CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 568 Novice Village Hidden Big Boss

Chapter 568 Novice Village Hidden Big Boss
6 month 24 day.

VC youth training training room.

The players of the first team and the second team have long been on vacation during this offseason. Although Meng De, a local, has a lot of vacations, he is also a master who can't stay idle.After the staged matches of the youth training league, he took the initiative to come to the youth training side to help these little guys check for omissions and fill vacancies.

The result of the competition this time did not disappoint Meng De, and it can even be said that the process surprised him.

The first is the performance in the group stage. Except for the failure of the regular second-tier team RC on the first day, they have not lost in the subsequent games. Most of the BO1s still won by a large score.

From the various performances in it, we can also see the strength of the boys under him.

After entering the phased competition, in Group A, they faced RC who had fought all the way up from below. After a fierce battle, they still eliminated RC and finally advanced to the final knockout stage without any risk.

RC's elimination in this youth training league caused a lot of controversy. Only then did many people realize that the intensity of this youth training league may not be as low as imagined.

After the game, Watermelon also called to complain to Meng De. It wasn't that they didn't work hard, but that the people under Meng De's hands were too rascal.

Watermelon and SANJI have sufficient experience in the game, and they can often gain the advantage in the early stage of the round and exchange to the advantaged head.

But in the game, this early advantage is not too big.

Because on the opposite side, no matter the fat guy named Zywoo, monesy and ropz who have already made their mark in the VAC league, or even the DD who plays flamboyantly, each of them is a good player in the endgame.

In the last game of the phased competition, they were defeated by the VC youth training team in the first half in five consecutive games.

After the whole phase of the competition ended, zywoo, who has received much attention, showed his due strength again. With a terrifying rating of 1.41, he held the first place in the player list of this competition, and opened No.2 by 0.2. the rating.

At a glance, everyone knows that there are stinky fried fish in this youth training league.

However, after the knockout round, for this youth training team, their opponents are not weak. They are the Chariot youth training team in Group A, the GOD youth training team in Group B, and the AO team.

Chariots can be regarded as the kind of club that is serious about youth training. Their youth training team's style of play is actually very simple. It is completely adopted from their home team. The overall framework is not bad. The system of play that is effective in first-line competitions is naturally rampant in this level of competition, and the other youth training teams are beaten to death.

As for why RC was able to lose to them, this is mainly a matter of experience.

RC was not weak against Meng De's group of people, purely because they were beaten too much by VC in China, and they also knew some ways to target such a team with strong personal abilities.But in the face of those teams that play tactics and systems, their experience is completely smeared. This is also a common problem of most domestic teams. There are too few games abroad, and they do not have good experience in dealing with teams of different styles. What came out was hasty and messy.

However, from Meng De's point of view, RC's performance in this competition is not bad.

At least in RC there is a young player named Pite, who scored a 1.18 rating and won many messes for RC.

Although the final result this time was eliminated, it is conceivable that he will shine in the professional arena in the future.

Similarly, the AO team that successfully advanced in Group A, although their strength is not enough this time, the sniper they recruited from the ladder with the ID name FTJ also scored a rating of 1.15.

Both of these players were scouted from the VAC league formed by Mengde.

Facts have also proved that when there is a team that exceeds the level in the competition area, the level of other teams and players in this competition area will increase at an extremely high speed.

This was also the original intention of Meng De to establish the VAC League at that time. It is impossible for him to lead the entire competition area to become stronger by himself, and it is impossible to teach everyone.

But he has a way to make the country have a better and more intense ladder environment.

The adjustment of the general environment has allowed domestic talents to appear little by little.

"Mother gave birth, don't throw your flashes on my face!!" Monesy's dissatisfied voice came from the training room.

Meng Dezheng and Zywoo were watching the game video, and when they heard this, they turned their heads and shouted: "m0nesy!"

"Ah!" Hearing the coach's voice, m0nesy took off his earphones.

"You can't speak Tibetan, or I'll tell your grandma."

"Don't, don't, I won't say it."

After getting rid of m0nesy who was yelling and disturbing them, Mengde asked casually: "Which one of the three opponents in the knockout round do you think is the most difficult?"

"It should be GOD's youth training." ropz pondered for a while before giving the answer.

"Why them?"

ropz expressed his point of view: "First of all, we have already played against the tanks, and from their game video, there are a few players who are prone to make some small mistakes. Once we meet again, we can take advantage of them .”

"As for AO, they are the weakest of these teams. They were able to enter the knockout stage partly because the youth training teams in Group B were not strong enough. They played like the ladder, without any pressure at all."

"Then there is the youth training of GOD. The strength of the guys of GOD is actually very exaggerated. I just collected the information of GOD youth training yesterday. It contains the information of various competitions they participated in last year. Guess what I started from What news did you get from these materials?"

Big Sweet Potato laughed beside him: "How could we guess this, let's talk about it quickly."

"The GOD youth training got a bonus last year, even 20 dollars more than the GOD home team!"




The few people who were discussing were a little dumbfounded, and even Meng De didn't know this situation.

GOD youth training appeared more frequently in the second-tier competitions. Even before the Major, VC encountered them once in a competition, but because of the different groups, the two sides had no chance to play against each other.

But he didn't expect that the GOD youth training could do such an exaggerated thing.

"What CSGO Arsenal."

"You told me this is the youth training team??"

This matter is nonsense, after all, the bonus can explain the strength of a team to some extent.

GOD's youth training team has received more bonuses than the home team, which is enough to show their strong personal ability.

Ropz didn't believe the answer he calculated at first, but after repeatedly calculating the prize money of the two teams in the past year, he had to admit it.

Compared with the GOD team led by the Blue Horse Knight, this youth training team dominated by the GOD youth training twins P1edge and Bthe1 may be more suitable to become a GOD card.

After getting this answer, ropz carefully reviewed the few games that GOD won by a small score in the youth training league.

When he watched the video with doubts, he found that GOD played very loosely. In human terms, he played very rough. There were too many rounds that failed because of looking for someone to kill, but they still entered the youth training league. Knockout stage.

ropz continued to look for clues from the historical records of the GOD youth training team, and then got the answer he wanted in a game in November last year.

It was a B-level second-tier match. During the match, GOD youth training team eliminated BIKG with a 2-0 crushing result when they played against BIKG in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Just one word!


A youth training eliminated a serious first-line team, and it is still a 2-0 posture, do you want to be so exaggerated?
Watching the game carefully, ropz found that BIKG was not just playing around, but was playing very seriously, but it still failed to win the game.

ropz was even thinking, if the GOD home team played that game, would it be so easy?
After listening to ropz's explanation, several people in the VC training room were speechless.

"This doesn't talk about martial arts. You obviously have the strength of a first-line team, so you come here to fry fish." DD was very dissatisfied with this behavior.

Ropz smiled bitterly: "I wanted to become famous as a champion, but now it seems that I will be the biggest loser."

The chubby sweet potato was still in a good mood, but instead smiled happily: "Isn't this the best opportunity for us to get in touch with the first-line team?"

Meng De also didn't expect that there was such a monster-level team in the first-line youth training, so he could only barely comfort them: "It's not a big problem, the game hasn't started yet, what if your state explodes and overwhelms them... But the real encounter To them, we win the next map and count it as victory."

Only VC and VC.A need to consider these talents from the GOD youth training team. It is indeed a bit of a foul for them to be forced to match up now.

But it's also an opportunity for them to feel the intensity of the first team.

"But still, the first match of the next knockout stage is not GOD, we still have a buffer time to watch their game video." At this point, ropz's mentality is still very good.

In the VC youth training team, DD and monesy have a relatively poor mentality, and they are also short-tempered people. ropz, zywoo, and UKUK, the commander of the youth training, are all optimists. Although they know that the next game may be difficult, they still maintain a good mentality.

A good mentality allowed them to perform well in the BO3 match on the first day of the knockout round
When facing the AO team, this anticipated BO3 was easily won with a 2-0 record.

In addition, in Group B, the hidden big boss of Novice Village will face off against the unsuspecting chariot youth training team.

Under this fight, the audience finally understood that there is also a gap between youth training.

In this BO3, GOD won two maps in a row, and the speed of light eliminated the chariot.

The young German players only scored 3 points in this BO10.

They came with high morale, and their morale was very high from the camera before the game started.

But after the game, everyone in the chariot youth training team was stunned, not knowing why the process was completely different from what they had imagined.

The result of this game was actually expected by many people, but the process was completely unexpected.

A big hand in the community made the same analysis as ropz, and broke the news about the situation of GOD. Only then did people discover that the biggest hidden boss of this youth training league is not the gang of VC, but GOD. Youth team.

The performance of the VC youth training team in this youth training league has attracted much attention. I thought they could easily win the championship of the first youth training league and continue to continue the demeanor of the big brothers. The result is full of suspense.


"I'm almost ready. I'm going to wash my face. I'm going to turn on the camera later. I want to show my image."

On the day of the youth training league final, Meng De said to the youth training players who were warming up before the match.

Today's e-sports is completely different from the ancient times. Professional competitions are becoming more and more formal. In order to enrich the competition, the competition team generally requires players to turn on the camera.

In many CSGO competitions, joyful pictures are left by the expressions of the players.

"Also, how many times have I told you, DD, stop chewing betel nuts! That's not a good thing." Meng De cursed angrily when he saw the residue under DD's gaming chair.

"I haven't eaten, I haven't eaten." DD quickly spat out the betel nut in his mouth.

Meng De walked by and directly confiscated DD's betel nut.

Everyone in the VC youth training camp started to adjust their equipment. Meng De encouraged everyone before the competition started: "Don't put too much pressure on them. The people on the opposite side don't talk about martial arts at all. After all, they all have first-line strength. , let’s play a youth training league, we win a map if we win... If you really beat them by surprise, it will be Xu Kun who rings the doorbell—the food is ready.”

All five members of the VC youth training understand this information, and Meng De's move is to tell them briefly again to relieve their inner tension.

If S1mple and others hear what Meng De is saying now, they will definitely complain about his old double standards.

This means that in the current youth training, Meng De's way of treating them is mainly training. If he wants to really enter the home team, it is impossible for him to say such nonsense that he wins by winning a map.

After adjusting the equipment, moving fingers, and confirming that the microphone is correct, the beautiful host in the live broadcast room also made an opening statement, and the two somewhat unfamiliar commentators began to analyze the strength of the two players.

"Jessie, who do you prefer in this game? Is it the high-profile VC youth training, or the GOD youth training?"

"God youth training." The commentator Jesse replied quickly, presumably he had already prepared a plan in his heart.

Mill followed the rhythm and continued to ask: "Can you tell me the reason?"

These two commentators are also newcomers to this competition group. They are still trying to adapt to the learning process, and their delivery skills are a bit stiff.

"Although the VC youth training has performed quite well in this league, the GOD youth training has always been well-known. It once defeated BIKG. It is very strong in terms of hard power. The core P brother (P1edge) ) and Bthe1 are also quite powerful, and it took them more than a day or two to adjust. Compared with the VC youth training formed after the Major just ended, their stability is obviously higher."

"Indeed, although the newly formed team is very aggressive, the fluctuations in strength are still huge."

"Okay, the game has come to the BP part, let's see what happens to the BP selection of the maps of the players on both sides?"

By simply asking the referee to guess the coin, VC Youth Training won the first right of this competition group.

Both sides don't know much about each other, so most of them choose to give up the maps they don't play.

The VC youth training first removed the nuclear crisis.

GOD youth training will remove the train parking station.

VC youth training followed by Lost City in the Desert.

GOD Youth Training also chose the Death Amusement Park where they played better.

The two sides each removed another map, and the third map left in the end was Purgatory Town.

The live broadcast screen began to show the young players of both sides. They had different expressions on their faces, but they all had some expectations.

Meng De also patted the shoulders of the players, sat in the coach's position at the back, and watched with the youth training coach.

[Come on, little fat man, blow up the GOD youth training! 】

[DD Come on, if you win, I will give you a Fujianese as a snack]

[I'm from Fujian, and I'm terrified now]

[Brother P, come on, try to score early and let the GOD home team retire]

Amidst the cheering barrage of fans in the live broadcast room, the BO3 finals of the youth training league officially began!
(End of this chapter)

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