CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 558 Opportunity!You have to grasp it by yourself!

"...AE, who played at home in the first half, took the lead by one point, but for the map of nuclear crisis, the offense can lead by one point, which is considered a lot of lead. Since the beginning of the first half, they have given us Showed a strong offensive intention, kept pushing forward, and kept trying to exchange fire with VC in exchange for a numerical advantage... This is a big gap from when HH led the team, but we also have to admit the changes that SAMA brought to the team is huge."

The Danish commentator had a smile on his face: "Although VC is strong, today's game will definitely be like this first half. Although there are twists and turns, in the end, AE will be able to profit from it and keep the championship in Copenhagen. "

The captain of YSG, Ogre, was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone. Hearing these words, he was very speechless.

Obviously two hours ago, you said that VC would not put any pressure on AE at all. How come VC has become a "powerful" team now?
He expressed his distaste for these people's double-standard behavior, but he had to admit that AE's background is still sufficient.

If there is any other team that supports VC more than the VC Gemini, it will definitely be YSG.

YSG has a global away game, but it feels good when they play in China.

What's more, he himself wished that AE would die sooner.

Both are Danish teams, the dispute between AE and YSG is not just a dispute between the same city derby, because the players have different personalities, and the contradictions are as subtle as a cow's hair, and there are countless.

Therefore, in this game, YSG sincerely hoped that VC could crush AE and win their "possession" in the eyes of countless Danes.

However, he also understands that VC's various handling on the nuclear crisis map is not too strong, and he is not sure whether he will be able to win the championship in the end.

It still depends on how VC performs on the offensive side. If it still plays like the defensive side played in the early stage, then the regrettable thing of the ogre may happen again.

I just hope that VC can maintain a good state during the halftime break and continue the horrible feeling in the second half.


"Okay, audience friends, welcome back to the second half of the game, let's cheer for the VCs far away in Copenhagen!" The BO3 finals reached the final moment, and Coke, as a professional commentator, did not hide his position, and publicly broadcast it on the live broadcast Time to take the lead in cheering for VC.

In normal times, some people may report because the commentary is not neutral, and they will be deducted money.

But in today's game, most of the domestic audience supported VC.

Even if a small number of people reported them because they supported AE because of different positions, and their wages were deducted because of this, Coke also recognized it!
Nothing else, money can't buy me happy!
If VC really wins the championship in the end, even if they don't get a penny for today's commentary, so what.

The audience in the live broadcast room also cooperated with him very much, and the words "Come on, VC!" were written all over the screen for a while.

Among the golden partners of this pair of commentators, Coke is generally responsible for the active atmosphere, while Taro is more focused on the analysis of the game.

"... VC is one point behind now, and there is still some pressure on the offensive side." Yuyuan said worriedly, "But there is no way, the matter has come to this point, they must be in the second half of the offensive side when they are one point behind now. Got 9 points."

"In fact, if NIKO and the director can continue the performance of the first half, the problem will not be too big. Also, S1mple is more or less restricted on the defensive side, and the opponent's avoidance behavior is very obvious, which is completely unreasonable. Give S1mple a chance to play big, and after switching sides, the initiative is on VC's side, and S1mple can almost stand up."

At the beginning, VC still followed his own attacking habits, and used two sets of props for attacking.

The only P250 was sent to NIKO which feels overwhelming.

According to common sense, it is usually given to S1mple, but S1mple has been a little invisible in today's game. He can't get a good output position at all, and the opponent is obviously targeting.

The four VCs rushed into the bandit hall at the beginning of the game, while Lao Wang stayed at the bandit's entrance and threw a pipe cigarette.

The kid who entered the bandit hall grasped his hand and blew open the iron door, giving the other party the illusion that they were going to use the pipe.

At the second time, NIKO, who was feeling hot, came over to test the iron bug. With the P250 in his hand, he was not afraid to confront the opponent.

Bug originally thought it was the opponent, and was not afraid to confront the gun, but after hearing the sound of P250, he was a little scared.

He was the only one holding up this wave of iron plates, and once he was caught, it would be a big problem.

"Bug slowly moved to the iron railing, but in one thought, a Timing was missed, and NIKO has moved to the right side of his field of vision, could this be a foreshadowing?" Coke's tone was full of expectation .

"The back defense on the third floor is not in place yet, Bug has not realized VC's murderous intent yet, a flash exploded, and VC blew the horn of attack!"

"Bug quickly gave up the gun position as soon as he ate the flash, and he played very decisively." Taro's voice was never full of regret.

But this is also in line with AE's experience. If they really ate flashes and stayed where they were like idiots, and VC played against this kind of opponent in the finals, then they would not be able to play so hard.

Bug quickly retreated to the low-slope corner of Area B, and the front sight came forward with an iron plate.

He wasn't particularly worried about VC's offense. Although he was the only one defending the iron plate this round, it didn't mean they didn't make follow-up preparations.

K35 has been waiting in the B package site for a long time, and now it is hiding on the other side of the low slope waiting for an opportunity.

K35: "Bug, sell your flaws first, and be a hook for me."

Bug nodded, and did not refute K35's proposed arrangement.

He also had no way to refute, if neither of them revealed the information, he could naturally let K35 be his hook.

But he was exposed when he was guarding the iron plate, and he can't hide it now.

This hook can only be used by him.

"S1mple enters B package site to take the lead, and Bug is standing at the door, ready to attack at any time."

"Bug was hit on the head by S1mple as soon as he came up, so he can only get stuck in the dead center and wait for the other side to come and look for it."

"Tsk~" Looking at the kill information in the upper right corner, Yuyuan's expression was not very good, "The director who was cut off was killed by a headshot, but it was VC who sent the first kill first."

The director was killed, and everyone in VC in area B spread out all the staff, and began to quickly search for spots and try to occupy the bunkers.

Lao Wang took the initiative to collect information for the team, and quickly searched for points to help the team collect useful information.

He found out the location of K35, and VC quickly started a firefight with him.

Pharaoh had no armor, and was slowed down by several consecutive shots from the K35, and the last shot hit the head and killed him.

Fortunately, the position of VC has been spread out, and S1mple is on the side of the second floor of area B, which is close to the bunker, and knocks out K35 from the back with one shot.

AE did not sit still, and the kid who came with the big team was shot away by Lucky, who had already returned to the defense.

In the blink of an eye, there were gunshots all over the site B. After a wave of player swaps, what was left to S1mple and NIKO was a 2v4 endgame.

For VC, there are two pieces of information known in area B, one piece of information known outside B, and one piece of location information.

They are the first to speed up to process known information.

S2mple on the B1 floor moved with a gun, and began to look for the bug hidden in the bottom dead center of the control room.

NIKO on the low slope also exchanged fire with Lucky on the bun spot.

"... There was a wave of firefights in area B, why did VC's die!" The surprise in Coke's tone was not over yet, when he suddenly saw the situation turn around, "Alas!!! There is no blood at the point of death Bug was knocked out by S1mple, and Lucky, who returned to defense from the dead door, was also instantly killed by NIKO!"

Facing the applause at the scene, Coke praised: "These pistols, this is VC's personal ability. Even after a wave of fierce firefights, these two people did not lose a drop of blood. What is left for them now is a full-blooded pistol." 2V2 endgame, it seems there is still a chance!"

NIKO entered the bunker with a mine bag, deliberately closed the dead door, and then quietly moved around the bunker to the side of the trap door, "I'll pretend to put the bag and build the front door together."

It took some time for them to exchange fire in area B, and now the remaining two opponents are about to return to their positions.

As expected, the door opened, and at the moment of opening, a CZ was still outputting. Although NIKO was holding a gun, how could he imagine that the other party was such a terrifying thing.

The CZ burst ability at close range is too exaggerated.

Before Niko could react, he was instantly killed instantly, and the thunder bag also fell down.

SAMA started to play the door immediately after getting the kill, and was not in a hurry to make a move.

This time, S1mple was in a bit of trouble. Once NIKO died, the opponent had already exposed one person, and he still didn't know what happened to the other person.

Just as he was hesitating, the trap door was opened again.

This time he could see clearly that the two policemen were near the slope of the trap, and they were crazily outputting at him at this moment.

S1mple stepped back hastily and tried to find cover, but the opponent's marksmanship didn't give him the slightest chance.

Amidst the shouts of tens of thousands of Danes in the stadium, S1mple finally died on the way back to the bunker.

"The appearance of CZ disrupted their fighting thinking. No one expected that a CZ would suddenly appear in a conventional game, and NIKO would be instantly defeated, making it difficult to continue the endgame."

"The Hanged Man is still fierce, the Danish pistol king is not talking nonsense."


"It's okay, it's okay, masters don't win the first three rounds." After the endgame failed, the director took the initiative to stand up and comfort his teammates.

Lao Wang raised his eyebrows and retorted: "Director, you can't say that, it makes us finish the second round and the third round, so we still have a chance, okay?"

"Let's force this one, but let me assign the firearm configuration. I have some ideas. Let's do this first, and then this..."

The countdown ended, and according to Pharaoh's slightly abstract plan, everyone bought their own firearm configuration.

This firearms configuration surprised the English streaming commentary on the scene:

"Generally speaking, after losing the pistol round, if you fail to put down the mine bag, it is basically half-armor plus Tec-9 or Sand Eagle, but this is a real team, and they directly contributed a hair dryer."

"And if you calculate carefully, most of them are half-armored, but they bought a lot of props."

This kind of firearms configuration seems to be prepared, and the two English-language commentators are starting to look forward to it.

At the beginning of the round, VC directly exploded a line of smoke in the outfield according to the style of play of the spear round.

Then, holding the full-armored NIKO, the whole process was silent and touched the closest point to K1.

In this way, the two English stream commentators suddenly realized.

Henry laughed and said: "I thought there was some complicated routine, but it turned out to be a very simple tactic, just using a lot of props in the outfield to make the opponent confused about which side they want to attack."

"Now that NIKO has touched the K1 gate of the outfield, this tactic is already half successful."

From the perspective of God, they can analyze the thoughts of the two commanders through phenomena.

But AE in the game is a little confused.

According to their calculations, the opponent's average economy in this round is in the early 2000s, but there is a wave of smoke at the beginning of the game. Does this economy not need money?
There is no way to speculate on the other party's thoughts, they can only use props to delay time.

SAMA enters the low slope of the dead gate and shakes around for investigation, ready to delay the anti-props at any time.

The Iron Bug also gave out a deeper smoke grenade. In order for the opponent to lock his position through the smoke trajectory, he deliberately moved to the back of the iron red box to investigate.

As the smoke was about to clear, he kept swaying around to investigate.

Soon, when he swayed out again, a flash bomb landed in his field of vision.

He hurriedly wanted to retract the cover to avoid the flash, but with a "bang", the flash had exploded, bursting out with dazzling light.

The bug was still flashed.

The large army of bandits charged forward directly, they knew the opportunity was coming!
Bug, who regained his vision, pulled it out, but saw several big men flying to his face.

He took the Famas and fired in a panic, but in the end none of them fell in seconds.

"NICE!! This flash is perfect, it directly opened the breakthrough!!" Coke was quite excited when he saw the kill information.

"Old Wang's residual blood was directly locked, and the third floor was fired, and Lucky was immediately persuaded to retreat. This set of operations has been thought out before the attack, and the connection is very beautiful!"

"A smoke bomb sealed the door, and several bandits in Area A quickly defended from the pipeline. They returned to the defense very quickly, and immediately occupied the dead door and the trap door."

"The thunder bag has been put down, it's a front door bag, and now AE finally understands that VC is just playing tricks, and the firearm configuration is not good now."

"But they didn't know that NIKO had already followed behind them at some point. Both of them were waiting for the opportunity, and NIKO was also waiting!!"

Although the opponent put down the mine bag in the second round, this made SAMA a little unhappy.

But through the economic calculation just now, they know that the opponent has no props, so this endgame is their one-way fight against the opponent. With the powerful help of guns, it is not difficult to win.

Do not!wrong! !
SAMA's eyes widened suddenly as he realized something was wrong.

Before he could speak, he immediately turned his head to look.

No enemies appeared behind the gate of death.


The door leading to Area B was opened in two flashes, and the synchronization of the angles caused the old Wang and the director who had not recovered their positions to be killed instantly.

The defense was too fast this time, and it felt like something was going to happen.

Just when Pharaoh was comforting himself in his mind that he was not losing money, two Sand Eagle gunshots came from the trap door. From S1mple's field of vision, two policemen who were pulling guns at the trap door fell down one after another!


The Hanged Man, who only had a head in front of him, suddenly heard gunshots, and his field of vision went dark for an instant, and then he cut to the perspective of K35, and the screen went black again.

It finally appeared in the SAMA perspective, and black and white TV did not appear again.

The kill message in the upper right corner tells them their cause of death.

"NIKO! What are you doing~" The Hanged Man whimpered in a crying voice.

SAMA of the valve also rushed out after killing S1mple, and immediately looked at the valve.

NIKO did not surprise him either, appearing directly in his field of vision.


There was a brief exchange of fire between the two sides, and NIKO retreated into the bunker again.

SAMA also realized that his body was a bit too big, and wanted to shrink back, but the kid at the bottom dead center in the right control room swung out at this critical moment and fired a shot, making him sick to death.

SAMA was delayed for a short time, but it also gave NIKO a chance to fire again.


[VC.NIKO kills AE.SAMA with a headshot of the Desert Eagle]

Niko didn't give himself the chance to fire a third shot because he didn't need it.

The last remaining Lucky came in a hurry, and there was not much time left for him. He could only push forward into the bunker, trying to quickly deal with the kid and NIKO, and then remove the thunderbag.

But if the mind is disturbed, there will be problems in operation.

He tried to deal with the kid who was closer first, but the guy in front of him was like a mosquito, making annoying noises around him, but he couldn't kill him all the time.

And the guy with the trap door would open the door and come out to take a shot from time to time, which made him have to focus on it.

In the end, last year's TOP1 player was dragged to death alive.

Seeing the appearance of this last kill, Old Wang finally let go of his worries, grinned and raised his arms to shout.

The only remaining chance in tactics,
Caught by them!

Today is the second coffee

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