King's Landing in France

Chapter 51: Returning to the Parisian Circle

Chapter 51: Returning to the Parisian Circle
Although there was a slight delay on the road, An Ning arrived in Paris on time.

The place where Napoleon lived this time was the dormitory of the Paris Military Academy, and he got off the car not long after arriving in Paris.

An Ning went directly to the house given to him by the Duke near the Royal Palace.

Although the house had not been lived in for five years, it looked as if An Ning had just left yesterday, and the tables in the room were not even dusty.

Probably the Duke asked someone to clean it yesterday.

An Ning once again settled down in Paris, and that night he took a taxi to the monastery where the Breton club was located.

When Fanny sent him to the car, she had a weird expression, so An Ning couldn't help explaining: "I'm going to see an old friend I haven't seen for many years, don't think too much about it!"

Fanny: "Even if you go shopping tonight, I won't say much. After all, Brienne has nothing, and there are only village girls who smell of hay in that kind of place."

An Ning: "I feel like you've improved in your sharp tongue after five years in Brienne."

"I'm just making a normal comment." Fanny paused, "So, have fun tonight."

"Let's just say I didn't go to that kind of place..."

"I wish you and Mr. Danton a happy bridge game."

An Ning pouted, and got into the carriage.

Carriage through the streets of Paris at night.In Briena, the streets are completely dark at night, and the municipality has no money to support the workers who light the street lamps every night, and there are no street lamps in the city.

When the Great Revolution comes, the citizens of Brienne should have a headache with what to hang the noble lord.

But Paris has street lamps and lamp bearers, and the roads at night are shrouded in gray light.

An Ning arrived at the brightly lit monastery. Standing outside, she could hear the sound of bridge playing inside.

An Ning entered the door with ease.

The table near the door happened to be Danton, Mara and others, and they turned their heads when they heard the door knock.

Dandong put the card directly on the table, stood up and opened his arms: "Look! Who is here!"

For some reason, Dandong's words reminded An Ning of "American bullying", or the dubbed version of CCTV's translation accent.

An Ning sighed a little, he had been time-traveling for five years, yet he could still remember the story before time-traveling, he thought he was already an authentic resident of the [-]th century.

He shook his head, then held Danton's extended hand: "Good evening everyone, I'm back from Brienne!"

Marat: "Your sergeant's uniform really fits you well. We're going to call you Sergeant from now on!"

An Ning: "I won't wear this suit for a long time, because I have already entered the Military Academy in Paris."

Dandong said in surprise: "A commoner, enter the military academy! The people in the academy will definitely not be able to help but challenge you to duel all day long."

An Ning: "Then let them come. My individual performance in Brienne is the best in the whole year. Even the swordsmanship instructor was defeated by me."

This is true. After An Ning has learned swordsmanship for five years, her own skills and the external automatic anti-reverse are already invincible.

An Ning's friends laughed, and Mara said excitedly: "Then we will wait for you to make those nobles look good!"

An Ning: "By the way, on the way back, I witnessed the scene of farmers resisting taxes. His Majesty the King is going to raise taxes again?"

"It's just that tax collectors are sent to various places to collect this year's tax, but it shouldn't be long before the king will propose a tax increase bill." Danton replied, "You can't hear these things in Brienne, right? You probably I don't know, the King fired that able Chancellor of the Exchequer, Necker, as if for advising our deficit queen to spend less."

An Ning: "I guess it won't take long for the king to get that banker back. After all, he is really short of money now."

A long-faced gentleman interjected: "Even the genius who figured out a way to borrow money to support the Queen's expenses is helpless at this time."

An Ning: "Who is this?"

Danton immediately introduced: "You don't know, this is our new friend, Camille Desmoulins, who is also a reporter. He has been writing articles in newspapers for many days to criticize His Majesty the King.

"Camille, this is Andy Frost, the force responsible for our small group."

The long-faced gentleman nodded: "I guessed it, Mr. Megatron Paris' noble killer. I heard that you planned to use legal means to deal with the threat of the country marquis?"

"Yes." An Ning nodded, "Personally, I don't like fighting."

Everyone burst into laughter, as if An Ning had told a very humorous joke.

Danton: "Don't you know? Since you went to Brienne, Mirabeau has been telling people all day long the story of you throwing gloves in people's faces, and you said you don't like to use knives and guns, like Say the deficit queen doesn't like wasting money, no one will believe it."

——Damn it, Mirabeau, the damn wine-monger, what the hell have you done!
Mara curled her lips: "That deficit queen doesn't like wasting money? How is this possible! The Palace of Versailles dances and dances every night, and can spend tens of thousands of livres in one night. I really don't understand why anyone is willing to borrow money. Give the money to the king, let me tell you, the king's creditors should unite and force the king to pay back the money!"

Danton explained in An Ning's ear: "Mara is no longer a doctor, and now he writes specifically to criticize the current situation. He seems to think that this will make France a little bit better."

An Ning shook her head: "It's useless, France can't get better just by relying on these things, it will have a big fight."

Marat shook his head: "How can you say that? Although we can't see any direct effect, our continuous appeals will always be effective. The gentlemen of the Supreme Court also read our newspapers. It is said that the king himself Look! As long as we..."

An Ning interrupted Mara's words: "So what if the king reads your newspaper, he is just a locksmith, and he is expected to carry out top-down reforms, unless his queen is replaced by Queen Theresia."

Queen Theresa of Austria introduced many enlightened reforms and gave Shinra a big sip.

Dandong sighed: "Why is Teresia's daughter like this?"

An Ning: "God knows. There are probably some things that cannot be passed on...inherited."

An Ning almost said the word "inherited", since Mendel hadn't been born yet.

Everyone shook their heads together.

Marat: "Let's play bridge! I've won this one! Come on, give me the chips."

An Ning: "Who is willing to make room for me? I haven't played bridge for five years, and now I'm a parallel importer who can be bullied casually."

Dandong: "Sit in my seat! I'll give you advice."

(End of this chapter)

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