CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 667 Make History!

Chapter 667 Make History!
"How could Zaiwu be in this position!!" Believe couldn't believe it.

After entering the endgame, he was already playing very cautiously, but he was clearly caught sideways by the general Zaiwu.

Looking at the 14:0 above, he smiled bitterly: "What is this? Is there such a big gap between us and the first-line teams?"

Most of the voices are silent. In fact, even if they are asked to actively communicate, they will not be able to cooperate effectively.

Fourteen consecutive rounds were won by Team A, and now they are mainly playing a delirious player!
They are eager to score points, but it is even difficult to break through Team A's defense, and even entering the bag site to release bags is a luxury.

In the first two rounds, they finally caught the opportunity to release the bag and entered the offensive and defensive conversion link, but they failed to win the download and electronic brother in the endgame.

It's not that their endgame level is poor.

In fact, even if AE takes over this situation, it won't do much better than them.

All TG members were beaten dizzy, their marksmanship had become C+ on the ladder, and their thinking was even more confusing.

In this state, how can they play against Team A?What to use to play against the A team?

There was a long silence in the voice, and the commander Yui took the initiative to break the ice: "The first half is the final game, so we don't need to think about this map, let's think about how to play the second map."

If this kind of frustration is normal, these young people will argue with him in the next second.

But in this kind of offline competition, the pressure was already full, and they played like this again, and the TG players were relieved for a while.

"However!" Yui continued, "Play well in the next few rounds, no matter how hard it is, it won't be 16-0 with a shaved head."

Although they have already decided to give up Figure 16, but they were really defeated by Team A 0:[-], and they lost all face.

It's okay to lose, but it's hard for them to accept losing in this way.

For a while, Yui's words made the TG players reorganize their mentality and began to actively deal with the next few rounds.


"Beautiful endgame!" gla1ve exclaimed.

Although Zaiwu does not have a very Carry performance on this map, he can always play on the idea, and many kills are quite critical.

Looking at the score above, Broky suddenly had an idea: "Tell me, can we play 16:0 today?"

"It's not very good." Xiaoju said, "You have to give the opponent a point, otherwise, won't TG face a little embarrassment?"

Broky snorted, and glared at Xiaoju: "I'm going to advise you not to have such thoughts. You should not forget the reason for the match point training method."

After all, Xiaoju is still a young man with a relatively gentle personality.Especially when playing at home, he couldn't help but have a host role in his heart.

He thought in his heart that if the other party shaved his head, it might affect the other party's impression of Huaxia.

But when Broky said this, Xiaoju also knew that he was a little bit cornered.

The match point training method is a period of time when Meng De specially sticks two match point words in the middle of the screen for them, in order to let them treat each round calmly, strive to score every point, and not underestimate the opponent.

He wanted to save a point or two for the opponent to save face, but he forgot the humiliating comeback at the beginning of the establishment of the VC team.

It can be said that he is looking down on the opposite side now.

gla1ve also said to Xiaoju: "It doesn't make much sense for you to take the initiative to put one or two points, and the face is not given by the opponent, but by yourself. Since TG is not as good as others, then losing to us is a loss." It's a very normal thing."

"If they want to score more points, they will tell us with their strength."

Taking a deep look at Xiaoju, gla1ve came to a conclusion for this proposal: "It's already 14:0, we shouldn't miss this hard-won opportunity. Next, try hard and try in the direction of 16:0!"


"14:0, the state of team A is really good today. As the commander, gla1ve is online all the time, and even ran to the first place in the number of kills." Coke praised, "I have to say, among the front-line commanders, gla1ve His marksmanship is very solid."

Yuyuan paid attention to the trend of the score: "The first half was the final game. TG used two timeouts, but failed to find a way to break the game. Now I am curious, this map will not be taken away at 16:0. "

"If that's the case, then today's game is very interesting. If I remember correctly, there has never been a 16:0 team in the knockout stage of the IEM series. Audience friends, we may be able to witness history today !"

After Taro Yuan finished speaking, it really caused an uproar in the venue.

A record, or a history, most people still look forward to happening.

Of course, when TG players came out, Team A made history, and they naturally became the background of Team A as a stepping stone.

No one likes this taste.

At the beginning of the final round, TG did not choose to go to the banana road at the first time, but came to the side lane first and made the default.

The previous failure experience told them that they can at least play back and forth in the control map of the side channel. The Banana Road is full of thunder and fire.

When we came to the side passage, we first defended against the counter-brush of the side passage with one hand, and then entered the VIP silently through the double rack. After confirming that the teammates of the spiral ladder were in place, Yui gave a flash bomb at the T-junction of the A2 floor.

This wave of play is quite skillful, and can even be said to be formulaic.

"The TG team first cleared the A2 floor, but in this round, the A2 floor did not have a CT front top. The defensive side is an opening of 3B2A, and they played relatively cautiously."

"But after taking control of the A2 floor, TG was a little at a loss. Although it was a 3B start, Team A played relatively conservatively and did not deliberately put pressure on the banana lane. Broky saved a wave for the two teammates in the B zone The props left. On TG’s side, they went back and played the banana road.”

Coke interpreted the defensive state of Area B to the audience: "Now it is a double B defensive position, Xiaoju is standing on a sandbag, and gla1ve is holding a sniper rifle before grabbing props. Could it be that he wants to listen to the sound and fight against Qing? "

Coke's prediction was correct. After Broky returned to the defense and was in position, there was no movement in Area A.

The pressure in area B is relatively small, so gla1ve naturally intends to clean up area B.

Throw a slab of fire first, and force back the place where people might be hiding.

Xiaoju also cooperatively moved forward quietly and came to the stone wall.

"Just say when the fire goes out."

"Went out!"

"Flash... Explosion!"

Xiaoju came out and glanced around, only to find that the other party had turned his head and didn't have a gun, so he immediately backed away.

"There are people on Banana Road, and there is no white on the other side." Xiaoju explained the information, and then came to the sandbag to erect the stone slab.

It's not easy for him to retreat from this position.

"I'm going to B-block," Broky said.

Hearing that Broky can come over to cover the bottom line, gla1ve is relatively bold.

Carrying the sniper, he came directly to the yellow wall, intending to help Xiaoju pull the gun line at a close point.

"TG didn't lose this flash, just go straight!! Xiaoju stood on the sandbag and caught the first one! TG added another flash, but the flash was not in vain! Xiaoju caught the second, and the third !!" Yuyuan shouted enthusiastically along with the audience, "Xiaoju's mission has been completed, today Team A's marksmanship is really strong!"

gla1ve had planned to come over to help, but the distance issue didn't make it in time.

But Xiaoju knocked out three people at once, so he didn't have so many worries.

Open the mirror in advance, and come directly to find someone after one mirror.

The bandit flashed in the sky and peeked out to throw a cigarette.


【VC.A gla1ve used AWP to kill TG.Mook】

gla1ve killed him with a single shot.

Hearing footsteps behind him, he moved while pulling the bolt.

T2jk appeared in the field of vision with a big sniper on his shoulder.

Scope, locate, pull the trigger!

[VC.A gla1ve used AWP to kill TG.T2jk]

"gla1ve directly took him away with two shots. This wave of two players in the B area completed a pentakill. Team A is too crazy today!!"

A wave of well-organized offense was disintegrated by the defense of Team A and Zone B.

At the moment when the picture was frozen, a dangerous idea popped up in the minds of everyone in TG: "Is it really going to be 16:0?"

They looked at each other and didn't speak, but everyone felt the pressure in their hearts.


"What the hell, did Team A eat gunpowder today?" In the backstage lounge, the FG game hadn't started yet, Little Pepper looked at the numbers on the screen, and couldn't believe it.

TG's strength is weak, they are very clear about this.

At the moment when the group appeared, they also teased kennyS that they were envious of Team A's grouping.

As a result, Team A scored 15:0, which was too scary.

VOVO turned to look at kennyS, and asked curiously: "Is your old club deliberately controlling points in the group stage? This time, when it comes to the knockout round, the small universe will explode directly. Don't be too outrageous."

kennyS was actually surprised by Team A's performance, but he remained calm on the surface, just shrugged: "I reminded everyone not to be careless, and you still said that I have no confidence in the team."

VOVO nodded: "Now it seems that we really underestimated Team A. There will be a lot of pressure tomorrow!"

The coach on the side smiled: "Don't worry about tomorrow, adjust and adjust, don't be unable to make it today."

VOVO didn't speak, just looked at the screen and clicked his tongue: "16:0..."

Entering the pistol round in the second half, everyone in Team A was not dazzled by the victory, and remained calm and focused.

The game is not over, and they cannot take it lightly.

"In the second half, let's play a little slower, and try to win the pistol round and end it immediately." gla1ve looked at his own finances, and said, "I'll buy a cigarette, and then send out a P250. You can discuss who will use it. Wait. First default to control the map, then I will smoke the partition in area A, and then throw a flash bomb out of the A2 floor, Xiaoju or someone go to the A2 floor, and harass there at the same time."

"After the harassment, the big troops followed me to touch the link, and then make a decision after seeing the situation."

"Then I'll get the P250." Broky thought he was a good pistol, so naturally he picked it up without hesitation.

The preparation time for the second half ended, and everyone set off.

At the beginning of 131, the electronic brother in the first position rushed into the banana road and stalked directly in the tree position. Xiaoju also kept opening windows on the side lanes to create false information, and the other three directly dragged into the middle lane.

"The defensive position of 3B2A, someone grabbed the coffin, and Banana Road stood two close, but TG didn't take the initiative to clear it out, playing very carefully."

"Team A came to the middle road, Xiaokengyan, and flashed out of the A2 building, but there was only Xiaoju on the A2 floor. Good! Xiaoju didn't go out, pretended to be in the Feilou, just made a little noise."

"At the second time, the three of gla1ve directly touched the link. The CT in area A was standing in double pits. They really went in the link in this wave. There is a saying for this team A's tactics."

After checking the link, it was confirmed that the arch and the study room were empty.

The other two stayed behind, taking advantage of the moment when the smoke cleared, trying to reach into the bag.

But a scalp suddenly popped up from Xiaokeng and took him away.

"Oh, this Xiaokeng Believe is accurate. As soon as you stand up, you will give the load a second. How can you get it here? There is someone on the scalp, unless Xiaoju flies away the person in Xiaokeng in seconds, otherwise it's not good. beat."

"With 30 seconds left, team A is still shooting at the far end? This point will not be lost because of team A's own constipation attack, so 16:0 will be gone!"

gla1ve and Broky got together and went to the police's house to try and see if they could steal a back.

But as soon as he walked out from the resurrection point of the police house, he found someone squatting at the end of the corridor.

After firing several shots at each other to no avail, gla1ve decisively issued a general attack order: "Turn around and hit A, speed up and fight them!"

Time is running out, it is too difficult for them to fight to the B area now, and there is a gun line angle to the A area, at least there is still a glimmer of life.

Electronic brother heard the order of the general attack, and immediately ran from the banana road cutter.

"This wave of offense is simply too constipated!" Even though he supported Team A, Coke couldn't help sighing.

gla1ve touched the bag spot quietly, but before he searched it carefully, a scalp was exposed in the small pit, and he was shot twice in a row, directly knocking his head off, and the mine bag also fell on the road.

"Switched, the opponent hit A!" Believe, who had two consecutive kills, shouted on the mic.

Bkk on the side is going straight to the A2 floor in the big pit, and now the two of them need to fight a cross or supplement each other's guns.

There is not much time left, as long as they procrastinate successfully and get their one point, Figure [-] can be successfully concluded! !
But something painful happened to him.

The bandit in building A2 came out and shot him twice in the head with a 'bang bang'.

Glock is not dead with one shot at mid-range, but what about two shots?
Bkk lay down directly in the big pit.

Seeing that Xiaoju killed the enemy in Dakeng from Xiaoju's perspective, Zaiwu immediately reported and shouted: "There is another Xiaokeng, deal with the one in Xiaokeng!"

Xiaoju didn't jump directly to fencing with Believe.

Instead, he jumped onto the railing of the balcony and condescended to shoot at the CT of the small pit.

Believe slammed the table angrily, but he still couldn't stand the wave.

"Xiaoju cooperates with Broky to dispose of Xiaokeng's CT, but there is only 10 seconds left, is there time to order?"

"In time, 3-on-3 defense, A1's three counter-defense CTs lost a flash bomb, and rushed straight into the bunker point. Broky at the dead point was the first to be spotted, but he knocked out the surrounding CTs with one shot. gone."

"Brother Electronics of Baodian made a mistake in his marksmanship, and was forcibly knocked off by two people."

"Xiaoju came out from Building A2 and stole another one, and the last Mook was leaning against a box, planning to beat Broky first!!" Coke's tone continued to rise, and he became a little excited, "How to say, 2 against 1!! A Does the team have any hope of winning this point!!"

"Xiaoju just dodged to death and let Broky operate by himself. Beroky was leaning on the pillars and swaying around. He was still stalling for time! Come on, Broky!!"

"Come on, Broky!! Broky didn't continue to hide, he pulled it out and shot it!! 16:0, we have witnessed history!!"


(End of this chapter)

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