CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 562 Hold the Cup!

Chapter 562 Hold the Cup!
"If we can really win the championship, it must be the result of hard work!"

Meng De, who is in uniform, always uses this sentence to motivate the players when they are not motivated.

At this time, the players always think that the coach is too serious. If he really wins the championship, shouldn't it be the fulfillment of his talent?

S1mple looked at the VC team flag being waved vigorously in the stands of the Copenhagen Stadium. From the corner of his eyes, his teammates looked at him with surprise and disbelief. He could only hear the screams and shouts beside him.

It made him realize that he was not in the club's training room, but in the Copenhagen Arena.

On the stage of a Major final!
Just now, they finally won this BO3 with a very small gap.

At this time, he really realized what the coach's words meant.

It is definitely because of their unremitting efforts to win the championship today!


At the moment when the Copenhagen Major finals ended, there was not even one member sitting in the VC battle room. Whether it was the substitute Xantares, Wu Qiang as the team leader, or even the staff of the coaching staff, they rushed into the room Come and join the party.

Regret after the failure filled his mind at this moment, and the cheers and cheers in his ears seemed to swallow him even more.

The sound coming from the scene was too noisy. 366 controlled the emotions in his heart and turned down the volume to avoid disturbing the lives of other neighbors.

On the huge screen above the stage, the team logo belonging to AE has disappeared, and the blue and white team logo that is VC's signature appears!
All of them are indicative!

After winning the game, all the VC players turned their heads and looked at the man in the black suit behind them.

Close-up shots have already appeared on the huge screen at the scene.

With a smile, Meng De motioned to the team members beside him to put their hands together.

[Winning the championship by stepping on AE on the Danes' home court, this is too valuable! 】

In the stands in front of the VC battle room, the Chinese spectators who came to watch the game were also screaming.

"Stand up and cheer!!"

This night, it is lucky for CSGO fans who can enter the Copenhagen Stadium to watch the game, because they really witnessed the history offline and became a part of this game.

Everyone in VC worked together, and the trophy was lifted into the air, attracting the attention of the audience.

But after today, the demons are broken!

In today's game, VC played so hard, thanks to Lucky.

The supporters of VC were all cheering and laughing at the scene, constantly waving everything about VC elements in their hands.

The sound waves came from the stands, and the huge shock brought them a little weakness in their feet.

PP looked at Shroud's shoulder beside him, his face was full of joy: "I said that VC can win the championship, and none of you believe it."

"Those who cheered for AEC in the foggy stands, I wonder if you will see this scene today?"

But the joy in his heart gave him the strength to support, not to mention that they were already champions, so there was nothing to be afraid of!

As the rookie conductor, SAMA was silent, slumped in his seat and lost in thought.

"Brothers, this is the team I've been on before, this is the team I've been on!"

After taking off the earphones, all the VC players rushed towards the coach behind them.

kennyS even got to play with the surrounding FG members, and a group of people directed the fans behind them to beat the rhythm.

AE coach Duke saw Meng De take the initiative to speak and said: "Young man, I admire you very much. You have brought two world-class teams in two years. This kind of coaching ability is too terrifying."

As a person who is not very talented, he can finally win the championship, which is simply unimaginable.

"Who doesn't believe it, it's all about PP and you talking ironically there, okay?"

"VC is awesome!!"

But as the group of people who were in the Wudu stands back then, the essence of his establishment of the club was just to realize his inner thoughts and let a domestic team successfully win the championship.

In the past, AE was their inner demon, a hurdle they couldn't overcome, and even the concept of AE as an opponent appeared in their minds, and they all felt difficult.

Wu Qiang pointed to the fans who were holding the VC team logo and shouting, and explained loudly: "Otherwise, wouldn't they become spies after the game?"

All the lights in the venue hit one point, and the trophy was dazzling, and it appeared in the dreams of CSGO players countless times.

Looking back at this scene, Meng De couldn't help laughing.

In a university in Sichuan and Chongqing, the lights of the whole school have been turned off, and everyone looks like going to bed early and getting up early.


The kid on the side was still a little dazed, unable to believe what had happened:

It's not that they are not greedy for the psychedelic feeling on this stage, but they are more looking forward to the next scene.

His rhetoric is still so lacking, but at this moment, it is enough to ignite all the audience in front of the live camera!
At this moment, because of too much enthusiasm, the entire screen was filled with the content of the barrage.

Nobita tried his best to roar with his smoky voice: "The competition is over, there is no doubt that we are the final champions!!"

Now there is a little distance or the voice is not loud enough, and both of them have lost the ability to communicate.

Although due to my own reasons, I failed to lead VC all the way.

VC is two rounds ahead of them, how could this make them reconciled?

[Who would have thought that this team would be criticized before the start of this Major]

In the commentary seat on the main stage of the Huaxia Major, Coke and Yuyuan were explaining the game with a louder voice. The sound was really too loud. As commentators, they wanted to keep the sound from the scene from affecting them as much as possible.

When Lucky saw S1mple approaching, he had a wry smile on his face: "I lost this time, we underestimated your true strength."

Even so, everyone is still shouting crazily, trying their best to make their voices heard, not for any other reason, but the mood at this moment is hard to suppress!

He turned his head to look at the two teammates beside him, only to find that his awake face was already full of tears.

As a small talented player, his growth experience is very common.


"Actually, I'm your fan. Most of my early coaching methods were imitating you." Mengde didn't lie.

"Good name, then you will be the head coach of VC."

NIKO and the Hanged Man on the side said no one would spare the other, each uttered harsh words, and they had to wait and see in the next match.


And let's be honest, Duke is a really capable coach.


Lao Wang listened to the overwhelming cheers and screams from the stands, and felt the power from the audience from the bottom of his heart.

But suddenly, countless cheers came from various buildings, instantly breaking the silence of the night.

The flames of passion erupted in front of the stage. While the whole audience was cheering for their side and celebrating, this coach who had always been strategizing was staring blankly at his players. Perhaps this moment appeared, even he did not expect it come on.

"3, 2, 1!!!"

At the moment of being eliminated, Lucky just stared at the audience in the arena blankly, without any real feeling of being eliminated, just as if he was watching a game.

The voice changed from small to loud, and the enthusiasm of college students was irresistible, and various voice-activated lights on campus were constantly awakened under such circumstances.

A group of people hug each other tightly here, feeling the moment that belongs to them.

Today, this little transparency that he didn't value much in the past, almost helped him realize his dream.

Everyone in VC is enjoying their glorious moment in the battle room.

A group of young people in the room laughed, their faces full of longing for the future.

"You guys played very well too... I hope to have time to play against each other after the offseason." S1mple offered to extend his hand.

A big score of 2:1.

He was thinking, if he worked harder and killed one more person, would the ending be different?

Lige, already a sophomore, pulled the old VC uniform he was wearing and said excitedly:


【too crazy! ! 】

Maybe they can't see the specific content clearly, but they can still feel the emotions conveyed by the Chinese brothers on the other end of the screen without hindrance.

The picture they once dreamed of is now realized, who can be calm?

[This year is when we reach the top! 】


The camera came to the battle room of AE, and Meng De led the team to shake hands with them after the game.

Lucky nodded, then extended his hand to shake S1mple, and said with a smile: "So, welcome to the Major Champions Club!"

Listening to the passionate voice from the mobile phone, Huang Yu who was lying on the bed was a little stunned. He accidentally lost his grip and hit his face with the mobile phone to wake him up.

But his players walked towards him with firm eyes and sealed a perfect answer sheet for the coach with facts.

"Shroud, you also came from VC. We will work hard in the next games. We are also the third place in the division. Don't let people look down on you."

The environment of the gymnasium has reached the point where I can't judge the sound.

The two coaches are having a brief exchange.

The restless sounds around him made it difficult to suppress their emotions.

The scene where he was furious and furious in the VC club seemed to be still in front of him. He would never have imagined that the inconspicuous boy in front of the water cooler had now stepped onto the stage of the Major and won the prize under the noses of the Danes. champion.

His countless highlight moments proved his TOP1 ability and also suppressed VC.

366 walked to Su Xing's side, wanting to say a few words of comfort, but couldn't say a single word, because he himself was already in tears.

At the moment after the game ended, the director showed the camera to VC's battle room.

Soon, he also followed the huge amount of cheers in the school and shouted together:
"VC is awesome!!"

This kind of cheering is a bit difficult for elementary school students, but it is just right for college students!

AE's play system was almost figured out by him, tinkering and groping. AE was able to have the achievement of the triple crown, and he contributed a lot.

Become a high-ranking player, be discovered by professional youth training, be transferred from the second team to the first team, become the main player, and grow slowly step by step.

The reserved Pharaoh couldn't help feeling a sense of pride in his heart!
Yes, they won the championship, and those sudden surprises in sleep will never happen again!
He is already a champion!
Thinking of this, Old Wang still couldn't hold back, he stiffened his neck and didn't want people to see him like this.

"VC is awesome!!"

His voice was loud because after losing the sound-isolating headphones, all the sounds in the arena flooded into the battle room.

"Young power cannot be ignored."

Since his debut as a coach, Duke has led AE to become famous in the world.

There are many photographers around to record this historic moment with their lenses.

He was just not reconciled, the losers this time were them.

But this time, S1mple took the initiative to urge and said: "Coach, we should go to the other side to shake hands!"

But it's a game after all, and someone has to win and someone has to lose.

This scene happened simultaneously in countless colleges and universities in China, and it was destined to be a sleepless night.

The Hanged Man next to him dropped his earphones on the keyboard unwillingly. At this moment, negative emotions rushed into his brain, which already made him look hideous.

[VC is awesome! !Really won the championship! ! 】

"Your champion, the champion of the Copenhagen Major!"

S1mple set their sights on center stage, where their coveted trophy was.

If it weren't for the many star players in the VC team, it's really hard to say who will win this match.

The map score at 16:14 in Figure [-].

VC really became the champion of this field!


Only then did Meng De lead the team members to the other side of the stage, where the host of the game, AE, was located.

It was also the only time that Meng De did not urge the players around him to let them enjoy this wonderful moment as much as possible.

"What's your name?"

Meng De complained loudly that the team members had wrinkled his suit, but the blame words he said with a smile on his face were obviously not convincing.

Among the professional players who came to participate, Team A is naturally the main member.

Inside the Hangtown, LL Club.

But in this environment, there is still no way to do it, and their mood fluctuates with the sound waves on the scene, surging and passionate!
"E-sports is a glamorous and cruel sport. Only one team can win the championship in a game. Perhaps in many cases, failure is the main theme of life, but today, VC finally succeeded!! From CSGO Since this project became popular in China, we have waited too long for this champion... the regret seven years ago has finally been made up by VC."

The lights kept flickering, and countless spectators raised their arms in cheers and cheers in front of him, and various elements belonging to VC also instantly entered his gaze.

After seeing the last kill of S1mple, all the players in the club who watched the game shouted loudly in unison.

"Have we really won the championship?"

"VC is awesome!!"

VC and the others walked towards them with triumphant smiles.

After the little ghost finished speaking, he laughed like no one else was there.

"It's just a little too unbelievable. This should be a picture that only exists in a dream!"

Mendel has learned a lot from Duke.

At this moment, Meng De was pushed by the power beside him, and came to the middle of the circle.

After the handshake session after the game, Meng De led the players to the center of the stage.

The surrounding noise also broke through the sky at this moment!

Fireworks erupted around the stage at the same time, and the staff beside them fired salutes, and blue and white ribbons were flying in the air, as if for VC——

There was a blue rain.


 Calvin Calvin Calvin! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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