CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 571 Suspect Perspective

"What's going on in picture two?"

The blue horse knight was a little surprised when he watched the match of the youth training team.

After the Major ended, most of their first-line players entered the offseason, and they all started a rare vacation time.

The Youth Training League that suddenly appeared at this time has become a rare pastime, and many players use it as a pastime to pass the time.

As the star players of GOD's home team, the Blue Horse Knights are no exception. First of all, they intend to promote several members of their own youth training team. state.

He has read the whole process of Figure [-], and he already knows the characteristics and gaps between VC youth training and his own youth training.

But I didn't expect that it was just time to take a shower, and the GOD youth training in Figure 7 has already been beaten 0:[-] by the opponent.

I really didn't get a point at the beginning!

The accident made him more interested in this game.

Since he was here to check the status of the young players in the youth training, he had already watched the dominant game.

So now facing the headwind situation, how will GOD deal with it?

The blue horse rider is quite looking forward to this.


The game entered the first tactical timeout.

Losing 7 points in a row, the mentality of the GOD youth training finally changed. In order to prevent the VC youth training from continuing to score, they called a timeout to make adjustments.

Taking advantage of this pause time, fans watching the live broadcast can also free up their hands to express their views.

[This is a good start! 】

[Winning 7 rounds in a row is a bit of a dream]

[It’s interesting, the second picture was selected by GOD, but they got so many points from VC]

[The score in these few rounds is very thrilling, m0nesy almost scared me to death with two empty shots, but fortunately DD stole two heads, otherwise it will really hang]

[They are all young players, it is normal to make mistakes, please don't demand so much from them]

[With this kind of opening, the second picture really has a chance! 】

Many bullet screens in the live broadcast room expressed their expectations for the follow-up games.

The game in Figure [-] allows the audience to see the potential of the VC youth training and the strength of the GOD youth training.

They all failed in their selection, and they thought that there would be no chance for the second picture.

But I didn't expect a dream start. In this case, it seems that the VC youth training can really tie the score with hard work.


GOD youth training training room.

The consecutive defeats in the long gun rounds were all things they did not expect. Brother P bit his thumb and was thinking, his brows were also slightly frowned.He suggested, "Why don't we focus on Area B?"

"It's not impossible." The GOD youth training command moved his wrists, "You can pretend to control the construction site quickly, but in fact you can catch them by surprise in the long run."

"This is fine." Bthe1 added, "I can also go to the gangsters to make a wave of acquiescence, and give them the illusion that we want to control the construction site and contract the sewer."

In the map of Death Amusement Park, if the bandits want to default, the construction site and the sewers, which are connecting points, will be more important.

Tactics built around these areas are not uncommon in events.

For example, quickly control the construction site, and then a wave of explosive bombs in area B, then speed up and turn to small A, or start the game from the middle lane and the construction site to clear the sewer, and then make other plans. .

It is this kind of commonness that can sometimes be used to mislead the other party.

Their real purpose is to push in with a wave of explosive bombs from the long tube. Once the misleading is successful and they enter successfully, then the terrain will first take advantage.

In the follow-up, being able to get a kill in the confrontation will further expand the advantage.

Several people discussed the tactical details for a while, and finally determined their own tasks.

After the countdown is over, buy your own equipment and start heading to each area.


After the timeout ended, the VC youth training side followed the decision of UKUK and made a heavy defense of the B area with 3 people.

The remaining two people in area A are m0nesy from University A and DD from the sewer. They mainly focus on scouting information, once they see people running away, it will be fine.

After the countdown ended, the three of them came all the way to Area B. After throwing away the anti-rush props, they set up the dragon gate array.

The DD in the sewer took the lead in exchanging fire with people, but the other party gave smoke bombs in detail, and he shot through the smoke without killing him.

"There are still people in the bandit, DD, don't be greedy for guns in the sewer, just go." m0nesy explained the situation to DD, and he detected the sound of props extinguishing the fire in the bandit, which means that someone in the bandit forcibly put out the fire When the smoke comes out, the threat in the middle lane is even greater.

"People have entered the construction site." DD also listened to m0nesy's words, so after a while, he started to back away.

But sometimes the opponent's timing makes people really suspect that he installed a camera behind you.

As soon as DD got out of the cover and moved back, a bandit poked his head out from the edge of the smoke.

"Da da da."

There was a brief exchange of fire between the two, and DD was already retreating. He reacted too hastily and was killed directly.

Seeing this situation, m0nesy didn't make a mistake, so he went directly to the A package to open a profit.

"I'm on guard."

"Do you want to go back to defense?"

"You can have a try first."

A short sentence describing the next position change.

Just when zywoo was about to move, he saw a kill message from the upper right corner.

[VC.F m0nesy used AWP headshot to kill GOD.K Bthe1],

He quickly cut the knife to speed up.

But when he turned his head, a flash bomb exploded in area B, followed by props that came one after another.

"A long tube flashed, and the front of ropz's long tube was completely covered in white. Hurry up and take a few steps back to buffer, the bandit has already rushed out of the long tube!"

"Facing the bandit's double pull, ropz still didn't catch it. UKUK moved from the B1 floor to hide underwater. Zywoo on the second floor hit one but his vision was blocked. Now only UKUK is left alone in the B area! "

"The two exchanged one shot, and the disadvantage of UKUK firearms has never been fought, which is a pity.

"In a 3-on-2 endgame, m0nesy has already arrived, and the two want to try it out head-on."

m0nesy came to the B1 floor, turned on the mirror in advance to avoid exposing his voice, and he scouted the field of vision of the bag bit by bit.

A head appeared abruptly in the lower right corner of the field of vision, and m0nesy hurriedly swiped it.


But this shot was empty! !

m0nesy hurriedly cut the knife and jumped back, because there was a mistake in the preview position, he is a bit too big now!

But the other party is not a vegetarian, so the tricky position is waiting for him.

With a volley of shots, m0nesy, who was jumping in the air, was beaten to death, leaving only zywoo alone.

Zywoo didn't pick up the sniper, but controlled his body and pulled it out horizontally.

A bandit stood on the bridge in the field of vision, and Zywoo opened fire with the AK47 in his hand.

Good reflexes and positioning ability allowed him to knock down the opposite person with only one shot.

Hearing m0nesy's report, he knew that there was another person underwater on his left.

But zywoo was not in a hurry to find the guy underwater on the left. The most important thing in this endgame was the location of the other bandit in front of him.

If Brother P can't be found, then he will definitely be beaten sideways when he pulls to find the man underwater.

"zywoo still wants to try this endgame, the 1V2 moment, but GOD doesn't give it a chance." Jesse can clearly understand the rigor of GOD's youth training from the perspective of God.

Perhaps it was the continuous loss of points that made them choose the safest method in this endgame.

The bandits under the water pulled the angle and made a straight fight, while Brother P, who was in the bag, was waiting behind the bunker.

The position of this gun is quite obvious, if Zywoo comes out, he will definitely be discovered by people underwater.

And take the initiative to find underwater, once the exchange of fire, brother P will also take action.

No solution!

zywoo only knew that there was one person in front, but didn't know his specific location.

After swaying continuously, he didn't get the information, so he had no choice but to find the person under the water.

"Zywoo took the initiative to pull horizontally, and he fell underwater in seconds."

"Brother P stood up and replenished the gun, WTF!! After the load was shot underwater, he turned his head instantly, and almost killed Brother P in seconds."

The two commentators were pupil earthquakes.

Almost zywoo made another inhuman highlight.

In the live broadcast room, the screen was full of "it's a pity" floating by.

Looking at his remaining 23 drops of blood, brother P felt a wave of fear.

He really couldn't help but want to complain, isn't this level a bit exaggerated.

After playing underwater, he turned his head at 90 degrees in an instant and hit him, and almost killed him instantly. They are all youth training players, so the level is so different?
Fortunately, zywoo's last shuttle didn't hit him on the head, otherwise he would really curse someone.


Relying on a sudden change of speed in zone B, the offensive team caught the VC youth training by surprise, and also successfully won their first long gun round, which was also the first score in Figure [-].

In the next few rounds, they finally found some rhythm in this draft of their own.

It's just that what happened next made the blue horse riders watching the game feel more interesting.

Although the GOD youth training started to score, the VC youth training did not stagnate because of the GOD starting to score.

Although their scoring rhythm was not so strong in the next few rounds, they still scored 3 points. Finally, the first half ended and the score was fixed at 10:5.

The amusement park is a very adaptable map.

For a team with a strong offensive end, this map is a big bandit map.

For teams with a strong defense, this map is also a big police map.

At the end of the first half, no matter how well the original GOD youth training performed in the amusement park, now they can only hope that they can play better on the defensive end, especially the rhythm of the start is smoother.

But the sky does not fulfill people's wishes, the more you worry about something, the more things will happen.

In the second half of the pistol round, the VC youth training chose to go to the sewer and the middle lane to quickly go to A small.

There was a scuffle between the two sides in Xiao A and the toilet. GOD completed a 3-for-4 swap, which was not a loss for them.

The remaining ropz put down the mine bag in the A area, facing this 1 vs 2 endgame.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the audience, after ropz downloaded the bag, he simply searched and went around to the bank.

At the same time, the return defense of the GOD youth training is only separated from him by a wall.

So "coincidentally" ropz went around behind them, easily aimed and scored two headshots.


"Theoretically speaking, as long as the strong start can be reversed, then the hope of coming back can be increased a lot. As long as the defense is back, if it is stable, at least three points can be chased. And at that stage, the long gun round The economy on the opposite side will also be very low, so sometimes it is profitable to make such a big gamble."

The Blue Horse Knight’s voice sounded in the room, and he was explaining some understanding of the game with his cousin who had just been exposed to CSGO not long ago: “Strengthening also represents a risk, once the force fails, it will take another round later To adjust the economy is to lose another point, but I personally prefer this kind of gamble."

The cousin next to him pointed to the score above, and said sharply: "But if you lose this bet, then your team is almost gone?"

"Yes, so they don't dare to gamble."

On the screen, the GOD youth training chose pure eco. In this round, he only knocked out a long gun, and was paid a lot of money by the hair dryer of the VC youth training.

The score came to 12:5, and the difference between the two sides was already a little big. The Blue Horse Cavaliers knew very well that the turning point of this game was in the next round. If GOD failed to win this round, basically there would be no What a chance.


GOD youth training really dare not gamble, their courage is not as big as the big brother of the home team.

Quickly entering the long gun round, this is their safest choice.

However, this method also brings a disadvantage, that is, the economy is not good, and the average economy of the team is only in the early 4000s.

With an economy of 4000, on the offensive end, you can barely afford full-armor guns and props.

But for CT's long gun round, there are too few.

A full armor will cost 1000, if you want to buy M4, it will cost 3100.

In other words, if they want to buy full-armor M4, they will basically run out of money.

They could only retreat and choose Famas to defend.

After thinking about it, they chose a wave of unconventional front-to-top play.

I plan to exchange numbers with the bandits at the beginning of the game, and exchange fire at close range to minimize the disadvantage of firearms.


On the other hand, UKUK used a hair dryer to get three kills in the last round, and the economy is very good, so he directly contributed a big sniper to m0nesy at the beginning.

Looking at the big sniper in front of him, m0nesy had a toothache on his face.

"What's wrong?" UKUK was a little puzzled.

"Why don't I shoot a dozen rifles first, I feel pretty good with the rifles in the past few rounds." m0nesy couldn't explain why it was because there were too many empty guns, and this one was a bit unconfident.

UKUK didn't doubt it either, but turned around and asked zywoo: "Then sweet potato is holding a big sniper, OK?"

"Yes." Zywoo replied very readily.

In the first long gun round, their center of gravity was biased towards area A.

At the beginning of the game, zywoo looked directly at the middle with a big sniper.

But soon, the opposite prop flew over, and a very obvious smoke fell on Zywoo's face.

The flying smoke bomb instantly alerted them.

The opponent's intentions were very obvious, and they did not act recklessly.

Zywoo walked around the bandit's mouth with a sniper rifle in his hand, and soon saw a gradually clear right leg on the right side of the smoke.

He immediately opened the mirror to locate.


Get the first kill.

The CT who tried to mix the smoke was directly shot.

Zywoo made a sound of retreating footsteps, and then continued to look into the smoke.

Sure enough, his guess was correct, this wave of top performers did not act alone, but a gang.

A big sniper shot rang out, and another member was taken away.

With two kills in hand, the situation suddenly became brighter, and the team's voice was "NICE".

Zywoo pushed forward with a big sniper, and as the smoke cleared, he opened the mirror to preview the position of the balloon.

The black railing of the balloon made him almost mistake it for a person there, and startled him.

"Zywoo's two shots are very beautiful. Just two clean kills opened up the situation for the team. CT, the front top, sent himself out. Now they have to retreat to the back and look for opportunities."

"Wait, zywoo what are you doing?"

The commentator made a very puzzled voice.

From their point of view, after zywoo killed the man, the big sniper opened the mirror and looked directly at the balloon.

But the big A on the other side of the balloon is aiming at Brother P who is retreating, and the crosshair that zywoo just opened the mirror to preview seems to be directly shrunk on Brother P's head.

Although the crosshairs were pulled back in an instant, it made people feel that there was no silver 300 taels here.

For a moment, the bullet screen was filled with question marks.

[? ? ?Suspect point of view? 】

【what is this?Lock people through the wall? 】

[This...Cao thief recruited a brother Kai to come in? 】

[Fuck, this really looks like Brother Suozi]

【coincide? 】

In the end, GOD still failed to defend this round, and lost the spear round under the attack of VC youth training.

Most of the shots were considered to be a coincidence, and they didn't go into too much detail. After all, who hasn't had a nerve gun?
Losing the key long gun game in the second half, GOD has already lost its momentum.

Although a few more points were scored in the follow-up, it was already difficult to remedy.

In the end, VC completed their goal before the game with a score of 16:8 on the amusement park in Figure [-].

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