CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 635 Fishing Law Enforcement

GG's economy collapsed, and it began to adjust the economy purely with E. Team A had no problem coping with this round, and won it without any loss of personnel.

The score also came to 3:1, GG adjusted their economy, and then there was another long gun round.

Everyone in Team A is in a very good mood. After Sha Er's revision, this map has become a police map. Being able to get the rhythm of the game on the offensive side is a good signal.

gla1ve took a look at the positions of the crowd. Broky, who was closest to University A, was just in front of the secret passage. Obviously, this position could not pose any threat to University A.

"Broky, give me an Xbox, and then we'll gather directly at B2 to see if we can rush right in."

Regarding the option of exploding bombs in the B area, gla1ve does not reject the option. The victories in the previous important rounds were all won in the B area.

Since the opposite side has no way to defend from the front, they can try to attack and score in the B area.

At the end of the countdown, Broky threw the xbox cigarettes on the spot, and the big team rushed to B2.

DD in the first position explained his thoughts: "I've seen B1, please set up B2."

They did not collect information in the middle of this round, and they are not sure if any CT made such an action of pressing forward.

If someone presses forward, then this CT can reach the junction of B1 and B2. If they don't guard against B1, they can even give them a hard hit.

Team A doesn't want that to happen. Although gla1ve is planning to launch a bomb attack in Zone B, it's obviously not a good time for the first time. After all, GG enters the long gun round. Even if the economy is low, it will prepare some anti-rush props.

After entering B2, DD faces directly to B1 and pulls across to the left of the spiral staircase.

The teammates behind him helped him to kill B2, and the CT of B's ​​package point quickly threw a Molotov cocktail, which made them relax their vigilance.

Hearing the footsteps coming from the B2 floor, Xiao Hei was extraordinarily decisive, and did not continue to play any item management. When the flame just went out, he added a B-pass smoke.

The sound of the smoke bombs exploding made gla1ve plan to slow down the rhythm.

"You guys clear up B1 first, and Broky will follow me back to University A to find opportunities at University A."

There were a lot of footsteps on the B2 floor, which caused too much information to be exposed in the early stage.

Now gla1ve plans to control the map in the second time to advance. Anyway, they didn't use much of the props in their hands, so there is no pressure to control the map in the second time.

gla1ve brought Broky back to University A.

"Oh, this round is a bit interesting." Coke looked at the live broadcast, raised his eyebrows, and said with some surprise: "GG's economy is not very good in this point, and the long gun round is actually very reluctant, but the second time MUWO I still handed over the remaining incendiary bomb to B1, then jumped to the police house and moved to area B."

"In this way, GG's defensive formation has become 2 A gates and 3 B pockets. They let go of the A pockets and the middle lane. This wave of GG's play is very risky. Because Team A is still shooting a wave of A small bombs, then the result will be that GG directly saves the gun."


Broky and gla1ve moved to Gate A.


Broky keenly heard the landing sound from Gate A. Although there are relatively few defenses against Gate A now, his rich game experience still allows him to understand what the opponent is doing.

The sound of landing at door A, conventionally, can only be made by jumping around and observing door A.

Hearing the sound of landing again, Broky went forward bravely and rushed directly into door A.

What I saw head-on was a squatting big sniper and a CT jumping on the big sniper's head.


The sniper bullet hit the unsuspecting Broky, and the first kill occurred.

"Oh, can Latuo be able to fight like this now?" Yuyuan's tone of surprise almost overflowed, "He stepped on fox's head and jumped, making continuous noises, making Broky think he was jumping sideways around Gate A .”

Coke nodded: "He made Broky think he had found an opportunity, but he didn't expect it to be a wave of packages."

"And this package really has a saying. Fox and HDke are in a double-frame state. HDke is jumping rhythmically. The overall state is a vertical double-frame state. The frontal combat power is full. The HDke on it can also be replenished quickly."

After getting a kill in Gate A, the two CTs immediately released the double frame status and sealed a Gate A smoke.

After defeating Broky, they have already got a kill, and they don't need to be greedy for guns in the future.

"Double frame package for two people at Gate A!"

Listening to the information from Broky, gla1ve quickly made a judgment: "Zaiwu, you guys fight in the middle, they have two A gates, and the defenses in the B area and the sandy area should be very weak."

Zaiwu didn't have any objection when he heard this, so he came here with DD.

DD squatted at the entrance of the middle door, instead of pushing in, he stood at the far point for a while.

On the left side of the sand field, a CT dryman was pulled over. DD didn't give him any room to operate.

【VC.A DD used AK47 to kill GG.jiya】

The appearance of the kill in the upper right corner made gla1ve very excited. He shouted: "There is only one in the B area, just put pressure on it, DD you two help Xiaoju, and I will defend the middle."

The contents sealed the cigarettes from the police house in the middle road, and when they heard gla1ve's arrangement, they immediately turned around and went to B2 to help.

Xiaoju didn't rush to speed up, because he knew that there was only one person in area B, and if one person rushed to push in, accidents might happen instead.

After DD caught up with him, he started to explode the bomb.

B flashes through a cigarette, a fire from a sniper position, and a fake door.

After throwing out all the props in his hand, Xiaoju Jingbu slowly searched the dead corner on the left side of the B communication. After making sure that there was no one there, he slowly looked at the bunker.

"Team A thought that Xiao Hei was the only one in the bunker. They had no idea that MUWO would be in Area B! This might be a bad situation."

"Xiao Hei from Goudong glanced at the sandy ground. Could this be an opportunity? No, Xiao Hei had already turned his head when Xiao Ju came out. The unconventional position gave him the advantage of shooting first. Xiao Ju was shot. Knock it out directly."

After DD heard Xiaoju's report, he immediately burst out of the smoke and came out to fill the gun.

But Xiao Hei understands that his blood volume is only in single digits, and now he only needs to do a good job of "hook".

He shrank directly to the bunker, hiding behind the bunker and not asking about worldly affairs.

DD chased after him, eager to kill him, and quickly got the defense of the B area, so he could do more things in the endgame.

But he didn't expect that when he was about to approach the packing point, there was a gunshot from the direction of the white car behind him.

"Da da da……"

【GG.MUWO used M4A4 to kill VC.A DD】

"How come there are still people in the white car!!" DD was taken aback. Originally, they speculated that there was only one package site B, but now there was an extra person, which directly disrupted their plan.

DD was defeated, and the number of both sides came to 2v4.

The load is mixed on the box at the exit of B passage, and Xiao Hei, who is swaying to get the information, is shot down with a supplementary gun.

"Gla1ve, come quickly, I'll wait for you, we will catch him at the same time."

"no problem."

gla1ve was ready soon, and quickly moved to the box, planning to make a big flying grass.

The load is pulled horizontally below.

There are still some flaws in this hasty synchronization.

For example, the load first appears in the field of view of MUWO.

This allows MUWO to kill him directly.

As soon as the shuttle went down, the load fell down.

But in the face of the bandits falling from the sky, MUWO still couldn't resist.

After a wave of fierce firefights, what was left to gla1ve was a 1V2 endgame.

The problem is, it has been a long time since they officially attacked, and the opponent's defense should be in place.

And now he doesn't even have a smoke bomb to seal door B.

Looking at the flashbang in his hand, gla1ve could only forcefully try.

With a flash point outside B, gla1ve forcibly jumped to point B.


"The gun is empty!" gla1ve was overjoyed.

"Da da da……"

Gunshots from behind shattered his imaginary time.

[GG.HDke used Famas to kill VC.A gla1ve with a headshot]

"Awesome HDke, you can imagine such a top-level dual-frame coordination, pure fishing law enforcement." Fox laughed.

In fact, when HDke proposed this idea, he didn't think it would be successful. After all, whether it sounds or looks like this tactic, it doesn't seem to be on the table.

But I didn't expect it to be really effective once I fought it.


"What the hell, returning to defense so quickly?"

After losing the round, DD expressed his doubts.

Originally, according to gla1ve's speculation, which is also the speculation of most of them, there should be only two people in Area B.

If DD knocked out one, then there should only be one in area B.

It is reasonable to say that the opponent's defense speed cannot be so fast.

"I've been fooled." It didn't take long for gla1ve to figure it out, "The fire that burned B1 should have been specially made to let you know that there was a person in site A, but it was actually false information. MUWO has already moved to area B. It's inside, we've been fooled."

"Playing so fancy?" gla1ve laughed.

He didn't expect that HDke, a conductor drawn from the second line, could bring such a big change to GG.

In the past, GG rarely had such a highly deceptive defensive tactic.

It has to be said that the addition of HDke has made GG at least a lot of improvements in the level of tactics.

But this is not good news for Team A. After all, they are opponents today, and only one team can get out of the loser group.

The position is still not very good, and gla1ve didn't issue too targeted tactics in the early stage: "Let's basically control the map, I'll use the bird sniper to get the information in the middle lane."

Although Bird Sniper is not a good choice against Big Sniper, the purpose of gla1ve is for information.

But in the current version of sand two defense, there are still very few CTs who will come to the sand to investigate with a big sniper.

But after 10 seconds, gla1ve regretted it.

Just because it's rare doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The first two rounds of fox were played in Big A. In this round, he had a whim and planned to try it in the sand. gla1ve took a shot against him. The price of the empty shot was to send the first kill.

After getting the first kill, fox is not in a hurry to transfer.

The opponent's sniper rifle far away is gone, and he has no worries.

Fox opened the mirror and looked at the oil barrel in the middle, wary of someone pulling it out directly.

After searching B2 and B2, he knew that the other party was a big sniper, but Zaiwu had some ideas: "I'll try to catch him, and you can follow me up anytime."

Others have no objection. This is an endgame where one person is at a disadvantage in numbers. Taking the initiative to find trouble with the big sniper, although the risk is extremely high, the rewards are often very high.

After adjusting his body position, he has always peeked in two small positions, plus a combination of peek+squatting in a large position.

Absolutely academic action!

This peek method can greatly control one's body position, trick the opponent into shooting, and disrupt the rhythm of the opponent's shooting.

But here is to deal with a big shot, more to avoid exposing more of the body.

Fox was looking at COSCO with a sniper on his back, and he was slowly pulling the crosshairs to look to the right side of the middle.

Suddenly a bandit appeared in the crack of the middle door, and with a "bang", he beat Fox to death.

He didn't even get to position the crosshairs.

Fox covered his face and said to himself in pain: "Xantares peek...do you want to be so exaggerated."

Because Ruthless's style of play is unique, he likes this kind of peek. This style of play is also called Ferrari peek or Xantares peek.

This is also a peek that snipers don't want to see.

Because the timing of their peek is too sudden, and the position is also huge.

As long as the sniper misses one shot, he will basically be unable to escape later.

This is a style of play that is both competitive and life-or-death.

Of course, the premise is that the sniper doesn't bring bodyguards by his side, otherwise this way of breaking through is just giving away.

Zaiwu got a kill and successfully brought back the number of people.

They didn't stay and go deep in the middle, and quickly advanced to A small with a large force.

"A wave of explosive bombs?"

After taking the small information of A, DD asked.

Their advance was relatively slow, but GG released less information to them.

Now if you want to explode the bomb directly, it is relatively hasty, because you have to search quickly to determine the opponent's position.

"Let's push forward quietly and try, first confirm the information of the person who ordered the bread." Zaiwu suggested.

Generally speaking, if the big sniper in the middle is destroyed, then the CT will basically put a 202 open, and the A big needs to keep one, so there will only be one person in the package.

After they confirmed the person's information, they quickly culled him, and after the bag was taken, they could make a wave of defense around Xiao A.

Of course, this is the ideal state.

Just as Zaiwu moved forward quietly, he soon saw MUWO who came out to get information from Baodian.

"After confirming the information of one person, Zaiwu directly looked for the angle to kill, but they didn't know that this wave of HDke was also on the spot. He had already caught the flash bomb in the sniper position."

"A flash bomb killed 4 people!! HDke and MUWO came out at the same time to fight back and took away two of them. The only good news now is that Zaiwu has not been killed yet."

"MUWO pays smoke to protect itself, and is not in a hurry to solve the other party. It chooses to delay the time safely. How will Zaiwu and Xiaoju deal with this mess."

Xiaoju let go of her footsteps and advanced quickly, came around the smoke, found an angle and knocked out HDke who was in the sniper position.

Knowing that MUWO is at the checkpoint, he shoots at the checkpoint.

But Xiaoju's position had already been exposed by the gunfire just now, and the bright side was confused with the dark side, so naturally he couldn't beat him.

Well, the rest is handed over to the load.

After MUWO got the kill, he chose to move from the bag spot, and jumped directly to the box of the bag point, planning to play a surprise game.

Unexpectedly, the second time, Zaiwu got into the sniper position and caught him with a perfect big side.

After killing MUWO, Zaiwu directly threw a smoke bomb at the bag site, and then began to release the bags.

While pressing the E key, the smoke explodes, the opponent's flash explodes, and the incendiary bomb is extinguished in the smoke.

That's why he gave smoke in advance. It's been a long time since they attacked, and it's almost time to return to defense.

In the whole endgame, when he defends C4, he is the most vulnerable.

He doesn't want to be roasted alive into a baguette, so giving the smoke ahead of time would be the best option.

Moreover, this smoke bomb has a certain degree of ductility, allowing it to easily move to several areas without being discovered.

After putting down the mine bag, because the flash and incendiary bombs exploded almost at the same time, he understood that the last two CTs were grouped together and defended from A.

If so, it might work.

The load rubbed against the edge of the smoke, and the straight frame A passed a little bit.

"Da da da……"

The bullets strafed out and knocked out Jiya who was in the front first.

Although he saw the follow-up Xiao Hei, Zaiwu didn't panic and shot and moved. Instead, he got into the bunker and came to the slope under the cover of smoke.

Then peek looked at Xiaoguo A.

Xiao Hei was still previewing the package site, and he never expected that the load would appear from the slope.

The chaotic gunshots converged, and Xiao Hei fell on the small platform A...

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