CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 497 GG Has Tactics?

Chapter 497 GG Has Tactics?

Before the start of today's game, MUWO is looking forward to the arrival of the long gun round.

Because they have made a lot of preparations before the game, and they have laid everything in place, and now it is time for verification.

Some people may ask, can the pistol round be different to verify the idea?

However, the influence factors of the pistol round are too great, and his randomness makes it difficult to implement tactical targeting. The first wave of targeting by GG people is actually placed in the long gun round.

Relying on the analysis and research of VC, they did seize the opportunity in this long gun round, such as counter-clearing props at the beginning to eat Xantares, catching the director's back in the middle of the round, and so on.

But none of them thought that the AK47 saved by the other party would become the most critical link affecting the situation.

If the director didn't have the AK in his hand, even if he made the same reaction, he couldn't kill the bandit behind him with a headshot, and the situation would be different.

"VC is really a bunch of perverts, they can react to that kind of situation...Give me another half a second, and I think I can kill him, alas...If only I aimed my first shot at the head."

"It's okay, it's just the first score, don't worry."

The kid in the picture is still unpacking, GG and the others complain about the strength of their opponents, and encourage each other to maintain a good attitude.

Because they have confidence in their hearts, they are not particularly guilty of losing the first point at this moment, and their faces are still as usual.

Seeing that the teammates were almost complaining, jiya, as the commander, began to arrange tactics for everyone in GG: "Don't worry about playing tactical strategies with the opponent, we will pick their weak defensive areas to attack."

The eyes of the others lit up, they turned to look at Jiya, and began to listen to his good ideas.

In the eyes of everyone, Jiya quickly expressed his plan:

"Next we will be like this, and then this and this..."


1: 3.
Seeing the lagging score above, Wang Yuning was not discouraged. With a smile on his face, he said: "Maintain this rhythm, synchronize the information as fast as possible, and don't take orders from the top."

"Brothers in communication, don't let the voice be lifeless." S1mple also said.

For them, information feedback is very important, and a certain amount of communication in the voice can also make their hearts more stable.

Ruthless asked the first constructive question: "Is this going to push me back?"

His position is the same as in the previous round. If there is a tactical need, he can still go directly to the outfield.

Is it still necessary to control the outfield in the early stage... This idea went around in Wang Yuning's mind, and he was immediately denied it.

"Forget it." Wang Yuning said, "Last round, the opponent had a few dodges to eat you up. You should be prepared for your forward pressure. Now the forward pressure is considered passive."

"Let's start with the default 3A2B, pay attention to prevent rush, let's play the director in the B area with the kid."

After the early station arrangement was completed, everyone purchased their own firearms and equipped with props.

While mending the props, the little ghost said funnyly: "Old Wang, you have changed, and now you don't want to guard the iron plate with me anymore."

VC is now on this map, the director, kid, and S1mple are all members of auxiliary B, and they basically let people go based on their needs and status.

"It's about when I'm willing to keep B like you."

A few people stepped forward, and their expressions became serious.

There was nothing special about the game between the two sides in the early stage of this round. The bandits gave a wave of smoke in the outfield, and then they were destroyed by S1mple.

The opening game in the infield focused on the side of the iron gate. The bandits didn't want to lose too much view, and also tried to limit the CT's activity area. At the beginning, they blasted the iron gate with grenades.

This side of the iron plate is the quietest, so after the director gave the first wave of props, he began to walk up to the third floor to defend Area A, which had become a little stressed due to the exchange of props.

The little ghost stood alone on the low slope of the iron plate, and used the method of jumping to detect B Tong's field of vision.

The smoke bomb given by the director gradually dissipated, and the kid also glanced at the time above:

【0: 59】

It was still early at this time, and the kid wanted to play with item management.

But a flash bomb exploded in Tong B, giving him a little pressure.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still handed over the smoke bomb.

"It's a wise choice. The four bandits gathered outside the B passage. The kid smelled the bad smell in the air, so he handed in the smoke bomb directly, which can delay the time by at least 4 seconds." Henry praised the clever timing of the kid's props.

From his point of view, if the kid doesn't throw away the props, the bandits will try to put pressure on the iron plate. Once the single iron plate is discovered, CT will become passive.

"Given this cigarette, the bandits should be reorganized in the future." Henry expressed his analysis.

"No!" Jonny watched the bandits move on the mini-map and denied his partner's judgment.

The director quickly released the first-person view of the bandits' movements.

I saw the three bandits mixed in the smoke, turning their heads and preparing to flash back.And jiya, who was at the end of the bandit team, grabbed a hidden smoke flash, and the next goal was self-evident!

"God... this time the bandits didn't retreat because of the smoke, but took the initiative to move forward and get mixed up in the smoke. Jiya started to catch flashes. This wave is going to be violent!!" Henry was surprised by GG's thoughts, and also lamented them The timing is ingenious, "Their forceful burst of smoke seems really bold. Without any information, they directly chose a wave of speed-up iron plates."

"But at this moment, the iron plate happens to be the only kid!"

"Can he handle the pressure?"

The little ghost stood on the iron railing, the regular head position.

This position can be used to pass the point, or you can jump back directly when you are threatened, and retreat to the B area. It is a very comprehensive position.

The smoke has just been thrown out, and the kid is also symbolically holding a gun, focusing more on voice communication, carefully collecting feedback from teammates, so as to judge the approximate location of the enemy.

But in the next second, an unknown object flew out of the smoke bomb.


The kid's muscle memory made him subconsciously flash back.

But the all-white screen had already told him the answer to the back flash.

Moreover, on the contrary, he lost his sense of direction because of turning his head.

The sound of AK47 gunfire rang in my ears, and the picture has become a black and white TV.

"The iron plate has sped up!! I'm gone." The kid was a little annoyed, he was distracted, and the improper operation directly made others disappear.

His information is transmitted quickly, but the speed of the bandits is even faster.

Before they had time to defend, a smoke bomb was stuffed on the third floor, and within 10 seconds, area B was dropped with a mine bag.

In a 4v5 endgame, it stands to reason that the winning rate is not very low.

But you need to know that VC doesn't like to put people in K1 in the early stage. If the iron gate is blown open and someone is cut off, they can't go down the pipeline.

So after the discussion, they chose to save the gun.

"They immediately caught me with flashes, and I failed to flash back..." The kid briefly explained the reason why he was killed.

"You made a wrong decision." S1mple brought into his situation at the time and corrected him, "At that time, you were alone on the iron plate, and you should run back directly, just delaying time."

CSGO is a team game, especially when playing on the defensive side, the playing styles of different players in some areas are very different.

If the iron plate is two people, the kid can indeed fight straight, because someone can fill him with a gun.

But the kid is alone, even if he traded one for one, it would still be a loss for VC.

The kid nodded, he did have some minor problems this time.

As the conductor, Wang Yuning did not blame him too much, but made a simple adjustment to the station.

"If there is a chance in the next round, the ruthless people will try to counter-clear the outfield in the mid-term. I will cooperate with you. I want to know their general position information in the mid-term."

"If it's iron, director, you should stay still on the third floor and help the kid hit the side."

The economic conditions are not bad, so even if points are lost, VC can still accept it.

The score above was 1:4, and the game came to the sixth round.

In this round, everyone in VC played according to Lao Wang's arrangement. In the early stage, the two sides still used the default map control and item exchange, and did not do anything too abnormal.

No, on the contrary, GG's style of play was too conventional, which made Wang Yuning smell something bad.

"Ruthless people come to fight against the outfield." Too little information made it difficult for Wang Yuning to make a judgment. Even though it was dangerous to fight against the outfield at this moment, he still did it resolutely.

An outfield flash bomb exploded, and the ruthless man relentlessly pulled it out to collect information.

"There's no one out there."

"Speed ​​up!!"

The ruthless person's information had just been collected, and Wang Yuning was still thinking about making judgments when he heard the kid's shout.

At the same time, a fierce gun battle broke out at the iron plate.

[VC.somebody used M4A4 to kill GG.MUWO]

The gunshots from M4 sounded, and the kid also got the first kill of the round.But the good times didn't last long, and the GG team's supplementary gun came very quickly!
The little ghost was almost instantly killed.

The director wanted to replace the gun, but he couldn't.

Because when the bandit army assembled B Tong to launch the first wave of offensive, he was forced back by a fire.

The supervisor's reaction speed was already very fast. He immediately threw a cigarette to put out the fire, and then moved to the other side to try to replace the gun.

But the sound of AK47 headshots thumping in the earphones.

The director fell outside the smoke bomb on the third floor.

Not only that, but the smoke bomb also stopped Lao Wang and S1mple who were trying to return to the defense.

In the endgame of 3v4, VC entered the link of protecting the gun again.

The score came to 1:5.
The consecutive losses gave Mengde a bad feeling, especially the iron plate's way of losing was too similar.

Did GG use an unconventional tactic against the iron plate?
But before only throwing one flash, now it has become a throwing fire to limit the third floor. Is this really just a conventional tactic?
Putting together a series of information, Meng De felt that he was about to find the key point, but he was short of a little inspiration.

Because of the continuous protection of the gun, VC's economy is still considerable, and they still have a chance of a long gun round.

But on the other side, GG, who is the offensive side, has become ten thousand yuan households one by one.

In contrast, VC who can only shoot long guns in this round seems a bit shabby.

Wang Yuning made some changes to the position of the iron plate because of the attacking side's continuous attack on the iron plate, changing the specific position into a tick and a dozen, and the director was put on the double box at the B exit , the little ghost is doing an investigative stance on Tieban Dapo, mainly conservative and unconventional.

But this time the infield played a little more aggressively. Wang Yuning took the initiative to get out of the bandit hall in the middle of the round.

He caught a good moment, just in time to see two CTs turn around and walk out from the bandit hall.

According to the outside field, Wang Yuning will not let go of this opportunity, and will directly shoot and strike.

But the consecutive defeats made him not rush to take action. Sometimes the information of a game is more important than individual kills.

Because individual kills can only allow the team to gain an advantage, but key information can allow the team to win the round!
Wang Yuning got stuck in the bandit hall, but he wasn't a moron.

"Director and kid, you guys are going to let go right now, go to the outfield to help S1mple and the others, take your time and wait for the rabbit!"

The director and the kid quickly rushed to the outfield.


After a wave of harassment in the bandit hall, jiya and loxi turned their heads and followed the footsteps of the large army.

Jiya's tactical thinking in the first few rounds was quite correct, which made others trust his command even more.

Thanks to the position analysis of VC players, Jiya actually has a thorough analysis of their conventional tactical loopholes.

The iron plate defense was weak in the early stage, and K1 was always empty at the first moment.

So if there is a chance, they successfully scored K1 in this round, then they can easily enter the B area and put down the mine bag.

However, it is not that simple to enter K1.

Fortunately, in the first few rounds, he made some preparations.

Jiya and loxi quickly made up a wave of VC first-line smoke, which was no different from the previous two rounds.

He wanted to use this wave of smoke bombs to mislead VC's teammates and let them judge that the outfield was a fake play based on the situation in the previous rounds.


But as they advanced, the gunfire of the big sniper rang out, telling them what delusion is.

Poor Xiao Hei once again became the ghost of S1mple's subordinates.

Fox took the big sniper and immediately set up the warehouse, and GG and others filled up the smoke bombs. There was not much time, and it was imperative for them to play K1.

But before they could make another move, the flash bomb exploded suddenly with a "bang".

Like a real Man, Xantares jumped out of the smoke bomb, raised the AK47 picked up in the last round over his head, and began to learn how to shoot the real AK47.

"Xantares rushed out of the smoke like a ghost. He saw three all-white bandits in front of him. He positioned the head directly. First, he dropped one in seconds, and the strafing shifted, and the second one! Another head! MUWO fought back, but no Hit him!!"

"Xantares!! Beautiful strafing transfer, this AK47 is like a fake!!"

"The last loxi is drawn horizontally from behind the bunker, Xantares!! Flick the crosshair and it's just a shot!! The Turkish ruthless man, this transfer is too tense!"

A wave of anti-clearance with full information, and finally left four kill information on the right.

as well as--

The corpses of bandits all over the place!

(End of this chapter)

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