Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 128 Lively battle zone

Chapter 128 Lively battle zone
As Kojiro expected, the moment he saw Axodontosaurus, Sabo's heart immediately surged like a wave of desire!

This drastic change of mood, under Kojiro's powerful waveguide power, is like a girl without a thread, which can be seen at a glance.

Kojiro smiled silently in his heart.

The satisfaction of traders is the greatest recognition of their work content, and it is also their greatest reward to Lord Lin Luo.

"Glad to see you so satisfied, Mr. Szabo."

Kojiro patted his shoulder with one hand very gentlemanly, and continued:

"But the transaction is not in a hurry."

"Next, it's not too late to make a decision after reading the Pokémon I selected for Miss Krall..."

After finishing speaking, Kojiro had a kind smile on his face again.

The excited Sabo also immediately realized that after seeing the "dragon", his emotions were a little out of control.

He hastily coughed lightly:
"That's right. Please trouble Kojiro-sama!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his eyes to Nian Meier on the screen again, showing a look of anticipation.

Since the Axetooth Dragon has such a powerful strength, what kind of excellence will Nian Meier, who can be compared with it, have?

He is already curious!

Kojiro nodded, adjusted the screen to Nimeier, and continued to explain:
"Although it looks like a snail, like Axetooth, Nian Meier is also a dragon-type Pokémon, and can share with Axetooth in the selection of breeding materials."

"The second is..."

Kojiro pointed to the picture, and the four tentacles of Nimeier said:
"Because of the degeneration of the eyes, Meier has lost his vision, but at the same time it has also evolved tentacles like high-performance radar, which can perceive sound and smell."

"In the battlefield, such a powerful intelligence capability cannot be underestimated!"

"And in addition to the power of the dragon element, Nian Meier's application of the poison element and the water element is also very brilliant, plus her own slimy characteristics..."

"It may not be as good as Axodontosaurus in frontal confrontation, but it can create a richer tactical system."

"All in all, Nian Meier is a dragon-type Pokémon that tends to assist and explore!"

Kojiro raised his head, his eyes narrowed into a half-moon shape.

"How about it, Mr. Sabo, Miss Krall, what do you think about these two Pokémon?"


Sabo and Klar looked up, looked at the two Pokémon in the picture, and swallowed in unison.

Apart from the word "perfect", these two people really can't think of anything else to describe these two Pokémon!
Whether it is the physically powerful Axodontosaurus or the multi-assist Nian Meier, they all meet the needs of Sabo and Krall.

There is no longer any hesitation.

As if he was afraid of missing this opportunity, Sabo immediately stepped forward and said:

"Master Kojiro, thank you very much for your recommendation!"

"This is exactly the Pokémon we want! 5000 points, please take it!"

"as you wish!"

This time, Kojiro didn't stop him, but replied with a very straightforward smile.

With a wave of his hand, Saab's point balance was attenuated by half again.

And in Meow Meow's hands, two more elf balls suddenly appeared, and they flew towards Sabo and Krall respectively.

But before the two got acquainted with the newly acquired Pokémon, Kojiro's voice came again.

"Then according to the plan I said before, the next 5000 points will be exchanged for these Pokémon. Do you think it's okay?"

Following Kojiro's guidance, the screen at the top of the screen changed again, and a bar of Pokémon information appeared.

Exactly those common Pokémon shown earlier.

Kojiro said:

"These Pokémon are all around level 15, and the average selling price is 100 points, and the price after the half-price BUFF is 50 points."

"The price is 50 points?" Sabo was taken aback for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face and said:

"Doesn't that mean that our remaining points can be exchanged for 100 such Pokémon!?"


Kojiro nodded with a smile. In order to let his customers know more about the value of these products, he immediately added:

"A level 15 Pokémon, if it can give full play to its own advantages, its combat effectiveness is also very impressive!"

For a level 15 Pokémon, if the strategy is used properly, there is no problem dealing with a small pirate with a bounty of 2000 million.

These one hundred Pokémon can fully supplement the current grassroots combat power of the Revolutionary Army.

Sabo, who had great trust in Kojiro and others, didn't say anything more.

What's more, he also learned about the strength distinction of Pokémon from Nami before, and he is also clearer about the level judgment of Pokémon.

After looking at the information of these Pokémon again, Sabo immediately made a decision.

"No problem, Kojiro-sama, just exchange these Pokémon for me!"

With the joining of these 100 Pokémon, the strength of their revolutionary army will at least double!
In the East China Sea, there are quite a few countries ruled by blood theory like Goa Kingdom waiting for them to liberate.

World Governments, you are just waiting to be amazed! ! !

Sabo clenched his fists, watching Meow Miao conjure a large number of Poke Balls out of thin air as if by magic, and the corners of his mouth began to rise unconsciously.



at the same time.

Marin Fando, in the Sengoku office.

Aokiji looked at the document Sengoku handed over in puzzlement, his face full of disbelief.


He slowly patted the document on the table, and looked at the Warring States Marshal in front of him in surprise.

He opened and closed his mouth, and after a long time, he made a sound:

"I don't understand..."

"Insufficient funds for what? Wrong information?"

"The naked evidence is right in front of you, can't the Five Old Stars see it?"

Aokiji took half a step back and continued to ask:

"Master Marshal, why did the World Government reject our application to exchange more Pokémon?"

"Could it be that at this time, they still don't believe in the authenticity of the dimensional businessman?"

"Do not……"

At this moment, General Crane in the corner of the office suddenly said:

"It's not that they don't believe in the authenticity of the dimensional merchant..."

Crane sitting by the tea table propped his chin with both hands, with a deep expression on his face.

She slowly looked towards Warring States, and said in a deep tone:

"It is precisely because they believe in the authenticity of the dimensional merchants that they plan to keep all the funds in their own hands, right, Warring States?"


Marshal Zhan Guochang sighed and nodded silently.

Immediately he looked at Aokiji.

At this time, he can understand Qingzhi's mood very well.

But it was precisely because of this that the actions of the world government made him feel uncomfortable.

"It's not that the world government doesn't trust the dimensional merchants, but it doesn't trust us!"

With the arrival of the dimensional businessman, any individual can see that the world is about to be turbulent and heading towards an unknown path.

And in this era, whoever can master more Pokémon and obtain more powerful Pokémon will be the new master of this world!

The world government has seen through this!

Although it is the largest military organization under the name of the world government.

But after all, what most of the navy guards is not the world government and the Tianlong people!
Even the Supreme Commander of the Navy, Marshal Warring States, has never been loyal to the Five Old Stars.

The world government is well aware of...

For some navies, protecting the world government is to better protect the civilians at sea!

Karp is a living example!
The reason why he repeatedly refused to promote his military rank was to avoid the command clause that the admiral must rush to the Tianlongren in the event of an accident!
This is no secret among the high-level navy.

"how so……"

Being able to sit in this position, Aokiji is not a noob who doesn't understand anything.

After listening to Warring States' explanation, he immediately figured out the key point.

"Now the qualifying competition is in full swing, but there are not many people in the navy who have qualified for the competition."

"In this case, doesn't it mean that we will hand over the prizes of the conference to others?"

Although Lin Luo did not fully disclose the prize information of the Pokémon League Conference, judging from the fact that the third place can get the reward of unconditionally resurrecting one person, the rewards for the first and second place will definitely be more amazing!
Their navy has such a big backer backed by the world government, and has countless elite fighters...

How can you just watch the first place in the conference hand over to others! ?
What's more, if the first place is taken by the Four Emperors or other sinister people, wouldn't the sea be in chaos! ?
"Don't worry, Aokiji!"

Facing Aokiji's questioning, Sengoku became pensive.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Lieutenant General He.

After the two naval veterans looked at each other, they saw affirmative information from each other's eyes.

After half a sound, Zhan Guo suddenly said:

"During this period, dimensional transactions must never be given up!"

"Crane, go and count the navy's current idle supplies. After the count is complete, distribute them to the three generals and all the lieutenant generals of the navy headquarters according to their strength..."

"Navy, must not lose to anyone in this era!"

Sengoku clenched his fists.

He is now very glad that he did not report the fact that Aokiji was able to contact the dimensional merchant to Wu Laoxing...

In this way, they at least have a little room for detour!

And it was from this moment that Warring States truly realized...

Tianlongren's face is even more disgusting than what he realizes!

Above the sea, the wind is surging.

With the establishment of the battle center, the whole world seems to have been pressed the accelerator button.

Whether it is power or individuals, as long as they are ambitious and believe that Pokémon is real, they all start to act desperately.

In this way, time passed slowly in the busyness of the sea.

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed.


The Great Route, the Kingdom of Alabasta, and the elf center battle area.

Here at this time, a qualifying match that is rarely seen by the outside world is going on.

"Ibrahimovic, use Lightning Flash!"

"Stupid, use the call!"

In the huge forest arena, Robin and Cobra stood at opposite ends of the battlefield.

A swift silhouette galloped across the ground like lightning, pierced through the bushes, and charged towards the pink slow-witted beast.

At the same time, the dumb beast that received the order opened its mouth in a very face-saving manner.

All of a sudden!
The wave-like sound wave reversed the space and rushed towards the hurried Lve Ying.

Terrifying sound waves instantly poured into Ibrahimovic's ears, causing its lightning flash skill to instantly fail, revealing its figure.

"Stupid beast, take advantage of the victory and pursue it, use the wave of water!"

Cobra, who has seen Suicune's water wave, has an unimaginable sense of trust in this move.

A shimmering water polo instantly appeared in the slow-witted beast's mouth.

A trace of fighting intent flashed miraculously in those bean-sized black eyes.

The water polo flew out immediately and slammed straight into Ibrahimovic.

Ibrahimovic, who was affected by the call, had no reaction time at all.

Seeing that the small and compact Ibrahimovic was about to be hit by the waves of water that contained powerful energy.

But at this moment, Robin suddenly crossed his arms, his eyes fixed.

"Ten Round Flowers Swing!"

In the next second, a long rope formed by connecting arms suddenly grew from the big tree beside Ibrahimovic, swinging to Ibrahimovic's side like a swing.

The palm transformed by Huahuaguo lifted Ibra up, and with the help of wandering inertia, threw it far away.

The wave of water that lost its target continued to move forward, bombarding the ground impressively.

In an instant, the violent wave power invaded the ground, knocking out a huge pothole on the ground.

Even if the dumb beast with level 45 strength is not as powerful as Suicune, it is comparable to the strength of a vice admiral, so it should not be underestimated.

"Oh! Is that the water wave move? It's really powerful!"

Above the arena, a transparent layer of light is like a barrier separating the battlefield from the outside world.

But around the transparent barrier, there were already crowds of people sitting around, looking excitedly at the center of the battlefield.

At this time, Ace and the crew of the Spades Pirates sat in the auditorium, carefully admiring the game on the field.

On his left and right sides are the fire-breathing dragon with arms around his chest, and his deputy captain Deus.


Hearing Ace's flattery about the dull beast, the fire-breathing dragon next to him immediately became unhappy, and sprayed a wisp of black smoke from his mouth, saying impatiently:
"Oh~ (What's so interesting about this low-level battle!)"

Charizard, who has just entered the 50th level, said that these 40th and 30th level Pokémon battles are as ridiculous as children playing house!

Ace, who likes to see novelty things, obviously doesn't think so.

He hugged the fire-breathing dragon's neck and laughed loudly:
"Hahaha, you can't say that, fire-breathing dragon!"

"No matter what the battle of strength is, there are things we can learn from."

"That's right!"

Just as Ace finished speaking, a rough voice suddenly came from behind them.

Ace was about to turn around to see who was talking to them...

At this moment, an extremely strong palm patted Ace's shoulder instantly.

"It looks like you've improved a lot after going to sea, Ace~"


Feeling the familiar weight on his shoulders, Ace fell silent for an instant.

At this moment, his body became extremely stiff.

It wasn't until half a minute later that he seemed to come to his senses, his head turned around like a mechanical part that had forgotten to lubricate.

"Old,,, old man!!!? Why are you here?"

Ace stared in disbelief and asked in bewilderment.

Behind Ace, Garp opened his mouth wide, revealing a pair of white teeth, like a white crescent, looking at Ace brilliantly.

In the most peaceful tone, say the words that make Ace feel cold:

"Of course I came to look for you! Ai~si~~!!!"

  thank you all! ! !

  G, I originally planned to have a million updates on the first day of the new moon, but I didn’t expect to receive three waves of relatives in one day, and I feel like God won’t let me add more updates~ (ps: It’s not an April Fool’s joke)

  Work hard tomorrow~>_<~
(End of this chapter)

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