CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 502 Keywords: Chapter 2, Area B Chapter Defense

"...Since the little ghost played spiritually, the overall state of vc has improved a lot. In these few rounds, s1mple and the director have taken turns to play, and they didn't give a chance." Nobita praised.

I saw that in the live broadcast at this moment, relying on xantares' return defense performance, vc won another round again.

The score above the big screen has reached 5:3, and vc has won 5 rounds in a row.

The terrifying aura of vc made the passionate audience already excited.

Many people shouted the slogan "let's go vc!"

Although the spectators of the Copenhagen Major come from all over the world, the players in Denmark are relatively close to each other, and they have more convenience and more votes.

And this game, because they don't have their own home team, they can watch the fun without caring, enjoying the purest charm of CSGO competition.

After the relatively active s1mple won the round, he even waved his fists to signal to the audience in the audience, and there was another wave of waves in the venue for a while.


Compared with the easy and pleasant vc who chased points continuously, the chariot was going to be a bit restrained.

The early offense has been unable to gain a numerical advantage, which has become their most serious problem at this stage.

Of course, the inability to take control of Big A is also one of the main reasons for their failure.

The map of Sha Er has been in people's field of vision since the beginning of csgo's birth, and because the map structure is relatively simple, it is basically impossible to create a big gap with the opponent in essence.

Chariots can become the world's No. [-] Sand II, apart from their extraordinary efforts on this map, they have more control over the details.

But now they often lose heads in the early confrontation, so that they can't make a fuss about the details at all, which makes people a little irritated.

Fortunately, relying on financial compensation for losing streak, they can continue to play a long gun round.

"The long gun round continued. The bandits chose to throw a smoke grenade at the corner of Big A at the second time, and rushed out of Big A with the flashbang."

"However, there are still two members of this wave of VCs in University A. The old Wang and the director are in Dakeng and the corner respectively."

"The director seized an opportunity, killed one first, and got the first kill with a headshot."

"Old Wang Huanyan wanted to seize the opportunity, but it wasn't a very good time. Binle made up the shot, and the two sides fought one-for-one at A University."

"However, this wave of old Wang's decision-making is still a bit radical, because his death makes the position of the director of Dakeng very embarrassing."

"S1mple also hurried over to help."

Nobita's tone was a bit anxious, because if s1mple was slower, the director would definitely be surrounded and killed.

The director of Dakeng knew that something was wrong, and immediately gave him a self-protection cigarette to delay time.

The number of opponents is large, so delaying time for teammates to return to defense is the most important thing.

The kid on the other side pressed forward again, taking all the information of b2 and b1. xantares is already on his way back to defense.

s1mple was the first to be discovered because of his closeness and distance, and was shot by the opponent's ak.

Aware of s1mple's position, the bandit immediately added another corner cigarette, depriving s1mple of his vision.

s1mple didn't sit still, but took the initiative to push forward with a big sniper. He had to help the director in this wave.

Slowly advance with a big sniper, and soon there is a bandit trying to jump into the big pit in the camera.


Without hesitation, s1mple pulled the trigger and opened fire.

"S1mple catches someone who wants to jump into the pit, which relieves the pressure on the director... But the bandit is not fighting alone. Binle leans on the edge of the smoke around the corner and shoots through the director to death."

"Once the director dies, s1mple's position will be very dangerous. Can he escape now?" The evil view was a little worried.

"s1mple didn't run away. After a big melee in A, what was left for the duo in area B was a 2v3 endgame."

Knowing that there is also a sniper rifle on the opposite side, so Xantares did not take the initiative to reveal the information, but quietly went to the l position, intending to listen to some information, and then try to shoot some.

The little ghost is on the b1 floor to support the pass point of a small, to prevent the opponent from going up from a small or turning point to hit b.

The scorching sand city became quiet again for a while.

In this endgame where the number of people is inferior, although the VC props are sufficient, but the initiative is too little, the only choice is to stop statically.

The two commentators also came to give the audience a good analysis of the situation on the court:
"Now the chariot has three smoke bombs in its hands. As long as they enter the bunker without injury, the VC will not have to fight this wave."

"Xantares is the sixth son in position l to listen to the voice. He is worried that the big sniper on the other side will come out and take the initiative. If that is the case, he will send the head directly."

"But vc never expected that this wave of chariots chose to walk quietly the whole time with props, and they didn't even give them a cigarette."

The sudden sound of footsteps came from above the platform, and only then did Xantares know that something was wrong. His decision-making error rate was a bit low, but he happened to be caught by the chariot.

The trail smoke exploded, and the beeping sound of c4 came.

Xantares walked quietly and took the initiative to touch, and the front sight first looked in the direction of A major.


But the gunshots from the sniper turned Xantares' idea of ​​stealing the chicken into a delusion.

In the endgame of 1 vs 3, the opponent's gun position was still spread out, and the kid didn't hesitate to open the guarantee directly.

Relying on this wave of a big quick shot, the chariot successfully recovered a point.

However, VC's economy is still sufficient, and they have not let down their vigilance.

In the tenth round, the position of the tank was not very good, so they simply gave up fighting for the control of Big A, and instead turned the offensive and came to Area B to find some opportunities.

Asuka, the main sniper of the chariot, is the one closest to area b.

He directly took the big sniper to the b2 floor.

Put the sniper rifle on the platform in area b at the first time to ensure that no one moves to the direction of the sniper position in area b.

"Arusa's big sniper directly sets up the big box in area B. Knowing that no one is on stage, you can be sure that the defenders in area B are in the bag or parking space."

"The ruthless man is helping out outside the door, because this round is focused on a big, he needs to play the role of scouting the middle lane and assisting b, a mine was thrown to b pass, and two were disabled, but arusa did not retreat, but instead Use a big sniper to push forward!"

"There is no one at the bag spot. Make sure there is someone in the parking space. The ruthless people are going from the dog hole to the bag spot to make up for it. It depends on the timing!"

"The ruthless man went down to the bunkering point, and was caught in the air by Arusa and shot him to death. In this case, only the kid will be left alone in Area B."

The kid stood beside the white car, at this moment he silently said 'I am the director' and 'I am the director' in his heart. '

It seems that in this way, the classic famous scene of the director can be reproduced.

There were many footsteps next to the ear, and the kid was highly focused, ready to shoot at any time.

The chariot was not in a hurry, and a wave of props was given out slowly.

Door b smokes, dog hole fire, flashing too much.

The kid wanted to turn his head, but the opponent pulled it out before the flash exploded, forcing him to turn his head and aim.

With white eyes and a shot, the kid got a kill, but he was quickly replaced.

"S1mple's supplementary defense is already in place, but he has no output space, and he can't even get vision."

"VC has fallen into the problem of the century again, keywords: "Sha [-]", "B district", "return to defense"."

There was a gap in the number of people, and it was really difficult to return to the defense in area B, but Wang Yuning gave the order to protect the gun again.

After losing points in a row, Wang Yuning did not plan to sit still.

Although they did a lot of in-depth research on chariots, this team did not stay in place all the time. After the fight, Lao Wang discovered that the opponent's Sha Er also had some novel changes.

And the state of the chariot is really good today, whether it is marksmanship or the state of replenishment between the teams, they are all very fast.

In this regard, he can only choose to use unconventional play to break the game.

Directly made a wave of 4a1b defense.

Big A competes with each other, but he directly puts s1mple on the shelf and lets s1mple's big sniper catch one by surprise.

This wave of surprise was indeed caught, knowing that the opponent's control in the middle was very slow, s1mple directly sniped b1 at the first time, and successfully got the head of the bandit in b's external control map.

At the same time, Xantares of Big A took the initiative to throw a smoke bomb next to the big pit.

The chariot just threw another corner smoke, and just formed a cooperation, sending the director into the pit without injury.

The two easily formed a wave of cross-shooting lines. With their marksmanship, they took control of Big A at the cost of 0 for 2.

Before 1 minute, vc had already got three kills in this round, which heralded the victory of the round.

However, the development of the situation did not go as they wished, and the chariot soon used a wave of a major and a minor attack, causing their rhythm to collapse.


The score came to 6:8.
The final game of the first half finally arrived.

But vc needs to face a somewhat serious problem.

Because of the strong guns in the last round, their economy collapsed in the final game of the first half.

Looking at the live broadcast, Xie Jian was a little tongue-tied: "What's the matter, the economy is a bit embarrassing."

He still said it more euphemistically, while the audience in the live broadcast room told the truth:

[Well done, it looks like the first half is going to end in a classic pose]

[One thing to say, I saw the preparation of vc, and the one from A was a bit bright by using the smoke at the corner before]

[But to be honest, Sha Er of this chariot is not as tough as usual, and the attack is beautiful and picturesque]

[6:9, the second half will be a bit difficult]


Due to the embarrassing economy, everyone in vc can only have a full-armed Sand Eagle in this long gun game.

At most, there are only one or two props.

"4a1b, let's keep A and play small. The ruthless people put us on A and let's watch the middle lane." Wang Yuning issued a decision, which is also a relatively safe way of playing.

As he said that, he threw a cigarette in the middle to prevent the opponent from getting too much information.

The countdown ended, and everyone set off.

But before they were in their respective positions, a loud sniper shot rang out.

The little ghost wanted to jump in the middle to get some information, but was shot directly in the head by the bullet of the big sniper through the middle door, and he was sent flying.

It is true that blessings come without pairs, and misfortunes never come singly.

But that's not the case, after the ruthless man puts his teammates up, he can only go to the b area to make up defense.

"Asuka's shot is ruthless enough." The English stream commentary was stunned.

The kid is indeed exposed in Asuka's field of vision, but the accuracy of this shot is really amazing.

After getting the first kill at the beginning, the chariot as the attacker did not change its actions.

They knew that VC's economy was insufficient, so they directly "bullyed" and paid a lot of props to fight for the control of A.

On the other hand, even though the guns and props were not good, the director still came to University A, intending to take a shot and see if he could win a prize.

With the sound of the desert eagle's gunshots at A, hon33, the first bandit, died directly at the door of A.

Seeing the kill information in the upper right corner, the director's eyebrows, which were as slender as willow leaves, raised a little surprised.

After winning the lottery, he quickly cut his knife and ran back, out of the danger zone.

"Twistzz knocked out one with his eyes blank, and the number of the two sides reached 4v4. However, the vc will still be restrained in the fight. The disadvantage of firearms and the lack of props make them have to deal with it on the spot. The chances of winning by taking the initiative are too small."

"And after taking control of Major A, the chariot did not take the initiative to attack, but threw an xbox smoke bomb. Is this intended to continue to control minor A and erode vc's map control step by step?"

"If we just look at the perspective of the tank, this is indeed a good decision, but what we need to know is that now that the a trail s1mple and yu are both there, whether there will be any problems is another matter."

The commentary made a clear judgment on the situation on the scene.

But the chariot idea is not that simple.

They have a clear understanding of themselves, and they also have a thorough understanding of the personal abilities of the monsters facing them.

Even in this kind of game, they will still choose the safest style of play.

The bandits who stayed in A University began to throw cigarettes from the police, and Lan Chehuo put pressure on them.

On the middle side, two smoke bombs were also thrown.

But Chariot and the others don't plan to attack Area A, this wave of props is just a sheep attack.

Their real purpose is in Area B!
The commentator was a little surprised by the stability of the chariot: "In such an advantageous situation, do we still have to carry out a pivotal attack? There is really no chance at all."

In today's 4v4 endgame, vc's defensive position is roughly 31.

Only xantares is defending alone in area b.

This wave of chariot's turning point attack, once it enters, how will vc go back to defense with a few pistols.

What's more, this area is still Sand II's B area.

Notoriously easy to defend but difficult to attack.

As for xantares' personal ability to play.

It's not that they haven't thought about this scene, but they only have a Sand Eagle. It's really hard for them to imagine the scene of a ruthless man creating a miracle.

In the first wave of prop sheep attack, in the vigilant mood of s1mple and others, nothing happened in area a.

Wang Yuning said: "Ruthless man, pay attention, there is a possibility of turning the other side."

The ruthless man listened, and immediately gave the only prop in his hand - smoke bombs, to delay time.

Almost at the same time as he was handing over the cigarette, the sound of footsteps came from Tong Tong, and he knew something was wrong: "Tong Tong has footsteps, there are a lot of them, and it is estimated that he is going to beat Tong!"

The chariot originally planned to touch it directly, but the ruthless man handed over the smoke bomb, which caused some differences in their team.

In the end, the commander gave the order, and the smoke burst out directly, and if the delay continued, the early preparations would be in vain.

"The four bandits gathered at B-pass, and they rushed out in the face of the smoke bombs. Now only Xantares is facing the army on his own in area B, and he only has a sand eagle in his hand."

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and the ruthless man beside the white car knew that he couldn't drag it any longer.

He took the initiative to approach the box at the door of Pass B, facing the wall and began to dodge.

A flash bomb exploded, and the ruthless man listened to the sound to identify the position, and adjusted the preview line of the headshot.

Two bandits rushed out of the route.

"Bang!" "Bang!"





"Consecutive headshot kills were born in btong. Xantares interrupted the bandits' offensive rhythm with his marksmanship. Now they have an advantage in numbers instead!"

"There are still two people in b pass, they are trying to fill up the gun, xantares can't run away, he has to face the opponent's gun line directly!"

"Xantares peeked again, another headshot was knocked out, asuka was swayed, big sniper shot!


"Xantares also took an empty shot, the last shot to kill, is there any chance!


The continuous kills, and the screams of the audience faintly came from the ears, which made the ruthless people feel a little excited.

A sense of arrogance arose in his heart, and he took the initiative to attack directly to the right.

Asuka's big sniper hasn't even finished pulling the bolt, so he can only stare blankly at the CT in front of him.

Sand Eagle's muzzle burst into orange flames, and the bullet directly pierced his head.

[vtares used the Desert Eagle headshot to kill rt (chariot).binle]

[vtares killed rt.kake with a headshot of the Desert Eagle]

[vtares killed rt.isone with a headshot of the Desert Eagle]

[vtares killed rt.asuka with a headshot of the Desert Eagle]

The trump card vtares used precision strikes to deal with 80% of the enemy's members.

He is playing his mvp triumphant song!

The audience has all stood up. From a certain point of view, this round can be said to fully demonstrate the charm of CSGO.

After all, 700 Sand Eagles tear everything with their hands. Who hasn't imagined this?

The English streaming commentary is already incoherent:

"It's really like frying fish, xantares... No, now I have to call him a Turkish ruthless man. He knocked out the four bandits in the b pass with only five bullets. The only thing I can't think of is That’s how the turnaround happened.”

"This is vc, you can always see miracles born!"

[Turkey ruthless!

You finally stood up]

[Rebirth of Urban Special Forces: Our Eco]

[This is like a lock, if you shoot six shots and five shots to the head, is it still a human? 】

[It's outrageous if it's all heads]

[The ruthless gun is really accurate, even s1mple can't beat him when singled out]

[Good guy, forcibly turned the tide of battle back. 】

Following the ruthless man's four kills, the game freezes.

Soon there were greetings from everyone in the chariot on the public screen.

binle: Is it that exaggerated?
kake: I just have a question, why did the guy from the youth academy let you go.

Everyone in vc didn't type and interact, because they were all immersed in the surprise of their teammates.

Who can understand that they are in a hurry.

The feeling of frantically swiping the screen in the upper right corner while walking.

They didn't even finish shouting 'nice'.

So my teammates are so strong?


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