CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 671 Who Taught You To Throw Items Like This!

Chapter 671 Who Taught You To Throw Items Like This!

This kind of gameplay of putting one's death to one's death is actually very risky.

Fortunately, the tactics were executed very successfully. TG's defensive rhythm was completely disrupted, and it was bit by bit eaten up by Team A's formation.

But this tactic is extreme after all, and the risk is too great. Not only the audience, but many professional players watching the game backstage think that TG will still score in the future, and Team A has to find a new way.

But they forgot that the player in the middle of Team A's bench was named gla1ve.

In the next round of the first half, gla1ve began to play in full swing, firmly dominating TG.

TG read team A’s fake play and waited for them to take the bait, so in the first subsequent round, facing team A’s speed up in zone B, he was unmoved, but soon there was a crazy call for help from his teammates in zone B .

At this time they were also dumbfounded.

Jane, you are serious!
TG knows the limitations of this offensive method, and gla1ve also understands it clearly, but fortunately, there was a successful case of a round before, which allowed him to make some articles around it.

Real fights and fake fights come in rounds, interspersed with default map control in the middle, and various speed-changing styles of play, so that TG can't figure out what Team A's specific thoughts are.

It's not that they haven't considered collecting information and playing the default game with Team A, but after the experiment, they realize that they can't beat it, and the gap between the two sides in the level of default is too big!
Fortunately, relying on the two thrilling performances of Believe and T2jk, they also scored two points.

At the end of the first half, the score was fixed at 9:6.

Such a result also led to the end of the first half, and everyone in TG looked a little bad.

The map of Death Amusement Park, in the professional arena, is a proper large CT map.

At the beginning of Figure [-], TG also succeeded in gaining a lot of advantages by virtue of its camp advantage and excellent touch.At that time, their fighting spirit was high, and they thought that on this map, they had a chance to win and drag the game into map three.

But the result?

After the first half, the dominant camp finished, but they only scored 6 points. Not only did they fail to gain the advantage, they even fell behind by 3 points.

How does this make them feel better?


"It's really insidious." P1edge watched the live broadcast on TV in the lounge, and he was amazed, "It was a difficult game in the group stage, and this time in the knockout stage, Team A didn't have any pressure against TG, which is great. It's hard for him not to doubt..."

He didn't imply that Team A might control points and play match-fixing games, but from his point of view, Team A is very likely to hide tactics in the group stage.

Every step in the group stage was so difficult. In the knockout stage, not only did they take out the amusement park that they hadn't selected for a long time, but they also played so well.

It can only be said that Thief Cao is too despicable!
"You can't say that." The Blue Horse Knight drank his saliva and expressed his thoughts, "After entering the knockout round, Team A's home court advantage is full, and everyone is high-spirited. Naturally, they can play better. TG's own strength is also great. It’s not that strong, it’s justifiable to be beaten like this by Team A..."

"However, after finally playing in a major competition, I was educated by Team A. I think it will be very hurt to come to TG."

GOD's breakout player Bthe1 shook his head: "You are talking like TG has already lost, don't underestimate this dark horse team, otherwise they would not be able to win all the way to the present in the group stage, although they are behind by three points, they only need to win in the second half A pistol round won't tie it, what a big deal..."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but turn their eyes back to the screen. The second half of the game has already started.


Re-entering the second half of the game, the two camps have been switched.

TG switched from the defensive side to the offensive side, and Team A also began to become the police.

At the beginning of the preparation stage, gla1ve looked at Xiaoju, and gave orders: "There is no need to use props, let's use half-armored pistols for all members, and let's play the same way before we play defense."

"3B2A is open normally?" Zaiwu asked.

gla1ve nodded: "Well, let's just start the game normally, and the sewers will start first."

In Team A's tactical system, there are two ways to play the defensive forward press, mainly focusing on which side to defend.

3B2A's conventional defensive front-pressing method is mainly to focus on the construction site, and press forward to get information or arrest people as soon as possible, so as to allow one's own side to gain the initiative.

Of course, this is also a special style of play based on this map with a larger structure.

Zaiwu nodded, expressing his understanding.

When the countdown ended, he took the lead and rushed into the sewer with DD.

After arriving at the entrance of the sewer, the two began to walk quietly to avoid exposing information.

After interspersing their positions a little, DD walked in front of the team instead.

"TG played very cautiously in the early stage, and did not speed up in any area at the first time, but planned to collect information. Believe held the P250 in the sewer and straightened it. Looking at the position of DD, this is planning to peek directly. Can Believe Hold up?" Coke's words aroused the audience's curiosity, and everyone turned their attention to the screen for a while, wanting to see whose marksmanship is better between TG's big brother and DD.

"DD shot first, but failed to produce a kill. Believe was very cautious and slipped away. This is a teammate who plans to wait for the construction site."

DD is not greedy for guns, because the purpose of the sewer's frontal push this time is more to control the map and cut off the important area of ​​the opponent's turning point.

Even if TG rushes to the construction site or the sewer immediately, they can still get important information.

On the other side, Bkk carried the Glock into the construction site, focusing all his attention on the sewer door, for fear that someone would open the door and come out.

But in the next second, gunshots sounded from the direction of the sandbag on the right, and Bkk didn't even have time to react, and fell directly on the water.

[VC.A gla1ve killed TG.Bkk with a usp headshot]

It turned out that when he was paying attention to the direction of the sewer, two CTs in area B also pushed out from the construction site, and they were caught sideways. He didn't even have the chance to fight back.

"Good gun." DD praised, and then said to Zaiwu beside him: "Don't mess around, just get wet..."

Zaiwu nodded, and followed DD's footsteps towards Baodian.

On the other side, gla1ve and Xiaoju are doing the same thing.

This time they are the front roofs of the two areas, and they are used to collect new information through the cooperation of the sewer and the construction site.

Getting a kill is a surprise.

But after gaining the numerical advantage, they don't need to stay at the front point anymore, and then it is enough to collect information at the back point and wait for TG's feedback to adapt to the situation.

DD returned to the big slate A, and left the cargo at the bag site to jump out of the box for investigation, and everyone performed their duties.

"I didn't see anyone outside the long tube, you should pay attention to point A." gla1ve sent an important message.

DD in University A also used the feedback of this information to control his body and move around to investigate, and successfully obtained the information of someone in University A.

But I am alone in University A, and I am a little alone, so DD doesn't have the head iron to confront the gun.

"TG is having a bit of a headache. One of them was stolen in the opening game, and the information outside of B has been obtained. Now we can only set up guns at the far point and wait for Team A to make a mistake." Taro laughed again, "But Team A The discipline of TG is so good, I can't even see their single forward pressing action, everyone is waiting for information, time passes, TG has nothing to do, and can only come to a wave of A-zone pincers."

"But at the same time, gla1ve cooperated with Xiaoju to press forward on the construction site, and got all the information on the air defense outside B, and directly turned back to the defense."

"Big bandit A took the initiative to attack, but was instantly killed by DD! This gun is very accurate."

"Believe seized the opportunity and came out from the bathroom of A, but DD didn't point the gun at you at all. He ran back and forth, and you couldn't aim at the head. DD was not afraid, but was waiting for his teammates! Believe was directly killed by the load."

"The bandit in the middle of the toilet was previewing peek, and Broky was merciless and took him away with one shot."

The last Mook was left in the toilet watching the 1V5 situation silently.

He worked hard in this endgame, but only replaced one Broky.

Believe sighed, the easiest way to chase points is to win the pistol round and win the subsequent rounds, but now they have lost all the pistol rounds, and the point difference has further widened.

It's too difficult to turn around today...

After losing the pistol round, TG chose to run naked to Glock after discussing for a while.

The economy is really bad, I can't put down the mine bag, and the kill economy is only 300 yuan, and I can't play very good firearms even if I force it, and the winning rate is very low.

In this ECO round, they chose a big A raid, and in the end they traded Famas for four, Broky knocked out the last player, and Team A scored another point.

11: 6.

TG has more or less a sense of urgency in their hearts, and the gap in the score is getting bigger and bigger. If they can't get any more points, then there is really not much chance to come back today.


The early arrival of the spear round also made gla1ve a little bit difficult.

In this round, the bandit is almost ready to match the extremely lethal weapon of AK47.

But what does Team A have in their hands at this moment?
Two Famas, two MP9s, and an M4 in the hands of the load.

Although they won two rounds, Team A's economy was not that great, and he was still very reluctant to order gla1ve to directly replace the guns.

gla1ve pondered for a while, and also thought of a solution: "Otherwise, we'd better take the initiative, reverse clear, and first compress their control map area."

"They used long spears this round, so the props are destined to not be many. We cleared the B outside in the early stage, so that their attacking rhythm will slow down in the future, so that they cannot form an effective attack."

His thinking is very clear. Since TG has the advantage of firearms in this round, the advantage of its own items can be deliberately enlarged.

"Let's throw the fireworks set outside the front top B. Xiaoju, you throw the fire, and I will throw the cigarettes. You can press the front alone to operate the load..."

"no problem."

Tell the general idea, the countdown is over, and everyone starts to act.

I saw gla1ve squatting at the bottom corner on the right side of the trash can at the beginning, Xiaoju jumped on his head, and his skillful appearance told the audience that it was definitely not the first time they did this.

Such a strange action also caught the director's attention. When the camera cut to Xiaoju's perspective, Coke said with some doubts: "Start runboost, what are you going to do?"

gla1ve and Xiaoju moved very quickly, and they saw Xiaoju grab a fire and throw it out the moment it was launched by gla1ve.

The director of the IEM Imperial Capital Station this time is in place, and the angle of view closely follows the trajectory of this fire.

I saw the incendiary bomb flying in the air, flying all the way, and finally landed at the entrance of B.

The time at this moment is only one minute and 48 seconds! !

Cola:! !

Taro:! !

"What, is this fire thrown so far away?" Coke looked dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the smoke bomb of gla1ve was late and landed on the incendiary bomb that was about to go out, directly covering the entrance outside B.

This set of operations caused the scene to continue to exclaim, and the audience in the live broadcast room were even more dumbfounded.

[This nima is a prop that people can think of? 】

[runboost lost props, an unimagined path]

[Team A is really the king of GO laps]

[Arm strength is amazing! ! 】

[Who taught you to throw props like this! ! 】

[True 6, team A has come up with a martial soul fusion skill again. 】

Netizens expressed that they were dumbfounded, and believe, one of the protagonists of the competition, said that he was also dumbfounded.

The preparation time for the round had just ended, and he continued to walk towards area B without stopping.

But a fire appeared in front of him so abruptly.

You must know that the current time is only 1 minute and 48 seconds! !

It was only 7 seconds before the start of the round! Where did the fire from team A come from? He couldn't figure it out.

But if he can't figure it out, it doesn't hinder his understanding of the game and what Team A plans to do next.

After a B flash exploded, Believe immediately fumbled around the long pipe.

It's just that judging from the kill information in the upper right corner, the other party didn't have a smoker, or he didn't kill anyone.

Then the smoke bombs that fell blocked his vision even more, and he was completely passive outside this B for a while.

He inexplicably felt a trace of uneasiness, and hurriedly called his teammates over, planning to wait for the smoke bomb to disperse before taking control of outside B together.

After all, someone lost the flash just now, and there is a high probability that they intend to reverse it.

Believe had a good idea, but he didn't know that Zaiwu had thought of everything he thought of.

The flash bomb was thrown by Zaiwu himself, but he didn't press it from the long pipe, but touched it from the construction site before walking.

He just wants to make the other party think that he has entered the long tube and put all his attention on the direction of the long tube.

If there is a brave bandit who dares to come out of the smoke, the load from the construction site can definitely make the other party eat a pot.

Zaiwu walked forward and found that TG was quite cautious, especially when encountering props like them for the first time.

Zaiwu looked at the smoke bomb that hadn't dissipated, and suddenly had some ideas.

He walked quietly into the smoke, then distinguished the angle of view from the small map, and began to face the wall.

"Xiaoju, can you throw a flash for me? Look at my position."

"Wait, maybe the effect is not very good." Xiaoju glanced at the position of the load, and immediately began to look for the angle.

They have also learned this kind of flash bomb in training, but because they don't use it often, most of them gradually forget it.

However, with the understanding of the map structure and the familiarity with the trajectory of the props, most of the flash bombs can be dropped by feeling.

Xiaoju found a good angle, took a few steps forward, and threw the flash bomb.

When Zaiwu heard the sound of "bang", he turned his head quickly to prepare to output, but found that the smoke had not completely dissipated. After waiting for half a second, he could clearly see the two bandits covering their eyes.

"Da da da……"

【VC.A Zywoo used M4A4+VC.A Jamyoung flashbang to kill TG.Believe】

【VC.A Zywoo killed TG.Mook with M4A4+VC.A Jamyoung flashbang】

"Good cooperation! Zaiwu is mixed in the smoke, this is what Believe did not expect, let alone the ultra-long-distance anti-clearing flash, throwing them directly on the face, completely whitening them, and Zaiwu easily accepting two people head."

"Once the two people outside B die, the defense of Area B will immediately announce the liberation. Where the load is, Xiaoju and gla1ve will directly go to make up 4A. This TG will not be able to fight directly."

Facts have proved that Coke's judgment on the game is still very correct.

B was disintegrated by the load, and they couldn't even push forward.

As another person was killed in the process of controlling the map in the toilet, Yui had no choice but to announce the decision to save the gun.


(End of this chapter)

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