire, don't let them rush me closer!"

After hearing the smoke, RAS smoked immediately and extinguished the fire in the middle.

The gla1ve on the other side could hear clearly, and knew that the smoke exploded later, not from the entrance smoke.

The middle fire Broky threw was designed to burn the groove, so he quickly said: "Let's blast thunder into the groove together, Xiaoju."

The moment he spoke, the thunder in his hand was thrown out.

Coke in the commentary seat looked forward to seeing this scene: "Does the blue horse rider need to eat two mines?"

The director screen gave a third perspective of Banana Road, and saw two grenades thrown from gla1ve and Xiaoju, hit the wall above the tree pile, and then bounced into the groove.

These two grenades did little damage to the blue horse knight in the tree position.

gla1ve glanced at the upper right corner, no kill information appeared, and immediately started the next move: "The opposite groove may have retreated, let's pursue the victory and completely control the control of Banana Road."

The smoke bomb in Xiaoju's hand came out, sealing off the view of the entrance.

gla1ve gave another near-point fire, and cleared the slate against the wall, which is the most threatening position to them.

Xiaoju swayed and jumped close to the stone slab, and got the information in the banana road.

The left side of the middle section is full of smoke, which does not pose a major threat for the time being.

Then the tree position on the right has to be cleared.

Xiaoju gave the last Molotov cocktail in Area B.

Now that the fire was thrown from the tree position, the blue horse rider hiding inside finally couldn't face the wall and think about it. He took out the smoke bomb and threw it towards the other end of the flame.

This fire extinguishing method can not only ensure his survival, but also leave a lot of vision.

He doesn't intend to give up Banana Road, this wave is definitely going to be a fight to the death, otherwise he feels like he lost all the points in the first half.

Put out the fire in the tree position, let gla1ve clearly know that there are people inside.

Xiaoju charged forward directly, intending to take advantage of the locked position and kill Shuwei.

But the moment he rushed forward, the bandit in the tree came out with a big sniper in his hand!

Driven by the gunpowder, the bullet exploded at an extremely fast speed, and before Xiaoju even had time to aim, he was pierced through the chest and died on the spot!
【GOD.LnMu used AWP to kill VC.A Jamyoung】

"Blue Horse Knight's unarmored sniper is a second first, and then comes out to fight after pulling the bolt, gla1ve is white, and ran back in a hurry!"

"The Blue Horse Knight got hit again with a sniper shot. He hit but didn't kill him. However, RAS's shot was very timely, and he directly shot gla1ve, so he didn't have the possibility of making a point!"

After getting two kills, the blue horse knight had a clear mind at this moment, he moved all the way to the barrel, and shot straight at the policeman.

"Don't worry, wait for me to fight for 2 seconds, and charge straight in if there is no anti-smoke!"

Broky's return defense was in place, but he didn't know where the opponent was at for a while, and he was a little hesitant for a while.

The bandits on the other side saw that there was no anti-cigarette, and immediately began to seal off the police's house, and rushed to the pack site in a wave.

They played very carefully, even in order to avoid Broky's random smoke, and even threw the thunder bag over.

The number of people in area B dropped so fast that they didn't even have time to return to defense.

3 on 5 back to defend against the endgame, gla1ve did not hesitate, and directly asked his teammates to save the gun.

There is absolutely no need to fight this kind of endgame.

But on the other side, kennyS came to the VIP with a big sniper, and he always felt that the other party left a bandit in the side lane.

After careful inventory, he really found the broken IQ9, and the big sniper shot him to death, making up for a small loss for the team.

"The score came to 5:6. Both sides are teams that will make good use of the timeout. The Blue Horse Knight decisively took out the big sniper, which also stopped the decline of losing points for them." Yu Yuan glanced at the video played by the guide again. On the record panel, I was a little surprised and said, "Xiaoju is in good form today. He has won 12 kills without a hitch, and the average damage of 179 per game is enough to prove the gold content of the offense and defense in Zone B today."

"But kennyS doesn't seem to be in such a good state from Figure 3. The current data is 0/3/[-]. Although this has something to do with the opponent's focus on area B, kennyS must also play a bigger role. It worked."

The opponent suddenly became tougher in the B area, and gla1ve also had to make some changes.

The appearance of that big sniper forced them to be more cautious with their rifles.

After all, there is still a certain gap between the rifle and the big sniper.

The lethal nature of the big sniper shot may have a great impact on their attempts to counter the Qing.

"kennyS." gla1ve yelled in the voice, "Come to B with your big sniper. We will start with guns to see if the opponent will attack area B. We have to use your big sniper to limit the opponent. "

"no problem."

After the countdown ended, kennyS completed the props and followed gla1ve to Area B.

His position is not very good, so naturally he didn't intend to grab the first shot.

gla1ve explained the early game style on the road.

"We don't invest in too many props at the first time, kennyS, you just need to set up a gun, watch their props use, and then I will make arrangements."

kennyS came to the corner of Pass B to set up a gun, and quickly threw out a wooden barrel on the opposite side.

Then two flashes of light exploded in the sky of Banana Road.

All the actions of the bandits ended here.

gla1ve didn't feel too much pressure, and began to actively put pressure on the opponent.

"I'll give the bandit a smoke first, and then Xiaoju, let's throw the fire together to clear the middle."

The gangster took a puff of smoke, then took two quick aim, and gave out the flame in his hand.

kennyS is still holding the gun on the spot, and he focuses all his attention on the front sight. Once someone is close to him and ready to seize the opportunity, he can take it away with one shot.

"BanK entered the Banana Road alone. Although CT gave an anti-clearing prop, he didn't intend to retreat."

"But there were fires before and after, and I was forced to hand in smoke to put out the fire. The BanK people didn't see it, so I only had half of my health left. This is not good news."

BanK hesitated, and the cutter planned to retreat.

But RAS does not intend to give up control of Banana Road, and wants to make a surprise attack.

"I'll grab the hidden smoke and then rush in together." RAS gave orders.

A flash was given out, but their cooperation was a bit erroneous. Before the flash exploded, BanK had already rushed out of the smoke.

As soon as BanK came out of the smoke, he saw gla1ve squatting upright next to the stone slab.

He didn't even have a chance to fight back, and was instantly killed by strafing shots.

"gla1ve fired at each other, knocked out one, and maimed another. The sniper kennyS came over and tried to shoot through, but he didn't get any kills."

"The bandits once again gave out a barrel fire, and CT let Xiaoju, who has a healthy amount of blood, stay behind. KennyS and gla1ve returned to defense directly. They gave up control of the previous point, but got a kill. It's a good choice."

When kennyS and gla1ve chose to return to defense, they heard the link smoke bomb explode.

Brother Electronics in Dakeng reminded: "The link has a timing, you need to pay attention."

Because of the heavy defense of Zone B, there are only him and Broky in Zone A.

It is impossible for the defense of two people to be comprehensive.

So they chose to concentrate their firepower after receiving pressure, and crossfire at the bunker point and the big pit frame.

In this way, once the speed is increased, the two of them can change as many as possible.

gla1ve walked quietly from the corridor all the way back to the link. His speed was relatively fast, and he could be sure that there was no one on the left side of the arch.

So after carefully searching the right side of the arch, you know that the link is safe.

There was not much movement in area A, and kennyS did not rush back to defend, but was ready in the corridor, waiting for the information of the exchange of fire between the two sides.

"There is still one minute left, and the attacker still has two smoke bombs. The two smoke bombs are shot directly. It seems that this wave is planning to speed up the A zone."

"The smoke bomb in front of the study, and a smoke from the exit of the A2 building, these two smokes are a bit particular!"

The two smoke bombs in area A made kennyS stop hesitating and go back to the study room.

It's just that he couldn't get any information in the study, and he was a little worried about whether the other party would walk through the archway to the corridor and then transfer to area B.

At this moment, he remembered the experience shared by S1mple before, and a tactic of the opponent when they replayed GOD.

It was also the smoke bomb!
kennyS stood there and waited patiently, because he knew that the other party would definitely fight A2 floor and link folder A in the follow-up!
"Attention everyone, there should be a lot of people on the link side, and they just want to play link clip A!" kennyS quickly told his teammates the situation he had analyzed.

As the smoke bombs in front of the study dissipated, a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the study.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of light on the bag, and the bandits used the last props to launch their own attack!
"The position of kennyS was forced to retreat. This wave of link folder A was really successfully beaten by GOD. There are a lot of people who link, and only gla1ve is guarding against the link!"

"But kennyS stepped on the fire and shot the linked RAS to death! This shot directly disrupted the rhythm of the linked bandits. The blue horse knight charged in and knocked out gla1ve. KennyS pulled the bolt and added another Gun! Killed the blue horse rider!"

Maden knew that kennyS had to deal with it, he immediately threw a flash into the study, and rushed into the study at the last moment of stepping on the flames.

kennyS was completely whitened by the flash, knowing that something was wrong, so he hurriedly ran away.

After he regained his vision, he saw the bandits in front of him shooting and chasing him.

It was too late to open the camera, so kennyS fired blindly!

Maden was still too hasty, aiming too hastily, which gave kennyS an opportunity.

In this wave of 31 and A, all three people on the link side were knocked out by kennyS alone.

IQ2, who played the flank on the A9 floor, rushed out and dropped Broky in seconds, but was also shot down by Dakeng's electronic brother.

The audience in the venue gave kennyS applause for this wave of operations.

Whether it's bold pressure or taking the initiative to seize opportunities, kennyS is impeccable in this wave.

kennyS shook his fist excitedly, the opponent finally came to Area A to play with him, otherwise he didn't know how to make the opponent remember his name.

6:6, the score between the two sides was dead!
(End of this chapter)

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