CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 692 Schrödinger's Mistake!

Chapter 692 Schrödinger's Mistake!

IEM Imperial City Finals!
VC.A against GOD.

Map: Nuke

T: LnMa, Maden, RAS, Bthe1, P1edge
CT: Zywoo, gla1ve, DD, Broky, Jamyoung
The game officially begins.

All the staff entered the server, and gla1ve began to arrange the pistol rounds: "We will play 212 this round, Broky will go to the iron board to help Xiaoju's gang, and I will investigate alone on the third floor, and DD will go to K1. Xiaoju also has props. Let’s start a set, so that if GOD plays infield, we can use props to play back defense.”

Everyone else has no problem, and quickly bought their own firearms and ammunition.

But the atmosphere of the final scene still affected them. gla1ve didn't explain the specific props clearly, and Xiaoju didn't think too much, and bought a pair of lightning pliers and two flash bombs.When I came back to my senses, I realized that gla1ve also bought the same props.

Xiaoju looked a little embarrassed for a moment.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, adjust your emotions, let's fight hard." gla1ve noticed Xiaoju's nervousness, and comforted him.

After the preparation time was over, everyone set off to their respective defensive areas.

Carried the usp to the blue box outside the warehouse, but he didn't hold the usp for a straight outfield, but faced the wall and waited for the information.

At this stage, he is alone in the outfield. Once he is knocked on the head from a long distance, the outfield is basically the same as losing.

Therefore, calculating the time to investigate and obtain information is the most reasonable choice at this stage.

After waiting for a while, Zaiwu heard a smoke bomb explode not far ahead.

After the smoke bomb exploded completely, he took a look: "I lost a cigarette at the front door... Wait, only one cigarette was lost, and it wasn't fully sealed."

Looking at this somewhat strange smoke bomb, Zaiwu briefly peeked at the outfield, but did not see the information of someone far away in the outfield, but saw a shaking figure next to the smoke at the corner of the main entrance.

"Puff puff puff puff!!!"

The figure just passed by, but he knew that it was not an illusion, the USP shot a shuttle into the smoke bomb.

"Someone may have sneaked into the main entrance, gla1ve, be careful."

Directly seal the smoke and touch the front door... gla1ve gradually understood the direction of GOD's attack.
"Let's go back, Xiaoju and Broky, they should be in the infield."

gla1ve made the arrangements here, and the outfield loaders simply fought against the blue horse knight in the red box in the middle of the swing.

DD wanted to grab the timing and get out of K1 and turn his head sideways, but the moment he came out, there was a "bang", and the whole person was hit by the bullet and fell to the ground.

[GOD.LnMa used a P250 headshot to kill VC.A DD]

"RAS was very lucky. He survived the 6 drops of blood from the smoke bomb, and the shuttle of the load did not kill him. After surviving, he directly carried out a wave of clip A with his teammates in the bandit hall. It was easy Occupy Point A." Coke noticed the battle situation outside, "Zai Wu and the Blue Horse Knight started an exchange of fire, and the two shot at each other, but they failed to hit each other. DD came out from K1 to seize the opportunity. I'll go!! From the corner of the eye of the rider on the blue horse, he saw that there was only one thrown over, which is too accurate!"

There was amazement in his tone, but he couldn't believe it.

After all, judging from the local battle situation, 2v1 with the gun line drawn, no matter how you say it, DD has an advantage.

But the blue horse knight only relied on his positioning ability, and instantly killed the enemy that appeared in his field of vision with one shot.

C4 was put down, DD was killed, and in less than two seconds, Team A fell into a passive state.

Looking at the ID in the upper right corner, Zaiwu glanced at the small map, guessed about the next behavior pattern of the blue horse rider, and walked quietly to the right side of the warehouse.

"The blue horse knight changed his bullets, and peeked to search for spots. He was alone in the outfield, and his overall style of play was very careful, and he didn't dare to make random moves." Yu Yuan looked at the position in the warehouse, and his tone was full of expectation, " But if Zaiwu wants to find him a pair, if peek comes out, it will be a shot!! TOP2 he messed up!"

"Zaiwu was unscathed, but the number of players has returned to 4v4. Team A is still passive. Let's see how they play in this defense?"

After getting the kill, Zaiwu simply searched the outfield again to make sure there were no follow-up enemies: "The outfield is safe, I can synchronize with you from the main entrance."

Xiaoju immediately said: "I have grasped the third floor, call me when you are in position."

gla1ve wanted to give a one-way smoke to the third floor, but upon hearing Xiaoju's words, he put away the smoke bomb and came to Broky.


"Flash... Explosion!"

A flash bomb exploded on the third floor, blinding most of the gun positions in the infield.

Broky and gla1ve also got infield vision.

There is no one in the bunkers, yellow rooms, and dead ends...

"Two yellow houses!!" Broky yelled.

He stood on the third floor holding the USP and shot the bandits in the yellow room.

But his opponent's small body was very nimble, constantly moving left and right, mixed with short squats, which made him unable to lock his head.

Instead, Broky was shot to death on the edge of the third floor.

gla1ve jumped directly from the third floor to the bag site, and after listening to Broky's report, he adjusted his pre-aiming and prepared to help Broky sideways.

But the angle of view has not yet seen the yellow room, but was knocked on the head by a bandit squatting next to the box under the yellow room.

gla1ve hurriedly fought back. Fortunately, the bandit didn't have a lot of blood, and he knocked out the opponent with just one shot to the body.

But before he could be happy, the bandit rushed out of the yellow room again, first shot him with blood remaining, and then turned around and headshot the loading at the main entrance.

Xiaoju, who came back after losing the flash, seized the opportunity to make up the gun and succeeded, but the information of the remaining two is unknown, so he still needs to face this 1V2 endgame.

"There was a frantic firefight in the infield. After the exchange of numbers, Xiaoju was left with a 1v2 endgame." Cola knew that the situation was not clear. "Although Xiaoju has lightning clamps on him, time is running out. Information about one person in the yellow room, but he didn't know that there were two hiding in the yellow room!"

"Brother P turned around to investigate and was shot by Xiaoju. Xiaoju went directly to the bunker and began to dismantle it."

"Hearing footsteps, I raised my head!! My God, are everyone's marksmanship so accurate today?" Coke was surprised by the accuracy of Xiaoju's shot, "But there is still one problem, time is really enough ?"

At this moment, all the audience on the scene are paying attention to this issue. The blue progress bar belonging to the unpacking is rapidly shrinking. Once the unpacking is completed, Team A will win the pistol round.

The red countdown that belongs to the C4 explosion is also gradually shortening with the sound of "Didi".

The tens of thousands of spectators in the audience just watched the progress bar quietly, not daring to take a breath.

"It's over, time doesn't seem to be enough!!" Coke shouted slightly disappointed.

In the middle of the screen, C4 has already started to rush, and even the light of the explosion appeared.

But in the next second, the light disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

"Alas! It was dismantled!! Beautiful!! In the final limit time, Xiaoju dismantled the mine bag and won the pistol round. Team A took the lead in scoring the first score in the nuclear crisis!" Coke shouted directly.

The tense atmosphere before the scene broke out completely at this moment, and the supporters of Team A cheered excitedly at this moment.The GOD fans covered their faces in pain.

"Phew..." Xiaoju heaved a sigh of relief. He had no idea this round, and he was unpacking it bravely, but he didn't expect to unpack it in less than 0.5 seconds.

"Xiaoju's pliers are so good!!" gla1ve directly performed a face-changing Sichuan opera for everyone on the spot.

Everyone also smiled, and realized that Xiaoju's unintentional mistake had instead become the key to victory in the pistol round.

After winning the pistol round, GOD made a strong strategy, but it can be seen that GOD did not make too many tactical moves in this strong start, but the players fought on their own, looking for opportunities in various areas of the map.

This style of play has no winning percentage on the map of Nuclear Crisis, and Team A won it easily.

After taking another economic round from GOD, the score came to 3:0 smoothly.

Team A immediately got a 3-point advantage at the start. Except for the pistol round, it was not too impacted. Both the strong start and the economic round were won very smoothly, which made the fans of Team A in the stadium have an illusion. .

It seems that this GOD seems to be nothing more than that in front of Team A, and there is no difference between the final and the first two BO3 games of Team A.

But Team A is not so confident, instead they are a little worried.

After all, except for the pistol rounds, they won the first three rounds too easily, and they didn't get any GOD's offensive habits from offense and defense.

Although they have studied these before the game, they can deal with them according to the research before the game.

But today's GOD's selection of pictures is abnormal, and there must be some problems.

In fact, GOD, which was three points behind, did exactly as Team A thought, and they did not panic.Although it was a bit frustrating for Xiaoju to unpack and lose his advantage in the pistol round, they played more steadily instead.

The strong start game did not make a tactical attack, just to read whether the defensive position of team A is the same as they researched.

From the previous two rounds, they have almost understood that Team A has not changed much from before on the map of Nuclear Crisis.

"Then it's time for us to work hard." GOD commanded RAS and said, "As we trained before, let's play a second time clip A."


Entering the long gun round, but Team A was not willing to change the firearms in a big way, but asked DD to replace an MP9.

"For this point, I'll stay in the infield alone." gla1ve finished his actions, and then arranged for others, "Two people go inside K1, and then you slowly push out of K1, and cooperate with the load in the warehouse in the second time." Take control of the outfield."

"Xiaoju just do a good job of anti-speeding up the iron plate. Once you see someone, you can just jump down or run to the third floor." gla1ve arranged for Xiaoju. There are two people in K1, and the iron plate will You can play more smoothly, as long as you don't die, you have an advantage.

After the arrangement was probably over, everyone replenished the props, discussed some small details of cooperation, and each walked to the area they were in charge of.

As soon as he arrived at the warehouse with the bird sniper in his hands, he saw a few smoke bombs flying from the sky.

It was too late to throw the smoke bombs to destroy the flames, and the three smoke bombs had already exploded.

"There is a line of smoke at the main entrance, and the warehouse is also sealed. I can't see the outside field. They may go down silently. I can only throw a fire to help you delay the time." Explaining his situation, the load is towards the K1 entrance Throw an incendiary bomb and delay the time for the bandits to enter K1.

The information from Zaiwu made Broky and DD slow down.

"Should we continue to push forward? Or in this intersection?" Broky turned his head and asked DD. There are many corners in their position now. If they find a good gun position in advance and seize the opportunity, they can achieve good results.

DD looked at the surrounding gun positions, and finally shook his head: "Let's press forward first, I want to hit them first, and then come back to set up the gun."

DD's thinking was as radical as ever, and Broky followed without saying much.

As time passed, the smoke bombs in the outfield were slowly dissipating.

DD led Broky to cautiously advance towards the K1 spiral staircase, but as the process progressed, his brows slowly frowned.

"It's not right!" Broky realized that there might be a problem when he saw that there was no one at the spiral staircase, "K1 didn't enter at all, so be careful when someone touches the warehouse!"

Zaiwu heard the words, walked back carefully, and walked cautiously towards the third floor with the gun in hand.

gla1ve on the yellow room is also trying to judge the opponent's position, but except for the first wave of smoke from GOD, there is no follow-up movement, which makes it difficult for him to make accurate judgments, and can only perceive through intuition.

But before he could deduce the next move of GOD, an incendiary bomb flew out of the iron gate that had been blasted open long ago, and exploded in the dead tube. He instantly realized the seriousness of the problem!
"GOD directly attacked at the second time!! Cooperate with props to directly explode a wave of bombs, a beautiful tactical attack, bursting a line of smoke at the first time, Team A never thought of it, they just wanted to let RAS hide behind the chimney on the main entrance! "

"When the personnel were in place at the second time, RAS flew directly from the main gate, and carried out a wave of attacks with the teammates of the iron gate and the yellow room."

The gla1ve on the yellow room was whitened, and after recovering his vision, he saw the bandit carrying an AK47 at the main entrance.

Standing in the position of Huang Fang, what is the most worrying situation?
It wasn't that the yellow house was burned, but someone came from the main entrance.

In this position on the yellow room, the firearms in the hands are generally submachine guns or dual-spray guns. Facing the opponent's guns at a little distance, these two kinds of firearms have no advantage.

Moreover, people came at the main entrance, which made Huang Fang lose the advantage of the height difference. After recovering his vision, gla1ve swiped over with a shuttle, but was killed in an instant.

Zaiwu also realized that his timing miss made gla1ve fall into a passive position.

He hurriedly came over with a bird sniper to make up for the defense, and passed through the iron gate.

But the bandit carrying an AK47 appeared in the field of vision, and with a "bang", the load fell head-on.

The other party seemed to know his position, and from his perspective of death, he even seemed to be shooting ahead of time.

Ke Zaiwu clearly knew that this was just the result of a good preview and a good reaction.

The weak defensive infield was instantly broken through, and Zaiwu was instantly killed, leaving them with a 3v5 endgame.

Everyone in Broky looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

Open insurance directly!

(End of this chapter)

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