King's Landing in France

Chapter 58 "Why Don't You Eat Cake?"

Chapter 58 "Why Don't You Eat Cake?"

Marat was very emotional.

"How could they do this? These people just couldn't make it through, so they made such a move!"

An Ning: "Maybe the master commanding the cavalry doesn't treat civilians as human beings at all."

At this time, Mara saw the commander of the cuirassiers riding on a tall horse. Before An Ning could react, he rushed out and stopped in front of the master's horse.

"Sir! I protest! You can't do this to a defenseless people!"

The gentleman frowned directly because of Marat's appearance, and he said loudly: "What are you? What's wrong with the hooligans I was ordered to suppress the riots? Look at what they have done, what is the poor factory owner?" wrong?"

Mara shouted without flinching: "I'm sure he didn't pay wages, which caused this incident!"

The master snorted: "Can the boss be sent to the lamppost without paying wages? Is there any law left? As for you, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will throw you under the iron hooves of the cavalry and crush you! A bunch of bottom-level trash, die when you die!"

Mara continued to have seizures, and An Ning dragged him back directly.Now Marat is not yet ready to die. Now that he is dead, who will be killed by the royalist "saint" in the future.

Oh no, that's a reversal of cause and effect. Ms. Charlotte Corday was considered a saint by the royalists because she killed Marat.

The irony is that Charlotte herself is a republican. Because she killed Marat, she was regarded as a saint by the old royalist nobles and diehards.

An Ning dragged Ma La into a side alley.

Marat was still very emotional: "This is a murder! I want to criticize the cavalry officer just now on the Friends of the People! Just wait and see, I will make his atrocities known!"

An Ning: "Of course you can do this, but if I don't bring you back just now, I'm afraid the People's Friend will no longer have an editor-in-chief."

Mara thought for a while and nodded. He seemed a little calmer: "You are right, my battlefield is not here, but in the field of public opinion. I want to severely criticize this operation and speak out!"

The result of this "watching" was that Marat wrote an impassioned long article in the next day's newspaper, portraying the rebellious workers as progressives demanding reform, and describing the repressive cavalry commander as Heinous.

But now there are all kinds of voices in Paris, and in the newspapers published on the same day, there are also descriptions of the workers as robbers who broke into the boss's house and killed the boss.

For a time, the whole Paris was full of uproar because of this matter, and almost everyone was discussing this matter.

But after this incident, the workers found that the factory owners were obviously much easier to talk to.

This incident was eventually called the Reveillon incident by the people of Paris.

On April 4, the Paris police took several people who were said to be the leaders of the incident to Place Louis XV, and planned to publicly punish them with sticks.

An Ning arrived at the square early in the morning.

In addition to him, there are many people who came from all over Paris.

Place Louis XV was later known as Place de la Concorde.Geographically, this is the center of Paris.

The execution started at one o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, a large number of people had gathered in the square. As the executioner's stick hit the victim's back, a roar resounded throughout the square.

Prisoner: "Long live the third class!"

An Ning opened her mouth wide.

The inmates didn't look like club-going gentlemen either, and it seemed the idea that the third estate was everything had spread widely among the common people, not just among respectable gentlemen.

Sansculottes have realized that they should stand up and fight for their rights.

As the execution progressed, the victim's voice became weaker and weaker. His back was swollen from the beating, and many places were torn apart.

However, his voice became even more shocking because it gradually became weaker - he was beaten like this, and he continued to shout "Long live the third level"!
Finally, someone from the onlookers shouted along with him: "Long live the third level!"

At this moment, the whole square was like dry grass being set on fire, and the crowd uttered an overwhelming cry: "Long live the third class!"

"The third level is everything!"

"The third class will get everything!"

An Ning was in the center of the vortex, affected by this scene, and shouted together: "It's everything!"

After returning from Place Louis XV, An Ning sat at the table and couldn't calm down for a long time. He said to Fanny who came in and asked him to eat: "Do you know? This city is like a volcano before it erupted. With strength, I felt this strength today in the square."

Fanny seemed to lack interest: "I don't know what strength is or is not. All I know is that it's time to eat. Today you should go to the Duke's mansion for dinner. Master, Miss, and several young masters are waiting for you."

An Ning: "Miss is back?"

"Yes, I just came back from her residence in the Palace of Versailles today. It is said that the queen granted her a few days of vacation."

Christina has been promoted to captain in the Royal Guards, leading a whole queen's honor guard.Christina described this guard of honor in her letter to An Ning, and everyone is a big beauty who can rule one party at the ball.

An Ning would really like to see the Queen's guard team composed of beauties. When the third-level parliament is held, An Ning will also visit the Palace of Versailles, so she should have a chance to see it.

Fanny: "Miss came to look for you in the morning, but you went to watch the execution."

An Ning: "I'm not going to watch the execution, I'm going to observe the conditions of the people, don't make it sound like I'm an idler running around with nothing to do."

"Aren't you?" Fanny asked back.

Recently, Fanny doesn't use honorifics when talking to An Ning, only when she wants to ridicule An Ning, she will use honorifics seriously.

An Ning couldn't refute Fanny's mockery, after all, in the eyes of outsiders, An Ning was just hanging around with nothing to do.

He stood up: "Come on, let's go to eat."

In the dining room of the Royal Palace's main building, An Ning saw Christina in the captain's uniform.

This military uniform is not the same as the men's military uniform. It looks like—yes, just like the little skirt worn by Napoleon's sister Paulina in the game "Battle Banner".

Christina looks very heroic in this outfit on the boat, but it's a pity that this suit conceals her proud chest muscles to a certain extent.

As soon as Christina saw An Ning, she came up to him with great joy and gave him a hug: "Andy! I miss you so much! Let me tell you, I told you about your bravery over and over again in the army. The Queen's guards are now I have turned you into your little fan girl!"

An Ning smiled and said, "That's a good idea. When the third-level council is held, I will also go to the Palace of Versailles. Maybe I can look forward to an affair."

Christina laughed loudly and said, "Did you choose this representative for the sake of having an affair? It really is yours."

——No, I chose this representative to check in and ride the fence.

At this time, Christina said again: "By the way, the Queen recently heard about the Reveillon riots at the salon. I told her that the people rioted because they didn't have enough to eat and the bread was too expensive. Guess how the Queen answered." I?"

An Ning thought, are you coming?In another time and space, Queen Mary did not actually say the famous phrase "Since there is no bread to eat, why not eat cake?" It was fabricated by someone in the public opinion field in Paris at that time to oppose the Queen.

This time and space looks like...

Christina: "The queen told me that bread is expensive, I already know, since they can't afford bread, why don't these people eat cake?"


This queen of time and space is a real idiot!

 There is another update, which will be updated at about 11:59.Nucleic acid can't stop me from double updating

(End of this chapter)

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