CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 589 I have an idea!

After winning the first three rounds in a row, the fighting spirit of Team A has been raised. Meng De took the initiative to bump fists with the players to encourage them, signaling them to cheer up.

gla1ve was talking about the tactical arrangements in the early stage. While the others listened carefully, they were also adjusting their own state, thinking about how to better handle local operations.The point difference between the two sides is only two points. The outcome of this spear game will affect the subsequent games. Whether the score can be tied and the disadvantages can be eliminated depends on this key game.

gla1ve's face is full of confidence, and the early decision-making is firm, but he probably doesn't have much confidence in his heart.After all, the opponent is powerful, and DD has repeatedly made mistakes today, putting the situation in a dangerous situation. Meng De has a clear understanding of this, but he personally believes that DD should not be such a dead-headed person, and will find a way to solve it. This kind of problem, but DD has not corrected it on his own. Now forcing him to modify his style of play will only make him more uncomfortable. It is better to let him continue to think during the game.

Meng De took a pen and drew on the tactical paper. His requirement for this game was training. Now he can't help the team too much in decision-making. At most, he calls a timeout in a specific round. , Help them make some tactical adjustments, and meet the game with a clear mind and state.

But after the follow-up game, if the players can accurately review the game, find their own problems and make changes, that is his business.

"...We need to give enough flash in the middle, and send Broky directly to the sandbag."

Before the countdown ended, gla1ve added one last sentence.

After purchasing the firearms and props, everyone set off.

"The long gun round has begun. Team A has full armor and ammunition, and everyone is equipped with AK. The economy on CT's side is also good, and Lucky even bought a big sniper to use."

At the beginning of the round, Lucky, who was in a good position, rushed directly into the VIP, and then jumped onto Little B with agility.

Seeing this scene, Nobita was a little worried: "CT gave three flash bombs in the middle, just to let Lucky grab B's position. This is a bit of a problem. Broky just planned to use the flash to get behind the sandbags. .”

"Can Lucky catch it? It's over, Little B's sniper rifle has fired all the bullets, and Broky sent the first kill."

The sniper jumping B small is the most difficult to guard against. Even if you give it a light cigarette, you still have a field of vision for investigation.On the other hand, bandits, if they want to gain control of sandbags, it is difficult to target and guard against this position.

Broky was helpless, he had a good time to pass, but he was slowed down by the grenade, otherwise he would have entered the sandbag.

Now that the first kill is sent, within 20 seconds of the start, the team must enter a 4v5 endgame.


Broky died in the middle, and knowing that Xiao B had a big sniper, Zaiwu and Xiaoju who threw props at the mouth of the bandit could only be forced to retreat.

This wave simply lost Nantong and broke the army. Not only did he not get the control, but he sent a broccoli flower out instead.

The four who were still alive frowned.

This round, DD, who was controlling the map in the B2 building, saw the anti-rush fire in front of him was about to dissipate, and had an idea in his mind.

But just about to go forward alone, the situation of looking for opportunities many times in the first half and putting the team in danger has already appeared in my mind.

He glanced at the map and found that gla1ve was not far behind him, so he took the initiative to explain his thoughts: "gla1ve, I want to take a chance, can you follow me?"

Hearing DD's voice, gla1ve was a little surprised.

After all, DD used to play singles by himself before, and it was almost impossible for him to offer to cooperate with him.

The core idea of ​​Team A is to play props, and the main focus is on teamwork. He is very satisfied that DD can have this subjective initiative.

"Okay, I'll follow you right away, don't worry too much, wait for me to take my place."

While talking, gla1ve entered the B2 building.

DD moved to the far right side of the B2 building, waiting for the flame to go out.

The actions of the two of gla1ve naturally couldn't escape the director's gaze, and the live broadcast soon focused on the B2 building.

This is what the two Chinese commentators also discovered. According to common sense, Lucky got a kill at the beginning, and AE already has a numerical advantage on the defensive end. They only need to keep the information in the follow-up, and they don’t need it. Too aggressive style of play.

But Lucky didn't agree, he played a game with Bug in the white car after B shot.

"Lucky was put on the B2 floor by a bug! This style of play is very bold, and Team A can't even imagine it!"

"Before Bug double-barreled, he stuffed a grenade into the B2 building, forcing gla1ve's gun position!"

"Lucky was put on the B2 floor, and gla1ve was instantly killed with a single shot! Ouch, you can hit one of these."

"But fortunately DD is also by his side. Lucky didn't know there was someone on the left side of his field of vision, so he was pulled out by DD and shot at him."

There was a wave of firefights on the B2 building, and the final result was that the two sides exchanged a head.

Although gla1ve wants a better answer, but in terms of results, this wave is not satisfactory

A rifle for a big sniper, in terms of firearm deterrence, it is already considered profitable.

They know that there is at least one CT information in area B, which is very considerable in terms of income.

"I can't move now, you have to take the initiative to look for opportunities." DD said.

Although this exchange of fire was one-for-one, he has gradually felt the charm of teamwork.

If he just played alone, the result might be 0 for 1.

But with gla1ve, the two of them can at least have one that can replenish their guns.

So after glancing at the map, he realized that there were no teammates behind him.When the position has been exposed, it is obviously a better choice to let the carrier in the fog of the opponent's map make a move.

Zaiwu let out a "huh" to show that he understood, and then quietly started to advance from the middle to B small.

DD killed the big sniper, so they don't need to worry too much in the middle.

"Zaiwu slowly moved up to B, is there someone in the middle of the CT side? There is a hanged man standing in an unconventional position in the arch to set up a gun."

The Hanged Man set up the middle channel, intending to rely on this unconventional position to be the first one.

But the figure of the enemy appeared on the small channel B in the field of vision, and the Hanged Man raised his gun to position and fire.

But the moment the bullet hit the little bandit B, the other party pulled the gun and squatted down to fire. The three movements were done in one go.


The Hanged Man fell on his back.

【VC.A Zywoo kills AE.Hanged man with a headshot from AK47】

Xie Jian exclaimed, "Is this location also available?"

"So what if someone is fighting?" Nobita couldn't understand the little fat man in the camera anymore, "The Hanged Man shot first, but was dropped by the load in one shot, and the load directly sealed the arch with smoke bombs , enough pressure."

"But Xiao B's return to defense was too fast, SAMA grabbed his back and shot him in the head. The timing is too bad."

SAMA knocked out the load, and the two sides basically exchanged numbers in the middle.

gla1ve quickly processed the information and explained the only remaining situation of the opponent.

"Now there is only one at most in the opposite area A. Xiaoju, see if you can find a chance to catch him, otherwise it will be difficult to fight."

The opponent just dropped one in the arch. If it is a 2A2B lineup, then it is impossible to let go of the package.

In other words, the remaining person in the opponent's area A is either at the checkpoint or at the police's house.

Xiaoju briefly processed the information in her mind, then walked quietly the whole way, and touched it out from A1.

There is 1 minute left in the time, and there is actually a lot of time left for him.

But in the endgame of 2v3, sometimes you have to do some desperate operations.

Xiao Ju already had the idea of ​​the endgame in his mind, and saw that DD had the idea of ​​going backwards on the mini-map, and immediately stopped him: "Don't worry, stay on the B2 floor first, and I'll see if I can kill this guy in Area A." gone."

"If I can kill him, I'll switch to B again, otherwise you won't be able to return to defense as fast as them."

Xiaoju has already touched the front of the short box quietly, searched the downstairs of A2, and then slowly pushed the inside against the short box.

K35 was holding a gun straight to the A2 building when suddenly a bandit appeared in front of him.

Xiaoju: Hello!

K35 was so frightened that he took his hands off the keyboard.

【VC.A Jamyoung kills AE.K47 with a headshot from AK35】

"The bandit has entered A, the bandit has entered A!" After being frightened, K35 shouted to report the information to his teammates, then turned to look at his teammates who were also watching the battle and complained, "There is a sixth child, Fake!"

Hearing this news, both SAMA and Bug in Area B planned to team up to fight against the middle lane of the Qing Dynasty, so they had to quickly return to defense.

However, they didn't know that the bandit Xiaoju was already walking towards the bandit's house with the thunder bag.

After the two of them intrigued all the way to search the points, they realized that something was wrong, and the sound of "Didi" from C4 also sounded from the B area.

"Wonderful endgame game!" Daxiong praised, "After Xiaoju knocked out K35, he didn't directly secure the lightning protection bag in Area A, but transferred from the gangster's house to the air defense area B."

"In this way, the opponent cannot get his own information, and secondly, it can delay the opponent's return to defense for a certain period of time, and the thinking is very clear."

"SAMA and Bug walked to the supermarket and went back to the defense together. There was a DD hidden in front of the supermarket, who would walk around to get information at any time."

"DD first drops a SAMA in seconds, well, now there is no need to show up, 2 against 1."

"DD didn't stabilize, the boldness of the young player once again pulled the bug to kill the bug, this is the young man!!"

Long gun round won!

"Good gun DD!" gla1ve praised DD's marksmanship, and while bumping fists with his teammates, he added with a smile, "But next time, I think it will be better if you can hide this mess."

"You kill one and just hide from death, let Xiaoju fight it for you. Xiaoju hasn't shot it, you can go out and fill up the gun immediately. He has shot it, and the result is the same... But what if you hit the second one? I've shot it, but Xiaoju can't make up for it."

Listening to gla1ve's detailed explanation, DD felt that he had finally begun to slowly integrate into the team's system.Apart from being happy, he is also trying to analyze gla1ve's explanations. His own style of play does have certain flaws, and he still has to learn slowly.

gla1ve just mentioned it briefly, and didn't go too deep, but praised DD: "The handling of this round is very good, let's continue to work hard." Then he glanced at the teammates around him and said loudly: "It's almost one The score is tied, the brothers have a chance to win the second picture, come on, come on!!"

Listening to the indistinct laughter coming from the battle room next door, the AE room seemed extraordinarily silent.

They had to admit that although the overall strength of Team A's new lineup was not as strong as expected, the personal strength of their players and their understanding of the game were still very strong.

Just like this round, Lucky made the situation 5v4 at the beginning.

But in the follow-up, Team A abruptly found a chance to comeback in the constant exchange of numbers.

Xiaoju caught the weak point of their defense and knocked out K35, which was really critical and deadly.

They lost four points in a row, and their mood was a little bit lost.

Thanks to the blessing of the losing streak economy, AE can still continue to play a barely long gun round.

However, if this long gun round cannot be won, then the score will be tied next time, and facing the opponents who are in full swing, it will be very difficult for them to win this picture [-].

Lucky thought about it for a long time, and finally chose to believe in himself, and took out a big unarmored sniper.

It is bound to use a big sniper to fight for a way out in this round.


In the preparation stage, gla1ve began to arrange the order of props for the mid-lane control map.

DD suddenly asked: "Xiaoju, did K35 hide from the package just now?"

"Just now I killed him in a short box." Xiaoju didn't know what DD meant when he asked this question, but he still answered his question.

Then, the words that made gla1ve both happy and worried appeared again:

"gla1ve, I have an idea."

I am happy that DD's various ideas are indeed keen in terms of smell.But what is worrying is that DD's ideas often carry great risks. Once they fail to operate well, the balance of victory will fall to the opponent's side.

However, gla1ve respects everyone's ideas: "You say it."

DD quickly explained his thoughts: "In the past many rounds, AE's map control was done around the middle, and the play was relatively traditional. The defense in the A area was basically only handled by K35. So I want to see Let's see if we can go alone and catch him by surprise."

"But the premise is that you in the middle of the road have to help me attract firepower and give me enough pressure at the right time, otherwise the people on the side of the platform will have a chance to look at me."

The specific operation DD can't be explained for a while, and it depends on the specific situation.

gla1ve thought for a while, but nodded in agreement: "Just try, and speak up when you need pressure."

Everyone stepped forward, gla1ve cooperated with DD's idea, and used a large number of props to control the map in the middle lane at the beginning, constantly exchanging props with the opponent.

In this wave of DD, a person entered the A2 building alone.

Hearing the sound of incendiary bombs from A1, as he approached the exit of building A2, he began to count down the seconds in his heart.

After calculating that there are 3 seconds left before the flame goes out, DD said: "You can put some pressure on me, I'm going to move."

Hearing this, gla1ve and the others hurriedly threw two flashes at Arch and B Xiao.

At this stage, it is obviously inappropriate for them to fill up the smoke, and flashing pressure is the best choice.

The props in the middle lane exploded continuously, and the pressure on CT to stand still was very high.

After the Hanged Man was flashed white, he still didn't intend to give up the first shot position, and chose to go straight to the sewer. He wanted to shoot one first, and then think about the next thing.

They didn't have many props in their hands this round, and the defensive pressure was a little bit high.

But on the other hand, K35's defensive pressure is obviously greater.

Defend area A alone, no one has provided assistance, and one person needs to hold two angles of A1 and A2.

He can only give props on one side, and straight up on the other side.

The fire of A1 gradually went out, K35 waited for two seconds before turning around to check the information of A1, making sure that no one had touched A1, then took out a smoke bomb and threw it out.

Seeing that the smoke exploded and no one came out, he came back and went straight to the A2 floor.

The expected calm did not appear, but the sound of gunfire suddenly sounded.


[VC.A DD used AK47 to kill AE.K35 with a headshot]

"DD caught an amazing Timing! K35 was shot to death by him, and the defense line of Area A was instantly penetrated!"

"Linking smoke, platform fire, DD directly blocked the opponent's return route, and quickly occupied the police house. Now team A only needs to re-explode the bomb, or give a wave of pressure from the arch to pinch the attack. This round can easily win Down!"

K35 was dumbfounded.

What the hell?Is he playing a shootout game or a horror game.

In these two rounds, he didn't even see human hair, and the moment the other party appeared in his screen, he was there in an instant.

How is it to play!

He was stunned for a while, and even forgot to report to his teammates.

It wasn't until SAMA asked loudly what happened that he came back to report the situation: "The A2 building was directly touched, I was caught at the right time, and that person jumped directly."

Hearing K35's message, the CTs who had gathered near the middle lane immediately launched a defense, leaving only Bug in the B area to simply stay behind to prevent the back lane from outflanking.


After DD got the kill, he also excitedly yelled for his teammates to come to the A package point for rendezvous.

He has opened an important breakthrough, and the pressure to face the follow-up attack will be much less.

But this time gla1ve did not agree with DD's idea. After simple thinking, gla1ve opened his mouth to make an endgame arrangement: "No, you can't directly clamp A. The opponent's return to defense has almost reached, and we have no other gun positions yet. Get it, the position is actually rather embarrassing.”

"So now let's turn to point in a quiet step, and turn to B in a quiet step to shoot the explosive bomb."

"DD, you find a way to create some movement in Area A. I'll help you fill up a jungle cigarette to put some pressure on you. You just need to wait enough time."

After all, gla1ve headed towards Area B with a large force.

SAMA looked at the jungle smoke flying in front of him and felt something was wrong.

The opponent did not put pressure on the arch, and the Hanged Man was able to get the information inside the arch.

That is to say, this cigarette is not intended to help the bandits get on the arch.

And now the amount of information in Area A is too little.

Immediately afterwards, as Bug yelled for help in the voice, and the kill information appeared in the upper right corner.

Only then did SAMA realize that the real purpose of team A is to beat B!

Point B is the opponent's large force. Their return to defense is already too slow. Facing various angled gun lines, it is difficult to obtain gains.

And listening to the flash bombs that were still exploding in area A, SAMA was really disgusted by the old sixth in the rear.

Regardless of whether they can fight head-on, the latter is unclear, and someone will attack them from the rear at any time, how can this be played?
"If you can't fight, go directly to the bandit's house to protect your gun, and save the money for the next round." SAMA made a decision helplessly.

The sound of C4 gradually became rapid as time went by, and finally amidst the violent explosion, the score came to 10:10.

The fans of Team A who saw this scene were all excited.

No one likes to be behind and overtake, and the Danes are clearly on the stronger side on the map they have chosen.

Team A's performance is amazing, from falling behind in the first half, to now scoring consecutively to tie the score.

Many fans in the live broadcast room are full of expectations.

The player's touch has gradually become hot, and the comeback...

Can it be far away?

This chapter is 5200 words, and there will be another chapter later, let's see if I can get a million words out today.

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