CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 653 Today we drew [God gla1ve]!

Chapter 653 Today we draw [God · gla1ve]!
"Congratulations to VC, the game ended with a big score of 16:4 in Purgatory Town, and won the second picture."

Nobita beamed with joy in the live broadcast room.

"Facts have proved that none of Cao Zei's teams is simple. Even if Figure [-] loses to IMO, and Figure [-] is on the map of his choice, Team A has not been greatly affected and still maintains Gao Shaoping's performance. , now the two teams have each won a map, and the game has officially entered map three, and the two sides are back on the same starting line again!"

ChrisX took off his earphones, and there was an intense discussion sound from the rest area not far away. Even though he couldn't hear the specific content, 800K understood from their eyes that they were discussing the map that just ended.

It's just that now that the game has been lost, he doesn't like these colleagues pointing at them from a distance.

800K took out a water glass from under his feet and took a sip, then sighed in relief.

In the second picture of this picture, he thought that there was nothing wrong with his playing.

He is rigorous enough on the defensive end, and he can often catch good timing and save the situation.

But after the early game in the first half, after entering the long gun game, they began to be completely crushed by Team A's offense, unable to gain an advantage in the early and mid-term.

If they can't beat the gun head-on, or if the tactical gap is too large, they can still accept it in their hearts.

But in this game, they were always playing around in the map control session, and the game fell into a disadvantage.

The team members lost the second picture in a daze.

It is conceivable that without an in-depth review of this game, they may never figure out where they lost.



The moment they won the match point, there was a long suppressed shout in the battle room of Team A.

Everyone excitedly took off their earphones and fisted and clapped their teammates to express their excitement.

gla1ve sat on the seat and let out a long breath: "Brothers, we have won a map three, come on, come on, let one chase two!"

Zaiwu touched his head with his right hand, and smiled silly: "It must be gla1ve that you are in good shape in this game. We don't have too many advantages in offense."

Potatoes are relatively mild in character.

In fact, Zaiwu played very well in this picture, and he owes a lot to being able to end the game with such a big score.

This map, whether it is a sniper, a breakthrough player, a shooter, or even an endgame, has everything in it, and it is a real hexagonal fighter.

But he is still not stingy with praise for gla1ve, because only players of their level can understand how a clear and clear thinking will affect the outcome. In this game, gla1ve is much higher than the opponent's command.

"Today we drew [God·gla1ve]!" Broky laughed, "I don't think the opponent can figure out why they lost the pistol round in the second half, gla1ve is too good."

Broky is really not bragging, he really admires gla1ve's arrangement in that pistol round.

After watching the IMO game video, gla1ve was able to make such targeted adjustments, but he couldn't understand this outrageous tactical sense.

The opponent's tactical play was completely seen through by gla1ve. It can be said that IMO is basically attacking according to the script given by gla1ve on the offensive side.

"IMO's tactical level is not rich." Meng De answered next to him, "They rely more on the tacit cooperation of the players to fight, which is why the small town is a little weak after the first few rounds. After the unconventional fight is over, there will be no strength in the future.”

Although he didn't see the game from God's perspective now, Meng De probably understood IMO's desperation in the town.

The tactics were unsuccessful, and they found an opportunity in the first and second halves respectively, but they were overturned by Zaiwu and gla1ve. This was a great blow to their morale.

DD smiled and said: "Like all kinds of forward pressure? If we fight for a while, or two people go to make up the gun, their style of play will be useless."

"Don't be inflated." Mengde reminded at the right time, "Although their tactical level is not very deep, the personal ability of this team is really nothing to say. The last map looks very simple, mainly gla1ve and loading The two endgames played beautifully and completely broke their rhythm, otherwise they would never have such a big score advantage."

Being able to reach this step with them, IMO is definitely not a weak team.

In terms of strength, in Figure [-] and Sand [-], IMO taught them a lesson.

After adjusting the mentality of the players, Meng De was planning to start to arrange the tactical thinking for the next picture [-], and Ah Dian next to him couldn't help but said: "Coach, I feel that my state is almost adjusted, can I have a try in picture [-]?" try?"

Although Electronic Brother likes to fish, Tuyi's continuous mistakes led to the team's defeat, which made him feel a lot of guilt.

But generally, who will be on the bench for Team A depends on Meng De's arrangement. This is also the first time Brother Electronics has asked for it.

Meng De couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Brother Electronic's appeal, but he didn't agree immediately because of Brother Electronic's first request, but fell into deep thought.

"Are you sure the status has been adjusted?"

"Well, it's adjusted."

"Then you will play Ah Dian in the third picture." After arranging the players in the third picture, Meng De turned to explain to DD, "The main reason for A Dian to play is the team's needs. IMO, the team's style of play is very advanced. , DD, you also like to find opportunities at the front point, which will make the two sides frequently exchange fire at the front point."

DD nodded. The whole team understands that he likes to seize opportunities. Although his stats in the second picture just now were not very good, he had a lot of first kills, because the frontal firefight was very intense.

"The Lost City is different from the small town. The Lost City is bigger, and we need a stable rifleman, rather than frantically looking for opportunities to break through."

gla1ve is online today, which stabilizes the situation and is more conducive to his performance.


"We didn't grasp several endgames well, which was a big blow to the rhythm." The coach of IMO gave his opinion on the second picture.

He knew that the reason for the fundamental defeat in this round was not the endgame, but the tactical level and pre-match preparations of both sides.

Looking back now, he also thought about the situation in the pistol round in the second half, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional that Team A actually entered into an in-depth study of them.

Although Team A had a higher winning rate on the map of Purgatory Town, but this map was too popular, they still had a lot of opportunities, mainly because they didn't grasp some of them.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it just that you lost the second picture? Now that each has no advantage, just treat the third picture as a best-of-one fight, and don't have a psychological burden." The IMO coach took the initiative to say, "In the third picture, everyone wants to fight. Work harder, we must strive to get the defender, first use the defender to play our own touch, as long as we find our own rhythm, it will be no problem to advance in the end."

That's what he said, but the IMO coach didn't know what to do.

The BO3 game has already played two cards. They took the lead and were chased back by the opponent. It seemed that they were just tied.

However, e-sports is not a purely turn-based game, and its competitive nature is quite high.

Although the score is back to the same starting line, no matter how you adjust it, IMO's mentality is indeed at a disadvantage.

800K saw that his teammates looked depressed, so he got up and came to them, and gave them high fives one by one.

"Don't think too much, enjoy the last map with Team A, and try hard to win!"

Everyone at IMO cheered each other on, and the intermission time passed slowly, and the two sides entered the stage of side selection in Figure [-].

After the first operation, everyone in IMO was very excited, because although the opponent was a brother team of VC, they failed to gain experience from Juggernaut, and they easily won the knife fight.

Thus, Figure [-] officially began.

VC.A vs. IMO
Map: Desert Lost City

T: gla1ve, Zywoo, Broky, electronic, jamyoung
CT: 800K, ChrisX, Fredie, Abl, JJZ
The pistol round has officially begun.

gla1ve began to arrange the pistol round tactics: "We don't play that complicated pistol round. Xiaoju and I will play props. We will give you the platform smoke and link smoke later. Everyone else will go to the A2 floor. We will directly fly a wave of bag points later, and then think of a way Pounce on the police."

This tactic is very simple, even a tactic that can be played by passers-by.

But on the map of Lost City, the pistol round really can't do much tricks. In most cases, you can only play this basic tactic, and then rely on the first wave of firefights to adjust the follow-up.

The countdown ended, and everyone set off.

"Welcome back to Figure 212. Let's take a look at the formations of both sides in the pistol round. IMO, as the defensive side, set up a basic default position of [-] at the beginning, playing relatively conservatively. Team A's side is another two smoke bombs , The overall start is going to A, this is planning to come directly to A area." Nobita explained.

The level of the on-site director is also quite good. Seeing Fredie walking down the A2 building, he realized that the first wave of firefights may start on the A2 floor, and quickly gave him the camera.

The gangster's gla1ve and Xiaoju had already grabbed the smoke bombs, and Broky walked quietly all the way to the A2 building with his two teammates, and then signaled: "We are ready, let's start giving."

Hearing Broky's news, gla1ve and Xiaoju began to drop bombs, two smoke bombs, plus two flash bombs from the second floor.

Broky took the lead in the charge, jumping directly to avoid the headshot line.

Ah Dian followed closely behind...


【IMO. Fredie kills VC.A electronic with a headshot with a usp pistol】


The one who was pulled out in the first position didn't hit me, and the one who made up my gun was killed. You guys are targeting me, right... Looking at Fredie's ID, Electronic Brother was speechless.

Others didn't think there was anything strange about this wave, maybe they were just used to it.

At the moment Brother Electronics was killed, Broky adjusted his posture on the ground, aimed his gun at Fredie on the upper floor of A2, and shot him together with Zaiwu, and immediately knocked him out.

"The two sides played a one-for-one exchange on the A2 floor, and ChrisX was looking for opportunities in the long box. His position is locked, can he go?"

"Continuously swaying left and right, ChirsX is dragging hard, continuing to sway left and right, where are the teammates? ChirsX killed Xiaoju of Sandwich with one shot, then this wave of IMO is still acceptable."

The duo in Zone A did 2 for 2, and it was delayed for a certain period of time. This result is acceptable IMO.

800K has already returned to the police home, holding his Usp and swaying around, trying to find opportunities.

After exchanging glances with Broky, 800K originally wanted to confront him.

But there was a shout from the commander in the voice: "Don't be right, don't be right, 800K, you just keep the police house, they can't help you now, you keep it!"

After the first round of firefights, Team A's formation was actually a little messed up.

Broky was carrying a mine bag. He originally wanted to put a long bag, but the opposing police came back to defend quickly. The pistol bureau couldn't expect his teammates to hold the opponent with a pistol, so for the time being, they could only focus on killing people.

The smoke bombs from the arch gradually dissipated. At the moment when the smoke bombs dissipated, Broky saw a CT receding in the direction of the jungle.

He understood that this might be an opportunity, so he immediately raised his gun and gave chase.

【VC.A Broky headshot IMO.Abl with a Glock pistol】

The two bullets killed the opponent neatly.

At the same time, the police's 800 also got the news from the teammate that the link smoke had dissipated, and looked for the direction of the package from the police's perspective.

Almost at the same time that Broccoli got the kill, 800K also saw gla1ve on the A1 platform, and usp killed him with one shot.

gla1ve shouted a reminder to his teammates: "Police! Police!"

Hearing the shouts of his teammates, Broky subconsciously turned his head to look at the policeman, for fear that the other party would steal his side.

"But Broky didn't know that there was another one hidden in the arch. JJZ's timing was too good!! The last load was left, and he took a P250 to look for opportunities."

Nobita’s tone was full of anticipation: “In the endgame of 1V2, let’s see how Zaiwu operates.”

The wrong view is not optimistic about this endgame: "Knowing the ability to carry goods, IMO is also stable and terrible in this endgame. The 800K of the police went directly to the VIP. Now the two mainly focus on a bag-keeping strategy, and one sells the other. , I won’t give you a chance to operate.”

Zaiwu moved forward quietly, first glanced at the police house, but found no one nearby.

Turning his head to look at the arch, the other party was swaying to get the information, he immediately fired a shot at the arch, and then turned to look at the police.

He was worried that the man Gongmen was seducing him and made the police steal his side.

But after turning his head, he didn't see the other party replenishing the gun.

Glancing at the small map, Zaiwu probably understood what the other party might do, and that was the last thing he wanted to see.

He continued to operate two waves in the long box, but there was no movement from the police, which verified his conjecture.

There is a high probability that the other party has already moved to the VIP area. Either the two are in the archway, or one is on the VIP side and the other is in the archway.

After all, the thunder bag fell in the middle of the road, and he had to pick it up.

Press and hold the static step, and the load slowly advances forward. Even if this 1V2 is difficult to operate, he still needs to find the ray of life.

"To be honest, Zaiwu is going to curse people, how can we fight this endgame?" Nobita smiled helplessly, "He is conscious, he knows that the jungle should be standing alone, Zaiwu has been previewing the jungle, but 800K is not at all. Show your head."

"Zaiwu can only come to find the person in the arch, but at the moment of the exchange of fire, the 800K also pulled out from the arch, knocking off the side of Zaiwu. There is really no way out of this endgame."

(End of this chapter)

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