CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 474 Ranking Update

Chapter 474 Ranking Update
"Cao thief, you simply don't know how happy the domestic CSGO players are today."

An excited voice came from the female voice in her hand, and Xu Qingru was talking on the other end of the phone.

"How to say?" Meng De was also a little curious about why Xu Qingru said this.

"It's already early morning in China, but you can hear the screams of Hangcheng University not far away..."

Xu Qingru's mobile phone seemed to be put out of the window, and the wind kept whistling, but in the distance, words such as 'Team A Niubi' and 'Cao Thief will always drop God' can be faintly heard.

Combining with the current domestic situation, Xu Qingru is still a certain distance away from Hangzhou University, and the overall popularity can be seen.

"College students are the age of enthusiasm." Mengde recalled his college days, when he always liked to stay up late to watch the game, but because of the poor domestic results, he always couldn't fall asleep after watching it.

I was really pure love at that time, and the past is always nostalgic.

Xu Qingru was also amazed by her boyfriend's strong working ability.

She said before that she was starting a business, but she just found an industry she still likes to try.

The interests of the CSGO industry are not high, without gambling.

Under normal circumstances, her little start-up capital may only be supported for less than a few months before she can declare failure, just like her best friend in the North American investment club.

At that time, her best friend also invested in a club, but she lost money early and was out. Now every time she chats, her best friend is very angry.

Why did she lose all her panties when investing, while Xu Qingru made a lot of money.

There is a saying that is very good, fearing the hardships of brothers, and fearing that brothers will drive Luhu.

That's how her best friend feels now.

It's just that Xu Qingru knew the reason. The reason for her success was nothing but the person on the other side of the phone.

In addition to the functions of the club that require her to coordinate, the other main parts are basically operated by Meng De.

The team's ability to achieve such good results depends entirely on Meng De's ability to discover players.

If it weren't for Meng De, she would probably be out of the game as early as her best friend now.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingru's voice became softer.

"How many days are you planning to stay there?"

Meng De calculated the follow-up actions in Cologne, and then replied: "At least 4 days, there will be a media day the day after tomorrow, and we need to accept community interviews and fan signatures. Follow-up must let the players relax. NIKO suggested waiting Take us to a bar for a drink."

"Stay in Cologne for a few more days and let them relax." Xu Qingru said with a smile, "Don't worry about expenses, your travel expenses for the next few days will be paid by the club."


"What?" Xu Qingru was a little surprised, why isn't she happy traveling at public expense?
Meng De heard Xu Qingru's meaning and explained: "I am worried that they will play too wildly, which will affect the follow-up state. After all, the championship in Cologne is just the beginning, and we still have a lot of games to prepare for."

"Cao thief, I didn't blame you." Xu Qingru scolded Meng De on the other end of the phone, "You are good at everything, good-looking, strong in work ability, and strong in responsibility."

"Everything is praising me."

"Ahem." Xu Qingru was a little embarrassed, and immediately added, "Listen to me, you are just too capable of working, but they are not like you, they need to rest, you have a certain degree of relaxation, and theirs There is a difference between relaxation and relaxation. You have to give them some rest time to relax physically and mentally, so that you can better devote yourself to the next game. They have complained to me more than once that they are under a lot of pressure..."

Listening to the words on the other side of the phone, Meng De was silent for a long time. After thinking about it carefully, he really wanted to be perfect in everything.

Whether it is tactics, marksmanship, or discipline in the game.

Or fitness exercises outside the game, diet coordination.

Everything is too prescriptive.

But this is too standardized, but it will make the players feel stressed.

"I understand. We will stay in Cologne for a week, let them have a good rest and adjust, and I will also adjust the time of the next game." Meng De quickly changed the plan he had prepared before.

"That's it." Xu Qingru yawned on the other end of the phone, "It's getting late, I'm going to bed."

After hanging up the phone with Xu Qingru, Meng De began to announce the free play and time in the lounge.

"Fuck, the club is getting rich!" Broky looked the happiest on the sidelines. Although relying on the live broadcast and competition results, he has achieved economic freedom, but whoring for free is something that no one can refuse.

"Our boss is simply the greatest boss." gla1ve said from the bottom of his heart.

NIKO winked at S1mple from the side: "Comrades, I think you thanked the wrong person, we just got a little bit of credit."

Speaking of which, NIKO pouted in Meng De's direction.

Meng De made a gesture to beat up NIKO, and for a while the restroom was jumping like dogs and dogs, and everyone was overjoyed.

"Later, let's follow NIKO's suggestion. Everyone go to the bar he recommended to drink some wine and relax a little."

"Wuhu!" NIKO couldn't hold back his smile when he heard the coach's answer, "Today I will show you the real nightclub god!"

Everyone had almost rested, and now they heard what Niko said and started to pack their things, preparing to go back to the hotel first.

"What about the trophy?" Xiaoju pointed to the trophy on the table. This thing is quite important. Do you really want to bite the bullet and go back to China?

"Oh." Considering that this is the first time for the second team to win a competition, Meng De gave them a science introduction, "Generally, there is only one trophy for this kind of competition, especially for fixed competitions such as Cologne and Katowice. Just stay at the venue."

"Then we don't want to take it back?" Brother Electronic said strangely. He still wanted to bring the first trophy to his daughter.

It would be a pity if I couldn't bring it back.

"Brother Qiang, call the event staff and ask them to collect the trophy." Meng De turned to arrange for Wu Qiang, and then continued to explain, "Considering the special and commemorative significance of the trophy, the players can have the trophy. Just give the race team the address, and they'll make a copy and mail it home to you."

"Of course, these expenses need to be taken care of by yourself." Wang Yuning added intimately.

Broky and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Although the honor has been won, if there is really no trophy, they feel that this experience is not so sufficient.

After all, no one wants to have a flower pot behind him as a trophy when he broadcasts live in the future.

The staff of the event team soon came to the VC's lounge. After simply confirming that the trophy was okay, they went through all the procedures and the trophy was about to be taken back.

Taking advantage of the last few minutes, everyone in the second team hurriedly took selfies and posted them on Moments.

Then everyone took the packed peripherals and belongings and started to drive back to the hotel.

After putting things away, according to NIKO's guidance, everyone started to go to a bar recommended by him to relax.

However, there was a small episode in the middle.

Broky cannot enter the bar because of his age.

In Cologne, underage drinking is not allowed, this is recorded in the law.

So, while everyone was drinking and chatting, Broky was alone in the KFC next door.


Leisure time always passes quickly. During the few days in Cologne, the team building life of all VC staff in Cologne was basically broadcast live by enthusiastic netizens.

On the night of winning the championship, Broky showed off KFC alone, which became a big laughing point in the community.

They spent a full week in Cologne, seeing all the sights, big and small, before returning to Hangzhou.

Meng De also found that Xu Qingru's experience was quite reasonable.

After winning the championship, they completely let go of everything about CSGO and put their minds into life, and the tight string in their minds was slowly relaxed.

Meng De can easily detect that the team members are in better condition, and everyone is more energetic.

After returning to Hangzhou, because Meng De voluntarily rejected the last few games, all their tasks were not so rich, and even Meng De took the initiative to take a vacation for the team members who wanted to visit their relatives, and asked them to go and see Family, share the joy of winning the championship with your family.

Basically everyone in the second team chose to go home. There is an old saying that goes well without returning home if you are rich, it is like traveling at night in brocade clothes.

Although they are professional players, their reputation has not been very good. It is generally believed in the society that e-sports players are a group of Internet addicted teenagers.

They have achieved some results this time, so they naturally want their family members to take a look. They are part of the cause they are fighting for, and they are not just playing around.

After returning to Hangzhou, because all members of the second team were on vacation, everything slowed down.

However, on the Internet, discussions about the IEM Cologne finals still exist. Team A’s tactic of setting fire to Zone B in the finals was even named "Sky Fire" by netizens, and the speed of its spread is hard to estimate. Thinking about tactics or stuff at IEM Cologne, there's always talk about it.

For Team A, most people started discussing their real strength. Now, no one is saying that their strength is low. It is more about the analysis of Team A’s tactics in the game. Of course, some people say that their tactics are too unconstrained. The usage can be harsh. Even the most brilliant "Skyfire" has to use up all the smoke grenades on the opponent. Many people think that the tactics of the tactical team of Team A have gone to the extreme.

Going to the extreme is a good thing. It is difficult for their tactics to make too amazing breakthroughs in the future, but the consequences of prematurely developing tactics are within Mengde's expectations. What's more, the exposure of these things can make Others pay more attention to their tactical targeting, and they will be much less concerned with personal handling.

Recently, he has started to let the second team work on the details, and Mengde plans to let the second team tacitly raise it.

What's more interesting is that after the end of this IEM Cologne, many professional teams have started to test the six-man lineup.

The most famous one is AE, the current Danish big devil. Their new lineup attempt has sparked huge discussions in the community.

They pulled a young player named SAMA from the second-tier competition to become their substitute.

If only a gunman is simply found as a substitute or sixth man, then the sixth man of the AE team may only attract some attention, and will not receive huge discussions from the community.

This young player named SAMA is in the command position, and this guy has a congenital defect - he is deaf in his left ear!
The left ear is deaf. In an FPS game, the impact is huge. He basically cannot receive any information from the left ear.

Relying on such a bad start, SAMA made it to the top ten in the VAC league, and then was discovered by YSG's youth training team.

The Danish Ogre originally planned to train him as his substitute, but he didn't expect the management to sell him to the AE team in a blink of an eye.

This news is very interesting to Mengde, and he can also analyze many useful values ​​from it.

As a commander with 'incomplete information', he can be valued by AE, and his own strength is definitely strong enough.

And after pulling SAMA in, AE will have two commanders in the follow-up.

"It seems that Brother Electronics inspired them." Meng De expressed his amazement at the learning speed of the AE team.

The idea of ​​the AE team may be very simple. It is a good move to play with different commands on different maps.

If the running-in is good, then this ID is an inspirational player of SAMA, and he can help AE increase the lower limit of strength.

For a super first-tier team, being able to increase the team's lower limit is already a terrifying improvement.

After the defeat at IEM Cologne, this last year's team of kings learned from the pain and began to reflect and learn deeply.

"Sure enough, this opponent is not so easy to defeat." Meng De laughed at himself.

If AE will let them pass so easily, then they don't deserve the previous three Major trophies.

Today's number one team in history is not that fragile.

It's okay to be in a bad state for a while, but if he loses his fighting spirit after being eliminated in a knockout match so easily, then Meng De has to think about whether there is something wrong with AE himself.

After the end of IEM Cologne, about the second day after Mengde returned to Hangzhou, HLTV's team rankings were also freshly released.

VC.A, who won the IEM Cologne championship, is temporarily ranked 7th in the world. Due to poor performance, VC's ranking has dropped a bit, and now it has dropped to 5th.
Meng De also expected this kind of situation. Although the second team won the championship, the previous ranking was really bad. Even with the huge points support of winning the championship, they still couldn't reach the number one position in the world.

And the ranking of the first team fell back, mainly because AE, GOD, HC and other teams participated in other competitions non-stop after being eliminated, and there was no time to stop.

Relying on the attendance rate to get some points, briefly surpassed VC.

Now ranked No. [-] in the world, once again is the terrifying Great Demon King AE.

After returning to Hangzhou, the changes brought about by the second team after winning the championship are also visible to the naked eye.

First of all, their invitations to training games have become more and more, partly due to the accumulation of achievements, and their status at IEM Cologne. Other teams want to practice with the current hot A team. The 'Number One Blow' on Aloha was touted in the live room.

The Aloha speech at IEM Cologne was edited and posted on the Internet, which sparked a huge discussion. Many people lamented that Team A was so strong. Combined with Team A’s performance in the finals, they made up a pig pretending Eating tiger's vicious team.

Presumably, Team A's ability to have so many invitations to training matches has something to do with this.

In addition, the discussions about the second team on the Internet have become praises. Those who questioned the results of the A team have never seen their speeches.

Everything is developing in a better direction, but Mengde knows clearly that these are all in exchange for achievements.

Once they fail to achieve results in the subsequent games, those speeches that were covered up by the praise will surface again.

E-sports strength is not everything, but strength cannot be avoided.

Meng De has already realized this point.

Next, when the holidays of the second team are over, Meng De will have to take them to a new round of training and tactical updates.

In the Cologne final, most of the bottom-of-the-box tactics in the final were taken out, and now we have to continue to develop and practice.


(End of this chapter)

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