Chapter 607

"Congratulations to VC for being the first to win the first map in a BO5 match!"

Accompanied by the passionate shouts of the English-language commentators, the hustle and bustle of the Lonny Arena went up to a new level.

The capacity of the Lonnie Arena is 1 people, and it is difficult to fill it up in ordinary small games, but in this final, it was full of seats, and there were even many enthusiastic spectators, although no offline tickets were purchased. Tickets, choose to watch the live broadcast outside the venue, listen to the exciting cheers from inside, and rise and fall with them.

The 1 people is the limit that the Lonnie Arena can accommodate, but it is not the limit of the enthusiasm of the offline audience.

The moment he won Picture [-], Meng De took off his earphones and felt the enthusiasm of the audience.

The restless and passionate voice continued to echo in the venue, and then reached the ears of everyone in the entire space.

Figure [-] had just ended, and the huge screen in the arena was still replaying the wonderful kills in the game. This not only did not let the audience relax, but made them even more crazy.

Those screams, cheers, and cheers rushed towards the stage like a tsunami, as if they were going to swallow the players in the battle room completely, and seemed to infect them, even raising the air a few degrees.

The kid tugged at his own team uniform. In this environment, he couldn't help feeling a little hot.

On the contrary, the director, who has always been a little restrained, was very firm. At the moment when he was sure that Picture [-] was over, he just took off his earphones and gave a high-five to his teammates. He didn't celebrate much, and his emotions were not too obvious.

After the director and his teammates clapped hands one by one, they sat down again, turned to Meng De and said, "Coach, I'm a little hungry."

Hearing this, Meng De immediately took out a few energy bars and bananas from the small backpack he brought.

"What to eat?"

"Energy bar."

"I want bananas."

Everyone in the room talked to each other, and each got food to supplement.

Professional players are so competitive that they are even a little paranoid in their field of expertise.

Not eating before a game in order to maintain a higher concentration is just one of them.

However, this method is obviously not applicable in BO5 games.

The time span and energy consumption of BO5 are much more exaggerated than that of BO3. It is normal to not eat before the game in order to keep your attention from being distracted. Without distraction, people are already hungry and dizzy.

Therefore, you can't eat too much in a BO5 game, but you can't really have nothing to eat in your stomach.

In the past two years, VC's participation experience has become more and more abundant.

As a coach, before each competition, he will bring some food and spare items in case of emergencies.

Knowing that tonight's match was a best-of-five match, Meng De even went shopping in a supermarket.

It just came in handy now.

After eating something simple, NIKO took a long breath in his seat: "It feels like I'm alive again."

"Everyone is in great shape today, and I won without playing much." NIKO chuckled, feeling full of comfort in lying down and winning.

Although he prefers to stand up for himself, but sometimes people's happiness is compared.

A few days ago, I saw someone comparing him with Xiaojiao in the forum, who is the world's number one shooter today.

Niko himself doesn't know whether he is the world's No. [-] shooter, but he knows that in that series of players list, his environment is definitely the most comfortable one.

Lao Wang is also in a good mood, although today's data is still the team's bottom one.

But he obviously felt that he was in a good state. Except for the few rounds in the first half, he was too involved and didn't understand the opponent's tactics. good.

Meng De also ate an energy bar, and then he saw that all the players had arrived before he spoke: "Everyone in Figure [-] is playing very well, as we said before the game, no matter what, keep a good attitude."

"Now we are leading, and AE is even more anxious. We are only two maps away from winning the IEM Cologne championship."

"However, we also need to pay attention. The game is not over yet. We are only leading for a while. AE may not have a chance to achieve a comeback."

They haven't reached the point where they can celebrate, can't relax yet.

"All of you adjust and adjust. Let me tell you about the tactics in the early stage. Just listen carefully..."

There is still a lot of time for the intermission, Meng De did not waste it, but quickly explained to the players the main thinking and playing style in the early stage of Figure [-].


The huge screen in the venue quickly released the MVP data in Figure [-].

S1mple won the MVP honor with a slight advantage of 4 heads ahead of the director.

His performance this time was relatively stable. Although he didn't have too bright moments, he also had many key kills. VC's victory was due to him.

As far as the match point is concerned, if there is no S1mple to kill the two big brothers at the beginning, it is still a question of whether the game can end.

Nobita smiled and said: "There is no doubt that S1mple has gradually recovered his status in this final! Although the statistics are not too luxurious, we also saw him several standard S1mple kills in the game .”

"If these kills are placed in the ladder, then I will directly type .report."

Xiejian nodded: "Indeed, he is in very good form today, and those kills always make us feel unbelievable."

"Now that VC has won the first map, the pressure is on AE. Facing the hot VC, whether AE can make a comeback on its own map in the next map is very exciting."

"However, I think AE will not be so anxious. After all, for a BO5 match, the time is still early, and it is only temporarily behind."


The two commentators talked a lot in the live broadcast room, and the audience in the live broadcast room cheered up when they heard it.

For them, the game in Figure [-] was just an "appetizer", which aroused some of their interest.

Their emotions for watching the game are only mobilized now. The more exciting the picture [-] is, the more they look forward to the results of the subsequent games.


The second map of BO5 is the purgatory town chosen by AE actively, and they will start as bandits.

VC didn't play tricks on the opponent's map, and chose the defensive side steadily.

In the pistol round, Wang Yuning did not make a betting move, and chose the 3A2B position quite satisfactorily.

The director in charge of Building A2 took off when he passed the VIP, and got the information from the side channel: "There is only one person in the side channel, and I'm not sure what they think."

Not sure about the other party's information, everyone in VC chose to put their guns on the spot, so as not to change.

Soon, NIKO and Lao Wang heard the sound of flashing lights coming from the slate, their vigilance was instantly full, and they were ready to hand over the smoke bombs in their hands at any time to delay.


However, the ultimate goal of AE is not the B area.

They directly called a wave of established tactics in the pistol round.

Throw two cigarettes into area A, and then flash continuously.

When the little ghost in Dakeng came back to his senses, his face was already filled with smoke, and his vision was directly deprived.

The linked S1mple wanted to help, but was constantly pushed back by the flash.

In the first wave of firefights, the director of the balcony was directly dealt with by the Hanged Man.

The little ghost in the big pit seized the opportunity to help the director succeed in revenge.

But before he was happy for a few seconds, someone chased him in the face and gave him a chug.

"This explosive bomb tactic, AE came prepared, and directly aimed at VC's tactic."

"The Hanged Man is so comfortable playing. He even came out to preview a few positions that VC usually chooses for players in Zone A. This wave of tactics is fully targeted!"

"S1mple in the partition smoke tried to seize the opportunity, but someone had already paid attention to this position! He was instantly killed by Lucky!"

The speed of light in Area A was broken, and Niko and Lao Wang's return to defense was fast enough, but they still didn't have time.

"Send" began to appear in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

NIKO went back to the study first, he was not in a hurry, but carefully cleared the link closer.

After excluding the danger at the near point, he was as blessed as a soul, and took a step back to the study.

In the next second, a bandit appeared at the corner of the link.

NIKO aiming fine-tuning, easy to get a head.

After getting this kill, the situation between the two sides came to 2v3. Wang Yuning still has a set of props in his hand, so there may be no chance of a comeback.

Wang Yuning threw a partition smoke to cover the view of the large and small pits, and then threw a flash bomb above the buns to let NIKO go to clear the cemetery.

The flash was not in vain, but after hearing the footsteps, NIKO deliberately squatted down and set up the gun, and killed the opponent back.

It's just that when he got the kill, the old king without armor was also dealt with by the bandits.

What was left for him was a 1-on-2 endgame.

He tried his best to deal with it, but he was knocked down by the Hanged Man despite the loud shouts from the scene.

Relying on perfect tactics, AE won the pistol round without any risk.

In the second round, VC chose to force the gun.

In this round, they once relied on their pistols to play at the A site, gaining an advantage in numbers.

But in this kind of game, the rhythm is too fast.

Knowing that he made a mistake in the first wave of firefights, AE not only failed to securely organize the second wave, but instead increased his speed.

They didn't give CT a chance to pick up the gun, and just relied on their understanding of the position to get the number back.

In the end, there was one imp left, who tried to sneak and save Galil, but didn't let him succeed.

In the third round, VC could only start the Sand Eagle without armor. This time, NIKO finally played the Sand Eagle on Banana Road, taking two consecutive kills.

Although this kill failed to help them turn the tables, it allowed them to save two AK47s, which was quite fruitful for this round.

The game entered the fourth round, which was also the first long gun round in Figure [-].

"S1mple, I'll send you a big sniper, but try not to make any noise in the early stage. Let's put more pressure on Banana Road and see if we can force them to play A."

"The opposite side's thinking on this map is very clear, we have to find some opportunities."

"The three of you at point A, you can play the routine position. We have played the 3A1 position many times before. You can try it."

They are the defensive side, and relatively speaking, they have little initiative.

Today S1mple feels good, so they have to find a way to make the other party find S1mple's trouble.

Moreover, he was also worried that S1mple would have problems alone, so he specially asked the large team in Area A to take a special position.

The three of A1 huddled together near the stable, as long as the opposite party didn't deliberately count the props.

Then this L-shaped position can gain a great advantage.


However, in the next few rounds, S1mple did not play a big role in the game.

It's not that S1mple is misfired, on the contrary, S1mple ranks first in VC kills.

It's just that throughout the first half, AE's style of play was relatively stable.

Their firefights are all "taste and stop", and they don't have the vigor to fight to the end.

AE's strategy against S1mple is also very simple, as long as we exchange fire with you and fail to kill you, we will directly transfer points.

This made S1mple exhausted on the map with a big sniper on his shoulders. Although he won a few rounds with the wonderful performance of NIKO and the director, AE still controlled the scoring rhythm in the first half.

Going into halftime, the number above the big screen read 4:11.

For the town's defenders, this score is already very ugly. If they can't win the pistol round in the second half, there is basically no hope of a comeback in the follow-up.

"Welcome back to the game. The pistol round started in the second half, and AE had a huge advantage. S1mple was constantly restricted in the first half, making it difficult to play."

"I don't know if his offensive attack can bring us some surprises after entering the second half."

Henry's commentary remained neutral, allowing the audience to enjoy everything that happened in the game.

"VC is not in a hurry to fight, and mainly uses guns by default, but K35 is here to investigate sideways, did you see someone?"

"The kid is not in a hurry, he keeps swaying around to seduce K35!"

"K35 didn't know the situation yet. When he heard footsteps, the bandits had already come behind."

"The Hanged Man in the middle wanted to make up his gun, but was directly taken away by S1mple's P250. He played 5 out of 3 in the opening game. VC is getting better!"

After getting two kills, VC naturally chose to speed up Area A without hesitation.

After all, according to the conventional position, there should be only one person left in Area A.

But this round, AE chose 4A1B. Although K35 and The Hanged Man were given away for nothing, there are still two CTs in Area A.

VC fans are watching from the perspective of God, but they are not in a hurry.

After all, local 5 vs 2 is an advantage no matter what.

After the VC exploded, the kid and the director flew out from Building A2.

But an accident happened at this time.

The director in the air was directly killed by the HH who took the head off. The kid just landed and wanted to move to the big pit to occupy the bunker, but Lucky also forcibly rushed out from the partition smoke and headshot him.

In an instant, the situation of 5 on 3 became 3 on 3.

The opponent's back defense was already in place, and the three of S1mple forcibly confronted each other near the balcony, and they were finally defeated one by one.

4: 12.

VC chooses pure E directly, and wants to adjust the economy and enter the game of long guns.

The saved economy allowed them to successfully comeback in the first long gun round in the second half.

Everyone in VC encouraged each other, trying to drag the game into their own rhythm.

But the huge difference in points made it difficult for them to continue in the follow-up games.

Finally, in the spiraling score, VC ended the second map of BO8 with a score of 16:5.

(End of this chapter)

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