CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 609 The Huge Pressure From The Director

Chapter 609 The Huge Pressure From The Director

After entering the endgame, the whole space became quiet. At this moment, the system notification sound from the end of the pistol round was so clear.

Immediately afterwards, the sound wave in the venue was like a volcanic eruption...

cheer! !applause! !
scream! !shout! !
The audience in the audience released their emotions without any scruples, and the uncontrollable excitement and excitement in their hearts were vented like this. They were using their most instinctive reactions to respond to the director's top-level endgame this time!

When all his teammates were killed, turning the tide by himself alone, this kind of picture appeared in cser's mind countless times.At the moment when the director wins the endgame, the once vague idea has a substantial picture.

"Unbelievable, this is incredible!"

"Until now, I can't figure out how the director won this endgame? From God's perspective, his idea is very simple. Split this 1V5 endgame into multiple 1V1s by using cover and moving positions. This is easy to say, but how difficult it is to do, as long as you have a certain level, you can understand.”

Henry's face was flushed. It wasn't shyness, but he was so excited that he couldn't suppress it: "This final is really interesting. When Tu Sanyi came up, the two sides were fighting with gods. The Hanged Man played alone without any injuries. With a high damage of 400 points, isn’t he performing well? Even if he is subsequently defeated by the director, the quadruple kill of The Hanged Man can still occupy a place in the wonderful kills of IEM Cologne. He is like a Like a turret, it disintegrated VC's offensive intentions."

"He has played well enough, but he never imagined that the director alone broke through AE's defense line! This is a 1V5 endgame, and his teammates can't even provide any help. It is the highlight moment of personal ability!"

"In a desperate situation, the director used his simple operation to tell the world that as long as you don't give up, there is hope for everything! Although all four teammates were defeated at the beginning, the director did not give up. He was still thinking hard and trying to find a way to break the game. It is precisely because of his not giving up that the miracle was born!"

"I can't calm down now, because I witnessed the birth of this famous scene on the spot. Now let us watch the replay of the wonderful kill and see what is going on from the director's personal perspective."

AE called a timeout at the end of the game. In this case, the director did not look into their room, and quickly released the situation of the director's main perspective.

Unexpectedly, there was another exclamation from the audience.

The low-level spectators saw the director's marksmanship like a lock, and after a few rounds of confrontation, the crosshairs were thrown on the opposite head.

The spectators who have reached a certain level not only saw the director's marksmanship, but also the director's position selection and body control in these few kills were so reasonable, which is amazing.

[The director is going to open a barber shop here today! 】

[The pinker the hair, the harder the beating]

[This is not a lock, what is it? 】

[The director's aiming is really smooth, there is no unnecessary movement at all]

[If it wasn't for hanging up, the director would directly overtake me! 】

[The above, your abacus beads hit my face]


The audience in the live broadcast room is also expressing their emotions in their own way.

Witnessing the supernatural operation of the director, VC could no longer suppress the excitement of everyone in the battle room, and Meng De did not suppress his emotions, and shouted without hesitation.


Everyone turned their gazes to the director, and roared in their mouths. While they were shocked by the director's 1V5 against the sky this time, they were all proud.

"Director, you are so awesome!!"

"Brothers, my heart was about to jump out of my eyes when I saw it at the end... One shot pierces two, there is no room for Lucky to manipulate, the timing is too good."

"It's too inappropriate, the other side is aiming at your lock, isn't it?"

"The opponent couldn't bear the pressure anymore, so I just handed in a timeout, haha!!"

The emotional catharsis lasted for a while in the VC room. The director used this amazing 1V5 to completely dilute the depressed emotions in the team. At this moment, everyone in the VC was already excited and excited. Get smashed.


After losing the pistol round, coach Duke, who had been standing behind AE, sensed something was wrong and immediately called a timeout.

After the timeout, AE didn't discuss too much, the whole room fell into a deathly silence, and the impact of the strong accident made them a little breathless.

The one with the most emotional fluctuations is naturally the Hanged Man who played the same amazing role in this round.

He covered his head with a puzzled expression on his face, and when he got emotional, he no longer considered the atmosphere in the team: "What are you guys doing? I killed four at the beginning, but you didn't even deal with the director alone? "

He couldn't figure it out, how could he lose if he returned to the defense early in the opening with such an advantage?

Obviously the initiative is already in their hands, they only need to confirm the position of the director, and then gather together to quickly fill up the guns to end the pistol round.The rhythm of the early nuclear crisis will be firmly in their hands, but why is this happening?

In the 1v5 pistol round, they dealt a full 500 points of damage. This kind of data, which is difficult to get in the ladder fish, unexpectedly appeared on them.

You know this is the final of IEM Cologne!
World No. [-] vs. World No. [-], a confrontation between two dynasties!

For this result, they do not want to admit it, nor do they want to understand it.

Feeling extremely bewildered, the other people in the room didn't know how to respond to the Hanged Man's question. They really didn't play well this round, and the director found a chance.For a while, the room became more silent, and the audience in the venue had smiles on their faces. They saw at a glance that many people were drinking beer and releasing their enthusiasm unabashedly towards them.

But at this moment, everyone in AE only felt that the air was damp and muddy, making them at a loss what to do.

Figure [-] This is just the beginning, and their mentality is already on the verge of collapse.


AE, who had a broken mentality, failed to make a comeback in the next few rounds, and the score came to 3:0.

In the fourth round, the first long gun round in the first half began.

Wang Yuning looked at the tactical manual, thought for a while, and said: "Play faster in the early stage. NIKO, you go to the third floor of the bandit to set up the outfield, and get the information about the outfield. Don't let them press forward."

"Director, stay at the bandit hall. I'll help you blow open the iron gate first, and then you can play according to the situation."

"Little devil and S1mple, the three of us will directly raise a wave of iron plates, and the pressure will be full." Wang Yuning said with a smirk, "It feels like their mentality has exploded, and we are holding on to both sides to put pressure on them. But ours."

Everyone purchased the firearms and props they needed, and set off from the resurrection point.

Wang Yuning entered the bandit hall, aimed ahead and threw a grenade towards the iron gate.

The iron door was blasted open, but CT's incendiary bomb exploded under the iron door in the next second, and they didn't catch any opportunity.

Wang Yuning didn't pay too much attention to the bandit hall either. It's good to leave the iron gate to the director himself. He believes that the director can handle the local situation well.

The goal of their large army is still marching towards the iron plate!

"The bug was completely whitewashed, and the guns fired ahead of time and failed to hit the person. VC directly pulled in on the iron plate, and directly used violence!"

"Bug couldn't do anything about it, so he chose to retreat to the B area, and didn't bite the bullet and shoot."

"After entering the iron plate, give it another fire from the third floor, and the iron plate will be taken down smoothly."

The director glanced at the small map and found that the iron plate had already taken control.

Looking at the smoke bombs pushed towards the bunker, he cut out the smoke bombs and had an idea in his mind.

Before the smoke from the iron door exploded, he found a good angle and dropped a smoke bomb down the pipe.

The moment the smoke exploded, he immediately entered the iron gate, and then hid his hand to the right side of the iron gate.

"Da da da……"

The gun line from the main entrance kept passing through the position he was just now, and the director quietly waited for the opposite side to reload, and then relying on his feeling, it mixed into the pipe in the smoke.

"I'm stepping down, you can put some pressure on the iron plate." The director reported his situation to his teammates.

"Understood!" Hearing the director's words, Wang Yuning responded immediately, "S1mple, you stand in the direction of the third floor, and the brat and I will explode bombs below to put pressure on you."

After all, he immediately led the kid towards Area B.

But before they put any pressure on them, the director who touched the valve saw the door opened, and Bug was holding an M4 to reload, and his eyes met.

"Da da da……"

[VC.Twistzz kills AE.Bug with headshot from AK47]

Bug under the camera was taken aback, not understanding why someone would appear inside the trap.

"Bug and the director met Ai around the corner. As soon as he died, District B immediately declared its fall."

"The remaining four people in AE are all in Area A. There is too little information. They should just save their guns."

After C4 was secured, the rest of AE still wanted to break their guns.

But after the straight K35 was killed by NIKO, they chose to follow their hearts and came to the bandit's house to keep their guns safe.

"There was some dispute in the AE team. The Hanged Man and Lucky looked very anxious. It seems that the continuous loss of points made them realize that they can't continue like this."

"Saving three long guns, relying on the blessing of the losing streak economy, they can still play a long gun round in the future. In the case of patchwork, Lucky even took out a big sniper, it depends on their round Can you get points, if you still can't get the points, then the early score will be completely opened up."

At the beginning of the fifth round, Wang Yuning quickly explained the next offensive intention: "We are 41, and the director's style of play is still the same as before, trying to find a way to support us in the bandit hall."

"Others gave the outfield a line of smoke at the first time, relying on the frontal one, and then we accelerated into K1 and caught them with a defensive timing difference."


Several people briefly discussed the specific drop point of the smoke bomb, and the tactics began to be implemented.

At the beginning of the round, four smoke bombs flew from the gangster's house to the outfield.

The details of AE are also in place, they immediately gave a fire on the side of the outfield.If a bandit loses a cigarette at the first time, then this fire can destroy the integrity of the smoke, making the sides of the smoke not so full, and finally revealing flaws.

It's just that VC didn't have a steady and steady control of the map, it was still a quick attack like lightning.

"VC's speed is still very fast, is it a flat push? NIKO has already rushed into K1!"

"The director of the iron gate is repeating his old tricks, trying to sneak into the pipeline, but the Hanged Man learns from a fall, and he will not make the same mistake twice. This round, he enters the pipeline ahead of time, hangs on the ladder and waits. Director!!"

"Smart! This wave is waiting for the top!" Henry praised, "With the death of the director, VC's offensive formation can only be launched from the angle of K1. The Hanged Man did not stay in the pipeline, and directly went down to K1 with SAMA."

"What about the confrontation in this wave of K1?"

NIKO waited for his teammates in the first position to avoid being unable to make up the gun because of his too large position.

After seeing that his teammates were ready, he pushed directly towards the lower slope of the dead gate.

Not long after walking, I saw a smoke bomb thrown from the front. NIKO previewed the scalp on the slope and was ready to fire at any time.

But before he had time to locate the opponent's body, he was knocked down to the ground with a "bang".

The little ghost behind him wanted to make up his gun, but he was instantly killed by the other party.

"Knocking the gun head-on, what's the situation, he played the Hanged Man again, instantly killing two!"

"Lao Wang succeeded in replenishing the gun. SAMA hid in the pipeline and tried to output. They had smoke bombs to block the vision and delayed."

"S1mple and Lao Wang came to the hard-top, SAMA has never played, and the field was really found for a while!"

"However, AE is obviously well prepared for this round. Someone on the B2 floor has already defended in place. Lucky's big sniper is still in a straight fight. What about VC's 2 vs 3 this time?"

After knocking out SAMA, S1mple and Pharaoh quickly came to the trap door, planning to advance into the bunker in a group.

The number of people in the endgame is inferior. If there is a chance, it is better to beat the head back first.

But now a wave of kills in K1 has taken control of the entire K1, and S1mple judges that the opponent's B area is in an air defense state.

So he took out the incendiary bomb and threw it into the pipe to avoid people coming from behind, then opened the door and rushed to the bunker.


The sniper's gunshot sounded, and the bullet hit S1mple's chest with precision, taking him away.

"Iron sniper! Iron sniper!"

Seeing that S1mple was dead, Pharaoh rushed out of the trap immediately, seized the opportunity of the opponent's pull the bolt, and held the gun position.

In the next second, CT carrying a large sniper appeared in the field of vision again.

"Da da da……"

【VC.Yu used AK47 to kill AE.Lucky with a headshot】

"Old Wang tore up the big spy, and he rushed directly to the bunker, wanting to put down the thunderbag and deal with this mess."

"But he never thought that there is still a Bug hidden in the bag, just waiting for him to release the bag."

Henry concluded: "The speed of the exchange of fire between the two sides in this round is simply lightning, and AE finally got their first point!"

Seeing that the number belonging to their own side on the screen finally stopped being zero, both the Hanged Man and Lucky heaved a sigh of relief...

But seeing VC's leading score, they also have to admit that VC's current strength has put them under great pressure...

(End of this chapter)

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