King's Landing in France

Chapter 63 Our Name Is The National Assembly

Chapter 63 Our Name Is The National Assembly

In the next few days, the time of the three-level meeting will be used to debate whether to review the qualifications of representatives separately.

But the number of representatives of the third level is the same as that of the first and second levels combined, and in fact the number is not dominant.

The result is a never-ending tug-of-war.

In the first few days, Louis XVI came to show his face, but later, probably because the content of the debate was too boring, His Majesty the King deserted.

In this way, the three-level meeting, without the presence of royal relatives and relatives, conducted a six-week tug-of-war on whether to consider the issue of representative qualifications separately.

On the morning of June [-], the situation changed.

This morning, An Ning was dozing off in her seat, when suddenly there was a loud thunder in the venue: "Enough! I've had enough!"

An Ning was startled, and woke up immediately, and hurriedly looked around to grasp the situation.

Then he saw a shoehorn-faced aristocrat standing in his place and spouting: "I've had enough of arguing with commoners! They'll drag us into pointless arguments! Look at what we've been discussing for six weeks. What happened?
"Nothing! We wasted six weeks! I propose that the representatives of the nobles come with me, and we go to the place that belongs to us to discuss!"

An Ning was speechless. This unfolding was different from what he remembered. He remembered that in the third-level meeting, it was the first and second levels that the third level got rid of first, and he did it alone.

Why is it upside down here?

The horse-faced nobles raised their arms and shouted, causing many conservative nobles who were at odds with the third level to stand up. These diehards have been at odds with the third level in the past six weeks.

The representatives of the third level watched the nobles leave, and then a cardinal stood up in the priest class: "Then let's leave too, His Majesty the King has already ordered us to review the representation rights in groups according to the tradition."

The priests stood up in twos and threes.

An Ning heard someone say to Sieyès: "Mr. Priest, please persuade your colleagues!"

Sieyes stood up.

So all eyes were on Sieyes.

He cleared his throat, and said to the representatives of the third level who looked at him anxiously: "I have no intention of retaining my colleagues! I have been reflecting these days, and I have been discussing with the other two levels, really is it necessary?

"We are representatives of the third class. We represent 90.00% of the people in the country! The nobles and priests only account for [-]% of the population, and they are only representatives of [-]% of the people!
"According to the principle of equality, even if the representative of one percent of the people leaves, it will not affect the authority of the meeting, will it?"

The representatives of the third estate looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sieyès continued: "I propose to start voting now. We represent 90.00% of the people in the country. The parliament we form is a parliament that represents all citizens!"

After a brief silence, Dandong took the lead in shouting: "Vote! We are the parliament that represents all the people!"

After a while, everyone started chanting: "Vote!"


Seeing this scene, An Ning breathed a sigh of relief, because history has returned to its original track.

Because the whole person was relaxed, An Ning said: "It represents 90.00% nine, which is about equal to representing all. Mathematics tells us that there is nothing wrong with this! Mathematics can't lie!"

The representative next to him also shouted: "That's right! Math can't lie! 90.00% nine is everything!"

Sieyès turned his head and said to the clerk in charge of recording: "Next we will start voting! The votes will be counted by public counting. Mr. clerk, please help supervise the voting!"

The clerk was a little confused: "Uh... I'm just a recorder..."

"Yes, we asked you to be in charge of recording, and you will see that this is a fair and just vote!" Sieyès turned to the crowd and said, "We still need two people to be in charge of counting the votes, which gentleman is willing..."

Robespierre stood up: "Let me come. In my hometown, the courtroom is very large. As a lawyer, you must have a clear and loud voice to ensure that the entire jury can hear my defense."

Sieyès: "Alright, Maximilian, you take charge, and I'll find someone to assist you..."

Danton rushed to Robespierre's side.

Sieyès: "Well, gentlemen, if you agree that we can represent the entire republic, please cast your vote! We guarantee that everyone will be treated fairly!"

The representatives who were still noisy just now quieted down.

In this era, there is no such convenient thing as a fountain pen, so you have to use a quill pen soaked in ink to write.

Delegates lined up, took paper from the clerk, and wrote "yes" or "disapproved" with the clerk's pen.

The person who finished writing the ticket walked up to Robespierre and handed him the paper with his choice.

Robespierre collected the ballots and sang the votes: "Yes! Yes! Still yes! There is an objection..."

Dandong took a pen and drew four vertical and one slanted counting symbols on the notebook in front of him—in the West, this is roughly equivalent to Chinese people's orthographic writing.

Three 10 minutes later, the results came out.

Robespierre announced loudly: "493 votes in favor and 41 votes against! I declare that now we are the National Assembly representing all citizens!"

Everyone cheered.

The crowd watching from the stands on both sides also burst into warm applause!

Maximilian Robespierre repeated aloud what he had just said: "From this moment on, we are not representatives of the third estate! We are representatives of the entire nation!"

Sieyès: "That's right! I propose that we officially start the first agenda: reviewing the qualifications of representatives!"

At this time Mirabeau stood up and asked: "Wait a minute! Before that, shouldn't we decide what to call this brand new meeting? We can't continue to use the name of the third-level meeting! It should be from the name that we and Those insects were not the same as before!"

After a short silence, the delegates shouted their approval.


"Change begins with the name!"

"To show that this is a whole new thing!"

Sieyès tried his best to suppress the noise of the crowd, and when the meeting place quieted down, he said: "Then I propose that in order to have a clear distinction from the three-level meeting, we should be called the famous and real representative meeting!"

An Ning was stunned when she heard the name given by Sieyès: Damn, are you serious?
Isn't the name really a joke?

At this time, a man named Mounier stood up and said loudly: "It should be called the majority parliament! Because we represent 90.00% of the people, it is an absolute majority!"

An Ning was even more shocked, because "B******ke" in Russian means majority.

This hits the name!

Hey guys, almost 120 years in advance, B******k was born!

Mirabeau stood up: "I propose that we call the French Council!"

As soon as the words fell, someone became unhappy: "I am a fucking Breton! I don't belong to the same crown as your French!"

This statement was immediately agreed by the people of Aquitaine.

That's right, anyone who has played the P agency game "King of the Crusader" knows that the land of France now belongs to several different kingdoms.

If you occupy all the land of France in the game, you can at least usurp the three crowns of the Kingdom of Brittany, the Kingdom of Aquitaine and the Kingdom of France, and you can get Burgundy as appropriate.

In the game, if you master the crowns of the three kingdoms, you can become an emperor and build an empire.

Therefore, Mirabeau's proposal failed because the French national consciousness had not yet fully awakened at this time.

A few more proposals followed, but all were met with immediate opposition.

Later names tended to become more and more strange, and some people even proposed to call it "a parliament composed of lawyers, judges, workshop owners and clerks".

An Ning was the first to refuse, unless "teacher, officer and cobbler" was added to the list of occupations.

After arguing for a long time, An Ning couldn't stand it anymore. He slapped the table and stood up: "That's enough! I think it's better to call it the National Assembly. It's simple, straightforward, and powerful!"

The venue fell silent, everyone was appreciating An Ning's proposal.

At this time Sieyès said: "We still have to vote. Voting is a good thing, Maximilian, please again."

More than half an hour later, the delegates adopted Anning's proposed name by a vote of 443 in favor and 91 against.

On this day, the National Assembly was formally established.

(End of this chapter)

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