Chapter 594
In the knockout stage of IEM Cologne, apart from more intense competition, the biggest difference is that the players can finally move from the backstage battle room to the center stage of the Lanxess Arena, enjoying the cheers and shouts from the offline audience.

For the players, this is both stressful and intense.

Whether you can make the audience cheer for your performance depends entirely on your own level.

When Meng De led VC into the Lanxess Arena and stepped onto the stage, the long-awaited VC fans in the stands shouted their names: "VC!! VC!!"

Meng De smiled and raised his hands, simply interacting with the audience.

This scene was recorded in the mobile phone albums of many fans.

It's finally a success... Many old fans of VC saw this scene in the audience, and they were deeply moved.

Obviously, the VC at this time and the VC two years ago have undergone earth-shaking changes, both in terms of their status in the professional circle and the number of fans they have.

"The world of e-sports is like this, as long as you maintain a high enough level, there will definitely be many people supporting you..."

"As long as they can keep winning, everyone will respect you and like you. It is only a matter of time before the number of fans exceeds AE."

"I'm looking forward to their performance in the final this time."

"The champagne has already been opened before the game started? Is it that exaggerated?"

"It's really not too early to be happy. Samba can win all the way from the group stage, and its strength is not weak."

Everyone in VC sat down and began to debug the equipment, and the audience in the audience was not idle, and they discussed the strength of both parties.

For them, they are looking forward to seeing that VC can really turn into a dynasty team like Cao Thief said.

To become such a dynastic team, the premise is to keep winning.

After the offseason, all the heroes rose together, and the strength of each team grew extremely fast, which also made these fans feel the pressure.

They are very concerned about the final results of VC, the first major event after the offseason.

But if you want to enter the final, you have to win today's opponent first.


For VC, they are bound to win the next two games.

Just like the previous games in the group stage, there can be no mistakes.

Lao Wang tidied up his peripherals, turned his head and glanced at the opposite side of the stage, the samba dancers who took the stage first had adjusted their peripherals and started the warm-up session.

They were quite surprised that Samba could stand out on the first day of the knockout round.

Because from the analysis of the past experience of fighting, the pressure that Sea God put on them in the game is obviously greater.Moreover, Samba had lost to the second team in the qualifiers. With this as a premise, they all underestimated this team.

Unexpectedly, in yesterday's game, Samba directly lifted Poseidon away with 2-0, which greatly exceeded the speculation of everyone in VC.

If it comes, it will be safe... Old Wang shook his head, no longer paying attention to the surprise in his heart, but focusing on the warm-up movements in his hands.

In the first day of the knockout round of Group A, either Poseidon or Samba won.

For them, it doesn't really matter, because no matter who is the winner, VC is going to beat them.


"Welcome everyone to watch the live broadcast of the IEM Cologne semi-finals. I am the commentator for Coke."

"I'm Taro Ball."

A solid voice sounded in the live broadcast room, and soon the cola and taro balls on the commentary stage also appeared in the center of the screen.

"The IEM Cologne competition has come to an end. Today, VC will have a duel with Samba from Brazil. The winner will qualify for the final of this competition!"

The director quickly gave the performance of the best players of the two teams in this IEM Cologne.

"It can be seen that at the IEM Cologne this time, the big brother of the samba team, Fire, played very well. The average tactical score per game was 1.3. He played 14 maps and still had such impressive statistics. Proved that he played really well this time in Cologne."

Coke immediately changed the topic: "Although the stats of NIKO on this side are only 1.22, it seems that the stats are not particularly good in comparison, but after all, they have won 6 consecutive victories all the way, and the rest of the VC team played very well. , NIKO's data is somewhat diluted."

"To be honest, it's hard to say from the statistics that Mr. Ni is really inferior to Huo Nan." Yu Yuan added, "VC's winning streak is unstoppable, but samba is also slowly found in the confrontation. It's hard to really judge who can win because of your own state..."

"There have been a lot of discussions, and now we still need to see how the two sides choose on BP."

With the appearance of the BP screen, the expressions of the two commentators were lifted.

"It can be seen that the samba dancer got the priority to ban the pictures in this game, and they took the lead in banning Xinsha [-] first."

"On the VC side, they chose to ban the Death Amusement Park."

Seeing the map selections of the two sides, Coke was a little puzzled: "Samba doesn't directly hit Sha Er?"

Yuyuan speculated: "It may be because of the map modification that they haven't found a better way to play for a while."

In fact, this is not the case. After the offseason, the samba dancer has trained a lot of modified Sha Er, and now he has adapted to it.

The reason for banning it is actually not that complicated, it's just that it can't be beaten.

They really have nothing to do with this point. Even after the modification of Sha Er's map, players still need to have extremely strong mid-range and long-range gun-fighting abilities.

The horrific fighting power that VC just won in the Major is still vivid in my mind. Who dares to confront them head-on in this kind of battle at this stage?

When it comes to samba, their thinking is equally simple.

Since he couldn't compete in marksmanship, he could only look for opportunities in tactics.

So in the first selection stage, they decisively chose the nuke they are better at.

"Come to VC to choose the map, and here he directly won the building?" Coke was a little surprised.

After all, although Sha Er is gone, the Lost City is still there. Logically speaking, the priority of the Lost City should be higher than that of the building.

But in fact, this is also the result of Meng De's careful consideration.

On their selection map today, Lost City and Mansion are among their choices.

But after studying the opponent's map win rate and recent performance, they finally chose the building with worse samba performance.

The look of this map is a bit boring, and the offense and defense of both sides are almost focused on Rush A.

This also shows the importance of marksmanship on this map.

Sha Er was banned by the opponent, and the mansion became a substitute.

Seeing the appearance of the building in the samba camera, they all showed embarrassment on their faces.

They haven't actively selected this map for a long time, and their map proficiency is not particularly high.

It is really helpless to be selected now.

After the first round of picture selection, the two sides carried away the Purgatory Town and the train station respectively, and finally the third picture left was Lost City in the Desert.

This is the end of the map BP.

Figure [-]: Nuclear crisis, VC chooses sides.

Picture [-]: Death Building, samba side selection.

Picture [-]: Lost city in the desert, the two sides fight to choose sides.

"In terms of BP alone, VC has a greater advantage in Map [-] and Map [-]. In the latter two maps, they can gain more advantages by relying on their own marksmanship." Nobita analyzed, "But the samba dance Being able to beat the Sea God, who focuses on marksmanship in yesterday's game, shows that their strength is not as bad as we imagined."

Yuyuan nodded: "In a BO3 match, the first picture is related to the morale of both sides, and the outcome has a huge impact. It depends on whether they can find some opportunities in the first picture."

Before the players entered the game, Mengde clapped his hands and made the final pre-match instructions, "Don't give the opponent a chance, the samba nuke is very strong, communicate more, and maintain a certain rhythm of information feedback."

"Don't worry." NIKO smiled easily, "See how I can give you two hours to win!"

Seeing the team members in such a state, Meng De also stopped talking as he entered the server loading page.

When the game screen appeared, there was an uproar at the scene.

Everyone in VC also put on their headphones, adjusted their state, and started the game seriously.

Wang Yuning looked at the tactical paper in front of the keyboard, and opened his mouth to arrange the early tactics: "Play 131, mainly to prevent them from exploding bombs in Area A, kid, you need props, just don't die."

The little ghost gave a "hmm" to show that he understood, and then bought a cigarette and a lightning pliers from the store.

When the countdown ended, he defended directly near the iron plate in front of him.

He wanted to stand straight on the iron railing, but he glanced at the positions of his teammates, and then at the lightning pliers and props in his hand.

The kid chose to sneak back and retreated to the third floor to pick up the spot. "I play very conservatively. Take a look at my position."

The rest of the VC glanced at the map and saw nothing wrong.

As soon as the little ghost finished speaking, he heard a huge number of footsteps coming from the direction of B Tong.

He didn't expose the gun immediately, but waited for a timing with his face facing the wall, and then went out in a small position and fired two shots on the opposite side.

The opponent was in a jumping state, and he missed the two shots, but he also got a lot of information, "At least 4 B passes, all rushed down!"

Hearing this, NIKO turned on the mic and shouted: "Lao Wang and I, let's clear the outfield directly."

"Let's go, I'll follow you." Old Wang replied quickly.

The two immediately cleared the outfield, but did not find any enemies.

S1mple and the director in the infield also did the same operation, and took the initiative to go forward and clear the gang hall.

But they also got the same result.

The bandit hall is empty at the moment!
This also means that the other party did not let anyone in the back!
This is a big problem...Everyone in VC knows that there is a big problem with this wave of decision-making.

I thought that the samba dance was a conventional routine, and the four of them hugged together, leaving a free man who was broken as the sixth child.

So their idea is to clear the sixth child who is stuck behind them first, and then rely on the advantage of 5v4 to go back to the front.

But I didn't expect that the Brazilian played so recklessly, leaving no escape for himself.

This anti-clearance of the outfield and the bandit hall actually delayed their own time to return to defense.

"At the first time, Zone B was unguarded, and this iron plate was unguarded at the first time, so they couldn't delay the time."

"After S1mple and the director have completed the anti-clearing, they can only come down through the pipeline. On the samba side, what is the next package? They broke the window and entered the control room, stopped at the trap door, and released a trap package."

The S1mple at the dead door has already opened the door to get the information, but did not see the location of the thunder bag.

Therefore, everyone in NIKO also knew that the other party made a trap.

In other words, the valve must be guarded.

Everyone pushed forward in a group, trying to exchange fire with the bandits at the trap door.

It's just that the location is too embarrassing. At this L-shaped intersection, it is too difficult for them to actively peek.

And the feel in Fire is very good, a wave of crazy bursts, forcibly brought back the situation that was about to collapse.

The little devil who came back to defend later, faced this 1v2 endgame.

Although Fire gave the little ghost a chance to fight back because he wanted to get the pentakill, but the other person didn't show up for a long time. The little ghost could only seal the smoke and demolish it, but was directly shot to death in the smoke.

"To be honest, this one is just that the fire man is good. The pistol round will kill four directly, and you will not be given any chance." Cola concluded, "Actually, the two sides exchanged fire in the live door. VC played very well. The first director At the beginning, I lost two shots in seconds, but I didn't expect Fire to be so hard, Glock hit three shots in a row, and then made up for the director without changing the bullet again."

The pistol round ended. Although they lost, they got four kills. VC's economy is not bad.

So Pharaoh didn't hesitate too much, and directly chose Qiang Qi and Samba Dance.

"But looking at the gun combination on the samba side, three hair dryers, it should be tactical." Coke frowned, "It's hard to play this kind of fast-break VC, they mixed two Famas Si wants to come back, which leads to two people in the team without armor."

"The samba didn't take control, but chose to play a wave of explosive bombs in the outfield. There were not many VC props, so they couldn't stop it at all. The bandits drove the train directly into K1."

The opponent's large number of props made NIKO vigilant and signaled his teammates to defend K1.

S1mple, who had a long gun, heard the words and immediately put in place to defend. After quickly coming to K1, he took out a smoke bomb to delay the time.

But I really responded to the stalk - press "4" to summon the enemy.

As soon as he grabbed the smoke bomb, a bandit with a hair dryer appeared in front of him.

It is impossible for S1mple to kill the opponent with the smoke bomb, but the hair dryer on the opposite side can sweep him to death.

He didn't expect the opponent to come so fast. Not only did he lose his only long gun, but he also lost the control of K1 and K2. The follow-up pressure was a bit heavy.

VC's supplementary defense was quick, the kid and the director quickly occupied the iron path, and kept delaying with props, trying to catch the moment when the opponent burst into smoke.

But the samba dance, which was originally extremely aggressive, suddenly slowed down after entering K1.

They tried several times in a row, and slowly used up the props in VC's hands.

At this time, they gave another wave of iron-plated props to fill up the pressure.

Where were their opponents, the VCs who were severely lacking in combat power fell to the ground almost instantly.

No suspense, see you next round.

(End of this chapter)

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