King's Landing in France

Chapter 67 Sharp turn down

Chapter 67 Sharp turn down
On July 7th, An Ning came to Versailles for a meeting as usual.

As a result, as soon as he got off the carriage, he saw soldiers from an unknown legion passing the gate of the Palace of Versailles in a neat queue.

The wide column of four walked for a long time. An Ning estimated that there were at least 20,000 people in this team.

After the queue was finally over, An Ning hurriedly joined the representatives at the entrance of the Imperial Conference Hall, and asked, "Where did the army come from?"

"I don't know. Judging from the language of the officer's password, it seems to be a Swiss mercenary. The garden of the Palace of Versailles is now full of tents, and the army is stationed there."

At this time, someone rushed over: "The big thing is not good, the king replaced the soldiers guarding around the imperial meeting hall with Swiss, and all of them are German-speaking Swiss!"

The native language of Switzerland is Romansh, and only a few people can speak it. Most of Switzerland speaks German, French and Italian. Swiss mercenaries are very common in France, Germany and Italy.

It seems that the king has mobilized his Swiss mercenary army near Versailles.

Danton said loudly: "The king is going to attack the parliament! Because they are Swiss mercenaries, they don't care about the French constitution, and they won't have any psychological burden when dissolving the parliament!"

After being reminded by Dandong, the representatives all woke up like a dream.

"How can this be!"

"Must be that Austrian bitch's idea! She's so bad!"

"Let's petition His Majesty! Let him transfer the army!"

As soon as the voice of "go to petition" came out, most people responded, so a large group of people drove straight to the place where the king lived.

An Ning watched the whole process. Although Danton and Robespierre cast eyes on him several times and seemed to want him to come out and preside over the overall situation, An Ning pretended not to see them.

At this time, An Ning had already remembered what this incident was. This was one of the reasons for the storming of the Bastille.

Because the king showed a tendency to use the army to dissolve the parliament, the people of Paris expressed their solidarity with the parliament.

Just at this time, ordinary people in Paris were starving to death, making troubles all day long, and ended up making a big mess.

An Ning followed the brigade to the gate of the palace, but the guards of the palace were also replaced by Swiss mercenaries. A mercenary officer stopped the representatives in French with a heavy accent.

Mirabeau said angrily: "Why did you change the guards of the palace? Because His Majesty the King also knows that the soldiers of the Guards are inclined to the National Assembly?"

The Swiss military officer put on a haughty attitude: "No comment."

"What is no comment?"

"It literally means that His Majesty the King has the right to decide anything and does not need to inform anyone."

The representatives looked at each other.

Robespierre: "Since they won't let us in to meet the king, we will submit a motion to withdraw the army to the king through the official document submission channel!
"We should return to the chamber now and start drafting motions immediately!"

The delegates immediately agreed with Robespierre's words and began to return to the conference hall.

Arriving at the conference hall, An Ning suddenly found that the number of soldiers around the conference hall had increased several times, and they prevented the Parisians who came to watch the meeting from entering the stands, and only allowed the people to watch the progress of the meeting through the windows on the second floor.

Mirabeau asked the leading officer: "What does that mean?"

This officer's French standard is much better, although he still has a German accent: "This is for the safety of everyone. The law and order in Paris is not very good recently, and many good gentlemen have been injured by mobs."

Mirabeau pointed to the people who came to watch the meeting: "Keep your eyes wide open, which one of them looks like a thug?"

"We're just taking precautions. The representatives are important figures in France, so nothing can be lost." The officer responded politely, and the Swiss soldiers behind him all had stern faces, exuding a chilling atmosphere.

Dandong whispered in An Ning's ear: "Damn it, it seems that our locksmith has finally hardened up, maybe the council will be dissolved."

When Robespierre heard this, he immediately became very excited. He said: "Even if we are driven away from Versailles, we can still find a place to meet in Paris! The process of constitution-making cannot be stopped, and France cannot stop its progress!" "

When a representative heard what Robespierre said, he asked, "What if the king wants to arrest us and put us in the Bastille?"

"Then let's have a meeting in the prison! Shout out to convey information to each other!" Robespierre said decisively, "No matter what, we must never stop! As long as we don't stop, everything in the past will not In vain!"

An Ning looked at Robespierre from the side, and thought to himself, as expected of Robespierre, known as the Lion of the Republic, this speech has an internal flavor.

Mirabeau took over the words: "It's not that time yet. After all, the king didn't really order the army to do it. We should submit our motion immediately. Without further ado, let's start drafting the motion document!"

That same evening, the National Assembly's document requesting the King to withdraw the Swiss mercenaries was delivered to Louis XVI's desk.

While Louis XVI was reading the documents, Queen Mary broke in: "You can't transfer the army! My dear! Don't listen to them!

"You should immediately order the army to do it!"

Louis XVI looked up at Mary, and replied unhurriedly: "My Mary, it seems that the situation is under control now, and from this document, the representatives have already felt the pressure.

"As long as the troops remain at Versailles, it won't be long before the delegates throw up their hands and surrender."

Louis XVI said with a smug smile: "Then everything will be the same, the only problem is that we cannot increase taxes."

Queen Mary said with a worried face: "Will things really go so smoothly? I think we should work hard to avoid long nights and dreams!"

"Don't worry, take a look at this document, they are already scared!" Louis XVI pushed the document forward.

Queen Mary stepped forward to take the document and read it carefully.

Then a smile appeared on her face: "I knew that they didn't have the guts to disobey the kingship! I think the Swiss Army will practice at the gate of the parliament every day, and continue to scare them fiercely!"

Louis XVI smiled and said, "That's a good idea! I'll order the Swiss to do it right away!"

As the days passed, the number of Swiss Legion guards surrounding the parliament increased, and the Swiss mercenaries began to drill at the gate of the parliament.

Mirabeau gritted his teeth with hatred: "This is threatening us! Damn, is there no way to change this situation?"

He looked around the entire hall, and all the representatives of the National Assembly looked bitter.

Yes, when the National Assembly meets Swiss mercenaries, that is, a scholar meets a soldier. It is not clear why.

Parliament now has no way to make the king retreat.

At this moment someone suggested loudly: "We can ask Mr. Necker, the financial director! Let him bring our request!"

Robespierre sighed: "Please, we can only ask the king for mercy! Not long ago, we were still asking the king to give up his power!"

(End of this chapter)

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