AE battle room.

Everyone was discussing the solution. Although they were still in the lead, Zaiwu's sudden rise brought them a lot of trouble.

"Next we're going to fight against Area B." Coach AE frowned and said, "It's a bit difficult."

The rise of the load makes it very uncomfortable for them to attack

In the follow-up, whether it is a harmful prop or a tactical attack, the existence of this sniper rifle must be considered.

Whether it is to use props to limit the load, or to avoid the load to fight, it needs to be carefully considered.

As the commander, HH was also lost in thought. He was still considering whether to change his original style of play because of the load.

Playing out the feeling of carrying objects has been able to affect the overall situation of the battle, and there has been a change in the game between him and gla1ve.

Originally, gla1ve was almost defeated by him, but the sudden appearance of the load tilted the balance of both sides.

"Continue to fight B. I don't believe that the sniper rifle on the side of the load will always defend in B." HH still chooses to believe in his own judgment, "Lucky, push forward, you are in a good position, see if you can defend in B." The district seized a chance and hit the first kill directly."

"If we can get this first kill, we will directly speed up in a wave, and the opponent will not be able to defend against it."

At the end of the countdown, Lucky rushed into the banana road first.

He was sticking to the wall on the right all the way, ready to get closer to the slate, and cooperate with his teammates' flashbangs to use his reaction to get the first head for the team.

He turned his head and dropped the first flashbang, then looked back at the board.


Lucky's screen is all white.

After he regained his vision, he saw two CTs in front of him. Before he could think too much, he swung to the left.

A blind shot failed to hit, but Lucky immediately shouted: "Two forward pressure!! Two forward pressure!!"

Hearing this, K35 made a shuttle in the direction of the barrel behind the mouthful of smoke.

The kill message in the upper right corner let them breathe a sigh of relief.


"In this wave, the offensive and defensive players were all together, and they couldn't get any information at all. Lucky was shot with an empty gun, but Xiaoju was also shot down by the bandits who passed through the smoke. The two sides played one for one."

"However, it's not a bad loss for team A to exchange their rifles for a sniper rifle."

Broky fumbled around at the bandits, but failed to see the kill information.

It's a pity, but this should be the final result of this wave of firefights.

"I'll go back and help first, Broccoli, you stay on the Banana Road." Just after 3B's information was exposed, gla1ve was a little worried that the opponent would speed up.

According to the character of AE in Figure [-], this style of play is very likely.

But until he walked into the corridor, there was no news in Area A.

After thinking about it, gla1ve returned to Banana Road again.

"You can double-barrel behind the stone slab, you can use a sniper rifle to make it through." gla1ve squatted down in front of the slate.

Broky took a few steps back, opened the scope and jumped up with a sniper rifle.

The big sniper carefully passed the banana, waiting for the other party's message.

Double stealing, Broky subconsciously flung over half of the leg when he saw it, but there was no kill!

He jumped down quickly, but a grenade flew in front of him.

Broky had been fighting with bandits before, and his blood volume was not much, and this grenade made him go straight to the sky!

gla1ve wanted to go back, but a yellow wall fire blocked his retreat!
His blood volume is healthy, but if he stepped on the fire, his blood volume is estimated to be less than half.

There is not a single item left on gla1ve's body, and there is no way to delay the time when returning to the package point.

After a short thought, gla1ve chose to stand straight behind the slate.

But the three bandits pulled out from behind the bunker in a rampage, and he was almost instantly killed by the concentrated fire.

After getting two kills, AE was not polite, and directly gave the policeman smoke and coffin fire, and began to charge into the B area.

Brother Electronics had already returned to the long corridor. Facing the bursting police smoke, he was helpless. He could only try to sweep the shuttle, and finally slipped back to save the gun.

"Broky's shot is too uncomfortable. He has residual blood. He hits the air with one shot. The opponent knows that it is a double frame behind the slate. He directly explodes mines and slows you down for pursuit."

"gla1ve's idea is also correct. He doesn't have any props on him, and he is still dead if he hides behind. So I plan to fight head-on, but there is no way if we don't win."

Coke looked at the score and smiled helplessly: "There is no way. Zaiwu returned two rounds, and Area B fell again. Now he can't wait to become Naruto himself, with the technique of shadow clone."

Team A called a timeout again, this time Mengde understood.

"There are too many problems with offense and defense in Area B. Everyone feels bad, so try to use props to solve the problem." He frowned, and walked back and forth behind the players, "Try to find a way to steal people in the early stage, let's You have to take the initiative to get the first kill."

Zaiwu thought for a while: "Then Broky and I will cooperate with each other. I'll shoot the gangster, and then Broky will grab the timing of the side lane."

"If the opponent doesn't jump into the water in the middle, you can play like this." Mengde nodded, allowing this somewhat dangerous operation.

In fact, gla1ve and Xiaoju didn't have too many problems playing in the B area.

But when encountering the offensive style of AE, they can't get too much information, which leads to the fact that once the firefight starts, people fall too fast, and it is difficult to return to the defense in the A area.

The problem was magnified because the firefight was too fast!

"Once the information is exposed by the load, you can immediately start a wave of three-box anti-clearance in area B, and put enough pressure on the near point so that they can't speed up." Meng De briefly explained his thinking.


"Actually, team A can put more sniper rifles like Zaiwu in area B, so that the opponents will be afraid. Now it is useless to keep running at both ends." Coke looked a little uncomfortable, and the score in the first half had come. At 3:9, the pressure on Team A was too much.

The countdown ended, and Zaiwu took the lead to the middle of the road according to the tactics he had considered in the previous pause.

The big sniper directly opened the mirror frame to hold the gangster's mouth, and waited for two seconds before speaking: "No one jumped into the sewer, Broky can push forward."

After Broky heard it, he immediately walked down against the wall on the right side of the middle lane.

With Shutuo's big sniper cover, he can rest assured that he can only focus on the front.

Although the bandits on the sidewalk looked towards this side, they were just searching for spots on the surface, and they never expected that someone would actually suppress them.

"Da da da……"

M4A1 fired a volley of bullets and easily won the first kill of this round.

Broccoli didn't take the gun either, and returned to the middle lane under the cover of Zaiwu.

"Zai Wu and Broky are already in a hurry, there is no other way." Yu Yuan analyzed, "Since Area B can't get a kill, then Area A will take the initiative to look for opportunities."

K35, who was grabbing the slate flash at the banana crossing, tried to chase in the middle, but didn't even see anyone.

"The middle road is pressed against the wall."

Lucky heard this message, and immediately shouted: "Banana Road pushes forward with me, and the load is in the middle."

The others also realized at this time that someone must be covering, otherwise Broccoli would never have been so bold.

Lucky's words made the rest of AE wake up, and immediately invested in the second round of props on Banana Road.

A yellow wall fire boiled, followed by a nearby garbage flash, and the Hanged Man moved forward, ready to cooperate with a slate flash to finish the information.

But as soon as he turned his head, he heard the sound of a smoke bomb hitting the stone slab.

This set of props is relatively common in professional competitions, and it is a counter-clearing close to Banana Road.

Seeing this scene, the Hanged Man quickly backed away, giving up his previous thought of counting.

"Squat down next to the door lock and let me double-handle the information." Lucky said quickly.

The Hanged Man also immediately paused to the right to give Lucky the space to see.

Lucky held a sniper, and at first glance, he didn't see any CT station people on the yellow wall.

When the barrel was closer, flames filled the air. He turned his gun and looked behind the sandbag.

But almost at the moment when his camera looked at the sandbag, a flash bomb exploded in the sky with a "ding", and then two CTs rushed into his field of vision.

Lucky quickly sniped and swung the gun to the left.

But the shot was missed in a hurry.

"The timing and preview of this wave of anti-brush in area B are good. I know that given this set of props, only the double stone slabs can see people, so the purpose is very clear. Although Lucky reacted quickly, he just missed a timing, which caused the sniper to fail. .”

After being knocked out by two people in a row, the remaining three of AE tried to find opportunities, but due to the lack of props, they finally saved their guns under the command of HH.

The score came to 4:9, Team A recovered one point!
With this point in hand, the team of team A finally breathed a sigh of relief. In the last two rounds of the first half, they also scored a point with difficulty.

In the end, the score of the first half was fixed at 5:10.

At the end of the first half, everyone in Team A let out a sigh of relief. Although the defense was difficult in the first half, they scored 5 points and had a chance after changing sides.

During the half-time break, everyone in team A took the time to adjust their mentality and cheer each other up.

Mengde discussed with gla1ve the offensive ideas for the second half.

This purgatory town is the last part of BO3, they don't want to work for nothing.


The camps of the two sides switched, Team A came to the offensive side, and the pistol round was about to begin.

The tactics discussed by gla1ve and Mengde have ended, and he directly opened his mouth to make arrangements:
"Xiao Ju raised the smoke and thunder. The K35 on the opposite side likes to jump over to get information from the middle. Let's go directly to A1 to blow the mine. If the time is good, we may even kill him directly. After throwing the grenade, you find a way to help Zaiwu and the others Throw out the flash bomb from building A2, and add another partition smoke after the link."

"What about the straw car tobacco?"

"I'll give you the straw car cigarettes." gla1ve replied.

After a simple communication, everyone also understood their responsibilities in tactics.

When the countdown ended, the prop players gla1ve and Xiaoju rushed directly to the bandit's entrance, while the three semi-A players walked sideways.

The two had discussed it a long time ago, and the moment they walked into the bandit's entrance, they began to catch mines and throw them at A1.

K35 jumped to A1 to get the information as usual, and saw two unknown objects flying towards him.

"Hiss~" He couldn't help taking a breath, and finally felt the treatment of the big brother in the team.

He didn't have any armor at this point, but fortunately he reacted quickly and took a few steps back, otherwise he might have been blown away.

K35 boldly glanced towards the middle, but still didn't dare to reveal too much of his body, and walked directly towards A1.

As soon as he moved, he heard the Hanged Man holding CZ on A2 yelling frantically:

"It's an A! It's an A! 2 on the A1 floor!!"

The rumble of footsteps in his ears made the Hanged Man full of vigilance, but almost the moment he saw him, a bullet hit him, and he turned his back to the ground.

The 500 yuan CZ in his hand even only fired one shot!
"The Hanged Man was instantly killed on the A2 floor! This wave of AE is betting on a 3B2A defensive formation. Once the semi-armored CZ is down, there is only one K35 with residual blood left here."

"Team A immediately started to explode bombs, straw car smoke, partition smoke, and flash bombs from building A2. This wave of flying towers is full of props!"

Teammates in zone A have already sent out the first kill, and there is also a frenzied cry for help in the voice.

Seeing this situation, the three CTs in Area B hurried back to defend, and now they can only hope that K35 can make more contributions.

The bloody K35 stood in the middle of the pits, a position that few people would take the initiative to search for.

The first time he saw CT jumping off the grass cart, he was not in a hurry to shoot, but was waiting for a better time.

Broky, who was carrying CZ, jumped directly into the pit, and finally he was forced to make a move. USP killed Broccoli in the air.

But soon he was also shot down by the loaded gun.

"The bag spot is empty, Brother Electronic can put the bag directly." Xiaoju bounced and searched the bag spot.

At the same time, gla1ve in the side lane heard two footsteps in the direction of the bandits.

"Two return defenses in the middle! Pay attention to A1!"

gla1ve is not in a hurry, he knows his position is mysterious.

Step by step, slowly touch the middle road from the sewer a little bit.

"gla1ve has caught a great opportunity! How many can he play in this wave?" Taro said expectantly.

Coke also echoed: "This wave is about to start!"

"Aim carefully, Glock kills one immediately, Lucky found gla1ve in the back lane, and reacted very quickly!!"

"Can you knock this out?"

gla1ve was not in a hurry, now the number of the two sides was 4 vs 2, and the opponent's ID was Lucky, so he had to be cautious.

Holding the Glock for two seconds, he changed positions in a small area and got up to take two shots, then squatted down again.

As long as he can hold on, there will be no danger from the front.

After standing up and firing again, the front sight suddenly shot his head, and he succeeded in getting the kill.


"This partition cigarette has some flaws, but his position has also been determined by Team A, so it's not a big problem."

The HH sight was aiming at the big pit, and peeked out to get information, but he was instantly killed by him.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoju and Brother Dian, who were still at the bunkering point, stopped wanting to find someone for an instant, and calmed down at the bunkering point.

HH still didn't intend to protect his armor, and waited quietly for the smoke bomb to dissipate before starting to push forward.

But almost the moment he saw the person, a bullet hit his head, killing him.

"Nice!!" Broky shouted excitedly in the battle room.

Winning the pistol round is a very good chance for them to come back!

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