CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 581 Zaiwu: Take care, I will only teach you once

In the strong start game, he successfully completed the comeback, causing AKA's economy to collapse directly. Afterwards, with the dual advantages of firearms and props, there was no problem facing the opponent's eco, and the score he won was easily taken into his hands.

Even with the support of AKA's losing streak and the economy, they saved up enough money to play long rounds. Team A still didn't give them any chance. In a wave of simple bombs in the A area, they relied on Broky's powerful triple kill in the front. , successfully penetrated their defense line.

After scoring consecutively, everyone in Team A was in high spirits. After AKA called a timeout, they chatted and laughed happily with each other. Meng De watched the players' performance from behind and nodded again and again.

In the new version, AKA's style of play has not changed much.Although the new conductor Fear brought them some changes, generally speaking, there were not many changes.

If Icarus is still AKA, then gla1ve may still have some difficulties in the command game.

But Fear's experience in command is obviously not enough to fight against gla1ve, such as the current situation.

If Icarus lost more than 3 rounds in a row, he would definitely call a timeout to give the team room to breathe.He will also take the initiative to think about his own style of play.

But what about fear?
Although the young man is very aggressive, but as a conductor, his experience is still too little.

In the town of Purgatory in Figure [-], they didn't dare to boldly take out new things, and they were basically suppressed and beaten by them.

"Pay attention after the timeout, they should make some changes." Meng De reminded, "Don't give a chance, don't forget that the first half of Figure [-] is full of young people, once the opportunity is seized, they will chase points quickly .”

Broky wanted to refute a few words when he heard Mengde's words.But the script in the first half was indeed an advantage in the early stage, and was chased by the opponent frantically later.

Thinking about it this way, what the coach said was not unreasonable.

After Meng De instructed, he took the initiative to pat Broky on the shoulder, and then looked at the player sitting in front of him, "Steady the situation, don't let the opponent have any chance to comeback, the current score, the final goal of the first half is 10 points. share?"

Xiaoju shook her head, "I think 10 points is too little."

"I need to see 14 points!" Broky still looked cynical.

The 40-second timeout ends, and Team A returns to the game.

While the pause-time chit-chat was hilarious, once they got their eyes on the screen, they all got serious.

But also because of Meng De's reminder, they didn't play too aggressively at the beginning, they just did the most basic control, so that the opponent could not press forward.

"AKA the rhythm is completely wrong. Now let's see if the timeout just now allows them to find some ideas."

"steady took out a big sniper, and was directly under Ting's cover at the beginning, directly pressing down from the T-junction in the middle to try to snipe sideways."

"However, Xiaoju's control map in the side channel is relatively backward, and he has no chance to steal people, so he can only click back."

On Banana Road, CT's style of play is not too aggressive.

After entering the banana road, Brother Electronics jumped into the groove without even eating any harmful props.

But it is worth mentioning that the opponent threw a middle smoke at the beginning of the game, and then used two torches to burn the stone slab to the nearest point.

Brother Electronics looked at the smoke bomb and had some thoughts in his mind, "Come here and help me, and the double frame will help me get the vision."

I don't know if the middle smoke is accidental or intentional. There is a gap on the upper right side. If there are two frames, it can get a lot of vision.


The two soon succeeded in a double fight, and the electronic brother was holding the AK47 and staring at the left side of the slate.


After Banana Road completed the control of the previous point, they invested a lot of props, and they naturally didn't just delay the bandit's attack time.

More information, as well as possible kills, are what they are planning.

Before the smoke cleared in the middle, Cypress took the initiative to push forward from the stone slab, and the image of the bandit bursting out of the smoke and being shot with his head on his head had already appeared in his mind.

It's just that, after all, it's fantasy time.

He just pulled it out horizontally, and the flames bloomed on both sides of the smoke in the left groove.

"Da da da~"

The AK47 shot sounded, and the bullet passed through the smoke and passed through his body.

【VC.A electronic used AK47 to kill AKA.cypress】

Cypress had already been killed before even thinking of fighting back.

Seeing that the situation in area B is not right in the linked steady, he also hurriedly made supplementary defenses.

Fear asked suspiciously: "What's the situation, is my cigarette missing?"

Cypress shook his head, "There are two rows behind the smoke, and there are at least two on Banana Road."

He sneaked out thinking that he was safe, and he didn't expect the other party to fight in the dark, and he couldn't see the position of the groove at all.

Hearing that he was still near the groove of the banana road, and that there was no sound of any props nearby, Steady, who had already returned to defense, felt a little worried.

"Help me catch a flash, and you'll give it after I've fired a shot." Steady said while opening the mirror and starting to advance towards the banana road.


Banana Road got the first kill, Team A set up their guns on the spot for a while, and then planned to continue to press forward.

A chain smoke was thrown in the middle, and two sandbag mines were counted on the banana road.

Then with the help of a slate flash, the electronic brother flashed out.


"Team A's props connection is still picturesque, but Brother Electronics is still unlucky. The previous props made Steady realize early that someone might be coming soon, so he faced the wall in advance and waited."

"As soon as this flash exploded, Brother Electronics was caught and killed by the big sniper."

Once Brother Electronics died, the opponent was still a big sniper, too far away to pursue him.

The number of the two sides reached 4v4 again. Team A's discipline is still very good, and they are not too impulsive, but move forward slowly, worried that the opponent will come out to repeek like S1mple.

"The numerical disadvantage came back. Steady left two items for Fear, and then went directly to defense A."

"It means that Fear still has two fires and one smoke in his hand, so he can continue to procrastinate."

"Sure enough, team A here just wanted to test a little bit, and a wooden barrel fire fell from the sky. The pressure was enough, and the attack in area B was delayed."

"Team A still doesn't want to leave, but AKA is another fire. It will directly persuade you to quit, and will not give you a chance to get positive information. Now team A can only speculate from the information. How many people are there in Area B?"

"Besides, steady ran around the link, and then came back to put Fear on three boxes. Team A's attack time was constantly being compressed."

With only 30 seconds left and a 4v4 endgame, gla1ve still had some concerns and did not give the final order to explode the bomb in area B, but chose to turn to attack.

With 40 seconds left, the opponent still threw an incendiary bomb into Banana Road, which proved that they still had props in their hands and had the strength to defend.

They bite the bullet and attack, and the effect may be poor.

So after thinking about it, he finally chose Area A for a quick bomb blast.

"It's actually not easy to play in Area A in this round, but the difference from Area B is not too big. Since the information in Area A is not complete, they can only quickly huddle together to make up guns this round. To put it bluntly, it is just Ganla looking for someone."

"As soon as they gave them the props, A1 was filled with another incendiary bomb. This fire can delay the time for 7 seconds. Team A is even more constipated now."

"The fire burns the big hole, but there is no smoke to put out the A1 fire. They only have 13 seconds to attack. Can they really get in?"

"Ting, who was at the package site, killed one first, and Cola, who was on the balcony on the A2 floor, also shot and knocked out one. Team A's attack was completely paralyzed!"

"Zaiwu wanted to replace the gun, but the side was also stolen, leaving only gla1ve alone."

"gla1ve seized the opportunity and entered the bunker from the link to kill both of them."

"However, there is no time to place a package! AKA finally regained a victory!"

The score came to 7:2, and AKA finally regained the score for them by adjusting the timeout.

The depression of losing points in a row finally broke out at this moment. The AKA battle room instantly cried and howled, and a group of people were releasing their most primitive emotions with shouts.

"Beautiful guys, just play at this rhythm, we can't be in a hurry, it's useless!" Fear comforted the emotions of his teammates, while immediately arranging the next action, "The opponent may be in the next round. Banana Road is rough, Team A is the kind of people who always like to control the rhythm in their own hands, so we start this round with 3B, don't give it a chance, we still have to take control of Banana Road in the early stage!"

"Come on, come on, let's score more points in the first half."


Hearing the shouts from next door, gla1ve and others were startled: "Is it so exaggerated?"

The IEM Cologne race has not yet started, and the group stage is only played in an area that is relatively close to each other offline, and it is not equipped with too luxurious sound-proof earmuffs, so the sound of shouting can be transmitted to the next door.

It's even possible to trash-talk each other during games if you want to.

gla1ve didn't have that idea, but just sighed: "The opponent's pause directly slowed down the speed a lot."

"Turning points are very frequent." Broky said subconsciously.

Zaiwu thought for a while, then shook his head, "It doesn't look like it, it should be a leftover prop, otherwise Zone B wouldn't give props so boldly."

"They want to play map control with us, so we can't get into their rhythm." gla1ve pondered for a few seconds, then looked at Zaiwu and said, "I'll send you a big sniper, this round you go to Banana Road to try it out Let’s try and see if we can steal the first kill.”

"We have to disrupt their rhythm. If we really let them play this kind of prop rhythm, then our offense will be very limited."

Zaiwu nodded, as long as the general command's order is not too outrageous, he will not refuse.

The countdown ends and the round begins. Zaiwu picks up the big sniper and starts charging towards the banana road.

Good positioning allows him to quickly enter the banana lane.Although there is a big sniper in hand, respect is still necessary. At the beginning, a wooden barrel fire is thrown, and then jumped towards the tree position.

"Team A will send loads directly to Banana Road to draw a prize. CT's start is 3B, so we should play more cautiously."

"The opening is still the same, a middle smoke, and then a close fire."

"Fear grabs the props at the corner of B-way and explodes them, but I don't know that someone has already jumped to the tree pile with a big sniper!!"


The sniper's gunshot rang out, and Fear's neighbor was hit by a bullet, killing him immediately.

【VC.A Zywoo used AWP to kill AKA.Fear】

"The opponent is sniping, don't give it a chance!!" Fear was not in a hurry when he was killed. Instead, he was very rational in reminding his teammates and mobilizing personnel, "steady, you give an item in the middle, and then go back to defense directly. It feels that the pressure in the B area may be very high."

Steady immediately threw a flash bomb into the middle, and then immediately went back to defend.


After getting the first kill for the team, Zaiwu continued to walk forward while pulling the bolt.

Although gla1ve told him that as long as he got the first kill, he was very clear that the opponent's game was not as conservative as expected.

Fear appeared at the corner of B-way, and at the same time there was a burst of flames.

So in other words, the fire near the point was not lost by Fear.

That means that there may already be someone not far behind the stone slab.

He has the opportunity to expand this advantage!

"Zaiwu's shot! The young man's reaction was too fast, Fear was knocked out with only one arm missing, really a bit like kennyS."

"However, AKA this kind of prop play, the highlight is a fault tolerance. Even if they are caught by the opportunity and blocked by props, they can at least guarantee safety in the follow-up..."

"But what!! Zaiwu rushed forward with a big sniper!!"

There was fire near the slate, and cypress couldn't hear the sound behind, but he knew that there was a sniper rifle, and it might be difficult for him to move from the sandbag to the bunker

So he deliberately chose an unconventional position and wanted to forcefully replace one.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him, and he could clearly see that person was carrying a big sniper.

Cypress reacted instantly and pressed the left mouse button to try to fire.


The sound of that damn sniper rifle sounded again!

He was directly knocked to the ground by this shot.

【VC.A Zywoo used AWP to kill AKA.cypress】

The slate fire didn't go out just yet, and Zaiwu, who had killed two people in a row, stepped on the fire instead, as if he felt that Area B was already air defensed, and he could take advantage of his speed to gain an advantage.

Ting heard the information clearly, so he took the initiative to get close to the wall on the right side of the B channel, he knew this was his chance!
After killing two people in a row, he really wanted to buy time and use a big sniper to occupy a good gun position.

However, he didn't think that area B was for air defense, and after he killed the cypress on the right side of the sandbag, he took the initiative to ask Electronic Brother to follow him.

In this way, even if he is knocked out later, Brother Electronics will be able to fill him up with guns.

If there is a third person, then there is a high probability that that person will be in the coffin, so when carrying a large sniper, the first thing to do is to look in the direction of the bunker.

There is a bandit firing on the wall on the left side of the field of vision, almost a fat memory.

The whole process is fast and harmonious.

【VC.A Zywoo used AWP to kill AKA.Ting】

Ting, who chose an unconventional position, even had only time to fire a shot, and was killed by the load!
He looked incredible, and at the same time shouted very anxiously: "Replenish the gun!! Replenish the gun!! Huge damage!!"

Steady, who had just returned to the police house, immediately took out his pistol and pulled out the cover to replenish the gun.

He saw the bandit pulling the trigger in his field of vision, took aim with the usp and started pulling the trigger.


After the loaded bolt is pulled, the trigger is pulled, and the bullets burst out from the muzzle.

The huge thrust provided by the burning gunpowder made the bullet rush towards his target with incomparable power. That was Steady who had just returned to defense!

AKA's sniper holding the usp can only pull the trigger desperately in order to quickly kill the load!

However, his second bullet failed to fire...

AWP's bullet has already hit his chest!
[VC.A Zywoo used AWP to kill AKA.steady]

At this moment, Cola, who was far away in the big pit in Area A, just stared blankly at the refresh screen in the upper right corner.

He was thinking, should he also return to defense to add to the fun?
Do you want to be so exaggerated! !

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