CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 499 Expectation

Chapter 499 Expectation
GG is not a strong team in the conventional sense. Their understanding and thinking about the version is different from most of the teams that Mengde has paid attention to at this stage. They are quite free and undisciplined.

This actually made Meng De lose tactical importance to them.

To the professional circle, Meng De can be regarded as a well-known genius. With two unknown teams, in less than two years, they have all become the world's top teams. This powerful ability, People can not give birth to rebuttal words.

In fact, from the first time he participated in the Major, that is, the London Major, Mengde has been seeking changes for his team.

He is eager to bring the team into line with the first-line teams, and no longer wants to re-enter the state of Asian teams, that free and undisciplined state.

Their changes are very effective, and they are growing slowly step by step. Although the speed is not fast, it is extremely reassuring.

Meng De has organized all the arrangements for the team, even the progress of promotion has been expected.

He likes to be in control of the scene, the feeling of knowing everything in his mind.

Maybe this character is a little arrogant and a little narrow.But he just wanted to make himself see the way forward.

In today's game, everything was unexpected.

Whether it's map BP, the rhythm of the game, or...

final result.

After losing the game, Meng De stood behind the players in thought, but his expression was not as uncomfortable as he imagined.

The game was indeed out of his control, but it also reminded Mengde.Just as he will carry out a lot of targeting based on the information that the opponent has exposed, the opponent will also devote a lot of energy before the game in order to win.

GG made a lot of targets on the nuclear crisis map, so that VC got the first defeat of this major.However, this kind of targeting is only a one-off event. After this battle, VC has been mentally prepared, and will not be too busy when encountering such a situation.

Therefore, for Meng De, probably the GG team is still not a very threatening team in his heart.As for whether it will become a team that puts pressure on them in the future, it will take time to witness.

"Although I was a little uncomfortable being ridiculed by MUWO before the game, I have to say that the B team on the opposite side played very well today."

After taking off the earphones, S1mple said with emotion.

"It doesn't feel good to be targeted." Mengde glanced around at the people in the battle room, and nodded when he saw them, then said, "Then remember this feeling, all first-line teams grow very fast, and every next game The game, I guess, is just an appetizer."

Now they are already one of the most well-known teams in the world, and there is no longer the "bonus period" that the unknown small team once had.

Wang Yuning was deeply touched: "Being targeted, it's like having a perspective on the opposite side. Suddenly, the point was broken... There is too little information exchange that I can get. I haven't figured out what the problem is. Yes. The fight started, and the rhythm was completely lost."

Before their emotion was over, everyone in GG couldn't wait to shake hands.

In the handshake session after the game, MUWO's mouth was still safe.

He's not stupid, the pre-match taunting was just to tease the opponent's mentality.

But if you taunt after winning the game, then there is something wrong with your character.

Besides, he didn't bother to do that.


Everyone in VC had a good mentality. Although they were not happy because they lost the game, they didn't appear too uncomfortable.

The silence of the previous few months has stabilized their mentality.

It is difficult for them to have big ups and downs in the outcome of a game.

After returning to the lounge, the atmosphere was still a little more silent than usual.

Except for the casual chat between the kid and the director, no other voices could be heard.

Wang Yuning lay on the sofa meditating, and seemed to have a better way to deal with the game before responding.

S1mple was on the side in the posture of 'Ge You lying', swiping his phone, but the sadness on his brows was so strong that he couldn't get rid of it.

The TV screen was turned on, attracting everyone's attention.

NIKO played with the remote control and adjusted the channel that had been set to the screen of VC.A.

gla1ve's brain gate appeared in the shot, shiny and shiny.

"The map that the second team played with GOD today is actually a train?"

Niko was a little surprised.

The train map is not strictly a strong map for the second team.

In the face of Purgatory Town, Death Building and Nuclear Crisis, the winning rate of the second team train is not very high.

So the final map was determined to be a train, and NIKO was a little surprised.

The silent crowd in the lounge also looked at the big screen and began to pay attention to the situation of the game.

The first three rounds of the game have ended, and Team A, as the defensive side, has won all the points.

The first long gun round arrives.

GOD was fully armed and began their orderly control of the map.

The bandit hall and the green pass each place a member.

There are three other members of Tong B above the red stairs.

In the early stage, the two sides did not have too much fierce confrontation, they were exchanging props and collecting information.

But as time went by, the defender's props were consumed one by one, and gradually began to shrink back.

Among them, Xiaoju in Area B was out of touch with his teammates for a few seconds.

GOD just launched a wave of explosive bombs in area B.

With all her strength, Xiaoju knocked out one person and maimed another, and was also taken away.

The breakthrough of this wave of Zone B was so sudden that gla1ve couldn't react.

They have too little gun positions and information, so they can only gather people to fight and fill up the guns.

"It's too reluctant." Looking at the live broadcast on the TV, S1mple made his own judgment.

With no gun positions, props, numbers or even guns in possession, he didn't think it would be a particularly good choice to bite the bullet and return to defense.

The director stepped in and said: "If the first wave of firefights has an advantage, then there is still a chance."

With the first kill in the endgame, the bandit's line of defense in Area B was torn apart, and kennyS and the others could follow the torn line of defense.

But unfortunately, the result of the game was not as expected by S1mple. In the end, GOD traded 2 for 4 and had the last laugh.

The first long spear round was lost, because there were not many long spears left in the previous round of victory, so the economy became a bit embarrassing.

"It's going to be a bird sniper and bloodletting." The kid drank his saliva, smiled and predicted gla1ve's next tactics.

Sure enough, in the next second they saw that on the player's UI, VC.A came up with three sniper shots.

Meng De on the side has been silent, and now he finally speaks:

"Some of our tactics are used too often...especially in this kind of bad economy game, it's too easy to be targeted."

In this ANTI-ECO, GOD quickly made its own response.

They played very carefully and obviously knew what VC.A would probably do.

However, in this round, GOD was overthrown by Team A.

It's not because of their negligence, but because they didn't expect that Broky could deal more than 300 damage with a bird sniper alone.

He pulled the situation back abruptly by himself.

Broky smiled sullenly in front of the camera.

At this moment, the complexions of everyone in the lounge finally improved.

They continue to watch the game in front of them, and devote themselves to it, thinking about how to break the game if they become one of them.


After watching the results of VC.A's competition, Li Tu went to the toilet again. After the end, today's competition was almost over.

After simply adjusting the status, he turned on WROD on the computer and started editing today's Major battle report.

After clearing his mind, he tapped his fingers rapidly on the keyboard.

"...The second day of the Major is in full swing, and the competition in Group A is quite fierce. If the first day of Group A is hard power, then the second day of the game, we can see strong teams The confrontation between BP, tactics, and status."

"First of all, let's see the situation of the winner's group in Group A. In this group, there are two teams, VC and VC.A, which have a lot of traffic. They have attracted the attention of many Chinese. Let's take a look at the VC game first. , the match between VC and GG can be regarded as a classic. As two teams with excellent personal abilities, each matchup is quite fierce. After a round of intrigue and BP, GG got the pick he wanted. Figure, unexpected nuclear crisis.

Everyone was a little puzzled by this. After all, the nuke shown by GG before was not considered strong. Today's move, is it brain overload, or is it prepared? "

"VC is the defensive side first, and the game between the two sides in the pistol round was quite anxious. In the end, the final victory was not decided until the thunder bag was put down. Afterwards, VC relied on an AK47 seized by the Economic Bureau to complete the comeback in the long gun round. But the good times didn’t last long, GG’s attack followed, the continuous rhythm wave after wave, VC couldn’t stop it, and MUWO’s state became more and more hot. The defense line was broken again and again, at the end of halftime, GG won 10-5 leading.

At the beginning of the second half, with the cooperation of GG in the pistol round, he won the advantage at the cost of 1 for 3, and then successfully won the pistol round. VC chose to force his gun and successfully brought the game into the endgame, but in the end he failed to come back.The score was further expanded. In the long gun round, the director sent the first kill in the outfield, which made the situation even worse. Fortunately, VC seized the opportunity and entered the B area with a wave of cooperation, relying on Wang Yuning and S1mple in the end game Played and successfully recovered a point.But it was only one point, VC couldn't get even one point after that, and finally GG won the game with a score of 16:6..."

Li Tu in the room lit a cigarette, and sighed like smoke floating in the room, quite melancholy.

He has watched VC all the way. As an industry practitioner, he has great expectations for VC—especially in this Major.

Although the idea may be extravagant, it is so interesting to defeat the Danish dynasty at home in Denmark and become the new king.

Li Tu had heard about what happened in the VC team in the past few months.

Is it a good or bad decision to let them withdraw from the first-tier competition for a short time?

He doesn't know.But he believed in Meng De, the man who single-handedly pulled VC out of the quagmire.

On the first day of the Major, VC defeated MG 16:1, giving them a perfect answer for those who were looking forward to it.

But no one thought that the result of the game the next day would be so uncomfortable.

This feeling of disappointing expectations is definitely not a good feeling.

"It's because I expect too much from them. Maybe they still need time to practice."

Li Tu gently put the cigarette on the ashtray, pressed the number keys at will, woke up the screen that had been off for a long time, and continued to briefly describe the game situation of the next day.

"...The meeting between VC.A and GOD is considered as an enemy who is extremely jealous. In the past few months, their exchanges of fire have been quite frequent, and they are old opponents. After BP, their choices are also out of the mainstream. Train At the stop, everyone wants to be the train king."

"Team A is on the defensive first on this map. GOD in the pistol round attacked Area A. After a wave of confrontation, two members of both sides died. After the first wave of firefights, the situation was a bit awkward. At this time, gla1ve made a decision An astonishing choice. Feng Yan chose to forcibly unpack the package in public. This choice was quite bold, but gla1ve's judgment was correct. He had the mine pliers and he forcibly unpacked the mine package, winning for the team. Pistol round."

"When the long gun game came, GOD seized the time to score point B. In the subsequent endgame, VC.A failed to withstand it. The Blue Horse Knight used a triple kill to score the first point for the team. But the good times didn't last long, and VC's economy was insufficient later. , chose the classic three-bird sniper tactic, Broky dealt nearly 400 damage in this round, forcibly saving the situation.

GOD was not smooth in the first half, and the situation did not improve until they took out their first big sniper.But with kennyS' big sniper, they fell into silence again. At the end of the first half, VC.A led GOD with a big score of 12:3. "

"After changing sides in the second half, because GOD's betting point failed, the opening was a 5v5 back-to-defense endgame. VC.A relied on the advantage of the gun position to win at the speed of light. GOD just shot to no avail, and the game came to the long gun round. VC. .A chose an explosive bomb in area A after the control of the map. Tig got a triple kill at the front point and helped the team enter the bunker point. VC.A became the train king with a big score of 16:3."

After writing this, Li Tu felt a little relieved.

Although VC's state fluctuated greatly, Team A's performance was quite stable, and it could even be said to be impressive.

Facing GOD and winning it with a big score of 16:3, it is definitely a beautiful victory.

According to this state, Team A should have no pressure in tomorrow's game.

Tomorrow is the third day of the Major. Team A has now won both games. On the third day, they only need to win GG to declare their promotion.

In the case of VC, this ups and downs made them a little worried.

After all, VC's record is 1-1, and they must win at least two of the next three games, or they will really be out.

Whether it's for the homework of the quiz, or for the expectation in my heart.

Li Tu does not even hope that in the next few days, he will write the words that VC has ended the journey of the Copenhagen Major.

Looking at the photo on the wallpaper of myself and everyone in VC at the Fog City Major, my smile is so bright.

So come on guys, don't stop there.


(End of this chapter)

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