CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 602 The canteen aunt carries the big pot!

"Hello, viewers. Welcome to the live broadcast of the final match between VC and AE at IEM Cologne. I am Daxiong, the commentator for this game."

"I am evil."

Cologne time is close to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but it is almost early morning in China.But for many friends who love CSGO events, this time can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

Even in the game at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, many spectators chased after him.

After simply saying hello to the audience, Nobita looked at the scene in the live broadcast room and said, "There are so many people at the scene in Cologne today. When you look at the camera, there are no seats available."

"After all, it is one of the most classic large-scale tournaments in CSGO. Apart from the Major, Cologne and Cato are more famous, and today the Cologne final is a BO5, and we have to watch two more games than other tournaments. The ticket price is profitable I'm back." The angle of the evil view is a bit strange.

"Perhaps there is also a reason." Nobita was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "For the audience in Cologne, this is indeed a feast. If the BO3 match is played fast, it will take less than two hours. Although The final is always exciting, but it can make people feel that there is not enough to watch."

"But BO5 is different. He has to play at least 3 games, which means that the audience at the scene can watch at least 5 games. The current time in Cologne is around [-] pm. After the game, you can enter the stadium and sleep comfortably after watching it. Really cool."

Xie Jian continued: "However, for the players, a BO5 match is a serious test for both physical strength and energy."

I deeply sympathize with this evil view. He used to be a professional League of Legends player with outstanding talent, but because of a BO10 against the sky, he was defeated.

In this kind of long game, at the very beginning stage, the players on both sides were still able to maintain their combat effectiveness and develop various effective and subtle tactics.

But once the two sides form a tug-of-war, the players will feel what life is like death.

Moreover, this match is not only a test for the players, it is also a difficult problem for the two commentators.

When they first became CSGO game commentators, Xie Jian and Nobita had no partner. At that time, they commented on Cologne's BO5 alone. After the whole game, their voices were hoarse for three days.

They talked about some interesting things in the professional circle, and the time passed quickly. They were fascinated by the chat, but a loud cheer suddenly came from the live broadcast room.

They turned their heads to look, only to hear the sound of exciting music, and the AE crowd, led by Lucky, walked slowly from the contestant passage to the stage.

Accompanied by the huge cheers from the audience, Lucky, who was walking in the front of the team, kept raising his arms, and his movements all said "the voice can be louder!" keep echoing.

The road from the player passage to the stage was not long, and after a while everyone from AE stood on the right side of the stage.

Seeing the reaction of the audience, the host seemed very satisfied, then raised the microphone and shouted again: "Next, let us invite you, the most offensive team of the year! VC!!!"

The music sounded again, and with the shouts piercing the sky, everyone in VC walked to the stage under the guidance of Meng De.

"I have to say, there are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames." Seeing Meng De walking towards him in the live broadcast, Xie Jian said sincerely, "The nicknames of the male model team are not for nothing. They all look so handsome."

"Look at Thief Cao, I can't hold back this face. Look at the director, who can control this elegant hairstyle? Behind is NIKO, this aura is full of masculinity!! Okay, let me Let's take a look at S1mple in the back... I can only sigh that VC's food is really good." After thinking about it for a long time, looking at the current 4:3 S1mple, I still can't think of any side with Shuai.

【? ? ? 】

【Is this going to fire S1mple? 】

[You speak human language?Let’s not ignore the handsome ones in front, how about just a word of food when you come to S1mple? 】

【Too heartbroken】

【You are not Komori, return my 16:9 S1mple! ! 】

[The aunt in the VC cafeteria is carrying the big pot! 】

【Laughing to death】

S1mple was walking along the road with the team, and suddenly his whole body trembled, he always felt that someone was speaking ill of him somewhere.

He found the kid behind him, pouted in the direction of AE: "They seem to be in a calm mood, it's a little different from what I imagined."

The kid rolled his eyes and was a little speechless: "Do you really believe all kinds of revenge talk on the forum? Could it be that you want to see Lucky and the others staring at you with murderous expressions? How is that possible?"

"Winning or losing a professional game is a very normal thing. With our strength and a little bit of luck, it is not surprising to win them. If their strength and state are going to overtake us, it is also a normal thing to win us." .”


As if feeling the gaze, Lucky and S1mple on the other side of the stage made eye contact.

He naturally noticed a lot of rhythms on the forum, and many of their loyal fans made "revenge" remarks, hoping that AE could find their place in this IEM Cologne final.

But as one of the parties involved, Lucky didn't feel too strongly about VC.

CSGO has a lot of competitions, and even last year, they lost a lot of games.The huge number of games made them have to adjust from the defeat of the game as soon as possible.

Being able to become a top team, AE has done a good job at this point.

However, it is absolutely impossible to say that the failure made them feel nothing.

It's a Major after all, and it's an event on their home turf.It is normal to feel unwilling to be stepped on by VC to win the championship.

But if you lose, you lose. The strength shown by VC in that game made them strong enough, and they were completely speechless because of their strength.

However, recognition of VC's strength will not make them lose confidence.

Life is still going on, the game has to be played, the champion of IEM Cologne in front of him——

Take it too!

Lucky's heart is full of fighting spirit!


After the VC entered the arena, the on-site host still used the same old methods. Under the influence of the emotions on the scene, just a few simple words caused the audience to cry and howl. They were extremely looking forward to the next game.

The host didn't delay too much, seeing that the atmosphere was already in place, he indicated that the players could enter the battle room.

The contestants on both sides quickly took their seats and adjusted their peripherals.

Because this competition uses a hard disk to record personal data, it does not take much time to adjust personal settings. The most important thing is to test the monitor and connect to the server.

After everything was adjusted correctly, Meng De reported the adjustment to the referee behind him.

After about a few minutes, the referee said to Meng De: "Coach VC, the BP session can start now."

Meng De followed the referee to the center of the stage. He chose the side with no words. This time, the eternal god finally showed his strength, and VC won the right to be the first choice.

The VC team finished warming up, and they were betting on Meng De's coin guessing result.

S1mple said confidently: "I think the coach has lost again. His winning rate in boxing games is ridiculously low. Every time he scolded him, he said that he made us get used to weight training."

"I do not believe."

"Then a gamble?"

"Okay, I'll bet on the coach to lose."

"We all bet on the coach to lose, so who bet on him to win?"

Meng De walked into the room without hiding it, and directly explained the result of the boxing game.

Wang Yuning pointed at S1mple and NIKO, and said with a smirk: "It seems that you are not lucky today, and you will not be able to listen to the information you feel at that time."

It is definitely a good thing to be able to get the right to choose the side first, because if all goes well, they can get two of their own maps for the first three maps, which is definitely much easier than playing the opponent's two maps.

"Just follow what we discussed before." Meng De said.

Lao Wang didn't hesitate, and directly carried away the Death Amusement Park.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in VC looked at the screen, looking forward to the first-hand Ban map of AE.

"It really is Lost City!" Wang Yuning clenched his fists excitedly. There are not many BP choices in BO5, and the opponent has the same result as they expected, which will make the follow-up match a little easier.

After the end of the first class, the BP process of both sides was also very fast.

Match map for the final IEM Cologne final:
Figure [-]: In the scorching sand city, VC started as a bandit.

Picture [-]: Purgatory town, AE starts as a bandit.

Figure [-]: Nuclear Crisis, VC starts as a bandit.

Picture [-]: The train stops at the station, AE starts as a bandit.

Picture [-]: Death Building, the two sides fight to choose sides.

Amid applause from the audience, the contestants from both sides entered the server in Figure [-], ready to start the match.

Map: Burning Sand City

VC against AE.

T: S1mple, NIKO, Yu, Twistzz, Somebody
CT: Lucky, Hanged man, SAMA, K35, Bug
The game has officially started. In the pistol round of Sha Er, unless the position is very close to the B area in the early stage, VC is unlikely to have a killing intent on the B area.

The positions are relatively scattered, Wang Yuning saw this situation, and said very simply: "Still speaking, the kid and I play props together, I will send out a P250, and then the positions can be separated, pay attention to the opponent's forward pressing and other actions. "

"Director, you two should be careful when searching for B1."

According to the feedback from the gun training session just now, S1mple felt that he was in a good state today, so he directly picked up the P250 on the ground.

He directly took the lead and rushed into gate A.

However, he didn't go directly to set up the gun immediately, but waited for a hand, and then turned around to check the big corner of A.

He didn't see any enemies, and he didn't rush to give feedback.

The little ghost gave the Xbox the smoke bomb at the start, and after the director emptied B1 with him, he heard the little ghost propose: "Director, I'll give you the flash, Lao Wang, see if you can throw me a flash, I'll go Get some information from the middle."

Without armor, his combat power is really limited, and the work of pulling guns to get information is more useful to him.

"No problem, you wait for my props." After saying that, Wang Yuning took out a smoke bomb, aimed at the point and threw a police cigarette from COSCO, and then took out a flash, "Flash in the middle, let's go!"

After the flash exploded, the kid pulled it out directly, and the timing of the cooperation was just right.

However, the kid didn't see any enemies at the first moment, and then a policeman appeared in the sand on the left. He just wanted to aim, but the other party shot him instantly.

[AE.K35 killed VC.Somebody with a usp headshot]

"K35's spiritual back flash in the middle lane, directly going to VC's cooperation was in vain. Now that I have given two smokes and sent out a first kill, how should I attack in the future, and directly use the flash to attack A big and A small? "

"S1mple is still setting up a gun in Gate A, and AE, who has gained the advantage, wants to shrink his defense. SAMA, who moves carelessly, is directly shot by S1mple. This is the benefit that P250 brings to bandits. Medium and long distances can produce a deadly effect. !"

After S1mple got the kill, he carefully pushed forward with the P250 in hand, aiming at the left side of the crosshairs, guarding against the opponent's supplementary gun.

His precautions were not unreasonable, because he soon ate an all-white anti-clear flash!
S1mple fired in a panic, and fled towards the blue box relying on his memory.

"Lucky didn't catch S1mple to death, and only took one shot. But Lucky didn't worry, and once again faced the wall and asked his teammate for a flash. NIKO who came out to set up the gun was completely wiped out, but S1mple just missed the timing!"

"S1mple chased after him all the way, P250 fired and shot Lucky in the head!"

After killing the anti-Qing police, S1mple glanced at the small map, and immediately fed back the information he got: "There is another one in Area A who lost his flash, and he probably has no armor. You A, move a little!"

Although it is true to face the gun head-on, it is obviously the most appropriate for Xiao A to make a move at this time.

The director and Lao Wang shot from A, and soon saw the policeman on the slope, and shot him a few times.

Faced with this situation, the Hanged Man, who was fighting A big, had to turn his head and give his attention to A small.

But the thing that worried him the most happened. As soon as he turned his head, the P250 at University A replaced him.

"Good cooperation!" S1mple showed joy, changing magazines and advancing towards the bunker.

NIKO stays at University A to prevent the CT who returns to defense from stealing the back lane.

In a 4v2 endgame, as long as they don't get sick, this pistol round can be easily won.

The most important thing now is to determine the positions of the remaining two.

The idea of ​​S1mple just came up, when the director shouted in the voice: "Little A has one, I beat him on the head, and there is still a little left."

Little A has no one to replenish the gun, and Big A NIKO has no voice. S1mple probably understands where the last person is.

He actively peeked at the opponent's resurrection point from the police station.


Sure enough, the last person hid in the resurrection point, and the two sides met and shot each other.

After determining the position, he didn't want to be greedy for guns anymore, he just swayed around to check the opponent's confidence, and won't let the opponent push to a closer point.

The old Wang and the director of the package point are chasing after the victory. They have all been shot this round. If they win the pistol round, they will have to spend 1000 to buy armor.

From the director's feedback, I learned that the opponent only has one shot of health left, so there is no reason not to trouble him.

But the bug of residual blood has already been exploited. Instead, K35 chose to come to the middle gate from the police's resurrection point, and instead killed Wang Yuning who had no armor.

However, he killed Wang Yuning, but he couldn't escape himself.

With C4 exploding in Zone A, VC won the first round of the final!

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