CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 656 How to Hit the Flying Dragon Riding on the Face?

Chapter 656 How to Hit the Flying Dragon Riding on the Face?
"...JJZ hit two in a row on the B2 floor! The second floor is finished, and only Brother Electronics is left in Team A. Brother Electronics fights one first, the position is locked, and then he turns around and hits the supermarket, taking two in a row... Oh!!! In this wave, he first transferred and knocked out the peripheral people, what's going on!!" Daxiong's tone was full of shock, "This wave of electronic brothers confidently closed their guns, even though they didn't kill Abl right away. , but turning around and knocking out the helper is too exaggerated."

"The remaining one, Fredie, couldn't find a chance. The time has run out. The C4 exploded, and the five survived. Brother Electronics' 1V4 is too top-notch! He used the ultimate marksmanship to save the situation."

At this moment, the calm live broadcast room was filled with amazed bullet screens:
[? ? ?That's it? 】

[I guess, what's the situation, brother Electronics killed all of them by himself? 】

[Electricity: No way, I have to transfer]

[Brother Electronics turned around, this time it's real! 】

[Twice in one game?Forced]

【It's stinky, it's spinning, right? (doge)】

[This can turn around and destroy the periphery, it's too outrageous]


Watching the director's wonderful kill and return to defense, netizens talked a lot, but it was very quiet in the rest area.

It was not until the knight of the blue horse said "Wang Defa" that everyone recovered from the shock.

"Jiangzi playing?"

"Is this going to stop?"

"This endgame can be won, I really don't understand."

While the Blue Horse Knight was shocked, he was also sincerely happy for Brother Electronics' performance. After all, he believed that Ah Dian still had a chance in this endgame. Now that Brother Electronics can win, it proves that he understands the game very well.

"I just said, everything is possible in CSGO, don't say too much."

"Who would have imagined this." MUWO looked at the highlight replay with a look of dumbfounding, "Normal people can't beat this endgame, okay?"

He analyzed this endgame in detail: "Brother Electronics is surrounded in front, and there is basically no room for maneuvering, but he did not expect Abl to shoot his legs, which gave Brother Electronics a chance to operate, and he turned around and shot the surrounding area. It’s a little bit of luck that people are shot and knocked out, so that the opponent can’t make up the gun.”

"Still stubborn." The blue horse knight asked back, "This kind of endgame with less play and more is basically based on the opponent's mistakes, otherwise how could it be possible?"

"Although there was a mistake in the IMO endgame, Brother Electronics turned his head and fired, it was a prepared turn, not a subconscious reaction, the basic skill of pulling a gun plus secondary adjustments, his own level is also here. "

What the blue horse knight said made MUWO unable to answer. He naturally knew that this endgame was more likely to be played by Brother Electronics.But the inferences issued before are more based on the performance of Brother Electronics in Figure [-].

Although the electronic brother also "turned up" that map, it is harmful to others and himself. From the status of pushing cigarettes, electronic brother can't win the endgame.

He couldn't refute it either.

Brother P on the side didn't know what MUWO was thinking, but just smiled mischievously: "I suddenly want to watch IMO's voice, 4 hits 1 and got 3 counter-kills, it's so interesting."


The moment Abl was killed by Brother Electronics, he covered his face with his hands, and his unwillingness was about to overflow.

"My mine."

The voice in the team was silent, and Abl took the initiative to take the responsibility: "I kicked the leg with the first shot. If this shot doesn't go wrong, I will win."

"Brother Electronics is too perverted. After you fired that shot, I immediately went out to make up for it. The first shot was rushed and missed. He turned his head and gave me a second shot, so he didn't give me a little room to maneuver. "

Hearing this, Abl finally knew how they lost this round.

He crippled Electronic Brother with one shot, and his teammate fired a shot, but he missed and was killed.

Is it really his problem?

The sniper rifle jumped out of the window and was seized by the opponent. It was good that he could react so quickly.

While the teammate shot himself, he also went out to make up shots, but the first shot missed, and he was turned around and killed instantly. In fact, there was no big problem.

"Brother Electronics is too perverted." After summarizing the situation of the endgame, ChrisX couldn't help sighing.

After complaining about their opponents, they adjusted their mentality and continued to enter the game.

But the impact of this endgame on the battle situation is really too great.

Firstly, he destroyed the only remaining economy of IMO, and secondly, everyone in IMO felt somewhat guilty, at least they did not dare to be as unrestrained as before in the endgame.

The external performance of all these seems to be that IMO suddenly lost his touch in the next round and was chased by Team A bravely.

The balance of victory was constantly tilted by Team A. Fortunately, 800K and Abl played a key role in the last two points of the first half, which prevented them from ending with 4 points.

In the end, the score of the first half was fixed at the classic posture of 9:6.


Half time.

Looking at the 3 points leading by his side, Meng De patted Brother Electronics on the shoulder: "It's really adjusted, I thought it was a lie to me."

"I'll go, coach, you still don't believe me, do you?" Brother Electronics said in a daze.

"Isn't your operation in Figure [-] too abstract?"

"I feel that Ah Dian's operation can be recorded in the annals of CSGO, how glorious it is!"

"It is worth noting that this kind of operation is recorded."

Everyone in Team A was laughing and laughing again. Obviously, the advantage score they got in the first half made them feel less pressure.

After the quarrel, Meng De opened the tactical paper and saw the heat map of IMO's recent attack in the Lost Desert.

This kind of heat map is collected by the analysts in the VC team before each game. The data mainly collected is the probability of other teams attacking the two areas of AB in the pistol round and the long gun round, so that they can make more in line with the game. The judgment of the other party's habit.

Seeing the 77% probability of the IMO pistol round attacking Area A, Meng De thought for a while and said, "If I remember correctly, the IMO team has 3 sets of tactics to attack Area A."

"Do you remember so clearly?" Broky was a little surprised, after all, they didn't do too much research on the IMO team.

If it was the old rival AE of the first team, Meng De would tell them their tactics like a treasure, and they would not be surprised.

But this is the dark horse team IMO in recent months, whether Meng De is interested in this team, they know.

"Because their tactics are too simple, seal the arch and smoke the jungle, link the smoke to the second floor, and simultaneously push the arch from the sewer and the middle lane. These three tactics are very common in the ladder. I have seen it all, their tactics are too simple, but I am impressed." Mengde explained.

"So I was thinking, IMO likes to play B so much, is it feasible for us to directly make a strategy of betting points?"

"Should I just bet on 5 packs? Isn't that too passive?" gla1ve frowned. There are not many bunkers in area A of this map, and there are too many people hiding. On the contrary, it is easier for the opponent to find opportunities and cannot take advantage of the number Play it out completely.

"That's it, let's call 131."

"Isn't it a bet? Why did you call 131 again?"

Meng De explained: "This 131 is different from the previous 131 that is biased towards the middle. When the person closest to the VIP is waiting, he will directly take a double gun and jump down the sewer to listen to the sound. While betting on A, we can't also release all the B area." Lose."

Although Lost City's return to defense in B area is not as difficult as Sand II's return to defense in B area, but if the direct air defense allows all opponents to set up their guns, it is still difficult for them to return to defense.

But if the sewer hides one and knows the information in advance, then others can quickly return to defense, and the sewer may be able to intercept one or two, gaining a considerable advantage.

"How did the three of them stand in the middle?"

"Three people stood directly inside the VIP, forming an array to fight against the gangsters." This style of play is the same as that of the small town CT spreading guns in the middle, and it is to find someone to fight.

"The last one is Ah Dian, you just hang out at the police's house and just keep the police's house."

After going through the tactics explained by Meng De in his mind, gla1ve found that it was really feasible.

Their 131 is not completely hiding in the A area, but the opponent's 3 sets of A tactics, two of which need to exchange fire with the jungle area.

They are 3 people in the VIP, and the defensive force is unprecedentedly strong at the first moment.

If you can't beat this, then there is really no way.

Even if the opponent wants to fight B, the teammates in the sewer can hear all the information, and they can return to the defense position as quickly as possible in the VIP.

Everyone discussed the details carefully, and under the notice of the referee, the second half of the game officially started.

"Okay, let's continue to watch the game in the second half. The score is 9:6. Team A is in the lead, but if they lose a pistol round, they may be chased back, so their advantage is not very big." Nobita analyzed Look at the score of Team A.

The wrong view is to focus on the upcoming movements of both sides in the pistol round: "Team A's position in this round is very interesting. They stood with 3 VIPs and directly framed COSCO to death. Xiaoju listened in the sewer with two guns Movement and movement, direct air defense in area B... Interesting, this is the first time I have seen this position."

"However, IMO chose the quick lift of the arch in the middle lane. The VIP was given smoke at the beginning, and the three CTs in the VIP were directly blinded. Does this mean that this smoke bomb broke Team A's arrangement by accident? Woolen cloth?"


"The VIP is smoked, and COSCO can't watch it anymore, Xiaoju, be careful." Zaiwu took a few shots at the middle lane, failed to get the benefits, and told his teammates the information.

"Should we directly defend against B?" Broky asked, he was waiting for gla1ve to make a mid-term decision.

"No, Broky, you go to the supermarket alone to look at the window... Forget it, it's meaningless to look at the window from that position, you can go back to the jumping platform, and Zaiwu and I will hide in the jungle later, and wait for Xiaoju's message."

After a wave of communication, the three of them shifted their positions and set up a wave in the jungle again.

On the other side, after IMO gave the VIP cigarettes, the large army began to charge directly towards the arch.

They had no intention of covering up the information at all, so Broky on the jumping platform heard the whole thing.

"There are a lot of middle lanes, a lot of middle lanes!! It should be on the arch, Ah Dian is here to take a look!"

Hearing Broky's report, everyone else was shocked. What is the purpose of their trembling arrangements? Isn't it waiting for IMO to get an A!
Ah Dian swayed around the corner of the police house, and immediately saw three heads inside the arch.

He was not greedy for guns at all, and retreated after firing a gun, for fear that someone would steal his side.

In fact, this round does not require him to take the initiative to attack. Hearing the news that there are many people in the arch, Xiao Ju from the sewer slowly touched over with two guns.

"Brother Electronics is crazily seducing, IMO all the staff moved forward, and they carefully gave a jungle cigarette, which disrupted the arrangement of Team A in half, but they didn't know that there was another one in the sewer. Old woman with two guns!"

Nobita's tone was full of anticipation, if Team A leaked this kind of timing, they would hate it deeply.

But the one who missed the timing is the opponent, so I have to explain it with a smile.

"Xiaoju came up from the arch, fired both guns with full force, and Xiaoju knocked out one..."

The gunshots behind him, and the brief black and white perspective, looking at his teammates who were still advancing, JJZ shouted hoarsely: "Behind!! Someone is coming from behind!!"

His roar attracted the attention of his teammates, and 800K and Fredie turned their heads at the same time to output CT with two guns.

800K thought he was very accurate. It only took 4 shots to headshot the opponent while he was running and hitting, but he could see the upper right corner out of the corner of his eye.

[VC.A Jamyoung kills IMO.JJZ with a headshot with a double-gun Beretta]

[VC.A Jamyoung killed IMO.Fredie with a double-gun Beretta]

[IMO.800K kills VC.A Jamyoung with a headshot with a Glock pistol]

Looking at the three kill messages passing by, JJZ was speechless.

Being given a second by Fredie so quickly?
He only fired 4 shots, your two guns are really two guns, I fired 4 shots, you fired 8 shots, right?

Did this kill people abruptly?

800K didn't have time to think about why a pair of guns were trailing behind them. Under the cover of the jungle, they continued to advance towards the A package.

But just out of the archway, gunshots came from the left.

800K immediately followed up to make up for it, but Broky was not a vegetarian. When 800K knocked him out, he also knocked out ChirsX.

After killing Broky, 800K immediately pulled the crosshairs in the direction of the police house. He remembered that there was a person in the police house just now.

But suddenly!
Two fly heads came out of the smoke bomb on the right! !

what the hell! ! !

800K can't figure out why there are people behind the smoke, and two people appear at the same time! !

He pulled the muzzle of the gun over, but the enemies in the air were not easy to fight. Instead, Zaiwu and gla1ve quickly focused their fire on him and killed him.

"Broky played one-for-one on the jumping platform. Brother Electronics saw the bandit on A1 and confirmed that there was only one link. Zaiwu and gla1ve jumped out directly!! This wave of 800 can't be picked up at all, how can the flying dragon ride face?"

"Once the 800K dies, Abl, who has no armor, can only do his best to find someone to fight the gun, but when he fights the gun at a long distance, Brother Electronics directly kills him, failing to put down the mine bag, IMO the next step should be directly ECO, oh, they called a timeout?"

IMO called out the first timeout of their picture 800, in fact, this timeout was called out by [-]K's initiative.

He was a little stunned by the pistol round, and now he is dizzy.

They didn't understand why there was a person behind them.

They thought they didn't stay in the middle for too long, so it should be impossible for Xiaoju in the sewer to press forward from the B area.

And when he went up the arch, he took a few glances at Little B, because the other party couldn't catch up when he jumped down from Little B. At that time, 800K judged that the other party could only jump down from the VIP.

The VIP who jumped off was shot down by them, Broky was killed again, and the police had one.

According to common sense, there is at most one opponent in Area A.

This is also the reason why 800K called a timeout. He really couldn't figure out why two people rushed out of the police smoke.

Came back from zone B?

Is the anti-speed this time too outrageous?The Flash, right?

Or did Team A never go to B at all, just hiding in the jungle?

But this gamble position is too hell!

800K covered his head, completely unable to understand Team A's defensive logic...

 Congratulations to Shushu for winning the last Major Championship in the CSGO era!It was born on the same day as CS, and ended successfully after winning the last championship.

(End of this chapter)

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