Chapter 566 Meng Jiao Watches Everything

"Congratulations on graduating from high school."

Looking at the blessings from his former teammates on the screen, the little fat man from France waved his hands and replied very happily: "I can't compare with you. I can't take care of my studies and play professionally at the same time."

In fact, he also admires this former teammate very much, and sometimes he can't even figure out why some people can be so good that they can win the first place in the school while playing professionally, and even win prizes in the Olympiad. of.

In the VC youth training room, ropz listened to zywoo's feedback and showed a smile on his face.

Among his peers, his strengths are probably studying and CSGO.

But maybe because he didn't know whether CSGO could be famous, he spent some effort on his studies.

Well, fortunately, the grades I got were not too bad.

If zywoo knew his idea, he would only complain about him being in Versailles.

Ropz suddenly thought of something, and asked the person on the other end of the video again: "By the way, zywoo, do you want to come to VC, let's play together again?"

Before joining VC, ropz played a lot of second-tier games to subsidize his family. One of his teammates was zywoo from France.

For the two of them, playing this kind of online second-tier competition is almost like picking up money, and it is not easy to win.

When he received the VC invitation that time, ropz sent an invitation to zywoo.

However, everyone's specific situation is different. Zywoo's family life is very rich, and he doesn't need money as urgently as ropz.

Although zywoo is also looking forward to his professional life, after discussing with his family, he still plans to complete the basic studies first.

Because he didn't know if he would make his way on the path of CSGO, which is bound to succeed forever.

He knew that some time ago, he had just completed all his homework, and he only needed to take an exam in the future.

Thinking of this, Ropz casually extended an invitation to zywoo.


"It's okay if you don't want to come, anyway, with your talent..." ropz was stunned suddenly, and asked, "What did you say?"

Zywoo laughed until his gums were showing: "I said yes, it doesn't matter even if it's in the youth training, with our ability, we can quickly make a way out."

"Then we can be teammates again?" ropz was a little surprised but soon became suspicious, "Are you kidding me?"

In the chat between friends, such topics often appear, such as I will buy a ticket to find you now, and you just stay where you are.

Coming to play professionally is a big deal, and he needs to confirm it again and again.

"You just think I'm making you happy." Zywoo smiled innocently, perhaps worried that ropz would be lost, and then took the initiative to explain, "I talked with my mother, and now I basically graduated from high school. Later, I can enter the e-sports industry according to my own ideas."

"So I wasn't lying to you just now."


"Hey, Li Ge, I'm DD, I've thought about it, I can try it at VC."

At the gate of the VC club, a teenager with rough writing all over his body was talking on the phone loudly.

As a college student, Li Ge was woken up by the sound of the phone. He felt bad, and wanted to say that the other party had interrupted his sweet dreams.

Hearing the voice of DD, LIGE regained consciousness.

"You have thought about it, then I will talk to the club and make an appointment with you."


"what happened?"

The sudden silence on the other end of the phone made LIGE realize that something might have happened.

Standing at the entrance of the club, DD held the phone in his left hand and scratched his head with his right hand embarrassingly: "Can we make an appointment today? I'm at the entrance of the VC club right now."

"You have reached the gate of VC??" LIGE was a little surprised.

After all, there are a few young people nowadays who will act as vigorously and decisively as DD, and they will feel uncomfortable if important things are not delayed until the end.

DD is that LIGE matched a passerby king in the VAC league before.

After encountering DD who performed very well several times in a row, LIGE took the initiative to ask him if he had a team.

The answer he got was that DD is a vegan, which made LIGE think a little bit. At an appropriate time, he offered to introduce DD to VC for trial training.

At that time, DD just said that he would think about it, but when he called today, he had already reached the door of VC.

"Okay, I'll call there now and talk about it, lest you wait at the door all the time."


Looking at the phone that had been hung up, DD looked at the phone, and then at the sign of the VC club, feeling a little nervous.

Not long after, a thin young kid from the club opened the door of the VC Club and walked out.

The kid is obviously a foreign face, but DD knew the club very well before coming to VC, and knew that he was one of the twin stars of VC youth training, monesy.

"Hi." DD spoke with a strong Cantonese accent. He was a little embarrassed, and he was also thinking about how to start the communication later.

In his house, there are quite a lot of black people, and speaking of it, they communicate with foreigners a lot.

But the communication over there is in Cantonese, and he can't speak English at all, which is the biggest problem.

But I didn't expect the other party to speak in very smooth Mandarin: "You are DD, right? Just now Li Ge told me that you are here for a trial training."

"It's like this." DD quickly replied, afraid that what he heard was an illusion.

"Come in first." Monesy explained to DD while guiding DD into the club, "You came a little early, and the youth training coach hasn't come to work yet, so wait inside for now."

"Youth training?" DD followed the child in front of him into the VC club, and was amazed by the various facilities and scenes in it.

Based on his imagination, the club in his fantasy is nothing more than a higher-level Internet cafe. How could he know that this place is actually more like a place for working people than an Internet cafe.

Moneyy heard DD's doubts and explained: "Yes, every player who enters VC basically starts from youth training."

"But the home team I want to join." DD's words are actually a bit big.

You must know that VC is now the number one team in the world, and the second team of VC is not low in the world. At this level, it is taboo to change players casually.

"Don't worry, if you really have enough talent and strength, Mengjiao will definitely find out."

"Will he pay special attention to the youth training?"

"He will pay attention to everything in VC."

"So come on bro."


The first meal Meng De led back to China was at a hot pot restaurant.

Before returning to China, Xu Qingru, the boss and girlfriend, booked a restaurant in a small shop with good taste.

On this day, she gave all the VC staff a holiday to let them feel the joy of winning the championship together.

After returning to China, Xu Qingru held the trophy brought by Meng De and looked left and right, but refused to put it down.

A group of people in the hot pot restaurant also enjoyed eating. Although a hot pot meal is not worth a lot of money, who can refuse to go whoring for nothing?

Everyone in VC was cooking like crazy in the hot pot restaurant, S1mple and Broky were crazily cooking their belly, trying to bankrupt the club.

Amidst the noisy voices, all VC staff relaxed and could chat freely.

"There should be two newcomers coming to the club." Meng De, who was sitting at the management table, asked the youth training coach.

Although no one reported to him, it was only a week away from the day when the player card was drawn, and it was time to do the math.

"Here we are." The youth training coach put down his chopsticks and pointed to the children's table, "That fried-haired Cantonese kid, and that fat French kid."

Because Meng De hadn't returned before, he was the main focus of all trials.

He was also very surprised by these two people.

The personal abilities of both of them are extremely powerful, comparable to that of Monesy.

The Guangdong boy named DD played the team's first breakthrough, and his style of play was relatively aggressive.

His breakthrough rate in the last ten games is 32.2%, and his breakthrough success rate is as high as 55%. On average, he can get 5.5 first kills per map.

This is definitely a perfect score for a breakthrough player.

But he only has one point. This guy named DD still needs to hone his mentality for a while. Compared with other players, his mentality is the easiest to explode.

Compared with DD, another kid from France surprised the youth training coach even more.

Although as a young man who just joined VC, his Chinese is still learning and cannot be used in team communication.

But zywoo's sense of teamwork is too strong in the training match. Without communication, he can perfectly guarantee the performance of his teammates, and even play various wonderful kills and excellent endgames.

Talent is very important in CSGO e-sports. Because of the positive feedback obtained in stages, many young people have inflated their confidence to think that they can make a difference in CSGO, so they recommend themselves in various places, but find that Even the threshold of career can't pass.

But truly talented people don't need to find a way to enter this industry.

In this industry, there is no gold covered by sand, because a truly talented person is like an awl in a bag, and it will show its edge everywhere.

That little fat guy with a smile on his face is a real gifted person, the kind of person who is chased and fed by God.

The youth training coach has already seen his bright future in the first-line arena.

"Okay, I'll go over and talk to the two young men."

Meng De soon came to the table of the youth training players.


When the youth training boys saw Meng De approaching, they quickly got up and said hello.

"Don't do this, just sit down and eat."

A group of people also sat down quickly. Although the VC atmosphere was good, Meng De was their immediate boss after all.

Meng De took another pair of bowls and chopsticks from the disinfection cabinet next to him, fished two pieces of mutton from the pot, and asked casually, "How is DD feeling in the club recently?"

DD put down his chopsticks and replied with a smile: "It feels good. Coming to VC is like coming to home. Everyone in the youth training team is talented and they speak nicely. I like it so much."

"You like this place so much, I have to think about what you mean every day." monesy complained helplessly beside her.

DD seemed to be poked in pain, and smiled awkwardly for a long time before answering: "I can't help it."

There is still a big difference between Cantonese and Mandarin. This kind of hometown dialect is difficult for Chinese people to communicate. It is simply a fantasy for a foreigner like monesy to distinguish.

DD remembered something again, pouted his mouth to signal zywoo: "Then why don't you talk about zywoo's communication?"

"Brother, you are the breakthrough player, and you are the first in the team." ropz is also convinced of DD's stubbornness.

As a breakthrough player, DD is qualified in terms of personal ability, and even has enough for their youth training training games.

But this guy DD always comes up with some weird ideas.

In the real game, all kinds of information are changing rapidly. If the communication is not good, DD will send the first kill, making it impossible for them to follow.

And although zywoo doesn't understand the language, he can handle some important information on the field, and his thinking is not as dangerous as DD's playing, so the two are naturally incomparable.

DD no longer refuted, but immersed himself in cooking and joined the "Eating VC Group".

"How do you feel?" Mengde asked Zywoo in French while eating.

"It feels good, everyone treats me very well, the team atmosphere is also very good, I like it here very much."

"However." Zywoo asked cautiously, "Are we going to just play training games like this every day?"

He thinks that his ability is not bad, although the training match has helped him, the effect of improvement is very small.

If possible, zywoo still wants to step into the game as soon as possible, even if it is not the first-tier arena, the second-tier is also possible.

"Next is the transfer period in the first-tier arena. Even if I put you on the home team, you will have no games to play."

Zywoo listened and nodded, the offseason is inevitable, he knows this very well.

But even if I understand, I still feel more or less sad in my heart.

After all, he is not m0ney, and he can enjoy live broadcasting the ladder every day.

"Don't worry, during this offseason, in order to cultivate fresh blood in the CSGO profession, a tournament organizer contacted me and invited several first-team youth players to hold a tournament during the offseason."

"So next, I will let you play a game in this youth training competition. The main purpose is to let everyone know you first, and let you be familiar with what the real game looks like." Meng De added, "The training game There is still a certain gap with the game.”

When Zywoo heard that there was a game to play, a happy smile appeared on his face again.

It really looks like a big sweet potato... Meng De complained in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Meng De explained it to other people in Chinese. The young people at the table were all high-spirited, and they all said that they would never let Meng De down.

Meng De didn't believe this, but just told DD and zywoo to hurry up and practice Chinese.

DD retorted loudly: "I am originally from China, why do I even have to speak Chinese?"

"It's for you to speak Mandarin. Don't just utter a sentence in Cantonese in case of an emergency. They won't understand you!"

"Communicate, do you understand communication!!"

The harmonious picture of Meng De and the youth training players made many people in the store smile.

It's just that at the table of the home team's players, kennyS didn't know what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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