CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 542 Leave our name behind!

Chapter 542 Leave our name behind!
With the emergence of the Copenhagen Major finals list, the Major has attracted more and more attention, and the degree of discussion has been on the headlines of many hot searches on the Internet.Many edited videos have also begun to screen on the major short video websites of young people, which has raised the recent attention of CSGO to a very high place.

As an audience and practitioner, seeing this happening, Li Tu was naturally happy in his heart.This classic game deserves more newcomers to step into it, and these outstanding players also deserve more people's attention.

It is now 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and there are 3 hours before the start of the final match. The ticket office at the scene has not even started to check tickets, but from Li Tu's perspective, the entrance is already crowded, and he can't even see Where is the end of the line.

Audiences from all over the world have great expectations for the upcoming finals, and they all hope to enter the venue as soon as possible, waiting for the start of the game.

However, as an industry practitioner, Li Tu can still enjoy some "special treatment".

Li Tu turned on his camera on the side to make sure that the recording had started, and entered the venue ahead of time from the side passage with the pass of the staff in hand.

At this time, there was an exclamation from the ticket checking line at the back. He turned his head and saw that a contestant from Nuxiong appeared in the ticket checking line, which caused booing among the line, but according to experience Speaking of which, that area will soon become a "fan signing event."

Li Tu picked up the camera and recorded this scene.

It is not uncommon for the eliminated players to come to watch the game offline, but he was also a little surprised, because when he was tinkering with the camera before, a group of players had already entered through the side channel. The number of players who came to watch the game was really too much.

But when you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

【I had some hope at first, but now I feel like I'm going to G】

"Welcome back, viewers. Now you are watching the live broadcast of the Copenhagen Major. I am commenting on the taro ball."

Before they knew Coke, they also believed in science; now they are more willing to believe in metaphysics, because Coke's skill is too profound!
Yuyuan also said, "Brother Le, what does VC have with you?"

The reporter from China laughed at himself.

But the second team on the other side felt a little uncomfortable.

[Coke, stop talking, Taro feels like blocking his mouth]

Although there are bananas available during the intermission, the feeling of fullness brought by bananas may cause fatigue to the players, so after discussion, the members of the coaching staff chose to buy some chocolates for the players to carry with them to replenish sugar at any time .

Then they saw Meng De, the head coach, and Wu Qiang, the team leader, walking in together.

Winning the flourishing AE at home in Denmark, thinking about it now, maybe this kind of plot can only happen in novels.

The air in the lounge was already filled with fighting spirit, and a group of people wanted to rush out of the room right now, step onto the stage and crush the Danes for two hours.

Everyone in the team laughed, their hard work has paid off, and they are naturally happy now.

Meng De didn't say the specific amount in the end, it may be very different from the bonus of the first team, but this is already a pleasant surprise.

After yesterday's semi-final match, Wang Yuning complained to Wu Qiang that he was old and his physical strength was not enough.

Maybe only AE supporters themselves...

"Actually, you can also see from everyone's predictions before the game." Coke said helplessly, "Except for the random selection of Gangzi, everyone else's homework is estimated to be sent...Who would have thought that Group A would produce a horse?" The big dark horse directly overwhelmed Team A."

The analysis of the words made sense, and most of the Danish fans at the scene also liked to hear this, and they booed for a while.

Cheers erupted in the lounge, and S1mple even wanted to play a Katyusha in the next second.

"The AE team can't compete with us in terms of personal ability, and in terms of the richness of tactics, I don't think you will be without confidence..."

Hearing this, Yuyuan was dumbfounded, and the audience in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded.

Johnny couldn't help but nodded when he heard this. There is no doubt about it. Even if VC is eliminated today, it is still the runner-up of the Major, and the second in the world today. How could it be poor?

Now the support rate of VC is also higher on the Internet. After all, everyone likes to watch AE win the game effortlessly in the finals. With the home court advantage, VC can't fight back?

The live broadcast room instantly became a sea of ​​joy, but this time Coke did not change his words until the end. He wanted to cheer for VC from the bottom of his heart, even though VC may not know that there is another commentator on the other side of the world In front of the camera, I unconditionally believe that they can win the championship.


And what about AE?
This current big devil, their reputation is known to everyone in the world of CSGO. Even the audience who purely enjoy the game understand what this team represents in today's CSGO.

"Everyone knows that before the start of this game, I didn't have high expectations for the first team. I just wanted to slowly bring back your attitude. I didn't expect it to surprise me now."

Meng De didn't hold back, and said very clearly: "Because there is a chance to win the championship now, the boss decided that if VC wins the championship trophy in the end, then the final bonus will be 2000 million RMB!"

"Don't you know that my nickname is VC's number one fan?"

"During the early stage of the Major, everyone believed that GG still had a team A, and even FG could stand out. Who would have thought that GG would get sick and leave early, FG would sit in prison, and A team was not as skilled as others, but the stumbling VC left. At the end."

"Although VC's performance in recent months has been poor, don't forget that they also stayed at No.1 in the team rankings for a few weeks at the beginning of the year. Now they have entered the finals. If we say that their strength is poor, it is our There is a problem with understanding the game."

There was low laughter from everyone in the lounge, and S1mple was also embarrassed.

"You have already reached the stage of the Major finals. I might worry about whether you can really win the championship, whether the state has been adjusted, whether the tactics need to be expanded, and whether the positions of the players need to be adjusted."

S1mple nodded. At that time, he wanted to gradually become famous with his own ambition.

His voice was not loud, and it couldn't even reach the ears of the staff at the gate, but it really entered the hearts of the players and gave them a solid confidence.

"I cheated on you."

"Their real strength is the cooperation and execution like an army. These are what we have to fight with hard power, so as long as we fight hard, the winning rate is actually not low!"

Only then did Wu Qiang remember that he had to make preparations in advance in case of emergencies.

The live broadcast camera had just started. In order to quickly pull the audience into the atmosphere, Yuyuan also quickly found a topic: "Today's final will be VC against AE. What do you think?"

It is difficult to estimate the number of champion fans they have, but their background definitely exceeds that of VC.

At that time two years ago, Mengde was still worrying about how to keep his job. He was just bragging in order to keep S1mple, but he never thought that one day it would really come true.

Come on!

Everyone didn't have any objections, and one by one took some and put them in their pockets.

"Originally, because your condition is not very good, the goal I gave was to advance to the quarterfinals. Now we have completed the goal before we came here, and now we have entered the finals. I just talked with the boss on the phone..."

Before the start of this BO3, he finished all the tactics he should talk about.



As for the strength of both sides?
Bringing it into VC, Li Tu's heart is still heavy.The strength of the Danes is revealed by their record, and Li Tu has been their fan for a while.

[Teacher Le, you don't have to! 】

Win at home in Denmark!

Yuyuan continued to ask: "Then today's game, which team do you support more?"

Then he turned his head to S1mple and said, "Remember when I said two years ago that I would take you slowly to the world?"

[Why did the keyboard start to leak milk before the game started? 】

"From the point of view of historical record and recent performance, AE, a veteran Danish team with home court advantage, is naturally a good choice, but..." Coke changed his voice, "But so what if you stumble, I will still fight with you here. Just like my homework, I will support VC unconditionally!"

Hearing the number in Meng De's mouth, everyone in the lounge gasped.

Today, he still hopes that the game will be more suspenseful, that VC can get more points, and even...

"That is to say, VC is still a slow-paced team. This team relies too much on individual abilities and requires too much player status. The status is really metaphysics. No one can fully grasp it, and they kill players. The ability of the dead game is a bit weak. In the last few games, there have been cases where the game ended after entering overtime, which is enough to show that they have a problem with continuous rhythm control..."

Coke's categorical statement made the VC fans in the live broadcast room feel a little shivering in the back.

Numerous major championships and three Major championships.

The final bonus of this Copenhagen Major is only 100 million US dollars, which is less than 700 million yuan when converted into RMB.

Meng De then turned to gla1ve and said: "Although the second team did not continue, this Major is still considered a good result, and there will still be rewards when we go back."

Everyone in VC finished their rest with their eyes closed and was about to pack up their things and go to the player passage to start preparations, when there was a knock on the door.

And what about AE at its peak?
Almost no need to watch the process, they all knew that waking up was another big victory, without any suspense or a trace.

"In comparison, AE playing at home has fewer problems. If I were to choose one of the two teams to support today, I would be more optimistic about AE."

The meaning of Meng De's words is almost telling them that as long as they can win AE, the club will give them several times more money than their bonuses!
2000 million RMB, even if one point is added to the coaching staff, everyone will start with at least 300 million RMB, which is even higher than some of their salaries for several years.

Seeing everyone's state, Meng De also had to lament the beauty of the rich woman.

"There are still 10 minutes before the two teams will start entering the arena. Henry, what do you think of today's game?" the English stream commentator Johnny asked.

A fight to the end, a game where the two sides continue to game back and forth to chase points, must be more enjoyable to watch.

Even if there is S1mple for a director with a relatively rich income, he can add another luxury car to himself.

Looking at the eyes of the players, Meng De also took the initiative to say: "Gla1ve, don't be discouraged. The Major is like this. It becomes more cruel as you get to the back. Only by winning everyone else can you win the final championship. Losing in the semi-finals, Old Wang and the others are naturally upset, but you are also inferior in skills, you have to remember this failure, but you are not stuck in it and cannot get out..."

Now this game affects the minds of countless CSGO players.First of all, VC is the most famous online celebrity team in the past two years. S1mple and others have countless fans around the world. Often you go to open a ranking. At least one of the ten people has an ID related to VC. This is enough Explain what status VC has in the hearts of players.

The excitement brought by the money made the team that was about to appear instantly full of fighting spirit. Broccoli even saw that S1mple had added a red-eye special effect in a trance.

Henry pondered for a few seconds and said, "Objectively speaking, the strength gap between the two teams is not as big as imagined."

Hearing this, the contestants' eyes lit up, and there was commotion in the waiting room.

"How to say?"

"From the beginning of the establishment of the team, my thinking was different from the mainstream. I wanted to train you into a team that relies on firepower output, rather than mainstream team coordination. Now that two years have passed, your state may not be as ideal Best, but enough!"

Powerful, rigorous, unrivaled!
It's synonymous with them.For esports, the championship is everything! In the past few years, AE has almost interpreted this sentence with actions.

But soon Li Tu shook his head and threw this bold idea behind him.

Maybe it's because he has something in his heart, or maybe it's because AE's victory is too easy every time, so he lost his fans.

Henry's analysis is still vicious: "But VC wants to easily win AE, but it is not so easy...Although they staged a wonderful matchup in the semi-finals, it also illustrates some problems."

"I'm explaining Coke."

He glanced over the team members, and after a long silence, he smiled and said:
"There are still ten minutes left, and the last BO3 is about to start..."

Meng De changed his words: "But after yesterday's game, all doubts in my heart disappeared. I now believe that we can win the championship!"

Broccoli and her teammates looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

After all, whether it is from the perspective of a reporter or an ordinary CSGO audience.

But after rising from VC, Li Tu became less fond of AE.

"They deserve death!"

Now that the finals are about to start, VC has a chance to win the Major trophy. Isn't it obvious that the boss is calling at this time?
Everyone in the lounge looked at Meng De, their eyes sparkling.

2000 million may not be too much for LPL, but for e-sports with a cup system like CSGO, it is really an exaggerated number.

Now that these two teams with the most fans in the world are fighting, it will naturally trigger this level of enthusiasm.

Wu Qiang took a shopping bag, took out a box of chocolates from it, opened it and said, "Everyone come to me to claim it, and everyone takes a few, and save it to replenish energy during the intermission."

"Okay, okay, the meeting is over." Mengde clapped his hands, motioning everyone to follow him.

The sound of breathing in the lounge became a little heavy. Meng De's words convinced them and made them start to think—if it was really what the coach said, would they have a chance to win the championship?
"All our training has been done, so in the next game, let's go and shoot without any scruples..."

"Win this game and truly leave our name on the Major!"


 Starting tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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