CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 512 Reunion Knockout Tournament

Chapter 512 Reunion Knockout Tournament

"Two to zero!" Coke still expressed his emotions without hesitation, and shouted excitedly in the live broadcast room, "VC took the samba lightly in this BO3 and won the third victory in the challenger group , got the tickets for the championship group!"

"We will see the scene where the two teams led by Mengde meet on the big offline stage in Copenhagen!"

"What an exciting picture!"

In the gymnasium, after the game ended, the audience gave applause for this wonderful game—that is, for VC to successfully win the game, and for both teams to contribute a wonderful game to themselves.

The word "Win" behind the VC team logo on the rear LED horizontal screen was dazzling, and soon appeared on the main screen of the game, telling all the audience that the final winner of the game was VC from the Asian division.

Immediately afterwards, on the big screen, VC's six-person makeup photo appeared, which brought the audience's emotions to a peak again.

Yuyuan was still immersed in the ecstasy of VC's promotion, holding up the microphone and said excitedly: "To be honest, I am looking forward to VC's performance in this Major."

"This is the third time they have entered the Major level. The best result was the final four in the last Katowice Major."

Speaking of this, Taro paused for a moment, as if recalling some bad memories.

Many Chinese people are also a little bit confused about the answer of this Katowice Major.

Although everyone knows that even if S1mple got shot in that Katowice Major, they may not win the championship in the end, but it will make people feel a little pity after all.

Yuyuan shook her head, adjusted her emotions and came back: "The last time two Huaxia teams entered the quarterfinals of the championship group at the same time, it was already more than ten years ago in the ancient times, and it can even be involved in the 1.6 period."

"So I have to say that VC and VC.A have brought us great expectations. Their current strength is also very different from before. Entering the knockout round, they really have the strength to compete for the championship trophy."

The on-site director's footage quickly showed S1mple, who has a strong sense of presence in this game.

After winning, S1mple had a victor's smile on his face, with a little pride and brilliance on his face.

Before he could make any victory speeches, NIKO on the side bumped fists with him first, grinned and said, "Enter the top eight!!"

For NIKO, this is his best record in the Major, so he is naturally very happy.

After the fist bump, the two of S1mple took advantage of the situation and hugged each other.

"For us, the quarterfinals are just the starting point." S1mple imitated Meng De's way of saying, "You must know that our goal is to be the champion."

The two are arranging coaches here, and they are very happy.

Meng De, who was behind him, heard all this clearly, and gently took the tactical paper and knocked on them one by one as a warning.

"Forget it this time, next time I don't see you two."

In such a happy atmosphere, Meng De's sternness was broken in less than a few seconds.

He quickly joined the players with a smile and hugged and celebrated with them.

Among this group of people, the director who was a little short in stature was pulled into the crowd before he got up, and his flowing hair was shredded into pieces by many pairs of big hands.

"Don't move your hair, it took a long time to blow it in the morning." The director's people shouted for help.

But how does he feel, it's okay if he doesn't talk about it, the more he talks about it, the more excited these mothers are about giving birth.

Looking at the joyful VC in front of the live broadcast camera, Henry, the English stream commentator, still felt quite bitter.

Because he has a good relationship with several members of the Brazilian team, he actually hopes that the Brazilian team will perform better in his heart.

But the difference in hard power between the two sides lies here, and the two sides can still fight back and forth in the Lost City in the Desert in Figure [-].

Arriving in Figure [-] is completely crushing, it is a disaster.

Johnny noticed his partner's behavior and kicked him cryptically.

As professional commentators, they still need to pay attention to the performance of the live broadcast, so as not to be followed by netizens later.

"I didn't say that."

Although he is more supportive of samba in his heart, Henry, as the commentator on the main stage of the Major, is still very professional and will not show it too obviously.

But he still involuntarily turned his gaze towards the samba battle room.

It's hard to think about going to T979 now.

After the game, T979, who was fighting as a samba dancer, just watched the settlement screen quietly.

He seemed to want to deeply remember the gap between the two sides.

After watching for a long time, he opened the console and typed 'quit' to close the client.

He thought he could easily accept the end of the game.

But it still doesn't work... T979's expression is full of bitterness.

The gap between the two sides in Figure [-] is too big, so big that they will know the final result of the game in the middle of the game.

At that time, everyone in the samba dance was already trying to get as many points as possible, not winning.

But in the end, VC's performance on this map even made them feel frustrated.

Now that the game is over, he can even feel the rejoicing of many teammates around him, feeling that the game is finally over.

In fact, it is normal to have this kind of thinking. After all, they have no chance of winning, they are just going to jail.

As the veteran of the team, Panda is still the one who took the initiative to stand up to comfort his teammates: "Adjust your mentality, don't think too much if you lose the game."

It was said that they adjusted their breathing quickly, and they were almost fine after a while.

Brazilian emotions come and go quickly.

When the VC came to shake hands, although they still felt a little uncomfortable, it was not too obvious.

"It's the first time I've officially played against you, and you're really strong." The samba coach exclaimed when he shook hands with Meng De.

Because the two teams don't have much experience in fighting each other, they really don't know how strong the opponent is.

Most of them can only analyze the previous game videos, and then compare the strength of several other teams horizontally to make judgments.

This kind of judgment is a good way to judge strength when there is no fight, but it is not necessarily correct.

After all, in addition to the confrontation of strength, some teams also have restraint in the tactical system and collisions between players.

These are difficult to see before the two sides officially fight.

In this fight, the samba dance was crushed by VC no matter in the first or second picture.

Now the samba coach is not convinced.

"You guys actually played well, but the tactical aspect is still a little bit worse." Meng De also said sincerely.

But he is not that selfless, because these problems are superficial problems, problems that he can see at a glance.

He didn't study some things that samba really needed to improve, and even if he did, he couldn't explain them in detail.

The bearded Panda looked at the VC lineup with some emotion.

He had never met any of the VCs, and they all greeted them very politely.

Instead, when he arrived at Wang Yuning's place, he greeted Lao Wang very happily.

"I didn't expect that you haven't retired yet." The samba dance was very powerful in the 1.6 period, and it can be said to be one of the best in the world.

Panda could be said to be a samba youth training at that time, but it was a very young youth training.

Later, CS1.6 was eliminated and entered the CSGO period, and the samba did not keep up with the rhythm.

But he still remembered that Yu was also one of the top players, and he didn't expect to retire for so many years.

Lao Wang's English is not bad. In the past six months, he has reviewed it because he often went abroad. Now daily communication is no longer a problem.

He opened his mouth and replied: "It's just a comeback. I remember that I heard about you back then. The Brazilian just shot mad. I didn't expect to become the pillar of the competition now."

Lao Wang was quite emotional.

Lao Wang exchanged pleasantries with him for a while, and then returned to the battle room with the team and packed his belongings.

When packing up the peripherals, Meng De not only reminded the team members that they had missed something, but also interacted with the audience again, causing the scene to be noisy again.

After VC won the samba, it has been confirmed that it can advance to the championship group.

In other words, they will not see VC in the remaining few days of the group stage.

The VC fans and passers-by audience at the scene gave them great encouragement, and applause came to them like a tide.

After this game, they also really felt the power of VC.

In the inherent impression of the audience, the AE team, which is Denmark's home team, is naturally the strongest team.

However, although the AE team's style of play is strong, it is a bit too ugly. After a game, it is difficult to see how many mistakes they have made.

It can only be seen that they have gained an advantage in the mobilization and pulling.

In contrast, VC will take the initiative to attack according to the situation on the defensive end, and knows how to be flexible on the offensive end.

Players can often play amazing performances, which is definitely better than AE.

Looking back on today's game carefully, VC didn't have any major problems in any part of the game. The offense was decisive, and the defense was not too high. It left a very good impression on the audience.

Even though the overall strength of the AE team is stronger, and it has won more championships in recent years, this time it is even more vocal at home to defend the title.

But in terms of discussion and game enjoyment, teams like VC that are more focused on fire should attract more attention.

Among them, the core player of VC, S1mple, the 'U disk boy' won the MVP player of this field, and when he left, the audience cheered endlessly.

As a player who frequently broke the ceiling of CSGO's personal ability, S1mple's reputation is growing.

There are many people who are popular, and S1mple has got a lot of "strength fans" because of his personal ability. They all think that S1mple may be one of the strongest players in history.

But S1mple's historical record is there, and there are too few trophies in hand, which made many viewers who use 'championship' as the benchmark of strength to refute.

Both sides hold their own opinions and often quarrel in forums.

As Meng De expected, on the way to the lounge, a reporter from HLTV came over and asked for an interview.

There are relatively few official post-match interviews in Major competitions, but Mengde feels that there should be interviews in today's promotion events.

Sure enough, they are here waiting for them.

In the passage, they met the samba dancers who were a little depressed.

The samba dancers were still full, and no one was interviewed.

The samba coach noticed that the team members were in a low mood, and took the initiative to comfort him in a low voice: "It's okay, today's game is over, and we have the last chance tomorrow."

"Every Major is a way to clear dungeons for relatively weak teams like us. We need to constantly adjust and gain experience from it to become stronger. VC is a good opponent. I appreciate your performance today. satisfy."

"But we still lost." Fire was relatively young and still in his prime.

He doesn't recognize any ups and downs on the road to growth, he just wants to keep winning!
"Just like football, we lose because the goalkeeper is there to stop us." Panda asked rhetorically, "But if there is no goalkeeper, is it interesting to score goals?"

This metaphor is rather strange, Fire thought for a long time, then shook his head again.

What's the point of hitting the goal if there is no goalkeeper to guard it.

Thinking about it now, maybe it was because of the strength of the opponent that he had to keep working hard to win that difficult victory.

After figuring it out, the dissatisfaction in Fire's mind dissipated immediately, and the samba dance became that happy samba dance again.

S1mple came to HLTV's interview poster.

The HLTV reporter handed over the microphone, said hello and started asking questions: "S1mple, you have advanced to the knockout round, how do you feel now?"

"I feel very good." S1mple truthfully expressed his feelings at the moment, "My teammates are too C today, especially the director. In the first picture, he is like a lock brother."

"And the tactics that Yu arranged today are also very good. I can feel that I am playing very comfortably and can freely realize my ideas."

Today, the director has won the key rounds with multiple kills in picture [-]. It is not too much to say that he is the key man in picture [-].

Even S1mple thinks that today's MVP interview should be done by the director, since his explosive kill in picture [-] is a bit too much to be honest.

After all, the two sides in Figure [-] were fighting anxiously, and in Figure [-] they basically crushed the game without any hindrance.

The reporter nodded, glanced at the card in his hand, and continued to ask questions:

"Picture [-], Desert Lost City, both sides played very anxiously. In picture [-], during the nuclear crisis, why did you directly play at the crushing level? What happened?"

S1mple thought for a while, and then said: "We are very confident in the map of Nuke Crisis. Samba Dance is not very well prepared on this map. Besides, in map [-], Yu's state is shot out. , he is a person who is very good at seizing opportunities on the spot, we play very comfortably in the second picture, and rarely in uncomfortable positions."

"The teammates in the back have been stimulated one after another, and everything is developing towards the good side."

The host glanced at the figurine and asked the last question: "Last year at the Katowice Major, you lost to HC. There was a period of hard-to-accept failure. Has it become a sad memory for you?"

After that failure for a long time, S1mple has actually come out of that failure.

He replied calmly: "Actually, it's not like what you said. After all, even if we won HC at that time, we might not win the Major. Our strength is too limited."

"I think we're much better this time than that."

"However, even if we are better than last time, the Major knockout round is a confrontation between the eight strongest teams in the world, and no one is fully sure."

Speaking of this, S1mple, who has always been confident, unexpectedly became euphemistic.

The reporter was a little surprised, but also felt that this was normal.

After all, this is the Major, the top event of CSGO.

The team that won the championship is said to be the five most powerful players in the world.

If anyone can confidently say in front of the camera that he can win the championship, either his strength is far superior to other teams, or he is really arrogant.

"Okay, thank you for the interview, I wish you luck in the upcoming games!"


(End of this chapter)

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