King's Landing in France

Chapter 25 The Breton Club

Chapter 25 The Breton Club

Mirabeau lived in a three-story house on the side of the road.

This entire row of houses is said to be the property of the Duke of Orleans, and it is now fully open for rent to the citizens of Paris, and a series of shops have been opened.

This is the case with the Royal Palace, which has become the central axis of life in the city of Paris. People from several blocks nearby will come to the vicinity of the Royal Palace to meet their needs.

As soon as Fanny knocked on the door, an old woman opened the door: "It's Mr. Frost, Mr. Mirabeau is already waiting for you on the second floor."

Fanny took half a step back to make way, and An Ning strode into Mirabeau's residence with her head held high.

The old lady led the way, reached the second floor and gently knocked on the door of the room on the side of the corridor: "Mr. Mirabeau, Mr. Frost is here."

"Come in." Mirabeau's voice came from inside the room, and the old woman opened the door and stepped aside.

An Ning went to the door and looked inside, and found that Mr. Mirabeau was wearing his wig on one side, writing hard at the desk.

An Ning: "Did I disturb you?"

"No." Mirabeau raised his eyes and straightened his wig. "Come in and sit down. Mrs. Evans, please serve tea."

Fanny: "I'll help serve tea."

Mirabeau laughed and said, "It seems that Mr. Frost is used to running around with his maids. Doesn't it feel good to have someone serve him?"

An Ning shook her head: "It's not like that, I just don't know the way, so I let Fanny lead the way."

An Ning pulled a chair and sat down, and then got straight to the point: "Mr. Mirabeau, that's right, I went to the ball at the Palace of Versailles yesterday..."

"Really? Then you must have become the focus of attention." Mirabeau said with a smile, "There should be many curious noble ladies who want to meet the hidden noble heir who defeated Reginald."

An Ning: "Uh, that's true. The rumor that I'm a hermit noble has spread beyond expectation, but once Christina and I dance, this rumor will be self-defeating."

An Ning's tricks don't include dancing, so after Christina dragged him onto the dance floor last night, she immediately revealed her secrets.

He stepped on Christina's feet three times, and the nobles who were resting beside the dance floor laughed.

Since then no one has ever believed that Andy Frost was a descendant of a hermit nobleman.

After An Ning finished talking to Mirabeau, he laughed straight away: "It is true that no nobleman would step on the feet of a beauty like Miss Christina three times in a row. Have you never learned how to dance?"

"Yes," An Ning nodded, "Last night was my first dance."

"Should I say that you are courageous?" Mirabeau laughed. "It's your fault for leading girls down the dance floor even though you can't dance."

An Ning pouted.

In fact, he didn't do it on purpose, he just trusted his cheat too much, who knew that cheat didn't care about dancing at all.

Mirabeau: "So you came here to tell me this?"

"No, it's not." An Ning repeated what Mrs. Lamballe said yesterday in detail.

Mirabeau frowned: "I don't know Marquis Lichar, so I can't judge what actions he will take. I just heard that he has a bad reputation in his own territory, and the people in the territory believe that he is possessed by the devil. "

An Ning thought to himself, isn't this Marquis an excellent street lamp decoration?When the Great Revolution came, the nobles in the cities were not necessarily hung with street lamps, but those nobles in the fish and meat villages in the countryside were sent to the gallows by the peasants who could not survive.

Mirabeau added: "However, there are witnesses for this duel. In addition to the witnesses of both sides, there is also a third party witness, Father Sieyès. Even if the Marquis comes, there is probably nothing he can do."

An Ning: "Let's plan ahead, find a good lawyer first, so as not to be in a hurry after something happens."

"Then can't you just ask the Duke's lawyer?"

An Ning: "I would like to ask a lawyer who is willing to help civilians in litigation, so as to ensure that he will do his best."

Mirabeau: "I know some lawyers who are willing to help civilians, but they are not in Paris now."

An Ning: "I heard that there is a student from Arras at the University of Paris. His parents have been fighting for civilians. Presumably he is also willing to help the son of a cobbler."

Mirabeau: "Arras... you don't mean the 'Roman', do you?"

An Ning asked suspiciously, "Romans?"

Mirabeau: "You don't know? There is a student from Arras at the University of Paris. Because he speaks Latin and Greek very well, he has a Roman nickname. He also used to be in the current King and Queen's Royal Highness. When visiting the University of Paris, recite hymns in Latin."

An Ning remembered that Robespierre did read a dedication to Louis XVI when he was a student, and he saw it on a certain historical marketing account. Guillotine Louis XVI.

An Ning: "Maybe it is indeed this Roman, do you know him?"

Meanwhile Mirabeau's old servant, Mrs. Evans, brought tea and refreshments with Fanny.

Mirabeau made a gesture of invitation: "Have some snacks. It was sent by Mrs. Roland yesterday. It's a good thing."

It seems that Mirabeau is indeed as rumored, has a very good popularity, and noble ladies often send him some snacks and small gifts.

An Ning tasted a piece of dessert, it was so sweet that he wanted to vomit.

In this era, France already has a Caribbean colony, and sugar should not be as tight as it used to be, but apparently, the pastry chef still regards sweetness as a symbol of luxury, and puts a lot of sugar into it.

Mirabeau laughed and said: "Sweet is terrible, right? Because of the damn war, the British blocked our maritime trade. Now the price of sugar in the market has risen several times, so the desserts of noble families are desperately adding sugar to show off of wealth."

It turned out to be the case.

An Ning almost forgot that France is now fighting the Seven Years War, which happened almost 30 years later.

Mirabeau added: "I don't know the Roman, but I know which club he often appears in. The people in Brittany organized a party, and this man from Arras somehow Also often mixed in."

An Ning is staggering, the Jacobin Club of the Jacobins was originally a Breton Club, mainly a group of Bretons.

However, it is really strange that Robespierre often attends the gatherings of Bretons. His hometown Arras belongs to the Channel Province, which is on the side of Calais, far away from Brittany.

An Ning: "Is there a way for you to let me join this party? This is not a noble party, is it?"

"Of course not. In fact, most of the people in this kind of gathering are civilians. The nobles mainly rely on balls to socialize. The endless balls are all led by the deficit queen. They would rather borrow money than hold luxurious balls. " Mirabeau did not hide his disdain at all, "If most of the nobles were able to do business like the Duke of Orleans, France's finances would not be like this."

Mirabeau paused for a moment, just at this time, the sound of the horn cannon to correct the time at noon came from outside the window.

He immediately took out his pocket watch, calibrated the time, and muttered: "It's 5 minutes late, it seems that I should find a place to repair this pocket watch."

Then Mirabeau stood up: "Well, you want to find Robespierre, I will take you to the Breton party in the afternoon, maybe you can meet him. But I personally don't think you need to worry too much , just a marquis, you are the Duke's guest."

(End of this chapter)

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