CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 713 The rest day after the game

A muffled thunder sounded in the sky above the imperial capital, and a white mist filled the sky. If it wasn't for the blocking of the windows, it seemed that it would permeate inside.

Inside the room was a different scene. Several people were sleeping in various poses, snoring slightly, but it was so comfortable—but the rapid alarm clock also broke the tranquility. Meng De woke up from the bed, sat up and gave the alarm clock closure.

Is it already seven o'clock?Get up and exercise for a while and start working...

With his hands up, he planned to get dressed, wash and start his morning run.But suddenly he lay down again, because he had already realized that his team had already won the championship yesterday, and they were already far away from the stressful game schedule.

One week after the end of a series of events, if there is no follow-up event arrangement, then according to the habit of the VC club, it is generally a holiday for all members to rest and relax.All players and the coaching staff need to use this time to return to life, so that they have more energy to prepare for the next event—just like a mobile phone, it needs to be charged for a long time to continue working after working for a long time.

He also really needs to rest. After coming to the summer vacation, he led the team to participate in the Copenhagen Major, helped the team to spend time and energy to formulate the team, helped them adapt to the environment in different places, adjusted the emotions of the players, and collected other opponents for analysis. Even now The VC coaching staff is already huge, but just distributing these massive tasks has consumed all of Meng De's energy.

Not to mention that after this, the CSGO career has entered an intensive schedule, and he needs to devote himself to it.

The state of the first team fluctuates too much, and he needs to be in control all the time.

During the rapid growth of the second team, he also has to keep following up.

As a coach, he needs to allow the players to maintain a certain amount of rest time to cope with daily training and competition.But as a coach, although he can play badly, he is unwilling to do so.

After all, this VC team was created by himself in the final analysis, and he didn't want his grades to decline because of him.

However, this kind of high-intensity work, even if you keep fit every day, is still a bit overwhelming.He now often feels sleep deprivation.

Meng De thought about it, and there is only one Major left this year. Both the first team and the second team have made a lot of preparations for this Major, and I can't influence them now.

But after this Major is over, find some time to take a good rest for a few months.

Meng De made up his mind, squinted his eyes, and began to sleep back into the cage.


This sleep was a little dizzy, and when Mengde opened his eyes again, the curtains had been drawn, and a ray of sunset glowed across the sky.The rosy clouds in the imperial capital are not as bright as those in the south, but they also have a special taste.

Meng De sat on the bed and watched for a while before he heard gla1ve's voice:
"Coach, you're awake!"

Seemingly guessing what Meng De wanted to ask, gla1ve took the initiative to explain:
"We saw coach that you slept soundly, so we didn't ask you to eat, and wanted you to sleep well."

They have seen Meng De's dedication, and they also know how hard their coach who is "a teacher and a friend" works hard on weekdays.After finally having a little rest time, they didn't have the heart to disturb him.

If you don't count the few minutes of waking up in the middle, he has slept for nearly 16 hours in this sleep.Mengde still feels sleepy now, but he knows it's just an illusion, and he's already had enough sleep after such a long time.

Just as he was about to ask where the others were coming from, Meng De's stomach protested.

gla1ve smiled: "Coach, please wash up. Everyone else is waiting next door. I was supposed to bring you a meal, but now it seems that I don't need it."

"Okay." Mengde got up from the bed and put on his clothes, "I'll be right there."

A few minutes later, Mengde saw the team members playing the 4399 game next door, and he was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Silently took pictures of DD and Zai who were playing 'Reaper vs. Naruto', and then posted them on social accounts, with the text:
[After winning the championship, you still have to train hard! Open the book! 】

Meng De put away his mobile phone and teased his own players who were secretly backstabbing: "Aren't you childish? A group of such big people still play small games."

"Isn't this waiting for you, coach!"

"Coach, you still sleep late."

"The coach you said is as good as me, and the potato is taken away, the next one..." DD with a social look has become the king of children.

"Don't be next, let's go eat!" Meng De said to everyone, "Everyone was too tired from playing yesterday, so let's go have a good meal today, and celebrate winning the championship."

"You can order whatever you want, as long as it's not a five-star hotel, you can ask."

“Bungalow Hot Pot!!”

"Emperor Capital Roast Duck."



Listening to the irrelevant answers from the team members, Meng De rolled his eyes: "It seems that I have to pay for your troops today."

Just about to let them determine a target, the phone rang suddenly...

"You guys discuss an answer, what are you going to eat in the end, I'll talk about it after I answer the phone."

Meng De went to the next door and began to answer the phone, and the people in the room began to discuss again.

"If you ask me, there is really nothing delicious in this imperial capital. When I return to Guangdong Province someday, I will treat you to morning tea." DD said to his teammates.

"Morning tea, do you drink milk tea in the morning?" Zaiwu was a little puzzled, "Although it's delicious, it can't be eaten as a meal."

DD shook his head, and explained to the fat French man in front of him: "Morning tea is not just drinking tea, it's what we call breakfast over there. Tingzi porridge, chicken feet, siu mai, shrimp dumplings, red rice sausage, carrot cake , cowboy bones, walnut buns, pork ribs, tripe, rice rolls, barbecued pork buns..."

"Hiss~" Broky's hala has flowed down.

"I can't think about it anymore." DD stopped his thoughts, but the more he thought about it, the beautiful things in his mind popped up one by one. This feeling is like telling you not to imagine a pink elephant in your mind .

"Really, I want to go home now!!"

Listening to DD's description, the members of team A turned on their mobile phones one after another, and checked the morning tea in Guangdong Province.

The rich food forms in it opened their eyes. It can only be said that the Cantonese people with a slower pace of life will really work hard in eating this aspect!
Everyone was drooling, their souls were already drifting to Guangdong Province.

Meng De finally finished the phone call, walked back with satisfaction, looked at the attitudes of everyone and said, "It seems that you haven't discussed what to eat, so I'll just decide..."

"We want morning tea!!" Broky yelled.

"Nonsense." Mengde corrected, "It's late at night, where can I get you some morning tea?"

Without giving Broky a reason to refute, he continued to speak: "Follow me to a place first, you absolutely love Broky!"

Everyone was skeptical, but followed one after another.


After driving for [-] minutes, I finally arrived at the location, found a parking space, and looked at the final location.

Everyone in Team A looked at the coach with puzzled eyes—you're not kidding me, I'm afraid.

They feel cheated!
Meng De chuckled, and asked rather shamelessly: "Broky, just say you like it here?"

Looking at the promotion of the 50 yuan package event for tomorrow and Thursday, Broky opened and closed his mouth several times, and finally replied with difficulty: "I really like it."

"But coach, you're going to treat us to this after winning the championship?"

"What's wrong with this? Don't discriminate against Broky's hobbies. Everyone will think that our team A is not gregarious." Meng De still teased his team members.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message on WeChat, and soon a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came out and stretched out his right hand towards Meng De. : "Mr. Meng, right? Hello, hello, are these our team members? They are all outstanding talents."

"Hello, hello, what did you say on the phone earlier?"

"Because we just can't find a good place to work nearby, let's have a brief chat in the office." The man in the suit reached out to guide everyone in Team A to enter, "Everyone, stop standing outside and find a place inside. sit."

Meng De nodded and walked in.

The members of Team A looked at each other, but they didn't know who this strange man in a suit was.But seeing the coaches take the lead in, they followed suit.

"I'll go to the office with Mr. Li to talk about work first, you guys sit here for a while." After entering the hall, Meng De still explained to the team members.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Li at the side immediately called the store manager and gave some instructions.

After that, the two entered the office and began to chat in detail.

Everyone in team A stared at the lobby, not knowing what kind of medicine the coach was selling in the gourd, so he brought them to KFC for no reason. Even if they don’t plan to fix five-star hotels, bungalow hot pot is fine, this KFC What kind of words!

Everyone found a place to sit down, feeling inexplicably embarrassed, and played with their phones one by one.

"I'm going! The coach is really not human!" DD, who was swiping his phone, complained.

Everyone else looked over, and DD saw too many people, so he took the initiative to say: "Look at the coach's official account."

Broky also turned on the phone, and found Mengde's account from Follow:

[After winning the championship, you still have to train hard! Open the book! 】

Click on the link, and a group of them are passionately playing small games.

"I'll go, this coach is immoral, such a big man, he even engages in sneak shots!"

"Where is the lawyer, I want to find my lawyer!!"

DD and Broky couldn't hold back, young people don't want to lose face! !

Boys are always like this. In front of familiar people, they can play tricks and be naive.But being posted on the Internet is a little bit social.

Team A won the domestic championship, and the enthusiasm was already ridiculously high at this stage.

As soon as Meng De's account posted the news, there were hundreds of replies in less than an hour.

Everyone originally thought that what they might see was the hard work of team A practicing guns or deathmatch, etc., which also fit their impression of team A as the king of the competition.

The players of Team A in my impression should be the elites of the team, showing a high level of professionalism and meticulous training.

But after opening the video, a group of big boys from team A are playing the 4399 mini-game childishly, yelling from time to time, the whole atmosphere is so happy!

"Booming in a trance"

"Hahahaha, Zaiwu is really delicious and playful."

"Team A is indeed the king of papers. I started to work hard in the small game project just after the game. I can't make it up hahaha..."

"DD was directly promoted to the MVP of the first intra-team match of Team A'Reaper vs. Naruto!!"

"Playing a round of 4399 mini-games has more content than the entire final!"

"Why are they so serious!"

Netizens began to mock mercilessly in the comment area, but they were all friendly.They felt the contrast more because of the fact that the strict A team played a small game well, which was inexplicably interesting.

"The coach is too mean, and he didn't even tell us." Broky complained.

"Was it useful?" gla1ve asked.

Broky nodded: "It's definitely useful to say it, at least I can act a little colder."

"I mean you won't send it if you say the coach?"

Thinking about the coach's thick arms, Broky shook his head heartily.

A group of them are complaining about the coach's inaction here. Although this has no negative impact on them, it has eliminated the sense of distance between professional players and fans, but they are still a little unhappy.

Just when they were thinking about how to retaliate against the coach, the store manager of KFC came over with a family barrel and a few glasses of drinks.

"Did I make a mistake?" gla1ve frowned and asked, "We don't have anything."

Although he was tricked into KFC by some inexplicable reason, but from the coach's actions, he also understood that he was just having some work matters, and the follow-up dinner should not be here, and everyone in the A team also kept their stomachs waiting to go to the next location.

"You really didn't order it." The store manager said with a smile: "Our President Li asked me to bring it over. Everyone can eat whatever they want. They may have to talk for a while, so everyone will stuff their stomachs first."

After putting the things down, the store manager said "If it is not enough, tell the front desk", then turned and left.

Everyone looks at me and looks at you, but they don't know what's going on today.

gla1ve stroked the stubble on his chin thoughtfully.

In the end, Broky couldn't resist the temptation, and took the lead to start, picking up a pair of chicken wings from the family bucket.

After eating the food, the dissatisfaction in Broky's heart disappeared in an instant. He is like this, he is easy to have small emotions when he is joking, but emotions tend to dissipate easily.

At this time, a couple not far away looked at them, hesitated for a long time, and finally walked forward.

The boy asked Zaiwu, "Hi, are you Zaiwu? I'm your fan, can I sign my name?"

Although Zaiwu had also experienced the media day held by the event party, it was the first time he met fans outside the venue, and he touched his head in a daze.

gla1ve watched the action of loading things, and knew that his little brother was a little confused, so he took the initiative to answer: "Of course! But we don't have a pen with us, DD went to the front desk to ask for a signature pen."

gla1ve's gentle tone calmed down the excitement of the fans.

Soon the signing pen was brought, and gla1ve handed it to Zaiwu, and asked, "Where do you want to sign? On your chest?"

"No, no!" The fan put his schoolbag on the table next to him, rummaged through it, and took out a Team A uniform from it.

This time, the hearts of the team A group felt a lot better.

When met by fans, most professional players will give autographs.But signing autographs for your original supporters is definitely better than signing autographs for fans of other teams.

And judging from the style of the team uniform, this fan has been supporting them for some time.

The members of Team A immediately signed their names on the jersey one by one.

And offered to take a photo with fans.

The young couple stood in the middle, and the tall and burly members of Team A stood behind like bodyguards. The staff in the store helped to press the shutter.

When the store manager saw this scene, he asked Team A for a group photo.

Everyone in team A did not refuse, and it was not easy to refuse.After all, they just sent a lot of food for them to eat, and this photo taking is just a trivial request.

Then Broky asked, "What about your girlfriend? Do you want an autograph?"

The female fan chuckled, and Broky even felt a little obscene at this moment.

"I'm Coach Cao's fan..."

Team A: "..."

This is not the first time, but they are still amazed by the powerful lethality of the coach.

Without the coach, female fans don't have much idea of ​​taking photos.

But she still took her boyfriend's mobile phone, uploaded the photo on the social platform, and thought about the text for a while before sending it out.

Everyone in the A team in the hall was waiting for the coaching work to end, and Broky swiped his phone boredly.

Unfortunately, he saw the dynamics of the couple:
"I met Team A by chance in KFC today. They have super good personalities!! Broky is very handsome, Chubby is also very cute. Brother Electronics has always been naive, and we got an exclusive version of the signed team uniform! The trip was great! It’s just a pity that I didn’t meet coach Cao Thief.

ps: Broky is really edible! "

Broky:? ? ?
What words!What words!

What about the lawyer, I want a lawyer! !

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