King's Landing in France

Chapter 54 The Birth of the Friends of the People

Chapter 54 The Birth of the Friends of the People

An Ning was having a good time with his opponent, and the clerk in charge of voting said loudly, "Okay, let's start voting! Those who can write go this way, and those who can't write go the other way!"

As soon as the clerk finished speaking, most people flocked to the literate entrance.

Just as An Ning predicted, most of the people who came to vote were young bourgeois who could read and write.

Although the speech just now seemed to be effective, An Ning did not relax. He got a table and stood next to the voting crowd, calling loudly: "Vote for me, I will give those nobles a good look! Vote for me One vote! I'm Andy Frost!"

The effect of this trick was immediate, and some who wanted to sway also wrote "Andy Frost" under this offensive.

As for the lawyer who competed with An Ning for this position, most of the onlookers didn't even know his name, let alone voted for him.

The chaotic voting continued noisily until the afternoon.

When the real trousers started to leave work this afternoon, the voting in the square had already ended and the voting stage had begun.

This evening, the preliminary voting results have come out.

With this result, An Ning happily went to the Brittany Club to report to everyone. As soon as she entered the club, she saw Mara sitting at the bridge table with a sad face, playing solitaire sullenly.

An Ning asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

At this time, Dandong came over and took An Ning away: "Let him stay alone for a while."

An Ning looked inexplicable: "What's going on?"

"What else can he do? He went to elect a representative, but he lost the election." Dandong said lightly.

An Ning couldn't help frowning. To be honest, he couldn't remember whether Mara was elected as a representative when the third-level parliament was held for the first time.

But even if Mara is not selected, it is not surprising. This time-space is different from the original time-space in many details. It is estimated that the general trend of the entire history is fixed, but the specific details are full of randomness and accidents.

While An Ning was thinking about this, Dandong continued:

"Marat gave a round of impassioned speeches in his constituency, but in the end he was no match for the handsome face of his enemy."

Hearing these words, An Ning thought that "Saint-Just, the Archangel of the Revolution" had finally appeared.

Marat is notoriously ugly, and it would be terrible to be in the same constituency as Saint-Just.

After all, this "Angel of Terror" is unique in the history of the French Revolution. Others left his name in history with martial arts and martial arts, but he left his name with handsomeness.

At this time, Mara said loudly: "I can't admit it! Just because he has a handsome face, he defeated my well-prepared speech, I can't accept it!"

An Ning really wanted to go up and tell Mara at this time that a guy named Kennedy also defeated a scheming opponent by relying on his handsome appearance in the election of the US President hundreds of years later.

This is nothing, the era of looking at faces is like this.

Mara was still getting ready and complained: "And that Mirabeau, you know, he didn't give a speech, but gave everyone the little yellow books he wrote about the queen's love history for free on the spot. Can spell his name, just follow the signature on that pamphlet! How can this group of people represent the people?"

Danton shrugged his shoulders: "Mirabeau can at least represent the alcoholics in Paris. As long as you see Mr. Mirabeau at night, his face must be rosy, and the smell of alcohol can kill people."

Then Dandong changed the subject and looked at An Ning: "Andy, how is your side?"

"The nobles seem to have chosen the headmaster of the Paris Military Academy as their representative." An Ning spread her hands, "while the commoners chose the son of a cobbler, a noble killer, a man who won three duels."

Mara: "They voted for you just because you are famous as a noble killer!"

An Ning: "Ma La, the representative's affairs are already like this, and can't be changed. You might as well think about how to expand your influence in the future. This way, you can use this reputation to the fullest when you are elected next time.

Mara frowned. "What are you talking about? Next time?"

An Ning: "That's right, you don't think that we elected representatives are just going to visit the Palace of Versailles, do you?

"Let me tell you, the king wants us to discuss how to increase taxes, but we don't want to discuss this. We don't want to care about the financial crisis of the royal family at all. We went to Versailles to create a constitutional monarchy.

"You think, since there is a constitutional monarchy, there will naturally be a next parliament, right?"

Mara snapped her fingers: "You're right! I shouldn't be too obsessed with the result this time. I should pick up the pen and fight for the next election."

Danton: "That's right, this suits you better than sitting here complaining."

Marat: "I want to take action. I should... yes, I should start a newspaper by myself. I have a sum of money I saved when I was a doctor, and I can take it out temporarily."

An Ning: "You can also invite the Duke of Orleans to join us. He likes investing in progressive newspapers the most."

It should be said that the Duke of Orleans likes any media that can discredit Louis XVI.

Now the Duke of Orleans is still dreaming of becoming Louis XVII, supporting enlightenment ideas, running various publishing industries, and opening his private domain, the Royal Palace, to ordinary people in Paris, all for this purpose piece.

It would be some time before he became the famous "Mr. Equality."

Mara has completely shaken off the shadow of losing the election, and he is planning the future with great enthusiasm: "I am not only looking for investment, but also looking for people who are willing to write.

"Contributing to other newspapers, they always suppress my manuscripts, change here and elsewhere, this time I will select the manuscripts! I want to choose the most direct, the most straightforward, and it is best to let those noble masters They will die of shame when they see it!

"Guys, what do you guys think the new paper should be called?"

Danton: "I suggest calling it the Seine, which corresponds to The Times in England."

An Ning was shocked, was there already a Times at this time?Is it unique to this time and space or is it also the case in the original history?

Marat shook her head: "No, how can it be called the Seine Herald? I don't even know what the newspaper is about after reading the name! It needs to be more clear-cut! I think it can be called the Seine Herald!"

An Ning couldn't help frowning.

What the hell, Marat's newspaper... isn't it called the People's Friend?
He thought for a while, decided to correct this small mistake, and said, "I think it's better to call him the People's Friend. You see, it's simple and straightforward, and you can tell what the newspaper is about at a glance."

Mara repeated what An Ning had just said: "Friend of the people... my old friend, you are a genius of language, this is good, short and powerful.

"If all goes well, my newspaper can even be published before the official meeting of the three-level parliament! Just wait, I will definitely wave the flag for you in the newspaper!"

Danton: "I thought you'd watch us do our delegate duties."

"Of course, there will definitely be surveillance. After all, you replaced me for this meeting. Of course, I will keep an eye on your every move!"

(End of this chapter)

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