The top of the scholar

Chapter 65 I'm going to add your name to it

Chapter 65 I'm going to add your name to it

"Okay, Teacher Cao."

After Cao Quanli finished teaching several experiments, he asked a student named Yuan Dong to supervise everyone's experimental operations.

Yuan Dong is a master of Cao Quanli's group, and also once represented Huaxia in the IPhO.

It is also very good at supervising students to do experiments.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Cao Quanli leave.

I thought I didn't need to be stared at my experimental operation.

But as a senior and teaching assistant, Yuan Dong is also very serious.

Its strictness is no less than that of head coach Cao Quanli.

"When using light shields for photocells and mercury light sources, do not expose the photocells to strong light!"

"I've said it all, don't look directly at the light from the mercury lamp with your eyes! Do you need your eyes!"

"The electric meter is accurate before connecting it! Who taught you to test it before connecting it? The meter is broken! It's all in the national collection, and you can't tell the positive and negative poles?"

When passing by each student, Yuan Dong would point out some problems of the students.

Of course, the main reason is Cao Quanli's strict requirements on everyone.

In order to prevent everyone from being deducted points in the world competition, it is necessary to set extremely high standards in daily training.

Of course, in the capacity of seniors and teaching assistants, I will give guidance to these juniors.

Yuan Dong still felt some pleasure in his heart.

"Isn't it just a few years older than us, what a bull."

After being criticized by Yuan Dong, Luo Wenkun complained in a low voice.

But complaints are complaints, and Luo Wenkun immediately remembered the wrong operations that Yuan Dong corrected.

"Well, it's not bad. Remember to cover the light-shielding cover of the mercury lamp first when changing the aperture and filter."

When passing by Lin Shi's side, Yuan Dong suddenly became gentle.

On the one hand, Lin Shi's operation is really good.

Even if it is not very standardized, at least it is much better than other players.

on the other hand.

Faced with such a beautiful junior, Yuan Dong really couldn't be strict.

"Thank you, senior."

Lin Shi was also very serious and polite, and firmly remembered these precautions.

At this time, Yuan Dong came to another student.

Yuan Dong was about to subconsciously open his mouth to give pointers.

But after looking for a long time, I found out.

There seems to be nothing to point to.

The student's operation is as standardized as a textbook.

Not only all considerations have been taken into account.

Various operations are also very standard.

"What's your name?"

"Xu You."

"Oh, so you are Xu You."

Yuan Dong was no stranger to hearing Xu You's name.

After all, there will be no one who can win the CPhO championship with full scores in theory and experiments in a few years.

"Not bad, well done, keep it up."

Yuan Dong really couldn't find any faults in Xu You.

I can only express my affirmation to Xu You.

Everyone was a little disappointed when they heard Yuan Dong's praise of Xu You.

He obviously thought that Xu You would be criticized by Yuan Dong just like them.

Unexpectedly, Xu You is not only excellent in the theoretical part, but also so skilled in the experimental operation.

Lin Shi was also a little disappointed by this.

Originally, Lin Shi still thought that if she worked hard on the experiment, she still hoped to catch up with Xu You.

From this point of view, regardless of theory or experiment, Xu You is the only one in the national training team.

Xu You is naturally very familiar with these experimental operations.

Before the start of the rematch, Xu You had already carried out experimental operations in strict accordance with the standard specifications.

Among them, Gao Shang's serious guidance in class, and Hu Shucheng's unreserved after-school tutoring have provided Xu You with great help.

And after experiencing the internship life in the laboratory, Xu You's ability to operate various experiments has been qualitatively improved.

Then to do this kind of competition-level experiment, it will naturally appear to be more than enough.

"Xu You!"

At this moment.

From the door, came a male voice.

Xu You looked up.

It turned out that Zhao Weijia was calling her.

Although Zhao Weijia's voice is not particularly loud.

But in the quiet atmosphere of the laboratory, everyone heard Zhao Weijia's voice clearly, and looked up curiously.

Yuan Dong was also taken aback when he saw Zhao Weijia.

Although Yuan Dong and Zhao Weijia are not in the same research group.

But there will also be some contacts with each other, and they are no strangers.

"Senior Zhao, they are training and experimenting now, what's the matter with you?"

Yuan Dong was assigned a task by Cao Quanli, and he couldn't easily let the students out of the laboratory.

But facing the senior Zhao Weijia, Yuan Dong didn't dare to speak too much.

"It's a little urgent, and I'll finish it in a few minutes. Let Xu You come out for a while."

"Are you in a hurry? Do you want to talk about it after class?"

"Yes, it's very urgent, let Xu You come out immediately."


Yuan Dong was a little confused at this moment.

It's not that I'm worried about other things, but if Cao Quanli finds out, I'm afraid that I will be criticized by Cao Quanli if I let the students out in the experimental class privately.

"Why, do you have to ask Professor Wang Xiangwu to come and talk to you in person?"

Seeing that Yuan Dong hesitated, Zhao Weijia simply moved Wang Xiangwu out.

Compared with Cao Quanli, Wang Xiangwu is a level higher.

"Okay, don't be silly. With the ability of that kid Xu You, this kind of experiment is not a problem. Xu You, come out, it's okay."

Seeing this, Xu You was no longer worried, temporarily put down the experiment at hand, and walked towards the door.

"Senior, I'll go out for a while and I'll be right back."

Yuan Dong couldn't say anything anymore, so he had to acquiesce in letting Xu You go out.

The scene that just happened was seen by the students in the laboratory.

It seemed that this master only dared to be a little arrogant in front of them.

When encountering seniors of a higher level, I still dare not be arrogant and domineering.

Pulling Xu You to the corridor, Zhao Weijia's excitement gradually overflowed.

"It's out! The 11-dimensional OAM maximum entanglement state!" Zhao Weijia excitedly said.

Hearing Zhao Weijia's words, Xu You also had a smile on his face.

"Great, brother, then you are finally about to graduate."

"Well, after writing the thesis well, the basic problem will not be a big problem. This time, thanks to you, it provided me with a new direction."

After that, Zhao Weijia told Xu You in detail about the recent experimental experience.

In fact, the progress of the new plan was not smooth at the beginning.

Even, it is not as good as the entangled state obtained by the original scheme.

But Zhao Weijia did not give up. On the basis of Xu You's theory, different component transmittances were set according to the photon components of different topological charges.

Finally, after many experiments, Zhao Weijia successfully obtained the ideal high-dimensional entangled state.

"Xu You, the direction you provided this time is indispensable. I have made up my mind, and I must add your name in the author column of the paper!"

When Xu You heard the words, he quickly waved his hands.

"Senior brother, there is no need to do this. At most, I only provided a possible direction. I didn't do much at all. Most of the experiments were done by you and other senior brothers and sisters. Just write their names."

"That's what I said, but those things they did can be replaced by anyone. But without you, I'm afraid I'm still worried about graduation by this time next year."

(End of this chapter)

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