CSGO E-sports Manager

Chapter 743 Entering Gun Protection Mode

"Congratulations to Team A, they won the first map victory in BO16 with a big score of 8:3!" Coke's voice echoed in the stadium, and the fans of Team A below applauded their victory heartily.

Broky took off his earphones, with a smile on his face: "I just want to ask you, is this performance okay today?"

Xiaoju gave him a brief high-five, nodded in response: "It's really strong, there's nothing to say about today's performance."

In the legendary group competition, Broccoli may still have a few maps to be invisible, and it was questioned that it was not strong enough.

But the performance of this map today is indeed impeccable.

Meng De couldn't find fault with Broky today.

Dare to fight and fight hard when attacking, but can't get on top. The details and discipline are in place, and you can't find any faults, unless you insist on deducting the details inside, then it is completely unnecessary.

There is no textbook style of play in CSGO. As long as the mistakes in the actions given to the tactics are not too big, there is basically no problem.

Even the harsh barrage commentator couldn't pick any brushes:
[Broccoli is too ruthless today! ! 】

[It stands to reason that today is not Thursday, so why did the broccoli suddenly explode? 】

[It's true that broccoli is not fierce, this guy's overall state fluctuates greatly, and the C is quite exaggerated]

[Shunfeng's Broky is really a god-stopper and kills God. Team A played well today as a whole, so it's just a word of stability! 】

[Broccoli's endgame today made me feel wet]

[detailed wet]


The barrage in the live broadcast room was quickly distorted, but everyone was quite satisfied with Broky and even Team A's overall performance.

The BO3 game won the first map and won by a big score. What pressure is there?
The HC fans under the venue were cursing, even though HC showed a lot of new things in the amusement park, many of them performed very well.

But losing the game is losing, they don't care what the real reason for losing the game is, they only care about winning or losing.

Among the HC players on the right side of the stage.

Everyone was not as dull as expected.

Losing Figure [-] naturally made them feel bad, but as a veteran team, they knew that what Figure [-] prepared had already been played, and they were crushed by Team A's overall tactics in the amusement park.

Team A beat them by relying on team discipline and the overall state of the players, which is convincing.

But the failure of the first picture does not mean that they gave up. The BO3 game is not over yet, and their next selection will come to the second picture.

They will find their way back on this map.

Everyone is currently making some targeted tactical adjustments based on Team A's play style in the amusement park, so as to better win the game after entering the second picture.

Both sides are actively working hard for victory.

The halftime break ended soon after, and the game began to enter the second stage of the game.


"Good viewers, with the start of picture 3, the entire BO[-] has reached a critical point." Coke said, "Team A has already won its own picture selection amusement park, and now it is time to come to the heat of HC's selection." Shacheng, if this scorching Shacheng HC cannot be won, the game will end directly, but otherwise, the game will be dragged into Figure [-]."

"Let's see if there will be another map in this game!"

"The pistol round started. On this map, Team A chose to let Brother Electronics play. Team A chose the standard 212 formation. Wait, it seems that the load with two guns has been placed on Little A." Yu Yuan raised his eyebrows , this position is a bit interesting.

An Xbox smoke exploded in the middle lane, and gla1ve behind the middle gate had already prepared and threw a grenade towards COSCO.

Carrying a pair of guns in the small room of A, I soon heard a lot of footsteps coming from the trail: "There are a lot of people on the trail! Can you take a walk to Area A?"

The position of their double-A is a bit strange. The A major and the A minor each stand one, taking control of the A area.

But the price is that the positions of the two people cannot form an effective linkage, and they can only fight on their own.

"Don't worry, I'll come and catch you, you hook it first and I'll throw it away." gla1ve said.

Zaiwu also understood gla1ve's strategy, and immediately took the initiative to go out to find someone, shooting wildly with both guns.

"Double guns exchanged fire quickly, knocking out 1 people from HC, but gla[-]ve's flashback was still a step slower. Little A fought one-for-one, and big A also started a firefight. Kuku and Electronic brother exchanged fire. A few shots were right, and none resulted in a kill."

All HC information has been exposed, and facing them now is a question of choice: "Should I bite the bullet and clip A?"

"Hit directly!" JK23 made a decision.

They have used up the first wave of props, and if they want to take control of the map or advance, they can only rely on dry pulling.

Although A major and A minor couldn't link up, but A minor bit the bullet and rushed forward, as long as he could knock out another person near A's pocket, this endgame would be possible.

And he remembered that the opponent lost a flash just now, so it should be someone without armor!

With this in mind, HC directly launched an offensive to raise A.

gla1ve was standing on a slope. He knew he had no armor, so he also chose the headshot position for the gun confrontation.

Unless the opponent has a P250, it will take at least two shots to kill him.

And Brother Electronics didn't have a crush on University A, so he came here to help him first!

"I'll tick first, the other side probably doesn't know your information yet." gla1ve said.

He fired a shot at the bandit on A trail. He didn't hit the head, but he also attracted the other party's attention.

Brother Electronics on the passageway A seized the opportunity and shot wildly at the bandits who were passing by.

[VC.A eelectronic used usp+VC.A Zywoo to kill HC.H4ak]

"Brother Electronics was not in a hurry to confront the kuku of gate A, but turned around to help gla1ve defend the bunker point. Brother Electronics knocked out H4ak with residual blood, and another shot knocked out Rule's headshot!"

"After a wave of firefights, all HC people died suddenly. Poe's savings came from A's small peek, but he couldn't even beat the unarmored gla1ve. Now there is only one kuku who came here."

"Kuku holding the P250 can only face this 1V4 endgame and sigh in awe. The thunder bag fell in the middle of the road, and CT's return defense is in place. He has no chance in this endgame. Team A easily won the pistol round. victory!"

Everyone in team A fist bumped each other, Brother Electronics shouted happily.

The spiritual decisions he made in this wave helped the team break through, and he gradually felt that he had regained his game thinking.

After winning the pistol round, Team A played a combination of two long guns, two MP9s and a bird sniper.

And HC's next move also proved that they have something on this map.

They only used a bird sniper and two flash bombs, trying to get kuku to try to find a chance.

But the toll was not received in the middle lane, so they simply silently came to the B area, just in time for Xiaoju to watch the B pass, and then they were completely wiped out by two flash bombs, so they spread out the station at the B package point .

Broky hid behind the false door and forcibly knocked out two of them with an MP9, unable to make up for it.

Although the return defense in area A was very fast, and he successfully completed this wave of return defense with the advantage of props, but in the end only Brother Electronics survived.

The opponent's No-A ECO replaced the four of them and completed the contract. This wave of Team A can only be said to be a blood loss!
"The economy just exploded, and the other side is turning against customers." gla1ve had a headache, because there were too many guns dropped just now.

Although they were still able to start a spear round at this point, there were not many props for three people in the team.

He also calculated the other party's economy, and there was even the possibility of a big spy.

"Pay attention to this point, the opponent seems to be able to take a big sniper, so be careful when moving." gla1ve reminded.

"Broky, you three go directly to grab a wave of Big A, see if you can grab it, and try to take control of the map as much as possible."

Although it takes a lot of props to snatch the first round of University A, the follow-up can guarantee the safety of this side.

It was too difficult for the opponent to go out of Gate A to deal with the people in the big pit in the second time.

But if you don't grab the A big, then the follow-up packs will continue to smoke to affect the opponent's attack, but there are not many props for this point.

Therefore, it is the best plan to grab A big.

At the end of the preparation time, Broky rushed to University A immediately, and said, "I'm out of fire with this one, and I'll be smoked right away."

Although this map has been played less in recent months, they still often practice in training games.

Broky smashed a smoke bomb at the corner of the big telephone pole A, trying to form a wall of smoke for himself.

But it can only be said that the nickname can never deceive people. Before throwing the cigarette, he was given a flash by the opponent, and the effect of the smoke bomb was not so good in the end.

The rule inside Gate A threw a flash bomb, took advantage of the moment the smoke exploded at the corner, and pulled it out, and saw a figure jumping into the smoke bomb.

Immediately followed the gun to shoot a few shots, but was quickly flashed to all white.

After Broky regained his vision, he saw that he had only half health left, so he had no choice but to retreat.

The cigarette was flawed, and the timing was not good, and he would not want it if he bit the bullet and went down the pit.

"Let's go!"

The three of them returned to the package site in a group. Big A invested so many props, but in the end he failed to get control, so he had to come back and push Little A again.

"Both of you go up and push Xiao A back." Broky said his thoughts.

But gla1ve in the B area said: "Put someone up, don't rush to push back, the opponent should feint a move, and won't fight so quickly in A University."

Although the other party, Big A, has gained control, but they have invested in a lot of props, so they will definitely have concerns.

So now compared to A, the pressure in the middle may be greater.

Hearing the commander's order, Brother Electronic chose to stay and look back at the middle.

"At the second moment, the bandits made a wave of testing on the middle road, and A Xiaohuo stepped in. After touching the middle door, they harassed the police!"

"But gla1ve's refilling smoke was very timely! He directly obscured the vision of most bandits, only one H4ak came out, gla1ve peeked around, and was immediately seconds away, but Xiaoju's early shot successfully completed the refill!"

"Will the bandits interpret Team A's weak defense in A small now? Now HC already holds the control of A large. If they also kill A small's load, they will trap A in a wave. Unstoppable!"

"Zai Wu swayed in the A small scout, and was directly killed by Kuku's big sniper. This time there is no problem, and the A team can even directly save the gun."

The fact was as Coke had expected, all of Area A was lost, and they didn't even have the desire to return to defense, so they directly chose to save their guns.

"Why didn't you put two people up?" Broky wasn't dissatisfied with gla1ve, but just wanted to know his thinking.

gla1ve also simply explained: "Just look at the props in your hands."

They still had two cigarettes and one fire left in their hands.

Broky and Brother Electronics are still unclear.

"Even if two people go up, and the opponent hits a flash, how many people can you replace?" gla1ve asked, "Even if the fight is 2 for 2, we have no props, how can we defend later?"

"In this wave, I was betting that the opponent would turn around and play the middle lane. We wrapped them in the middle lane and ate them. As a result, the opponent was a little timid, and they turned when they were replaced."

gla1ve stripped the thoughts in his mind to explain to his teammates, that is, the time to save the gun, otherwise he would not have so much effort.

In the next round, the economy is insufficient and the props are insufficient, and HC's style of play is also quite simple-it is A's big group.

The firearms are inferior, and there are no props to assist them. Team A has nothing to do with them.

In the end, after two people were killed, he once again chose to save his gun.

"The score came to 2:2. It really is the map I chose. I can clearly feel that HC's state on this map is different." Yuyuan said, "They have gradually found their own rhythm!"

Entering the 5th round, Team A's economy is already in chaos after the last point.

Under the instruction of gla1ve, this team chose to keep 2000 yuan for a 4A betting point heavy defense, and planned to make a wave of designs in A small.

But at the beginning of the game, there was only one flash bomb exploded in Big A, and they knew something was wrong, so they immediately reminded Xiaoju to pay attention.

But in order to adjust the economy, team A didn't buy many props for this point, even the leader B's Xiaoju only had two flash bombs saved from the previous point.

"The main B's Xiaoju came up to save props, but in fact he really has no money! And Kuku took the big sniper and saw that there was no fire or smoke in area B, and they didn't even get to the sniper position, so they launched a wave of quick attack! "

"Xiaoju is standing in the director's position. This wave of his kills will affect whether team A needs to return to defense. After all, he is the only one in area B. If there are no effective kills, team A can start to save the gun again."

"Bringing the flash on his back, Xiaoju turned his head to face the three AK fires, and was instantly killed without catching any of them!"

"At the second time, we will make up the B gate smoke and dog hole fire, and team A can directly save the gun again. HC's offense is very organized!" Yu Yuan praised.

gla1ve and Zaiwu, who had already returned to the sand, wanted to use M4 and Sand Eagle to collect tolls, but they were forced to turn around when B Gate made up for it.

How to fight this?
The return defense of 4 vs 5 is still the B area of ​​this epic dungeon Sha Er. Forcibly playing a player exchange, it is better to save the gun and adjust the economy to accumulate vitality for the subsequent rounds.

"This is the championship game. Maybe they were a little confused by Team A's offense in Figure [-], but when we came to our own map, we can still see their wonderful performance. The outstanding offense of HC is simple, but In the past few rounds, Team A still can't defend, and now it depends on their adjustments in the follow-up long spear round." (End of this chapter)

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