CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 727 "Steady"

Chapter 727 "Steady"

"Nice!" gla1ve stretched out his right hand to bump fists with his teammates, "Let's follow this rhythm and slowly drag the game into our mode, as long as we have the opportunity to fight."

"At this point, the opponent has a thunderbolt, and there is a great possibility of a strong attack. Xiaoju and the two of us will defend from the back."

"Let's not go to the sewers in Area A. Little A goes to one, and then you all cooperate to counter-clear the information in A. It's okay to go to the front point and wait for feedback like DD and Zaiwu before."

gla1ve still wants to play dynamic defense. In the early stage, zone B played conservatively, and let the heavily defended zone A go out to get information, and then feed it back to zone B.

At the beginning, Zaiwu was given a long-pipe cigarette, and then gla1ve and Xiaoju swayed underwater and on the B1 floor to investigate respectively.

"Let's put a thunder bag, AKA not all of them choose tough? I plan to use Tec-9 to promote a wave in the B area."

"Team A is still pushing forward in University A, and hasn't received the information yet, and Area B has already started to act violently!! A long-tube flash bomb, directly bursting out of the smoke!"

gla1ve, who was underwater, threw a smoke bomb on the wall next to him to block the opponent's vision and give himself some room to move.

Carrying the MP9 around and looking directly at the footsteps, the MP9 is facing a shuttle.

But Fear on the opposite side is not vegetarian! Tec-9 gave him two head-on shots, but knocked him out straight away! !

"Zone B has directly accelerated!!" gla1ve shouted.

Team A's trio also started to defend from several areas, but they couldn't help in a short time.

Xiaoju on the B1 floor held back a little bit, and quickly helped gla1ve fill up the gun.

"Xiaoju killed one, knocked out the second one! But someone came close to the wall, Xiaoju didn't know this information, cooperated with the teammate who made a double pull, and Xiaoju was directly dropped!" Coke touched his head , "It's over now. Facing the attack of the semi-armored Tec-9 in the B area, it only achieved 2 for 2, and Ting still has a chance to pick up the gun."

"Ting Jingbu touched the right side of the B1 floor. There are only 4 bullets in the M10. There is only a wall between him and Zaiwu who is returning to defense. Did Zaiwu realize it?"

"I didn't even realize that the opposite side was close, and I didn't know it."

When Zaiwu died, Team A's information about the package site was lost.

Brother Electronic went to the construction site to go back to the defense, and was shot down by two bandits on the left and right. In the end, Broky faced this back defense and had no lightning clamps, so he had to choose to save his gun.

Yuyuan said with emotion: "AKA there is something about this command. They didn't even spend all the money this time. They just completed a comeback halfway through. The economy will get better all of a sudden."

"The next point they can even take out big shots, and the economy of team A is not so ideal." Coke echoed.

This round, AKA's offense was too crisp, and they didn't have much time to react.

The main problem is that gla1ve failed to replace any of them in the first wave, and did not give Xiaoju a chance to help.

"My problem, he took two shots straight away." gla1ve blamed himself a bit, this kind of marksmanship was torn by hand, there is really nothing to say.

Cook more practice.

Third round.

Broky saved an M4, but the others all had less than [-] economy, usually a half-armored Deagle plus a few props.

In this round, AKA chose to hit B with explosive bombs at the second time, and gla1ve just arranged for everyone to do a 4B heavy defense, but the difference in guns is too big, so they just didn't fight.

Team A was forced to enter ECO and began to adjust their economy.

The score soon reached 1:3, and the first long gun round in the first half officially started.

"Okay, the game has officially entered the long gun round. Both sides took out their sniper rifles at the same time. Let's see how this sniper rifle performs. Steady sniper rifles have always been known for their stability. In Ting's interview, he also expressed this. If the buddy plays steadily, he can be more unrestrained."

"Team A didn't make particularly aggressive moves. Losing a few points in a row put them under a lot of pressure. The standard 3B2A start, A major and A minor each stood one at the back point, waiting for the offensive team to make moves."

AKA's current style of play is no longer the wild attack of the past, and it has gradually changed to a slow-speed map-controlling style of play.

They were generally very careful in advancing the Long Spear Round, and they didn't rush out with a single tap of their brains.

The long tube was sealed with the second smoke bomb, and AKA was not in a hurry. He just held the long tube with a sniper and waited for the smoke to dissipate before starting to do it.

"Ting came out of the long tube quietly, and he is about to break through!"

"A high flash, directly whitening both the oil barrel and the underwater! No one cares about the underwater, first look for the gla1ve of the oil barrel, and see that the hair is falling out!"

The moment Broky heard the gunshot, he also pulled out the angle and knocked out Ting's shot, and the two sides completed a one-for-one exchange.

Broky swayed to the left again, but did not see the enemy following the long pipe.

"A fake wave?" gla1ve was a little suspicious.

But soon another incendiary bomb was thrown into the oil barrel from the direction of the long pipe, making gla1ve understand that the opponent was not a fake attack, but suddenly stopped the attack for some unknown purpose.

"Be careful, it might turn around, Ah Dian and Zaiwu don't move."

Broky also took advantage of the gap in the battle and quickly changed positions to the direction of the sandbags on the straight column.

Otherwise, if you stay in the sandbag position all the time, you will be attacked on both sides.

"Is Cola planning to retreat?" Coke looked at the movement of the bandits with a long pipe in doubt, and then he saw him throw a flash bomb to steady, and then he understood, "He didn't intend to retreat, but It’s about throwing flashes to teammates to better initiate the offense.”

Cola swayed at the exit of the long tube, but at first sight she didn't see a person, but a smoke bomb on the right side of the column.

"Don't lose it yet, I'll take a chance!" Cola yelled, "Fire the oil barrel and force me to move."

Without further ado, Steady threw out the aiming point of the incendiary bomb in his hand.

"Give it a flash!"


At the same time as the flash bomb exploded, Cola shot out with a flash of smoke behind her back. Seeing CT fleeing underwater in her field of vision, she immediately opened fire in pursuit.

But he didn't expect that there were still people with guns near the B1 floor!
【VC.A Jamyoung kills AKA.Cola with M4A4 headshot】

"Hiss~" Although he survived under the protection of his teammates, Broky still felt the pressure, "Is AKA's current offense so relaxed? The rhythm is well controlled."

He was decisive when confirming the attack, but he was able to stop immediately after other thoughts. AKA's strength has undergone a qualitative change from the last time they met.

"They played very well in this wave of offense in the B area, but it is really rare for a flash bomb to whiten people from two angles."

"Area B failed to get the benefits, and the attacking party did not stop in Area A. The cypress has already touched the A area! The second time loaded was back to Area B, and it happened that Area A was in the air defense state. Only An electronic guy is hanging in the middle of the toilet, could this be the foreshadowing of this round?"

Brother Electronic was concentrating on collecting information in the middle of the toilet, when a flash bomb exploded in the direction of the sewer, attracting his attention.

The electronic brother's front sight is set in the direction of the toilet entrance in the middle road.

The bandit carrying an AK47 appeared in the field of vision, and Brother Electronics immediately shot and fired, as steady as a headshot line with bangs, allowing him to take the kill with two bullets.

"Brother Electronics knocked out one, what's going to happen next? Steady is still slowly rubbing the big sniper, and just caught a timing when Brother Electronics turned around!!"

The moment Steady saw the person, the big sniper adjusted the preview, the camera zoomed over, and then the cutter moved to the right.

The taro man in the commentary was dumbfounded: "What's going on? The steady gun didn't come out! This is too stable!"

Brother Electronics heard the sound of the mirror opening again behind him, and immediately turned his head.

"Da da da!"

【VC.A electronic used M4A4 headshot to kill AKA.steady】

"steady really has a 100% hit rate, and does not fight unprepared battles. Now not only have the bags been sent out, but there is no time."

Taro-yuan smiled and said, "This shot mistake is fatal. He knocked out Brother Electronics, and stopped two more people at the cypress at the package point. There is a chance to hit a dozen."

"Okay! Cypress was found hiding in the front of the car. This point AKA was defeated across the board. Team A won the first long gun round without any risk."

The steady pain mask was already on his face, and he clearly had a chance to operate it, but because of his own mistake, he was killed by Electronic Brother.

"It's okay, we still have the economy, and we can give you a big shot." Commander Fear didn't particularly care about this short-term result, they were all ordinary people, just a small mistake.

"For this point, we mainly control the map in area A, and the default gun in area B will do."


"Good gun, Ah Dian!" Meng De came to Brother Electronics and had a brief fist bump with him.

Electronic brother's double kill is particularly critical, almost completely killing the opponent's endgame, and knocking out the opponent's team.

Otherwise, there might be something to say about this long gun round.

After winning the long gun round, Ah Dian also picked up the sniper rifle on the opposite side and threw it directly to Broky.

Looking at the team's firearm configuration, gla1ve began to make preliminary arrangements: "Yushu will directly use the big sniper to assist B. Broky will carry the sniper rifle and Ah Dian to the bathroom to play. The start of 2A, don't be too aggressive."

At the beginning of the round, the load was very cautious. When I came to the B2 building, I even took a look at the four racks of the bandit's house. I didn't change my sight until I heard the sound of explosions in other areas, and threw a grenade in the direction of the sewer. Blow open the door.

AKA's map control is still aggressive.

Although Fear gave the order not to attack inside Area B, they still had to get the information on the construction site first.

This is a core area of ​​the amusement park. If there is no pressure, it is easy to be successful by CT in the follow-up.

"Team A pulled out the double sniper, and Broky also picked up the sniper rifle. AKA probably knows this information."

"But Broky is very aggressive and straight up the drain in the toilet, AKA can you guess?"

Broky is holding the sewer exit. He has heard the sound of fire in the sewer just now. The other party's construction site control map has ended. If he wants to continue to the next step, he must either speed up and hit B, or turn his head to touch A.

The big sniper stood up quietly, he took a look at Big A before, don't worry about it for now.

He waited for the bandit Peek to come out of the toilet, but a shadow suddenly appeared on the right side—a bandit was walking towards him with crab steps.


【VC.A Broky kills AKA.cypress with AWP headshot】

Cypress was a little speechless. The search point was proposed by Ting. They thought Brother Electronics was going straight to the sewer here, so he chose to find Brother Electronics by squatting down to avoid the preview.

But who would have thought that it was a big shot?
After getting the first kill, Broky did not covet the position of the gun, and went directly to University A, and after simply shaking his body to confirm that there was no one in University A, he began to retreat behind the slate.

AKA's next style of play is much more rigorous. Because he knows that there are sniper rifles, he uses a few flash bombs to clean up the toilet, focusing on respect.

The map control area was compressed little by little, and gla1ve felt that this could not go on, so he actively signaled his teammates to start fighting against the clear.

Broky zoomed back into the sewer, trying to get a second kill.

But he missed a timing, and just as he turned his head to search for a blind spot on his face, the bandit in the front came out, and the AK47 directly took him away.

Fortunately, on the side of the construction site, relying on a flash bomb, Xiaoju knocked out Cola with a gun inside the construction site, and successfully obtained the information of the construction site.

"It's going to be an A!! Ah Dian hold on!!"

gla1ve's back defense was already in place, Brother Electronics asked gla1ve for a flash bomb, and took the initiative to turn around from the front of the car to see the audience.

"Ting didn't get the flash bomb, and the two fought head-on. The M4A1's damage was almost the same, and Ting survived with 1 drop of blood left! Just put on the sniper rifle, and the number of the two sides reached 3 vs 3!"

Xiaoju and Zaiwu slowly came up from the sewer, while gla1ve hid in the trash can and waited for the opportunity.

Xiaoju adjusted her posture and took the lead in pulling her hand horizontally.


The steady sniper mercilessly took Xiaoju away.

But the replenishment of the loaded gun was fast, and there was no chance for Steady to adjust again.

At the same time, gla1ve at the bag point heard the sound of "Didi", and the other party had already started to release mine bags.

"Touch bag!! Shushu can throw fire!"

Hearing this, Zaiwu hurriedly took aim and threw out a front fire.

But it is a pity that gla1ve did not hear the sound of someone being burned. It seems that the placement of this prop is somewhat flawed.

The thunder bag has been put down, and the load is cut into the toilet with a knife.

He thought that the other party was in a state where one person put the bag and the other held the gun, but he didn't expect Ting to hold a sniper rifle and push it directly into the toilet.


The load that jumps in the air is directly taken away by a single shot.

Only gla1ve was left to take over this 1v2 endgame.

"That big sniper is a drop of blood!" Brother Electronics fed back important information.

gla1ve made a "hmm" to show that he understood, and he slowly walked out of the bank, knowing that there was someone who ordered the package.

He tried to find an angle, and wanted to deal with the package first, put the initiative in his own hands, and then look for the one with a drop of blood.

After looking sideways for a while, the opponent swayed out of the chartered car to take a look, and gla1ve hit him with a shuttle but failed to kill him.

Then he quickly turned his head to look at Little A.

Ting came out with a big sniper and wanted to grab the sideways and collect tolls, but gla1ve directly pulled the crosshair over and instantly dropped Ting in seconds!

"1 on 1!! Pulled to the left to set up the gun, Fear took the initiative to knock the gun, gla1ve!!! Awesome!!!" Cole praised, "The command of the gun is well-deserved, and he has figured out the opposite side of the 1 on 2 endgame !"

"AKA there is no way, Ting has played enough, but the position chosen by gla1ve is very interesting. He forced people out first, instead of actively looking for them. He read the thoughts of the opponent!"

"The score came to 3:3, AKA will enter ECO next."

(End of this chapter)

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