CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 577 The True Power of the Default Control Map

Chapter 577 The True Power of the Default Control Map

DD successfully got the first kill with the show operation taught by Meng De, and took control of A1.

This time DD did not stand in the middle of the main road, but came to a relatively conventional vase. If the flash package is not reversed here, it is basically possible to change it stably.

So he doesn't have to worry too much, and judging from the fact that no one is replenishing the gun and there is no movement on the A2 floor, the opponent should not have many troops on the periphery of Area A.

The team is at a numerical advantage, and gla1ve has no plans to take the initiative at all. They just wait quietly for AKA to reveal their flaws.

AKA fell into a numerical disadvantage at the beginning and wanted to find opportunities by default, but Team A did not make those dangerous moves at all, which made them very difficult.

Finally, when there were about 40 seconds left in the time, I chose to play a wave of B and clip B.

Then they saw that Zaiwu in the small black room started to perform. He stood in the middle of the small black room, like a fort, killing crazily.

In the end, it cost AKA two members to kill him.

The number of bandits remaining on the field was not enough to support their offense, and Steady even had the idea of ​​protecting his gun.

But looking at his teammates who had already entered the bunker, he still took the initiative to try it out with him.

It's just that he was knocked out of almost half of his health by the load, and his combat power was limited in a frontal firefight, and the opponent's return to defense was much faster than they expected. After a wave of firefights, they all died under Xiaoju's hands .

The score at the top of the live room reached 4:1. Taking advantage of the round settlement time, the director replayed DD's amazing operation again.

I saw that DD in the picture was getting ready, and then dropped a flash and popped it out. Cola on the opposite side reacted quickly and flashed back, but he didn't expect that his turning head would become the cause of death.

The two English streaming commentators were amazed in the live broadcast room.

Henry said: "Although this is the first large-scale event after CSGO's update, we also saw a lot of excellent props used in the qualifiers a few days ago... To be honest, this kind of opponent's IQ is on the ground. It’s the first time I’ve seen friction.”

In the first game after the update, the simple understanding of props has been used. Whether it is a wave of fake play, or the use of defensive props in batches to delay time, they have gradually appeared on the field.

But this is the first time they have seen the actual operation of this single item mechanism.

"But Henry, to be honest, what would you do if you encountered this situation." Johnny looked at Henry with a smirk.

"Of course I shot directly..." While speaking, Henry was stunned, because he didn't know how to deal with it alone.

The same question rang out in the AKA voice too.

The round has already started, but because of economic shortage, AKA has entered the mode of ECO.

Originally, they planned to use eco to consume the props of Team A, so they all discussed at home.

As the commander, Pear looked at Cola, he was a little puzzled: "What happened to you last round, why did you die suddenly?"

In the process of controlling the map before, he also took a look at Cola from the corner of his eye. Although he was a little aggressive, the choice of position was not bad. Logically speaking, there would be no noise, and he died suddenly.

Cola said helplessly: "That DD on the opposite side just threw out the flash, I was fooled."

"Is it a flash?" Ting thought that Cola was eaten by the other party's anti-clearing package.

Cola shook his head, and then threw the Glock out of his hand directly: "I threw it out just like this gun. I thought it was the flashlight thrown by DD himself, and the back flash...but I gave away one for nothing."


AKA and the others were a little confused, and then belatedly realized what Cola was facing.

The originally stiff atmosphere suddenly laughed out loud at the opponent's operation.

"Is this the understanding of Team A's props? It's a bit exaggerated." Ting gasped and tried to contribute to global warming.

Team A is the most powerful tactical team in the first-line profession, and the most famous of them is their novel routines and item abilities.

Before the start of today's game, they thought about the changes in the version, which may allow Team A to develop many amazing tactics.But it never occurred to them that Team A would make a fuss about such small details.

Most of the time when the version is changed, what you see is that the props can be discarded-that is, the props can be passed to teammates for use.

Unexpectedly, Team A saw the essence of this update, props can be discarded.

Cola shrugged, looked at the pensive teammates beside him, and asked, "So how do we crack their flash routine? Is this flash back or not?"

The AKA team fell into deep thought.

In the subsequent games, AKA finally found a solution to this problem.

When they control the periphery of A1, they choose a style of play where one player flashes from the back and the other shoots in the front. This style of play can maintain no mistakes, and also makes DD's aggressive forward pressure never return.

It's just that the consecutive victories have allowed Team A to show momentum on the defensive end. The direction of the follow-up game is mainly based on Team A's points, AKA struggling to steal points.


The game came to the second half of the first half, the score on the court was 7:3, and team A led the opponent by 4 points.

For them, Lost City was able to play so well in the first official match, and they were already very happy.

And as far as he is concerned now, their overall combat effectiveness is ridiculously high.

Team A's current firearm combination is 4 AK47s plus an AWP. The firearm configuration is simply not too luxurious!

This round's position of carrying objects is not very good, so gla1ve still plays according to the previous position thinking, and puts the middle lane to control both sides.

Since this defensive thinking can always be successful, they have no reason to take the initiative to make too many changes.

"The countdown is over, AKA still follow their rhythm, regardless of other things at the first time, first control the middle lane."

"However, this sewer smoke..." Henry and Johnny looked at each other and smiled, and finally saw that they were similar to professional players.

gla1ve also heard the other party's sewer smoke fall, and the other party did not rush to fill up the cigarette at the first time, which made him move a little bit.

"Can Sweet Potato give me a flash bomb? I want to take a chance."

"No problem, I'll throw a flash, Broky takes a look at A1."

The two of them finished their preparations, and an anti-Qing operation in the middle began.

The flash exploded, and gla1ve pulled out the window horizontally from inside the VIP. There was an enemy on the left and right sides of the sandbag in the field of vision, and gla1ve quickly positioned the bandit on the left and fired.

But in a hurry, the sight of his first shot was a bit off.

Before he could correct it for the second time, the shot of the big sniper rang out.

【AKA.steady used AWP to kill VC.A gla1ve】

Seeing that there were no kills and assists in the upper right corner, Zaiwu said apologetically, "Didn't you flash it? I'll throw it farther next time."

gla1ve shook his head: "It's here, I made a mistake with my marksmanship, and I lost the VIP, now I just need to keep both sides."

He glanced at Xiaoju with some concern. After he was killed, the team's position changed to 301.

His death is actually equivalent to directly dividing the defensive position.
It is also very dangerous to go to the B area for supplementary defense now, so we can only hope that the opponent will not catch that opportunity.

"The bandit put the person on the edge of the VIP and gave him an arched smoke. The rhythm of advancement was very smooth."

"On the sandbag side of the middle road, the cypress on the bandit's mouth side gave a jungle cigarette. The bandit's intention is very obvious. Speed ​​up the arch and hit A."

"It's just that they can really get in? The three CTs in Area A are guarding against the arch. They may suffer heavy casualties as soon as they come up."

The smoke bomb in the archway gradually dissipated, and Zaiwu saw the unknown shadow in the archway from the sniper scope, and directly pulled the trigger.


"Come on, the loaded sniper took one shot, but it hit the leg, and Broky from the bag came over to have a pedicure, and easily killed one person in seconds."

"Ting rushed up to the platform and wanted to seize the opportunity. He saw DD on the A2 floor of the straight shelf. He saw that he was killed by the policeman's load just as he was about to fire. "

"In this case, in a wave of firefights in Area A, CT regained its advantage, and A1 was killed by a large sniper. If the bandits continue to attack, they will still die."

Area A didn't feel very good to Fear, and after the death they gathered the information and got an amazing news.

There are three defenders in Area A, that is to say, there is only one person in Area B now!

Fear is now standing in the VIP position, which is basically equivalent to blocking CT's return defense. Now turn the gun to play a partial 3v1, and then win the endgame by defending the bag, which may have a better chance.

With a clear mind, Fear decisively issued an order.

"There is enough time, and AKA can still be operated. Xiaoju is standing on the far right side of the small arch of B. This position is to see if the opponent's discipline is good. I have heard the voice from the B2 floor."

"Fear was still broken, carrying a big sniper and started to return to the defense. Knowing that someone in the VIP might be holding a gun, he directly stuffed a smoke bomb into the hole, and came to the supermarket to help Xiaoju set up the window on the B2 floor."

"But Fear's top thinking!! He directly touched the smoke and forced it out. Jingbu directly grabbed the side of the load and knocked him out with a headshot."

"As soon as Zaiwu died, the bandits knew that the other person was hiding and beating him. Xiaoju was found out, it's over!"

"Xiaoju was taken away with a headshot. Broky went back to the supermarket, but he was also held up. Fear became the key man of this round!!"

Henry expressed his judgment in surprise: "Zaiwu has already shot very finely, and there are more than ten seconds left in the time. He didn't expect the other party to be so patient, still disconnected from the VIP, and dared to boldly shoot out the smoke. "

"He thought he would be safe after handing over the smoke bombs, but he didn't expect Fear to play a wave of wealth insurance, which was too top-notch. Fear, 3v5 was directly played by him to 3v1, and team A quickly opened the insurance. "

"Appropriate map control finally gave them a chance to wait."

Fear's bold play helped the team break the deadlock and turn things around.

In the next few rounds, AKA played more aggressively in the previous default.

The frequent firefights in the early stage gave them more opportunities to deal with it.

AKA became clear in the game. In the follow-up rounds of the first half, Team A only scored a mere 1 point, and finally the first half ended with a score of 8:7.

Although they are still behind in terms of score, compared to the previous big disadvantage, the current score difference is nothing.

They are totally acceptable!

After the first half, AKA regained their confidence.

But this is not good news for Team A.


 TodayChapter 2~
(End of this chapter)

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