CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 490 Terrifying Training Match Winning Rate

Chapter 490 Terrifying Training Match Winning Rate

The BP link of this game has officially started.

After guessing the game between the two sides, Meng De got the right to decide the BP first.

"Take the map or the faction?"

According to the BP rules of BO1, the two sides first ban two maps, and then each ban one, and the last map left is the game map.

In other words, the side that bans the map first in this game can get the right to choose the camp of this game. He can decide whether to play offense or defense first.

The second player can choose the final game map from the last two remaining maps.

There are pros and cons of choosing first and second.

"It doesn't matter." "Hit whatever you want." "I will shoot."

Listening to the speeches of the exchange bastards in the team, Lao Wang finally gave a valuable suggestion: "Let's go first, let's choose a side."

"If you can later, start the game as a policeman, and it will be easier for the defender to find the touch."

Hearing the laughing players, Meng De glared at them, but he also knew that the players were just joking, and didn't pay much attention to it.

With that said, he carried away Sha Er and the Death Building.

MG played frequently in three maps in the challenger group, namely Sand II, Death Building and Lost City.

The marksmanship of the two maps of Sha Er and Death Building has a greater impact, and Meng De does not intend to release them.

As for Lost City in the Desert, if the opponent's real boss is selected, then VC will definitely let them know why Hua is so popular.

In the past few months of training, the first team has always had to correct their own mistakes. Among them, the map of Lost City in the Desert has the most training.

In the last 4 Lost City training games, VC only lost [-] games, which shows how exaggerated the state is, and the winning rate is even higher than that of the second team's small town.

Banning these two maps is also Meng De's intention to guide the opponent to choose on the Lost City in the Desert.

"MG chose to take away the train station and the Death Amusement Park." Henry said, "Their thinking is quite clear, and they use their strengths to avoid weaknesses. On the map where their winning rate is not good, they don't choose them directly, so as not to let VC use tactics to crush them. Opportunity to overwhelm them."

Henry added: "But to be honest, VC has been away from the first-tier arena for a few months now. Whether they have the terrifying firepower before is really a question."

"Indeed." Johnny nodded aside, "In this kind of competitive competition, the changes every month or even every half month are huge. VC has been away for so long, how much firepower is left? is an unknown.”

"On the contrary, MG returned to the game and showed us some amazing strength."

After the first round of map ban by MG, there are only three maps left, namely: Nuclear Crisis, Desert Lost City and Purgatory Town.

Mengde carried away Purgatory Town without hesitation.

They are not weak on this map, but because of the characteristics of the map, basically all teams can play one-on-one, and it is difficult to widen the gap in level.

In the MG battle room, several people excitedly clenched their fists when they saw the map left behind.

ROLL breathed a sigh of relief: "You guys really hit the mark. VC released the Lost City for us. Now today's game will be much easier."

Lost City is one of the strongest maps in their team, so it is a blessing to be selected.

So without hesitation, they directly carried away the nuclear crisis, and finally left the lost city in the desert.

MAC smiled on his face: "I thought I was going to post this competition at the beginning, but now I can show these little cuties how good we are!"

"I'm going to blow them up today!!"

The players on both sides are ready, and the game officially begins!
VC vs MG
T: ROLL, MAC, Eing, HU, roboT
CT: S1mple, NIKO, Yu, Twistzz, somebody
At the beginning of the pistol round, Wang Yuning made a wave of unconventional positioning according to his body position.

At the beginning of the game 221, the B area is defended by one person, and the heavy troops are placed in the A area and the middle, so as to support both sides at any time.

Area A is still the old station, the policeman and A2 are downstairs, and the two people cross each other.

At the beginning of the game, the middle road and the B area did not feel too much pressure. Just as the kid and NIKO were discussing whether the opponent was preparing outside the B area, bombs began to explode in the sky above the A area.

"The five bandits gathered in Area A at the beginning, and the audience felt the fighting spirit of MG, and it was already a little boiling!" Henry continued, "Everyone caught the props, and a wave of explosive bombs is about to come."

"Taiwan smoke, chain smoke, and a lot of flashing lights, so it seems that the bandits are planning to rob the police's house."

The kid was on the box of the police phone booth. He stood in a headless position and started to fight back against the flashes thrown by the bandits.

According to the usual operating habits, he needs to adjust the investigation, but this time the position of the pistol round allows the defense speed in the middle to be fast, so his style of play can be relatively aggressive.

The three bandits from A1 pulled out horizontally, and immediately met the little ghost.

The kid forcibly confronted the three of them, and with the advantage of being headless and having a firearm, he forcibly fought off one of them.

But the concentrated firepower of the other three was not a cover, and the kid was still defeated.

In the first wave of firefights in Area A, the two sides fought a one-for-one exchange.

"The kid got the first kill, and was replaced by Roll." Henry analyzed, "But judging from the results, the kid played quite well."

Many people were already asking questions in the live broadcast room, and Henry also immediately explained: "Because the kid not only made an exchange with the opponent, he also delayed a lot of time so that his teammates could return to defense, allowing NIKO to seize the time top Arrived in building A2!"

"So now it's the bandits who are surrounded in Site A!"

NIKO quietly searched the A2 building. After confirming that one side was safe, he knew that his position would become a fatal link next.

"They don't know I'm in building A2, I'll wait until you get the information and I'll release it." NIKO said his thoughts in the voice.

Wang Yuning was returning to defense from B, and immediately responded when he heard this: "Yes, yes, NIKO, don't worry, wait until we make a move first."

After they arrive, once the opponent puts down the mine bag, NIKO will be in the rear of the opponent and can deliver a fatal blow at a critical moment.

The S1mple trio found the gun position behind the link smoke, and as the smoke gradually dissipated, they soon began to fight against the opponent.

S1mple first defeated a bandit next to a long box on the platform, announcing that it had triggered a big fight in Area A.

"The two sides started a fierce exchange of fire. The sixth child on the A2 building finally decided to shoot. Niko saw the bandits in A1. He didn't shoot because he wanted more!"

NIKO first aimed at the bandit with a short box, and shot him in the head with one shot.

Then he aimed at the platform A1 in an instant, and the bandit who was on the point was reported by his teammates, but he turned his head hastily, and was killed before he even fired his gun.

【VC.NIKO kills MG.Roll with a headshot with a usp pistol】

【VC.NIKO kills MG.roboT with a headshot with a usp pistol】

There was another burst of noise at the scene, and it seemed that they were all admiring NIKO's decisiveness in seizing the opportunity.

After Niko hit two in a row, there was only one bandit left.

NIKO put the crosshairs on the police house, but soon the kid reminded: "The police house is no one, put an A1, you can directly unpack it!"

Just now, he kept cutting back and forth to see his teammates' perspectives. The director returned to the defense the fastest, and got all the past information at the edge of the smoke.

"MAC is still struggling, but there is no chance at all in the endgame of 1 vs 4. Although it is an A1 bag, he can't beat it, and finally fell under the hands of the director usp." Henry concluded, "This wave There is nothing wrong with MG's tactics, but VC's return to defense is too fast, making it difficult for them to collect information accurately, and Mr. Ni's shots on the A2 floor are too deadly, hitting two in a row, directly making it impossible for MG to come back."


"Two beautiful shots." Several voices in the VC team praised and encouraged each other.

They won the game at the beginning, and 4 members survived, which is a big boost to their morale.

"Old Wang is also very willing to cooperate with me in seduction, which is also the key." NIKO chuckled, when you seize the opportunity and are willing to have someone cooperate, this is a very fulfilling thing.

On the other hand, MG lost his mind in the pistol round.

The defeat in the pistol round gave them a slap in the face. After they failed to find anyone at the bunker this round, they subconsciously thought that Area A had only one member at the beginning, and no one cared about Building A2 at all.

This led to the tragedy. If even one person had looked at Building A2 at that time, the ending might have been different.

Putting down the thunder bag, so that their economy is still considerable, MG directly chose pure eco to further speed up the rhythm.

Without any miracles, the score went smoothly to 2:0.
The third round came, and MG directly equipped all the members with AK47 and props.

On the other hand, VC has won two rounds in a row, but it has a lot of disadvantages in terms of firearms.

They only have three Famas in their hands, and two MP9s.

It's not that they look down on the opponent, but that CT's economy is already expensive. If you choose to change the gun this round, once you don't fight, the subsequent economy will explode directly.

The accelerated pace has made their economy unable to keep up.

But you still have to fight.

According to Wang Yuning's arrangement, beware of a wave of community speed-up at the beginning, so the staffing is 212.

The director came to Area B immediately. His first task was to provide firepower, and the second was to help Wang Yuning save more props.

The first incendiary bomb was thrown at the beginning, and the director started to set up the gun, while Wang Yuning came to the white car with the props in hand, ready to deal with the possible speed increase.

But he didn't detect any information, and all operations seemed to be fighting wits with the air.

But CSGO is like this, most of the time, you are dealing with the bandit's possible next move.

It's a game where the more you think than everyone else, the better you play.

It is normal to fight wits with the air, but it is also the case that information collection is particularly important.

Wang Yuning didn't see anyone, but the director who moved to small B with a gun heard some footsteps on the B2 floor.

"Attention, there are footsteps, be careful in the sewer."

Hearing this, S1mple, carrying Famas, began to pay attention to COSCO.

There were no bandits in the middle of this round, and the opponent did not fight for any control.

If there are people in the sewer, in addition to taking the order as the default, the rest is to synchronously play and cooperate with the middle lane and the sewer.

The bandits in the sewer can't pose a threat to him for the time being, so you only need to pay attention to the information at the entrance of the bandits in the middle road.

After standing for a few seconds, avoiding the timing below, S1mple jumped up and took a look.

This glance directly made him evacuate the sewer at the speed of light - because he saw two bandits advancing forward.

"I put it in the middle lane." S1mple asked for help while talking about his choice, "Can any of you make up an arch smoke?"

It's still early, if the other party gets control of the arch, it will be a little passive in the back.

It is not impossible to release map control, but if it is released too early, the pressure everywhere will be too great.

"I did." The director was still so willing to cooperate with his teammates.

After throwing away the props, the director also came to the small front point of B, set up the VIP and got off the bench.

His position may be a little aggressive, but Meng De saw it and nodded in admiration.

This choice of position stands out as a reasonable one.

When the opponent puts his troops in the middle, the director makes up the defense to B's close point, and he can form a T-shaped crossfire with the policeman's little ghost, jungle's S1mple.

If the opponent wants to test the arch at this time, then they will definitely know what cruelty is.

But MG just threw a fire into the arch to prevent someone from playing one-way.

Until the smoke cleared, the director didn't get a good chance.

S1mple took the initiative to propose: "Director, why don't we go for a walk and review the middle lane together, there is too little information now."

"Wait for me, I'll come to help too." Wang Yuning said.

The director had no problem, and the three of them moved quickly.

"The director first cleared the L position in the middle, and found no enemies. This wave of S1mple also went from the jungle to the VIP, and this wave will come out directly to fight!"

"But S1mple didn't know it. The enemies were all on his right side. The two sides found each other. S1mple fought back hastily and failed to get a kill."

"However, Twistzz's shot came in a timely manner. He knocked out ROLL and helped S1mple to make up the shot. However, robotT was so fast that he jumped onto the bench and dropped the director in seconds!"

"But YU came and added the shot to Twistzz. The two sides saw each other in the middle lane. In the end, VC ended up fighting 2 for 2 without any risk."

The number of people on the field came to 3 vs 3, and there were only 40 seconds left.

Although VCs did not make money in this wave of anti-clearance, they did not lose money either.

Because this wave of them is short guns for long guns, it can definitely be regarded as an advantage.

The director's perspective came to A1, and I saw NIKO holding MP9 on the A1 vase, standing in this classic non-preview position.

Since guns are inferior, he can only look for opportunities from the gun position.

From the director's perspective, I saw A1's MAC swaying over with a gun, probing a little bit, and the two sides are about to meet.

"MAC played very carefully. He was wary of the position of the vase, and he swayed in advance to deceive NIKO. Then Niko was finished. This non-preview position can be caught off guard, but once the position is known, it is very difficult to face the early gun. There is no way.” Jonny’s analysis was quite correct, because just after he finished speaking, NIKO was directly shot to death by AK47 in advance.

The kid in the long box on the other side seized the opportunity, and Famas shot at the bandit in the arch.

His timing was good and his marksmanship was right.

The point is that Famas' broken gun performs too poorly at medium and long distances.

The other party reacted, and the AK47 shot him in seconds.

The kid yelled anxiously: "There is blood left in the arch, kill with one shot!!"

Wang Yuning, who was in B small, lived up to expectations, caught the arch bandits watching the timing of A's package, and shot directly to make up the gun.

[VC.Yu kills MG.Eing with a headshot from Famas]

"Yu he withstood the pressure and Famas succeeded in filling up his gun, but now it's also a 2v1 endgame. The bandit directly put down the long gun bag, and the bloody MAC rushed to the jungle and wanted to break back to the defense."

Henry suddenly exclaimed: "But Yu him killed MAC, and it's time for the endgame bullfight!!"

"Yu moved very quickly. Hu wanted to throw the cigarette to block his vision, but Yu determined that the position was on the left instead."

"However, although HU's position is exposed, after several rounds of firefights, Yu's current state is not healthy. He slowly counted the past along the way. HU pulled out directly and grabbed Yu with residual blood. After all, Hu's blood volume is still relatively healthy. Yes, the score came to 2:1."

 Chapter 2 is still in code.

(End of this chapter)

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