CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 523 Who doesn't eat dumplings during Chinese New Year?


NIKO shot the key shot at the match point in an unconventional position. With the death of fox, the game was declared frozen.

Niko and others who were still alive skillfully pressed 'GG' and dropped the guns in their hands.

Then he quickly took off the earphones and looked at the teammates beside him with a ferocious face.

The scene at this moment was boiling, and the players in the battle room couldn't calm down.

VC accomplished the achievement of iron and blood defense in this game, and they themselves were extremely surprised by this.

The director had a smile on his face, but his expression still showed some disbelief. He stood up and asked uncertainly, "Is that how we won?"

"Hahaha..." NIKO just laughed out loud from the sidelines, and didn't answer the director's question.

Joy has gone to his head, and he is a little confused now.

Because of the unfavorable situation in the first half, they got an advantageous score in the early stage of the second half. Otherwise, as the defensive side, they basically have no fault tolerance.

But sometimes, it's not that they can stabilize the situation if they want to.

They did not win the pistol round in the second half, and even the subsequent long gun round was won by GG.

This puts a lot of pressure on them.

Although they didn't say it, most of them didn't have the desire to make a comeback, they just wanted to fight for one round.

There is no way, the score gap between the two sides is too big.

At this time, if you still want to turn the tables, it is not because you are high-spirited, but because you cannot recognize reality.

Until the coach called a timeout, they adjusted their mentality and scored a few points to reset the opponent's economy.

Wang Yuning tentatively proposed whether to try a comeback, and they lifted their spirits and planned to try it with their teammates.

But even if they made this decision, they were still pessimistic in the game.

After all, GG had already scored 14 points at that time, and only needed to win two more rounds to end the game in Figure [-].

They basically have no fault tolerance at all.

But who would have thought that everyone in VC would feel better the more they played, and all of them returned to the state in Figure [-].

On the other hand, for GG, the consecutive losses disrupted their rhythm, and problems began to appear in the details.

Finally, in the game in picture [-], they completed a shocking reversal!

The audience was screaming, cheering, and shouting!
The supporters of VC cheered and cheered on the right side of the venue holding their support items, and they couldn't help themselves with excitement.

Those relatively neutral audiences were also applauding for this wonderful game.

At the moment when the game was won, there was a little lag in the live broadcast room due to too much discussion, and the barrage filled the entire screen, so that viewers had to turn on the shielding level to get a better experience.

[Who would have thought that such a top-level headwind comeback could really be beaten by VC. The gap of 9 points was abruptly recovered and overtaken. My mother asked me why I knelt on the bed and looked at my phone]

[GG in the first half was terrifyingly strong, MUWO's AK broke through wildly, jiya interacted with the audience calmly, and even VC fell silent during the fight.But in the second half, Meng De called a timeout at a critical moment, and VC returned to all states! 】

[In this picture [-], when I was a police officer, all VC members were online, they were too fierce! 】

VC fans frantically sent barrage in the live broadcast room, and also expressed their excitement.

At the same time, another group of people in the live broadcast room were in a bad mood.

[I don't even know what I'm playing, I've already scored 14 points, I can't even fight anymore]

[I'm really disappointed. Hearing Henry talking about opening a hand of champagne, I feel that something might go wrong, and I'm so fucking overwhelmed]

[I can’t eat enough to watch, I thought GG picture [-] could stand up, drag the game to picture [-], just show us this? 】


The GG fans in the live broadcast room found it difficult to accept this result.

If GG did not gain an advantage in the early stage in the game in Figure [-], it would be taken away by VC.

That shows that GG's strength is not enough, and as fans, they didn't think about it.

But GG has proved with their strength that their strength is not bad, and they may push VC into a desperate situation.

But the question is, is it possible that GG can only push the opponent to a desperate situation? ?

What about your ability to finish games?

The GG fans in the live broadcast room were not in a good mood, and many even started to complain directly.

It's just that they just watched the game on their mobile phones or computers. Compared with fans who spent time and energy going to the scene to watch the game, they couldn't accept this result even more.

Although their expectations for GG are not high enough to finally win the championship of this Major, they don't hope that GG will send it directly just after the finals start.

It's really hard to accept.

Among the crowd of GG fans, there is no sound now, and most of the fans are looking at the screen very numbly.

They still can't accept the fact that GG has lost the game.

The live English stream commentator Henry was also a little dazed. He watched the game all the way, but he still didn't expect such a dramatic result.

"The final score of the game was determined at 16:14. It is unimaginable that GG failed to end the game with such a huge advantage in the early stage."

"It can be seen that their ability to end the game is slightly flawed, but from a certain perspective, VC's attitude of not being arrogant or impetuous in the face of disadvantages is more worthy of our attention."

"After VC won the second picture, they won today's BO2 with a 0-3 record and officially advanced to the semi-final stage!"

"On the other hand, GG is still a bit embarrassing..."

During the handshake session after the game, Meng De led the players to the other side of the stage, the opponent's bench.

In the battle room, only MUWO stood silently in GG. After losing the game, he didn't vent or say anything.

It's just that anyone can see that this former talented player has dissatisfaction written all over his face.

As a well-known talented breakthrough player in the CSGO professional circle, he has been appearing in the public's field of vision almost since his debut.

Within two years of playing professionally, he began to jump up from small clubs, step by step to the first-line stage.

Everything went smoothly until he came to GG.

Those who used to pay attention thought that he could realize his talent in GG and lead the club to become stronger step by step.

MUWO did not disappoint those people, he walked step by step, relying on sufficient firepower, let GG frequently appear in the public's field of vision, and their ranking is getting higher and higher.

But at this time, problems also occurred.

Their results in various competitions are not bad, and they can reach the finals in most cases.

Can never win the championship.

The arrogance in MUWO's heart is being smoothed out a little bit, which is one of the cruelties of e-sports.

There are so many geniuses, but how many geniuses can really make it to the end?
He looked at VC and the others on the opposite side, especially his eyes on NIKO who played Sand Eagle similarly to himself.

"You guys played much better than in scrims."

VC and GG practice more and more through training games, but after the Major started, they did not conduct too complicated training appointments.

Even if there is an appointment to practice during the Major, it is only a practice to maintain the state, and it is difficult to see the real level.

After the victory, NIKO has been in a good mood, and the compliment from the other side made him feel a little embarrassed.

"The next state is coming, or you will probably be beaten into the third picture by you."

But MUWO couldn't help thinking, if they were able to score one or two points when they were chased in the second half, would the result be different.

But soon he threw this idea out of his mind.

"If you lose, you lose. Keep working hard and try to overthrow the Danes." MUWO smiled, and then laughed at himself: "We will start to study the opponents of the next Major in advance."

After the players from both sides greeted each other for a while, Meng De led the players back to the battle room.

After simply packing up their peripherals and other belongings, everyone began to return to the waiting room from the player passage.


Inside VC's lounge.

The game of the second team is the second game of Group A. They need to wait for the end of the game of the first team before they can play.

Everyone staying in the lounge watched the entire game of the first team by coincidence. Because of the upcoming competition, they have also paid a lot of attention to the first team recently.They not only hope that the first team can get a good result, but also hope to see some recent changes of the first team from this game.

After all, more than a month ago, the strength of the first team, whether it was in the game or in the training match, was relatively unsatisfactory, but it was still worse than them.

Although Figure [-] of today's game surprised them a bit, the nuclear crisis of the first team was able to perform so well.

But when they came to the Desert Lost City, GG came up and grasped the situation of the battle, which made gla1ve and others start to pay attention.

The balance of victory in Figure [-] kept tilting towards GG's side. Even a group of people in the lounge thought that GG would kill the game in one go. Who would have thought that it would be such a situation in the end.

"Too fierce!"

"This point is kept, GG can't find a chance at all."

"The kid is fighting back again, and the director is still showing off. Is it easy for GG to have that head advantage?"

Everyone in the lounge was constantly amazed.

After the game ended, everyone in the first team returned to the waiting room, Broky couldn't hold back: "You guys took a shot today, right? Can this disadvantaged situation be reversed for you?"

When the director heard Broky's words, he smiled disdainfully: "It's actually quite simple, after all, it's not a duo with you."

Broky's face darkened in an instant: "Is there so much pressure to duo with me?"

"Ask your brothers."

Everyone in the battle room nodded unanimously, Broky is an old actor.

After teasing Broky for a while, everyone returned to the topic and chatted about the game just now.

Although there were some elements of commercial bragging, the members of the second team were really curious about how the first team played.

They were not curious about tactics, but asked how the first team maintained such a good mentality.

S1mple explained: "Don't think too much, just pay attention to the current round... Worrying about this and that, the mentality is easy to go wrong."

In a way, it's a question of self-confidence.

Foresight is not a problem, but for CSGO, sometimes thinking too much will affect the performance of marksmanship, which is not good for the battle situation.

They chatted with each other, and soon the staff came to remind that Yu, the MVP player of this game, needs to be interviewed.

"Wang will be interviewed one day?" Broky's ridicule followed.

Wang Yuning replied speechlessly: "Who doesn't eat dumplings during Chinese New Year, why can't I win an MVP, Brother Electronics doesn't eat props every round."

"Hey...you talk about yourself, don't get involved with me." Brother Electronic's face darkened.

Under the leadership of the staff, Wang Yuning soon came to the billboard for post-match interviews.

The reporter had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Wang Yuning's arrival, he handed him the microphone in his hand.

The two simply greeted each other, and the reporter began to ask questions:
"If I remember correctly, this is the second time VC has advanced to the Final Four of the Major, and it is also the first time you have entered the Final Four of the Major after your comeback. How do you feel now?"

"It's crazy. This game gave me a really good feeling. I really feel that I have returned to the top." Wang Yuning said with a smile, "As an older player, my personal ability has actually declined seriously. The Major In the previous games, I always thought that I was not good enough, and I always felt that I was a bit inferior to other first-team leaders, but in this game, I felt that my state was back to the peak... Although it may be possible It's an illusion (laughs)."

The host nodded and continued to the second question: "When we reached the knockout stage, we interviewed Lucky and asked him what he thought of VC. He told us that VC wants to become stronger and its tactics must become more powerful. In more detail, adjustments and changes need to be made in the style of play, instead of focusing on individual abilities, what do you think of this statement?"

Wang Yuning shook his head: "I want to say that Lucky's idea is not correct, because of style issues, we can't play as detailed as AE, but we have our own gunshots, if we have a chance to meet them, no If we take AE away directly, we will at least have the power to fight."

He is still a standard Asian man, and his speaking style is more reserved. If S1mple is interviewed today, then tomorrow's forum will see that VC wants to take away AE 2-0.

Master Gonghuo got the answer he wanted, and he raised the topic and continued to ask questions: "The last question, what do you think of your brother team VC.A, if VC.A can win today's game, tomorrow you will will meet together."

"I really don't want to answer this question." Wang Yuning smiled helplessly, "We are all taught by the same coach, we all know each other's strength, gla1ve and they will definitely be our strong opponents."

"Of course we don't want the situation of cannibalism to happen, but if Team A really succeeds in advancing in the next game, then we will not show mercy."

"To be honest, we have been looking forward to this match for a long time. The stronger team under the coach, whether it is us or team A, is very much looking forward to this result."


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