CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 507 S1mple, you know how to suck blood

Chapter 507 S1mple, you know how to suck blood

VC vs SG (Samba)

Map: Desert Lost City

T: Panda, Fire, T979, Dank, D1FFF
CT: S1mple, Yu, NIKO, Twistzz, somebody
With the sound of cheers from the audience, the BO3 match officially started.

The pistol round started, and Wang Yuning glanced at the samba information, and then began to line up for today.

Before the game started, coach Meng De was explaining the information about samba to them.

Although they are all acquaintances in the first-tier arena, this Brazilian team may not have a fate with them, and the number of times they have actually faced each other can be counted on the fingers.

This led to the fact that neither side knew much about the other side in today's game. All judgments in the game can only come from the analysis of the game video, or their own intuition.

As a Brazilian team, this team has inherited the aggressive and crazy game style of the Brazilians.

Inspired by Wang Yuning, he said, "For the pistol round, the director, let's press the middle together and take the initiative to attack."

"Do you need my help?" S1mple asked.

The director glanced at S1mple's location, and said, "Just wait a while and get us the information as soon as possible."

Although S1mple's position is further back than theirs, he and Lao Wang need to jump to the bottom of the middle lane, and it is difficult to collect information at the first time.

It would be of great help if teammates could give them a glimpse of the mid laner at the arch.

While discussing the details of pressing forward, several people strode towards the middle.

The very details of the director here are to walk backwards to the middle. The first is to back flash, and the second is to guard against possible enemies from the sewer.Of course, it was still early when someone came to the sewer.

"There is no one in the bandits." S1mple reported the information of the bandits, and then returned to Area A to observe.

The director was wary of the sewer, and asked, "Should we continue to push forward?"

"It's all coming."

Wang Yuning began to adjust the preview, and looked at the regular gun positions in the bandit's mouth bit by bit.

Finally, when he adjusted his gaze to the bandit's mouth against the wall, two bandits appeared in his field of vision.

"Two, two!!" Old Wang shouted loudly the moment he was killed.

The director immediately turned around to replenish the gun, but he had just seen the enemy when he was quickly taken away by the Brazilian.

The two kills in the upper right corner announced the defeat of VC in this wave of top laners.

But the kill information showed that it didn't stop there.

[VC.NIKO kills SG.D1FFF with a headshot with a usp pistol]

"VC carried out a wave of front jumping in the middle lane, and the details of this wave of front jumping were full, but they didn't expect that there were bandits squatting by the wall of the bandit's entrance. The Brazilian's method of waiting for rabbits has achieved results!"

"But there was also an exchange of fire in area A on the other side. NIKO went up to the A2 floor before the second time, took the initiative to go up to the A2 floor, and forcibly exchanged a head back by relying on his marksmanship."

Seeing that the teammate on the A2 floor was killed, the bandit Panda, who was armed by default in A1, quickly moved out, wanting to catch a chance for NIKO to return to the bunker.

Panda moved very quickly, and he really caught NIKO's opportunity to retreat to the bunker.

But the problem is that NIKO went up to the A2 floor, but was shot, and his blood volume did not lose much.

This time he stepped back and was intercepted. Seeing that there was only Panda on the platform A1, NIKO swayed around and confronted him without fear at all.

As the fine-tuning locked on the bandit's head, Panda fell to the top of the A1 diving platform with a "snap".

NIKO is like a god of war on the A2 floor this time, directly rescuing the disadvantage of the number in the early stage.

Area A gained a considerable advantage, but the kid defending alone in Area B was a little worried, so he took the initiative to walk out from B and glanced at the middle.

Because it was determined that at least two people are in the middle, that is to say, if the opponent turns quickly, they can directly speed up the B area in a group.

In that case, he might be in some danger.

Therefore, the anti-Qing middle road information is very important at this moment.

The little ghost peeked out from B, and he was relieved when he saw the message that the other three wanted to pass.

He was not in a hurry, relying on his advantage in blood volume, he kept shooting at the bandits from a long distance.

After rubbing off a few bullets, the kid didn't want to be greedy for the gun, and just backed away.


After the sandbag in the middle.

The three samba dancers are discussing their next plan.

At the beginning of this round, they planned to use a slow mid-lane to clamp A. Once they advance and gain an advantage, they will directly speed up and attack A.

They gained an advantage in the firefight in the middle, and they had already planned to speed up.

But District A failed to get even one head, which made them a little bit difficult.

At the second time, under the suggestion of Commander T979, they planned to use their tricks and walked quietly to the arch to seize the opportunity.

But the appearance of B small CT made their calculation come to nothing again.

Fire suggested: "How about we turn back now and touch A1?"

Now AB has confirmed an enemy at two points. They don't know the location of S1mple for the time being, so they have been hesitant.

"Give it a try." For them, whether they play A or B now, it's just a gamble on probability.

Compared with the narrowness of area B, area A allows them to have more room to play.

After thinking clearly, Fire and his teammates immediately replaced the two usp pistols on the ground, and started to turn around and walk home.

"SG chose to turn the point again. They still want to play A, but this time they want to play from the direction of A1 and A2."

"But S1mple is now taking the initiative to push forward to the bomb area of ​​the bandit's house. He is about to meet the bandit army. Who will get the kill in this wave?"

"How many can S1mple kill?"

S1mple was moving forward quietly. After seeing the enemy, he just fired a shot, and was carried away by Fire with a headshot.

"Okay, one shot, then it's all right."

The two commentators smiled a little because of this episode.

The game on the field is still going on, because of the death of S1mple, the current situation of VC has fallen into a passive situation.

In the endgame of 2v3, there is still considerable pressure in Area A, and the kid and NIKO can only hide in their respective defensive areas.

And SG is very smart, they know that their actions have been seen by S1mple.

Now no matter what, VC will put one person in Area A, then Area B will only have one member at most, and it may even be air defense.

The three bandits turned around and turned to B.

"Although there is not much time, SG played very cautiously. He walked quietly to the nearest point of the B2 building. There is only somebody in the B area. How many can he catch?"

"Somebody was holding a pistol in B's hand and kept firing. As soon as Fire landed, he was killed by a headshot!"

"Now he just needs to wait for his teammates to make up the defense."

If stability is required, the kid really only needs to wait for his teammates to return to defense, and then delay enough time.

But his current blood volume is still full, and the opponent Glock can't give him a headshot.

Unless one of the two remaining people gave him a headshot and the other shot at the same time, then he would be instantly killed.

Otherwise, he is really the opposite.

Moreover, he has been hiding in B Xiao, but he may give up the gun position, which hurts NIKO who returns to defense.

The kid continued to attack boldly, shooting at the bandits in Building B2 continuously.

Judging from the UI screen in the live broadcast room, the blood volume UI belonging to bandits is constantly rising.

The little ghost alone caused tons of damage in B small.

"The brat killed another one! Now T979 is the last one left, this pistol round was fought back by VC with his personal ability!"

"T979 entered the package site, and immediately planned to release the package forcibly, time is running out!"

"Although somebody heard the sound of releasing the bag, he was not in a hurry, because NIKO's return defense was about to be in place!"

T979 put the thunder bag in the normal bag position, got up and cut the gun.

But before he had the ability to fight, he was shot in the head by NIKO, who had returned to defense on the perimeter of the enclave, and was carried away directly.

Although there is no thunder pliers, but the mine bag has just been put down, enough time, NIKO easily removed the mine bag.

The pistol round was successfully won.

"Good gun brother."

"Little brat, this wave is very good."

After winning the round, everyone in VC bumped their fists to encourage each other, and they were in a beautiful mood.

However, being forcibly put down by the opponent also means that the second round may not be peaceful.

While Samba has been relatively solid in pistol rounds, their playstyle has always been relatively aggressive, and that shouldn't go too far wrong.

In other words, the next round of samba is likely to be strong.

Wang Yuning glanced at the team's economy, and when he saw NIKO's economy, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He asked S1mple: "Brother, do you want to be a spy?"

NIKO was full of question marks for a moment, looked at Lao Wang and said with a smile: "I kill three at the beginning, so I don't deserve to eat resources?"

But his tone was also joking, not particularly serious.

S1mple smiled at the side: "Then you must play sniping, a real man has to play big sniping."

NIKO was quite helpless, bought a big sniper and threw it on the ground.

"You know how to suck blood."

Looking at -4750 on the left, NIKO only felt that his heart was bleeding.

"Don't worry, it will definitely work for you." S1mple threw a handful of M4 out, picked up the big sniper on the ground, and patted his chest to assure NIKO.

Although Wang Yuning didn't explain the tactics clearly, they probably knew the meaning.

In the second round, he took out a big sniper, just enough to deal with SG's strong start.

In the second round, SG didn't know that they would have a big sniper, so once the gunshot sounded, as long as S1mple didn't shake his hand, it would be a fatal shot.

Because I don't want the bandits to know that S1mple is a big sniper and his position is not very good, so the control of the middle lane is directly given to the opponent in this round.

S1mple came to his old position at the first time, and asked Lao Wang to cooperate with him to put it on the A2 floor at the first time.

The two commentators on the scene also noticed the unreasonable gun in S1mple's hand.

"Oh! S1mple got a big sniper in the second round. Is it a big sniper without armor? Not all VC members have armor, which is economical enough."

Looking at S1mple's position, Johnny felt a little gasped.

"Then his big sniper, SG really didn't expect him to take out a big sniper now, it feels like it will become a foreshadowing."

"That's true." Henry nodded in agreement with his partner, but added: "But VC's investment in S1mple is a bit too large. Once they are overturned this round, the economy will directly collapse, so buy this It is also a big risk to take a big sniper."

The risks of this decision are of course enormous.

This is why Wang Yuning asked S1mple for his opinion.

If S1mple feels that he doesn't feel good, or wants to be safer, he will not let NIKO make a big attack.

S1mple thinks he can do it, so he can use this tactic to grab the opponent.

Because the early stage was played in the middle, the VC started with triple B heavy defense, and S1mple immediately set up a gun on the B2 floor.

After confirming that no one was there, the kid took the initiative to walk quietly into the kitchen on the B2 floor.

"There is no one on the B2 floor."

After the imp is in place, it is equivalent to liberating S1mple.

Hearing this, the director of Little B began to act boldly.

But soon he was shot by the rifle in the L position in the middle, and quickly retreated.

"The director is retreating, but Little B has a bold bandit incarnation following the idiot, closely behind him!" The voice of the commentary was a bit short, which made the audience feel as if they were in the scene, and became a little nervous.

Fire's decision was bold, and he quickly grabbed a good opportunity himself.

As long as he can see the position of another CT in area B, he will shoot immediately.

But before he could see the director's figure, a very abrupt gunshot rang out.


It's a big shot! ! !
At the moment when the gunshot rang out, Fire's mind was a little confused.

"Where did the big sniper come from, where did the money come from on the other side? Could it be that there is no armor to force it? It shouldn't be."

Fire's doubts may not be answered for the time being, but with the appearance of the kill information in the upper right corner, the scene is already in an uproar.

Not only the audience, but also the SG team members were a little puzzled.

Where did you get the money from? S1mple uses flowers to start the gun, right?

They looked at the kill information in the upper right corner again and again, as if they were repeating confirmation.

But because the game is still going on, this kind of doubt is only hidden in the bottom of my heart, and I haven't explained it.

However, it was confirmed that S1mple had a big sniper in area B, so they chose to avoid the battle and try in area A.

In area A, Pharaoh and NIKO are at the platform A1 and the police station respectively.

NIKO has just cleared the inside of A1 and confirmed that it is safe for the time being, so the only thing to worry about is the enemies in the direction of the arch.

Lao Wang had been waiting for a long time, and when he heard the sound of a prop, he pulled it straight to the right and shot at the two bandits inside the arch.

【VC.Yu kills SG.Dank with M4A4 headshot】

"Yu seized the time to kill another member of the bandit, and S1mple's back defense was in place. There are only three bandits left in this wave. They must hurry up."

"Panda took a good look at the policeman in advance, and walked over to try to replace Yu, but he didn't know that the policeman was already in place as the stand-in envoy S1mple! Panda appeared directly under the gunpoint of the big sniper."

The second shot from S1mple's big sniper rang out, weakening the strength of the bandits again.

Director B also grabbed a back from the back, shot and knocked out the bandits in the arch.

The last person left wanted to speed up and finish off S1mple, but NIKO, who was hiding in A1, made a decisive shot and directly shot him down.

"This big sniper has brought considerable benefits to VC. They managed to get a group kill in the second round without even losing a spear. This is definitely good news for VC's economy."

SG battle room.

After losing the round, they finally began to think about the questions they had been wondering about before.

Where did S1mple come from?
Although it is a professional team, not all teams have members who specialize in economic calculations.

SG's calculation of the economy is only a rough idea.

But it was this generalization that made them play a little impulsively this round, which caused a chain reaction due to the drop.

Fire said: "It should be NIKO sent a big shot to S1mple. I remember he got three kills in the pistol round."

"But it's not enough. The round where the winner removes C4 adds 3500, plus 3 quick kills with 900 heads. This is only 4400 yuan, which is still 350 short."

"Could it be that the pistol round saved money?"

T979 said: "No, it should be enough."

"Maybe NIKO unpacked the bag, added 300 yuan, plus the pistol bureau left 50 yuan after buying the half-armor, so it's just enough for 4750 yuan to buy a big sniper."


After figuring out the source of S1mple's big purchase, everyone in SG gasped and rushed to contribute to global warming.

"Should I be so exaggerated, just enough to cover the economy?"

"It's also decisive enough. This big sniper buys the props as soon as he says he wants to buy them."

They don't know whether this wave is due to VC's careful control of the details, or pure luck.

But they knew that today's match would definitely be a tough one!

(End of this chapter)

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