CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 583 Loading: I don't know!

"Two to zero! The first match of the IEM Cologne group stage is over, and VC.A simply gave AKA its first defeat!" Henry's voice came from not far away.

The staff in front of the battle room pressed the shutter, and took pictures of the faces of everyone in team A winning.

A burst of applause came from the front of the battle room. Meng De, who took off his earphones, looked up, and saw GG and others giving them a thumbs up, as if to praise them for their great game.

As for why they are here, Meng De is also very clear.After this game, GG will play against a second-tier team. They have to wait for the end of the game between Team A and AKA before they have the venue and equipment to play.Presumably, he walked out of the lounge voluntarily because he was bored.

Meng De returned a thumbs up to GG and the others, and stopped paying attention to them.

He is mostly satisfied with the performance of the players today.Although there are some places where they didn't play well, they didn't affect the whole. In contrast, Zaiwu and DD's performance as rookies was perfect.

In particular, Zaiwu, who has attracted much attention from him, has played many highlight moments in this game and saved the team from fire and water. How can he be dissatisfied?
As the best player in this field, there is basically no suspense for Zaiwu to win the MVP. Does he have any extra requirements?
"Sweet potatoes, let's go shake hands." Aside from being happy, Meng De did not forget to remind his teammates to follow the post-match procedures.

Being able to win the game with the team, Zaiwu's mood is also very beautiful, his whole gums are exposed when he smiles, he looks like a silly son of a rich man.

Meng De took the lead to lead the team members to the next door, and began to greet their first handshake in the main game.

Not far away, FG, who was about to start the game, watched this scene with deep emotion.

Little Pepper saw kennyS looking at Team A so engrossed, he patted him on the shoulder, and said with a light smile, "What are you thinking, our new lineup has practiced pretty well, after that, as long as we practice slowly, the results will improve a little bit. brought it up."

He thought it was kennyS who came to a new environment, and felt a big gap.

"It's okay." kennyS said, "It's just a little emotional. I was still in and out with gla1ve a few months ago, and I didn't expect to come back one day."

"Let's go, we also have to prepare immediately." FG coach Frank took the initiative to signal them to enter the battle room.

Everyone in FG turned their heads and walked forward one by one after hearing the words, Frank was also deeply moved.

Zaiwu's wonderful performance today is much higher than his previous evaluation.

He also has to admire that VC is a club that really supports people. No matter what player enters, they can grow to the first-tier level at an extremely fast speed.

This was true for kennyS that was sold back then, and it is also true for the cargo that was robbed halfway.

Fortunately, that guy MD is not too much.He dug away the load, and also sent kennyS to him.

Although the price he paid in the end was a bit high, he believes that with kennyS's current level, he can carry the team forward, and with Xiaojiao as the prison king. FG now has at least two points of strength, and its future results will only get better and better.

FG is also starting to prepare for the big stage.


Team A and the others didn't know about FG's gaze in the distance.Maybe even if they knew, they wouldn't care.

The big victory in Figure [-] made everyone in Team A very excited.On the other hand, AKA is already a little slumped in his position.

Ting looked a little frustrated.

In the game just now, in Figure [-], he felt that he was in a good state and could play very well.

But the opponent's load is too exaggerated!

Is he really just a rookie?Is it true that S1mple is logging in from a different place?

Ting recalled the previous confrontation on Banana Road. He had clearly chosen the best solution under the circumstances. According to common sense, Zaiwu would look at the policeman, and he would catch him off guard.The results of it?He, who was the first to fire a gun, only had time to fire a shot, and he was directly shot back by the load, without giving him any chance.

Because he had watched the entire WEPlay youth training league during the offseason, when all the members of Team A came over, Ting also saw the guy with the largest tonnage at a glance.

Zaiwu reminded him of Watermelon, the former commander of VC's first team. The two men were about the same size.

However, as a Frenchman, Zaiwu at least looks more mature on his face.It's just his gentle facial features, but people can't have negative emotions towards him.

From the outside, this person doesn't look like someone who can play CSGO at all!
Why does it look like a cheat when you start a game?

Zaiwu followed the large army, smiling and shaking hands with his opponents one by one.

In the end, Ting couldn't hold back, and took the initiative to praise Zaiwu: "You played very well, but when we adjust, it won't be like this next time we fight."

Listening to the English spoken on the other side, Zaiwu looked at him and could only smile awkwardly: "I don't know~"

Steady took the initiative to come over and said to gla1ve: "Tell your rookie, this time I lost the sniper game, but next time I will definitely take revenge!"

His tone was very firm.

Although Steady has always been known as the "Sniper God of War" because of his steady style of play, but to be able to gain a firm foothold in the first-line arena, the level of Steady's sniper rifle is extremely high.

If the stability of the sniper rifle is used to rank, steady is definitely the one that ranks first.

He may not be as good at those difficult guns as S1mple, Lucky and others, but the simple guns are never empty!

Steady's stats are extremely poor today, but in fact, a certain aspect is not the cause of Steady himself.

On the contrary, it was because the rookie commander Fear was crushed by gla1ve on the whole line, so they couldn't find the output space, and couldn't reasonably use the effect of the sniper rifle.

After all, turning the bar back to defense, even if S1mple, Lucky and the like come over, it will have no effect.

It would be fine if he lost to S1mple, but he still refused to accept the loss to a rookie who had just been promoted from the youth training, and wanted to find his place again next time.

Even after gla1ve translated with Zaiwu, Zaiwu just smiled innocently. He didn't care about this kind of provocation, but found it very interesting.

After all, the CSGO career in fantasy should feel like this.If they lose the game, no one will accept anyone, but if they win, they will look calm and secretly happy.

All of these experiences are novel for loading.

Zaiwu followed the big team and wanted to go back to pack his peripherals, but was quickly reminded by Meng De behind him: "When you have a post-match interview, you should follow this staff member to the interview first, what about the keyboard and mouse? It's enough to help you get back to the lounge."

The rest of Team A is no exception.

Zaiwu's performance in this BO3 is simply not too strong, and as a rookie, and the replacement is kennyS, the topic is quite good, and the interview is also normal.

"Is there anything you can't say when answering the interview?" Zaiwu asked before leaving.

Meng De helped him pack the peripherals, pondered for two seconds, and then said: "If possible, it's best not to mention things about kennyS, to avoid too much rhythm on the Internet."

Although he is very reassured about the character of Zaiwu, he is still a little worried that the reporter will set the rhythm of this kid.

It hasn't been long since kennyS left. Although he played quite well, many people still think that kennyS will be better here.

Zaiwu nodded and began to accompany the staff to participate in the visit.Meng De led the team towards the lounge. Next, they had to watch the end of the first team's game, or prepare to see how their opponents are doing tomorrow.

After packing up the peripherals, Meng De was about to leave, but he always felt that he had forgotten something.

When he finally reached the door of the lounge, he slapped his forehead: "It's over, I forgot to carry things and I can't speak English very much!!"

The others were also stunned when they heard this.



When I came to the special interview area of ​​IEM, the posters behind me were filled with IEM advertisements, and Zaiwu was greeted by the host.

In the official live broadcast room of IEM, the MVP players belonging to this game were soon released.

The set photo of Zaiwu appeared in the middle of the screen as expected, and the right side of the photo is Zaiwu's game data for today.

57 kills, 11 assists, 19 deaths, Zaiwu's stats in today's BO3 can be called luxurious.

The second most kills in this field is Broky as a breakthrough player. He got a total of 39 kills in the two maps, and he is ahead of No. 218 kills. If it was in a fantasy novel, someone would already blurt out "" Horrible."

This is not over yet, the unpaid rate of Zaiwu in this field is 86%, and the average damage caused per game is 107.2!

And the tactical score is even as high as 1.83! !
Even as a star player of mine, his exaggerated stats are impeccable!
The barrage in the live broadcast immediately started a discussion.

[1.83, here is the first-line competition fried fish? 】

[This is absolutely open]

[With such a high number of kills and such a low death rate, who is the steady player in this match? 】

[He can kill and live at the same time, this person is outrageous, right?]

[Young people are so fierce! 】

The interview scene soon appeared on the screen, and Zaiwu was seen holding the microphone and shaking it as if he was peeking.

"Hello Carrier, I'm the post-match interview host, let's say hello to the audience first."

After finishing speaking, the host waved towards the camera. Although Zaiwu couldn't understand what the host was saying, he could only wave along with him.

The host picked up the microphone and continued to ask: "The first question, I entered IEM Cologne for the first time and won the first BO3 victory, and also won the MVP of this game. How do you feel now?"

Faced with a question that he could not understand at all, the young Zaiwu held the microphone, shook his head like a rattle, and spoke the most familiar English in his life:
"No, I don't know!"

After a series of embarrassing and funny speeches that made the whole studio laugh, Zaiwu finally finished the interview and rushed into the lounge.

Seeing Zaiwu come in, Broky couldn't stop laughing: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​saying I don't know all the time!"

Zaiwu shrugged innocently: "I can't help it, learning Chinese is hard enough, let me learn English, too."

A few people didn't delve into this issue, and soon turned their attention to the game on the screen.

On the screen, the match between FG and AE has begun.

This is also the first game after kennyS left the team.

Although kennyS left Team A, the relationship between kennyS and other members was not too rigid because of Mengde's reminder at the time. After the quarrel, the others still chose to accept kennyS' decision.

So now, they also want to see what kind of appearance kennyS will appear in their field of vision in FG.

After a short BP.

The final BP results of FG and AE are:
Figure [-]: Blazing Sand City

Figure [-]: Lost City in the Desert

Figure [-]: Death Amusement Park
In Sha [-], FG started as a policeman.

As the defensive side in the early stage, they did not gain much advantage on the map. Instead, they were suppressed by the Danes and it was difficult to develop tactics. Even though this map change was beneficial to the defensive side, FG still could not gain an advantage.

However, the situation of FG losing consecutive points began to change after VOVO took out a big sniper for kennyS.

After taking out the big sniper, kennyS played quite aggressively, taking advantage of his good position, and the opponent just didn't have a big sniper to observe the field of vision in the middle.

He rushed directly into B1 with a big sniper.

A shot from the spiral staircase of B1 directly killed the bandit controlling B2, and the other person wanted to replace the gun, but failed.

Just when he was trying to continue chasing, kennyS appeared in front of him again, and took him away with a blind shot.

Zone B's defense announced its liberation, and kennyS' reckless play made everyone in the lounge gasp.

"Does this FG play games like this now? Just throw old K out to be raised?" Xiao Ju looked a little surprised.

gla1ve shook his head: "You don't see much, kennyS actually got a lot of resources, not only he was not released, but FG's current decision-making is all around kennyS, kennyS is completely a proper star position in FG. "

"How to say?" Xiaoju was puzzled, from the player's point of view, he only saw kennyS's aggressive style of play.

gla1ve paused the screen, and then pointed to Xiao A: "Look here, VOVO is close to the top of Xiao A. This, combined with kennyS, can basically give the control of the middle area."

"There is also B2, people are already close. If kennyS is empty, then they will probably take the initiative to push forward and help him make up for the loss..."

Meng De added: "In FG's tactics today, kennyS is equivalent to the shot of the battering ram. He is leading the rhythm of the entire FG... However, the risk of kennyS' style of play is much higher than the reward. It's not a regular choice, it should be losing points in a row and they want to find a rhythm."

kennyS is in better condition than they imagined. In the subsequent picture in Figure [-], kennyS also maintained a dominant performance. The sniper rifle frequently shot the Danes.

In the end, among the excellent data of 31-8-15, kennyS won the map of AE's own choice for FG, which greatly boosted their momentum.

Many FG fans are looking forward to the scene where they give AE their first defeat directly 2-0.

However, the Danes quickly proved their background with their strength in the next two maps.

FG did not play badly in the next two maps, but AE was better overall. Compared with the flaws of FG's new lineup, they played more like a team. In the end, FG lost by a big score of 1-2 defeat.

The Danes still won the game without any risk.

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