Chapter 579

"My God, loading!!!"

In the official commentary booth of IEM Cologne, Henry's eyes widened, completely disbelieving what he saw.

"A perfect counterattack. In this strong opening game, the newcomer from Team A, the French teenager who replaced kennyS, created an amazing miracle with only one Sand Eagle. He opened a total of Five shots, but got 4 kills. Whether it is the technical and tactical control of the details, or the positioning operation after the actual shot, this attack and the endgame are perfect. I can't think of any better way to do it. Realize it!"

"Zhaowu's top-level operation successfully helped Team A to complete a comeback. This is definitely good news for their economy, and the lagging score is finally equalized! This is something that even the teammates of Zaiwu did not expect. This is France Is it the young power of the new generation? It’s really an exaggeration.”

Even after watching the entire qualifier stage, he had some impressions of the player Zaiwu, but Henry was still amazed by his wonderful performance in this round.

Recovering from the perspective of God and reviewing the game, Zaiwu seemed to have obtained the optimal solution in the endgame.It's like a stand-alone decryption game, and Zaiwu is skillfully passing it with a strategy, which is quite shocking for those who have a certain understanding.


After finishing the endgame, Zaiwu under the camera just said "yeah" to the camera, which is quite cute.

But the atmosphere in the battle room was obviously not so calm. The four teammates around looked at him with wide eyes as if they were meeting Zaiwu for the first time.

"Zaiwu, you are too good!!!"

"What are you doing bro?"

"The young man played very well, and I will reward you with a baguette today."

Everyone was yelling excitedly.

Xiaoju had just finished fist bumping with DD beside him, and seeing the expressionless Zaiwu, he couldn't help laughing, and said to DD beside him: "This person is too scary, just now he really has a kind of parameter full beauty."

This description is very vivid, because I can't find any faults in Zaiwu's marksmanship or consciousness just now.

DD clenched his fists tightly, "Show me this endgame, I feel like it's coming again!!"

Although he couldn't see the situation in the battle room next door, there was no sound from the other side, and DD could already imagine the scene.

"At first, I thought that even if Zaiwu was talented, it would take some time to adapt to the first-line competition." But seeing Zaiwu's unwavering mentality, gla1ve shook his head, "It turns out that I am worried for nothing. His adaptation Capabilities are coming much faster than we thought."

"Brothers, it's the last few rounds, come back!!!"


Even though the economic loss caused by this round to the team was acceptable, the atmosphere of AKA was inevitably hit. They took the initiative to call a tactical timeout for adjustments, and also cooled down the crazy feel of the game.

They could have won this round without any cost. How could they have imagined that they would be crushed by killing several Sand Eagles in a row with a single load.

Strong starting game If the opponent is caught off guard by tactics, then they will not feel so frustrated.

However, this round can basically be regarded as a one-man show with loads of content. The little fat man from team A killed them all with one man.

This is a huge blow to their self-confidence.

Ting took the initiative to take the responsibility: "My problem, I was a little anxious when I came here from B elementary school. I didn't wait for anyone. If I waited for someone, at least 2v1 would be better."

His wave was indeed a mistake, but at that time he thought that his information had been exposed, and wanted to use his tricks to mislead the other party into thinking that he would not go out, and then seized a chance.

For this kind of idea, every player has a different idea. Before you try it, you can't judge whether it is right or wrong.

But judging from the results, it was Ting's initiative that gave Zaiwu the opportunity to grab orders.

Steady also took the initiative to speak: "I also have a problem, my shot shouldn't be empty, it was swayed."

Several other people from AKA also explained their problems one after another, and it turned into a meeting of responsibility for a while, and the atmosphere became even more gloomy.

Players on both sides are using the timeout to adjust their morale problems, while the audience in the live broadcast room is having a great time.

【You tell me this is a newcomer? ? ? 】

【I'm so dumbfounded, isn't the parameter a bit high】

[Broky: Fuck, what's the situation, why did the teammates kill everyone? 】

[I really didn't expect this to be reversed]

[How do you feel that this endgame is more fierce than kennyS?]

[I said before that newcomers can't do it?Heizi speak! ! 】

[Where did the person just now go?Come out and talk! ! 】


The 40-second tactical timeout ended, the score was 13:13, and the two sides returned to the game.

As the offensive team, Team A did not prepare too surprising tactics after the timeout, and still chose the default style of play, but this time the position is 221, because the carrier has a big sniper in his hand, at least one must be matched The bodyguard gave it to him.

On the other side, the AKA team, which called for a timeout, decided to change their style of play in order to seek more changes.

After the round started, they put their defensive focus in the middle.

At the beginning, there was a sandbag fire, so that the bandits could not enter the sandbag so easily, followed by a bandit mine, and the desire to control the middle road was self-evident.

Steady, as a sniper, was not stingy with the props in his hand, and directly gave the arch smoke, and then the big sniper helped the gangsters.

After the first wave confirmed that no one had passed, Ting got into the middle of the main road from the smoke of the arch, and got ready for the action.

Fear, who was above Little B, also stepped forward to apply pressure.

"Fear and his teammates put pressure forward at the same time, and heard the gangster talk, will this be his chance?"

The first wave of pressure in the middle lane was high, the load and DD items were insufficient, and they did not play too aggressively.

They waited until the sound of the props slowly disappeared before they began to advance towards the middle.

Zaiwu first threw a flash bomb to the middle channel. This flash bomb is a bit particular, it is specially designed to flash the arch, and the purpose is to get to the gun position.

Before the dodge exploded, DD directly pulled his body horizontally to the left.

Originally, his attention was focused on the arch, but suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a policeman with his right hand against the wall, and immediately opened fire.

The Fear sight has been following DD all the time, but the horizontal movement of this distance is too fast and too difficult to follow.

[VC.A DD used AK47 to kill AKA.Fear with a headshot]

"Fear didn't catch it, but was counter-killed by DD's headshot. What a quick reaction." Henry praised again, "But the load is really outrageous."

He didn't know whether it was conscious or disciplined, but the flash bomb of Zaiwu was the real hero of this kill.

Originally, AKA used three angles of the gun line to set up the gangster in the middle of this round.

Under the middle channel, he and B Xiaojun pressed forward simultaneously, and a big sniper in the arch was ready to fill up the gun at any time.

A flash can be loaded and thrown out. Steady, the arch sniper, had to avoid its edge. Ting, who was in the middle channel, looked at the oncoming flash bomb, and subconsciously flashed back, which made him unable to keep up with the supplementary gun, and the rhythm was directly messed up. .

Whether it was intentional or not, the flash of Zaiwu directly disintegrated the formation of AKA in the early stage.

DD continued to move towards the sandbags, and soon he saw Ting in the middle of the stage.

"The next one in the middle stage!!!"

DD himself had retreated behind the sandbag, and the opponent was shooting through him, so he couldn't repeek out to fill up the gun, so he could only yell to report to his teammates.

When Zaiwu heard this information, he hurriedly stepped out of the bandit's mouth in two positions to find an angle for himself.

The default gla1ve in the sewer also let go and followed directly.

Ting knew that it might be difficult for him to run away, but he was still looking forward to a chance of survival. He asked his teammates to give him a full white flash, and then hurriedly fled towards the arch.



The sniper's gunshot sounded like a death knell, and Ting felt that he might be sent.

【VC.A Zywoo kills AKA.steady with AWP headshot】

Steady wanted to delay his teammates, so he bit the bullet and came out to steal a shot, but the trigger was not pulled, but he was already killed by the load.

With the smooth exchange of fire in the middle, letting Team A be the default player on both sides is also hands-on.

Broky in A1 rushed out directly, trying to intercept and kill Ting.

But he ran into Cola who was at the police house.

The two sides had a wave of firefights at such a long distance, and in the end Broky still failed to fight and died in the hands of Cola.

He didn't have a cover in this wave, it was too reluctant.

But there is a lyric that goes like this:

"It's not bright in the east, it's bright in the west~"

Broky didn't have a numerical advantage in zone A, and Xiaoju on the other side killed cypress, who wanted to take the initiative to attack, and brought the number to 4v2.

And because of the information obtained from Broky's death, there was one person in the police house just now, and the other person was near the VIP, which meant that area B was empty at this moment.

Xiaoju quickly understood the message, "Hurry up and get the package, area B is already empty!"

Zaiwu and gla1ve also hurried over to unpack.

"Ting has already defended the gun at the VIP, and Cola has gone around to the gangster's house, but depending on the situation, they can't fight. This round, Team A is blooming at every point, breaking through the defense line of AKA in an all-round way. The score came to 14:13. Team A Overtake has been achieved.”

"AKA the economy is already in trouble, and the next round will be a crucial round. If they can't win this round, they will be taken away by Team A."

"The sniper rifle was picked up, now let's see if AKA has any counterattack tactics."

The opponent still has money, which gla1ve can count on.

So he doesn't plan to spend too much time controlling the middle lane. After thinking about it briefly, he plans to come up with a wave of unconventional things.

"Let's throw items with this loader. You start the game by throwing a VIP cigarette in the middle, and then randomly throwing two flashlights. The rest of you will follow me to the top of the A2 floor, and we will directly fly to the second floor."

On the offensive end, they have been playing faster for several rounds, and it is time to change the speed and catch the poor defensive thinking.

At the beginning of the round, Zaiwu first threw a VIP cigarette with his props, and then added two flash bombs in the middle.

The big team had already run towards the A2 building. He picked up the props left by his teammates, and then came to the jumping platform in the bandit's house, grabbed the flash and waited for it to be ready.

"It's in place, let's throw away the load."

The gla1ve command has been issued, two high flashes are given in a row, and everyone on the A2 floor launches a charge!
"Team A is going to fly directly to the A2 building. The people in the long box and the police are under a lot of pressure. The Ting of the arch is in place. It is directly a fire from the A2 building. This decision is quite correct."

"But the timing of the fire was not very good, and the three bandits were still released."

"And the bandits in building A2 dropped a bouncing smoke grenade, sealing the jungle."

Xiaoju, who didn't have time to get out on the A2 floor, killed the jumping platform, and the moment Ting Heng pulled out, he killed him with a headshot.

Team A once again got the first kill of the round, but the opponent's actions were also very fast. CT behind the long box grabbed a timing, came out directly and hit gla1ve's sideways, killing him instantly.

The steady sniper of the police also dropped the DD downstairs in A2 with one shot.

After throwing the props, Zaiwu quickly put in place his defense. He happened to see Steady who had finished shooting, and he shot to the left when he opened the mirror.


"The replacement gun with the load came very quickly, but Cola with the long gun also pulled out to give the load to the replacement gun. The two sides exchanged a head again."

"AKA's return defense has been fully launched. In the endgame of 3 vs. 2, Team A can only rely on Broky to find opportunities."

"Broky got mixed into the jungle, and there was just a time difference between him and Fear, who was defending back from the arch. Could this timing be a foreshadowing of this round?"

Boldly mixing smoke into the jungle, hearing the footsteps behind the arched door, Broky's head was running wildly.

There is one in the long box, one in the arch, and the other should have returned to defense from Area B, and it is most likely at the police house now.

"Xiaoju, don't worry. When I find a chance, they probably won't know that I'm in the VIP."

Saying that, Broky boldly got out of the dog hole, and then moved forward little by little.

He was very careful, wanting to touch the opponent's back and hit him hard.

But the plan could never keep up with the changes. On his way forward, AKA also realized that there was another person who didn't know where he was, so he took the initiative to look back.

This glance caused a firefight between Cypress and Broky.

The two faced off with guns at a long distance, and Broky won by relying on the advantage of guns.

"Broky was beaten to the end. Now it's a 2V2 endgame. After Broky left and came back, he still wants to give a message."

"But Cola was full of discipline. Looking behind him, Broky hadn't fought. What was left to Xiaoju was a 1v2 endgame."

Xiao Ju knew that the other person was on the side of the platform. He missed the timing just now, and now the person on the platform was not standing up to him, so he took the initiative to pull him out and looked at the policeman.

Cola obviously didn't expect Xiaoju to be so bold, and was instantly killed by a shot.

"He's coming out. He's upstairs in A2. Don't move. He doesn't know where you are!" A mistake in positioning allowed the opponent to seize the opportunity, and the endgame with superiority gradually turned into a balance of power. Cola blamed herself a little, and also looked forward to the final Fear There are no accidents in bullfighting.

"Xiaoju jumped directly to the downstairs of A2. He didn't order directly, but wanted to find the location of the last person. He searched the jumping platform and watched the VIP, but there was nothing there."

"So will you realize that you are in A1??"

"He is consciously searching for points in peek, and the brave wins when we meet in a narrow road!!!"

"Xiaoju has fought!!! Team A is in too much form today!!"

Team A won the match point, and AKA's economy and mentality collapsed at the same time.

At the final match point, they basically did not struggle, and they were won by Team A. The score in Figure 16 was finally fixed at 13:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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